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MEGA SDK - Release management

The following processes have been automated:

Make a new Release

Fill the details in [make_release] section of your config.toml local copy of config.toml.template.

You will also need to set the following environment variables to make the script work:


Note that the version for a new release will be automatically determined unless one was explicitly passed. To explicitly pass one, fill release_version argument in this section.

Note that version-file will be updated in the process, where applicable (version.h in SDK). For projects that don't have such a file, gpg_keygrip and gpg_password will be ignored and can be left empty.

From a directory in the repo (!) for which we intend to make a release, run:

python3 path/to/ path/to/config.toml

Close a new Release

Fill the details in [close_release] section of your config.toml local copy of config.toml.template.

You will also need to set the following environment variables to make the script work:


From a directory in the repo (!) for which we intend to close a release, run:

python3 path/to/ path/to/config.toml

Patch a Release

Note that this process can become very complex when multiple releases need to be patched. Because of that, the automation is done for step 7 and further.

Fill the details in [patch_release] section of your config.toml local copy of config.toml.template.

You will also need to set the following environment variables to make the script work:


From a directory in the repo (!) for which we intend to patch a release, run:

python3 ./ path/to/config.toml

Make another RC

Fill the details in [make_another_rc] section of your config.toml local copy of config.toml.template.

You will also need to set the following environment variables to make the script work:


Note that the number of the new RC will be automatically determined, from the last RC already existing for that Release plus 1.

From a directory in the repo (!) for which we intend to make a release, run:

python3 path/to/ path/to/config.toml


These should only be needed once.

Python stuff

  • Install Python 3. The scripts were written using Python 3.12.2, just in case an older version would fail to run them.
  • Install pip. Something like python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade should work. However, Ubuntu apparently is "special" and Python from its repo comes without ensurepip. So try sudo apt install python3-pip.
  • Install required modules with pip install -r requirements.txt (and upgrade all later with pip install -U -r requirements.txt).

GitLab stuff

  • Create a personal access token with scopes api, read_api, read_user, create_runner, read_repository, write_repository.
  • The token created there must be set in gitlab_token argument(s) inside config.toml.
  • Remember to check from time to time that the token has not expired.

GitHub stuff

  • Create a personal access token with scope repo and all its sub-scopes.
    • fill in Note and Expiration with what feels appropriate
  • The token created there must be set in github_token argument(s) inside config.toml.
  • Remember to check from time to time that the token has not expired.

Slack stuff

Setup app
  • Slack requires an app that will provide a token required for using its API.
    • Any Slack user can create an app, configure the scope for it, and get the necessary token:
      • Go to Your Apps
        • click Create New App -> From scratch
        • set a name for the new app and set MEGA workspace for it
        • click Create App.
      • Go to OAuth & Permissions (on the left side, under Features)
        • Find Scopes section -> User Token Scopes -> click Add an OAuth Scope -> choose chat:write
        • Find OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace section -> click Install to Workspace -> review the permissions listed there -> click Allow
        • From the same OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace section -> copy User OAuth Token
    • Or reuse a distributed app created by someone else, and get whatever token they provide.
  • Set the token in slack_token argument(s) inside config.toml.
  • Update the env var when the token has expired.
Find channel and thread to post to
  • Channel can be passed by name, as in #foo_bar without the # prefix. Another option is to pass it by id, which can be obtained from the web url. The web url of a channel (or direct message) looked like The BBBBBBBBBBB component is the channel id.
  • Thread id can be obtained from the web url of the message in a channel, considered the root of a thread. The web url of such a message looked like The TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT component needs to be split by a . into a 10.6 string. The result is the thread id, as TTTTTTTTTT.TTTTTT.

Confluence stuff

  • This is optional. If Confluence details are not provided, the rotation of Release Captain will not be executed.
  • Obtain wiki-page-id: open "Release management" page in Confluence, then ... -> Page information -> from the url copy the value after pageId=.
  • Set the id in confluence_page_id argument(s) inside config.toml.

gpg stuff

  • (Installing git, creating gpg key and other stuff required by any commit are not covered here)
  • Find the KEYGRIP
gpg -k --with-keygrip

The output will be something like

pub   rsa3072 2021-01-04 [SC]
uid           [ultimate] My Name (Ubuntu, xps) <>
sub   rsa3072 2021-01-04 [E]

Value BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB is the one needed by gpg_keygrip argument(s) inside config.toml.

Known gpg issues

Setting up gpg does not work automatically on Windows. In order to run this process on a Windows machine, either be prepared to introduce the passkey when requested by a commit, or run the following setup steps manually in Git Bash (!), before starting the release process:

# Caching passphrase must be allowed:
echo allow-preset-passphrase  >> $(gpgconf --list-dirs homedir)/gpg-agent.conf
# Cache passphrase for key (from 'nix shell, git-bash on Win etc.):
$(gpgconf --list-dirs libexecdir)/gpg-preset-passphrase -c BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB <<EOF