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Waves Internal App


This app currently consists of a vessel submission API and a content management system. The API is intended to support on the Gov.UK hosted website as a means for the owner of a (singley owned) small ship to register their vessel under Part III of the UK Ships Register. The content management system is intended to be a means of managing the register and workload of officers of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.


This is a standard Rails 5.2 web app with a PostgreSQL database.

Look & Feel

Bootstrap has been used to theme the internal dashboard.


To set up a new development environment, follow the steps below:

bundle install
cp .env.example .env
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml

Then complete the .env file with your environment settings, and complete the config/database.yml file with your database settings.

Setup your databases with:

bundle exec rake db:setup
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
Installation issues

If capybara-webkit fails when you run bundle install, refer to the capybara-webkit help page

Running the webserver locally

To run the app locally:

bundle exec rails server

The app will then be available at http://localhost:3000/


We use RSpec for tests. To run the test suite, run:

bundle exec rspec

If you get the error DATABASE_URL environment variable is set you will need to remove the DATABASE_URL from the local .env file.


We are using the rack-cors gem.

CORS is configured in config/initalisers/cors.rb and the origins are defined by ENV['CORS_ORIGINS'].

Email notifications

Emails are created in the notifications table and delivered with delayed_job. Until we have tested a full data set, it seemed wise to disable the sending of any broadcast emails. To disable an email notification, override Notification#deliverable? e.g.

def deliverable?

Automated reminder emails (system-generated) are generated daily. To defend against erroneous processes or bad data, they are created with an inital state of pending_approval. Before these emails can be sent, they need to marked as approved by a user. See the link Automated Email Queue in the top right navigation.

Email previews

Emails can be previewed at: /rails/mailers in development.

File Uploads

Files are uploaded with paperclip and store on Microsoft Azure. Ensure that the following credentials are set for each environment (except in :test, when the file storage is :filesystem). ENV['AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT'] ENV['AZURE_ACCESS_KEY'] ENV['AZURE_CONTAINER_NAME'] Refer to config/initializers/paperclip.rb for implementation. Note that Private URLs are enabled and the file url should be generated with the helper method: azure_private_asset_url, found in app/helpers/asset_helper.rb.

SMS Notification

SMS Notifications are delivered by Gov.UK Notify. This is implemented in app/services/sms_provider.rb. Ensure that the API key is set as ENV['NOTIFY_API_KEY'], And the Template ID as ENV['NOTIFY_TEMPLATE_ID'].

Postcode Lookup

Postcode lookups are performed by a Javascript API call to The account is managed by the MCA and the code uses Ideal Postcode's JQuery API. Ensure that the API key is set as POSTCODE_LOOKUP_API_KEY

Cron jobs

Cron jobs are managed with the whenever gem.

To ensure the crontab is kept up to date, ensure that whenever --update-crontab is called on deployment.

Referred applications

Schedule: Daily

If the submission#referred_until date has been reached, applications should be restored to the unclaimed tasks queue. To run this application_type:

rake waves:expire_referrals

Under the hood


The services that can be performed are stored in the services table. Each service has:

  1. A name
  2. Service standard (standard_days or premium_days)
  3. Pricing for the part / service standard
  4. UI rules (e.g. validations, form display helpers)
  5. Activities (e.g. generate_new_5_year_registration, update_registry_details)
  6. Print templates (e.g. registration_certificate, cover_letter)
Submissions (aka Applications)

Submissions are requests to change something in the Registry of Ships. In the UI, we call them 'Applications' but in the Rails world, 'application' is a reserved word. A submission can be for a variety of different application types. The application type will determine whether a submission is for a registered vessel or a (flavour of) new registration.

The full list of application type can be retrieved from ApplicationType.all_. Note that the ApplicationType class references the WavesUtilities gem. It is also viewable in the admin section at: http://localhost:3000/admin/application_types.

Submissions have a state of active (aka open) or closed. A submission can be closed when all tasks have been completed or cancelled.

A registered vessel can have one open submission at a time.

How submissions are created

There are three points of entry for a submission:

  1. Via a customer entry on the Online portal (submission#source :online)
  2. Via Document Entry by a Reg Officer (submission#source :manual_entry)
  3. Finance Team create Payments which are linked or converted to submissions by a Registration Officer.

When a submission enters the default :incomplete state, it fires an event build_default, invoking the SubmissionBuilder and setting up all the defaults. If you want to initialize a submission object to build a form or any other instance when you don't want a record to be created, you need to forecfully set the state to :initializing. For example: :initializing).


Submissions have many tasks (to be performed by a Reg Officer), and they travel through a state machine.

:initialising - Just added via the Task Manager, pending confirmation
:unclaimed - Confirmed by a Reg Officer. Target Dates have been assigned
:claimed - Add to a Reg Officer's Task Queue. Can be actionned.
:referred - Pending information from the customer.
:completed - Task is done. Activities have been performed. Print Jobs have been added to the Print Queue
:cancelled - Irreversible.
Task Behaviour

A task's behaviour depends on the Service, viewable within each part at: http://localhost:3000/admin/services/processes

  1. Rules - define the page templates to display and validations to be applied.
  2. Activities - describe what happens when the task is processed (application_processor.rb)
  3. Print Templates - determine the printable outputs of a completed task

Work Logs

RSS require monitoring of staff performance, so actions such as completing or referring tasks are logged. There is a helper method available globally: log_work!. Work logs can be viewed at: http://localhost:3000/work_logs

Submission Attributes

The changes that the submission will perform are stored as JSON objects in submission#changeset. If the submission is associated with a registered vessel, the 'current information' will be stored as JSON objects in submission#changeset. These JSON objects are mounted with the VirtualModel class and exposed by the submission as: submission.vessel, etc.


Payments come in two flavours and have a polymorphic association with the Payment model.

  1. World Pay Payments (online)
  2. Finance Payments (manual_entry)

In the submission context, we store owner details in the declarations table. The changes requested are stored as JSON objects in declaration#changeset. One owner maps to one declaration, and a submission can have many declarations. Note that, while a changeset may contain owners, these are ignored once the Builder::SubmissionBuilder has run and the declarations have been built.

The Registry

The Registry consists of:

  1. Registrations. The record of the current and previous registration details for a vessel.
  2. Vessels. The current vessel record.
  3. Owners. The current record of vessel owners.
Code structure

The app follows the standard Rails MVC pattern, additionally:

  1. Builders are used to perform actions that create or update database records.
  2. Decorators are used to add UI behaviour to the models.
  3. Policies are user to answer questions: 'Can the submission be approved now?'
  4. Services are used to encapsulate helper methods that don't make any database changes.

And mixins:

  1. Concerns. Tried to limit the use of Active Record Concerns to functionality that was open to all models.
  2. Submission mixins. The Submission class was getting too big for rubocop, so app/model/submission/associations.rb and app/model/submission/state_machine.rb were extracted to modules. No reason other than code organization. Would welcome smart refactoring.

Searching is helped along with pg_search gem. To rebuild the (e.g. Submission) indexes after making changes to the configuration: PgSearch::Multisearch.rebuild(Submission) Global search configuration can be added to: config/initializers/pg_search.rb

Extending the data model

Adding attributes to the data model can be a fairly complex process as there are a number of moving parts to consider. In the example below, we want to record the number of shares_held by an owner. If adding additional tables (e.g. groups of shareholders), be mindful that the table(s) will need to exist in both the submission domain and the registry.

  1. Add a column shares_held to the declarations table. Note that declarations are the owners associated with a submission.
  2. Build out the model, controller and views in Waves so that a reg officer can record the shares_held by an owner.
  3. Add a column shares_held to the customers table. Note that all entities associated with a registered vessel are sub-classed from this table.
  4. Extend Builder::RegistryBuilder to add the shares_held by an owner to the customers table.
  5. Extend Register::Vessel#registry_info to ensure that the shares_held is captured. #registry_info is used to store a snapshot of the registered vessel in the registrations table. For our shares_held example we don't need to make any changes to Register::Vessel#registry_info because all owner attributes are assigned by default: owners:
  6. If the new data attribute will not be stored and edited in the Submission#changeset (i.e. it's not vessel_info), then extend Builder::SubmissionBuilder or Builder::DeclarationBuilder to enable the new attribute. For our shares_held example, we add the line shares_held: owner[:shares_held].to_i to Builder::DeclarationBuilder#build_declarations.
  7. The shares_held name / value should also be added somewhere on the registered vessel page (app/views/vessels).


A vessel fleet management application.






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