The app tested (Confluence Custom Fields
) is an integration plugin that takes
a list of pages from Confluence and renders it as a custom field in JIRA. This
test runs in Docker and uses the following containers:
- JIRA cluster nodes
- Confluence instance
- PostgreSQL database
- Haproxy load balancer
I use Hetzner cloud top-level machine to run the app performance tests. Lower horse-power configurations proved to be inadequate to this heavy load testing, especially with 4-node JIRA cluster.
docker-machine create \
--driver=hetzner \
--hetzner-api-token=$HETZNER_TOKEN \
--hetzner-server-type=cpx51 \
--hetzner-server-location=fsn1 \
As setup is not for public use I create a local network (network-1
and configure Docker networking as follows:
docker network create --driver=bridge \
-o$(ifconfig ens10 | grep "inet " | awk '{print $2}') \
--subnet= \
--ip-range= \
--gateway= \
I am using haproxy
as a load balancer and I want to have access to its logs
for troubleshooting. Docker machine uses rsyslog
so I create a new configuration
file /etc/rsyslog.d/99-haproxy.conf
to enable remote logging:
$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514
local0.* /var/log/haproxy-traffic.log
local0.notice /var/log/haproxy-admin.log
The matching part in haproxy.cfg
log local0
log global
option httplog
I use docker-compose
to create a cluster in one-node, two-nodes and four-nodes
configuration. The configuration files (haproxy.cfg
and docker-compose.yml
could be found in folders onenode, twonodes and fournodes.
I had an issue running locust tests with the latest version of atlassian/dcapt
selenium.common.exceptions.SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created:
This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 86
Current browser version is 88.0.4324.96 with binary path /usr/bin/google-chrome
So I reverted to a previous version that was known to be working without this issue:
docker image rm atlassian/dcapt
docker image pull atlassian/dcapt@sha256:5137458ea19ddc966e9aa579ca9d52da98dbce27331c0ecbba87631354b0c074
docker run --shm-size=4g --rm -v "$PWD:/dc-app-performance-toolkit" atlassian/dcapt@sha256:5137458ea19ddc966e9aa579ca9d52da98dbce27331c0ecbba87631354b0c074 jira.yml
Confluence is pre-filled with 100 pages of some basic company data.
In JIRA there is a custom field Clients
that takes its values from the Confluence
company data pages.
JIRA app-specific dataset utilises Atlassian's DC performance toolkit sample data.
Issues in project KANS
were edited to have 1 to 10 Confluence pages in
their Clients
field to the total of 4000+ issues:
const testLoadCCF = async (issues) => {
// read companies from Confluence
const recs = await confClient.listPagesByLabel('company-demo');
const companies = => ({ id:, title: rec.title }));
for (let i = 0; i < issues.length; i ++) {
const issue = issues[i];
// random number of companies to add to the issue
const countCompanies = getRandom(10) + 1;
// use map here as we don't want companies duplicated
const companiesField = {};
for (let j = 0; j < countCompanies; j++) {
const company = companies[getRandom(companies.length)];
companiesField[] = company;
const value = [];
Object.values(companiesField).forEach(rec => value.push(JSON.stringify(rec)));
console.debug(`Issue ${}`, value.join(','));
try {
await jiraClient.updateIssue(, { customfield_11100: value.join(',') });
} catch (err) {
The Confluence Custom Fields
plugin actions to test are:
- view and update custom field with JIRA UI (selenium)
- query JIRA for Confluence pages to populate custom field options (locust)
The selenium UI test opens a browse issue page, calculates the number of pages in a Confluence custom field, updates the issue by adding an extra value to the field via EditIssue web action. Then it calculates the number of pages again to make sure that it equals initial value + 1.
Updating a field via UI takes longer seconds to test due to a number of waits that I had to introduce in the test code:
- 2s wait to get AUI select2 fully initialized
- 1s wait to get selected option copied to the field's input
- 1s wait after edit dialog submit
These are not part of the plugin code, but of the test code.
Locust test is set to make sure that the plugin's REST endpoint actually returns correct number of Confluence pages to populate a custom field. This is the general-purpose endpoint in the plugin, while other endpoints are used for the plugin administration and configuration.
To run app-specific tests:
git clone dcapt.apps
cd dcapt.apps
docker run --shm-size=4g --rm -v "$PWD:/dc-app-performance-toolkit" atlassian/dcapt jira.yml
If need to run app-specific tests locally:
virtualenv venv -p python3
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd app
bzt jira.yml