I am a Software Engineer/Full Stack Developer 🚀 from NYC, proficient in Full Stack Web Development,and Data Visualization tools like Tableau and Power BI.
I am passionate about learning and curiosity has been a part of me forever. My experiences in and outside of working with nonprofits in addition to design consulting, have given me the analytical skills and curiosity to bring in creative problem solving when learning and using code.
I am currently completing the Pursuit Fellowship in an effort to improve my skills as a software engineer. I am excited to be a part of a community where I can collaborate with and learn from other developers.
- 👩 I’m looking to work with companies that focus on supporting and lifting women
- 📖 My portfolio can be found at https://meeraramesh.dev/
- 🌱 I am currently working on my project readinglog.netlify.com
- 🌳 I love to collaborate with other developers to learn and grow
- 💻 I’m currently completing the Pursuit fellowship to improve my skills
- 📄 Check out my resumehttp://bit.ly/3KHyULZ
- ⚡ Fun fact I enjoy being creative, experimenting with new projects(baking, diy)to bring to fruition
- https://tuner-sql-api.netlify.app PERN stack App
- https://trackerluxe.netlify.app MERN stack App
- https://minivideotubeapp.netlify.app React and JS App
- https://travelapppics.herokuapp.com/ MongoDB, EJS, EXpress & Nodejs App