University of São Paulo
- São Paulo, Brazil
- https://sites.usp.br/los/
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7370-3079
Detect marine heatwaves in simulations from CESM2 Large Ensemble Project (LENS2)
Useful code for satellite data processing
Tutorials for Panoply, ArcGIS, and ERDDAP
Repository with the code and data for all figures from Chapter 9 of the IPCC AR6
Seminário final para a disciplina MAE5871
Documentation and examples of analysis from the NCAR CESM2 Large Ensemble Cloud-Optimized Dataset on AWS
Discussion of general issues related to the project.
Utilities for configuring dask-jobqueue with appropriate settings for NCAR clusters
A repository meant to host diagnostics related to MARBL
Repository for hosting material related to the Earth System Data Science (ESDS) initiative efforts
Analysis ready CMIP6 data in python the easy way with pangeo tools.