Visit the template repo https://github.com/oceans404/fullstack-polygon-id-vc-gated-dapp/tree/main and click "Use this template" to create a new repo
Follow server setup instructions
- Follow frontend setup instructions
- Frontend: localhost:3000
- Server: localhost:8080
Welcome page: In order to see the dapp, you need to prove your access rights. Click the "Prove access rights" button

A modal with a QR code appears. Scan this QR code with your Polygon ID mobile app. Note: you must hold a KYCAgeCredential with a birthday before this year. Here's how to get the KYCAgeCredential VC

If you successfully complete age verification, you'll see a success message, then be redirected to the dapp.

This is the Dapp page that you see once you've proved access rights. It's set up with a RainbowKit wallet connector and has read and write to smart contract examples.