Add eslint-plugin-vitest
Add eslint-plugin-vitest
Force push
Add eslint-plugin-vitest
Add eslint-plugin-vitest
Force push
fixup: remove max classes per file
fixup: remove max classes per file
Widen eslint-plugin-unicorn to include v50
Widen eslint-plugin-unicorn to include v50
Update default Node.js version to 20
Update default Node.js version to 20
Force push
Support unicorn@49 and sonarjs@0.23
Support unicorn@49 and sonarjs@0.23
Force push
Ensure cx
attributes and calls are checked for tailwind classes
attributes and calls are checked for tailwind classesContinue trying to get the TypeScript exports working
Continue trying to get the TypeScript exports working
fixup: tweak todo copy
fixup: tweak todo copy
APP-2482: remove unnecessary ESLint and TypeScript rules
APP-2482: remove unnecessary ESLint and TypeScript rules
Force push
APP-2482: remove unnecessary ESLint and TypeScript rules
APP-2482: remove unnecessary ESLint and TypeScript rules
Support multiple entrypoints for moduleResolution: node
Support multiple entrypoints for moduleResolution: node
Switch prettier config back to CJS for compatibility
Switch prettier config back to CJS for compatibility
fixup: grab eslint-plugin-tailwindcss, too
fixup: grab eslint-plugin-tailwindcss, too
Widen eslint-plugin-sonarjs peer to include 0.21
Widen eslint-plugin-sonarjs peer to include 0.21