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Contribution guide

The "interactive-examples" repository provides interactive examples for MDN Web Docs.

If you're interested in contributing to this project, great! This file should help you get started.

Types of contribution

There are many ways you can help improve this repository! For example:

  • Write a brand-new example. There are still many pages missing an interactive example, but which could benefit from it. Look for HTML, CSS or JS pages, describing a specific feature, such as HTML attribute, CSS property, JS function. Make sure this feature is supported by a stable version of Chrome and Firefox browsers.
  • Improve an existing example. You could add new CSS value, which is well supported by browsers, improve color contrast, fix typos or add some other changes which would make example more helpful to the users.
  • Fix a bug: we have a list of issues, or maybe you found your own.

This guide focuses on contributing examples, although we welcome contributions to the editor and infrastructure code as well.


To contribute live examples all you need is a text editor, git, a GitHub account, and Nodejs.

As far as text/code editors go, there are more editors than you can shake a stick at, so it's down to personal preference. Visual Studio and Atom are great editors we can definitely recommend.

For more information on setting up Git on your machine, read this article.

With the above dependencies satisfied, create your new account on Github.

Lastly, install Nodejs for your operating system.

Fork and clone

Next up, you need to fork and clone the repo to be able to contribute to it. You can learn about forking on Github. Once you have your own fork, clone it to your local machine.

Finally, change into the new directory created by the clone and run the following command:

npm install

This will ensure that you have all the required development modules installed to build and test your contributions. You are now ready to contribute.

We've written separate guides to contributing each type of example:


Once you've written an example you can run a local server to try it out.

From your command line run:

npm run build

Once this completes run:

npm start

This should give you some output including lines like:

Starting up http-server, serving ./docs
Available on:

Point your browser to either of those URLs, then click on the pages link. In the page that appears:

  • CSS examples are under css
  • JavaScript examples are under js
  • HTML examples are under tabbed

Find your example and try it out.

Note On Linux, you might also run the automatic tests used by our continuous integration system.

npm test

Once you're satisfied, the final step is to submit your pull request.


After your pull request is reviewed and merged, you can publish your example on MDN Web Docs. On the page that corresponds to the example, add the following to the page source (typically after the introductory paragraph):

{{EmbedInteractiveExample("pages/TYPE/FILENAME", HEIGHT)}}
  • TYPE corresponds to the value of the type property in meta.json of the example. Possible values are js, css, and tabbed.
  • FILENAME corresponds to the value of fileName property in meta.json. For example input-color.html.

HEIGHT argument

For CSS examples this argument must always be skipped. To include the margin example, the following code should be placed:


For HTML examples or any other tabbed type, the value of HEIGHT argument should match the value of property height in meta.json of the example. Possible values are: "tabbed-shorter", "tabbed-standard" and "tabbed-taller", so EmbedInteractiveExample might look like any of those:

{{EmbedInteractiveExample("pages/tabbed/dfn.html", "tabbed-shorter")}}
{{EmbedInteractiveExample("pages/tabbed/del.html", "tabbed-standard")}}
{{EmbedInteractiveExample("pages/tabbed/colgroup.html", "tabbed-taller")}}

For JS examples, the editor is automatically selecting the appropriate height, based on the amount of lines in the example:

  • Examples less than 7 lines long get the short editor, so you should provide the "shorter" argument to EmbedInteractiveExample
  • Examples 7-12 lines inclusive get the standard editor, so you should not provide any extra argument to EmbedInteractiveExample
  • Examples 13 or more lines long get the tall editor, so you should provide the "taller" argument to EmbedInteractiveExample

Thank you

Thank you for your contribution! ~ o/\o