For those whom do not like to leave the terminal you can find the jobs posted in which is a Dominican site to find jobs related to Informatics (in most of the cases π π).
$ npm install -g empleado-cli
$ yarn global add empleado-cli
$ docker pull mecm1993/empleado-cli
$ emplea [options] [arguments]
$ docker run -it --rm mecm1993/empleado-cli [options] [arguments]
Option | Description |
-c, --category | the category of the jobs, currently available MOBILE , SOFTWARE , SYSADMIN , TELNET , WEB |
-h, --help | print emplea command line options |
-s, --size | the size of the job list |
-p, --page | the pagination page |
# Find the latest 5 jobs in the list
$ emplea -s 5
# Find the latest 3 jobs from the category WEB
$ emplea -s 3 -c WEB
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