v 1.0.0
Echofy is a straightforward integration tool that connects Slack Workspaces with web interfaces. Designed for simplicity and built over Golang for backend and Next.js for frontend, Echofy enables users to interact with Slack Workspace members directly through a hosted webpage, enabling members of Slack Workspaces to interact with users of their web application. This initial version focuses on providing a seamless and direct communication channel.
Talk to anyone from your slack workspace
Toggle sound and notifications.
- If any web chat user uses profane language, they are automatically banned for 7 days
- Profanities can be added/removed and web chat users can be banned and un-banned manually using using custom slash commands
- Messages as well as data of web chat users are stored in a redis db for 7 days
- Web chat users can re-enter the chat as the user they previously were in the chat (this happens automatically at the frontend) upto 7 days after logging off from the chat
To explore more, have a look at the wiki
- The backend is configured to log errors in sentry if the environment variable
is configured
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
Manan Garg π π» |
Zcross π» π |
Ayush Chaudhary π» |
Deep Umrajkar π» |