"Automatically open a PR on your GitOps repository when a third party service publishes an update"
Updatecli is a tool used to apply file update strategies. Designed to be used from everywhere, each application "run" detects if a value needs to be updated using a custom strategy then apply changes according to the strategy.
You describe your update strategy in a file then you run updatecli to it.
Updatecli reads a yaml or a go template configuration file, then works into three stages
Sources: Based on a rule, updatecli fetches a value that will be injected in later stages such as latest application version.
Conditions: Ensure that conditions are met based on the value retrieved during the source stage.
Targets: Update and publish the target files based on a value retrieved from the source stage.
Flexibility: Easy to define tailored update strategies, you are just one yaml file from it.
Portability: Easy to add to your workflow whatever it is. Just one command to run. Of course, it’s easy to remove.
Extensibility: Easy to add new go packages to support more workflows.
There are already many projects out there to continuously update your files, but they all have an opinionated way of doing it and they often want you to adopt a new platform. Building and distributing software is a difficult task and good practices constantly evolve. Updatecli was built to work independently of the underlying dependencies to update, wherever you need it and combining whatever workflow you are using, as you can see in the following section.
The Quick-start is available on www.updatecli.io/docs/prologue/quick-start
Updatecli is a Go binary available for Linux, MacOS and Windows from the release page or installed via other methods.
Verify File Checksum Signature
Instead of signing all release assets, Updatecli signs the checksums file containing the different release assets checksum. You can download/copy the three files 'checksums.txt.pem', 'checksums.txt.sig', 'checksums.txt' from the latest release. Once you have the three files locally, you can execute the following command
cosign verify-blob --certificate-identity-regexp "https://github.com/updatecli/updatecli" --certificate-oidc-issuer 'https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com' --cert https://github.com/updatecli/updatecli/releases/download/v0.68.0/checksums.txt.pem --signature https://github.com/updatecli/updatecli/releases/download/v0.68.0/checksums.txt.sig checksums.txt
A successful output looks like
Verified OK
Now you can verify the assets checksum integrity.
Verify File Checksum Integrity
Before verifying the file integrity, you should first verify the checksum file signature. Once you’ve download both the checksums.txt and your binary, you can verify the integrity of your file by running:
sha256sum --ignore-missing -c checksums.txt
Verify Container signature
cosign verify --certificate-identity-regexp "https://github.com/updatecli/updatecli" --certificate-oidc-issuer "https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com" ghcr.io/updatecli/updatecli:v0.68.0
The documentation of Updatecli is available at www.updatecli.io, but you can also look at the examples
section to get an overview.
This example is copy of the quickstart. You can also find it on www.updatecli.io/docs/prologue/quick-start
We define an update strategy in "updatecli.yaml" then we run updatecli apply --config updatecli.yaml
Our objective is to know if the Jenkins project published a new stable version, if they build an appropriated docker image specifically for jdk11 and automatically update our infrastructure accordingly.
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