Starred repositories
mavimo / scrutmydocs
Forked from scrutmydocs/scrutmydocsSearch Web Application for hard drive documents
mavimo / php-the-right-way
Forked from GrUSP/php-the-right-wayAn easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web
GrUSP / php-the-right-way
Forked from codeguy/php-the-right-wayAn easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web
mavimo / redmine_dmsf
Forked from danmunn/redmine_dmsfFork of svn repository for redmine_dmsf
mavimo / reveal.js
Forked from hakimel/reveal.jsCSS 3D slideshow tool
mavimo / php-cloudfiles
Forked from notmyname/php-cloudfilesPHP language bindings for Cloud Files API
mavimo / redmine_whining
Forked from chantra/redmine_whiningImplements an email alert system when issues have not been updated in the last X days
mavimo / easybook
Forked from javiereguiluz/easybookBook publishing as easy as it should be (built with Symfony components)
mavimo / SublimeXdebug
Forked from Kindari/SublimeXdebugXdebug Interface for Sublime Text 2
mavimo / nodequeue_rules
Forked from omissis/nodequeue_rulesDrupal - Rules integration for Nodequeue
A PHP client for accessing the Neo4J REST API
mavimo / webdebs
Forked from glamnoise/webdebsweb developers brescia website