Mats' CV repo for GitHub Pages deployment @
The scope of this project is to establish a stand-alone presentation of my education, professional experience, and other work qualifications. Apart from the user-facing presentation on the web, the repo intends to serve as a public record that showcases that I am able to perform ordinary development tasks, such as ...
- Thinking clearly and communicating the ideas via well-structured commits
- Implement basic Continuous Integration [CI] and Continuous Delivery [CD] via GitHub Actions
- Set up a Good project from scratch with my preferred frontend framework
- Implement a web design efficiently and well, demonstrating that ...
- I know how to add multi-lingual support
- I know how to do accessibility/WCAG
- I know about styling/theming
- I can do responsive design
- I make content that is readable by robots and humans alike
This project was built during a local AI workshop and it came with the following stack out-of-the-box:
- Vite
- TypeScript
- React
- shadcn-ui
- Tailwind CSS
To get started, clone and install the dependencies and run the dev server:
git clone mblomdahl-cv
cd mblomdahl-cv/
npm install
npm run dev
Do You have some good ideas on how to make your CV into a website? A site that can serve as
the master data and "single source of truth" for the profiles in LinkedIn and at different
recruitment agencies? Open a ticket and share your ideas, assignable to @mblomdahl
. ✨