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@mfussenegger mfussenegger released this 20 Dec 09:24
· 19 commits to master since this release


  • Added support for configuration providers. A configuration provider is a function which discovers debug configurations and returns them. This allows nvim-dap extensions to either have dynamic configuration discovery or provide support for additional configuration formats. The two existing ways to create debug configurations - global via dap.configurations and per project via .vscode/launch.json - have been re-implemented as configuration provider. A side effect of this change is that it is no longer necessary to call a loadlaunchjs function to load configurations from .vscode/launch.json files and the type_to_filetypes mapping is also no longer necessary. The .vscode/launch.json file is always read on-demand when starting a new debug session. See :help dap-providers-config for more information.

  • Added a on_config hook to allow plugins to pre-process configurations before they're used. See :help dap-listeners-on_config for details. A common use case for this is to support custom ${...} placeholder variables.


  • Improved the switchbuf logic responsibility for selecting the window and buffer on a stopped event. It now has some source buffer awareness to avoid running into "Debug adapter reported a frame at line X, cursor position outside buffer" errors - in particular if using a debug adapter which can show disassembly while stepping.

  • Added a usevisible option for the switchbuf setting which prevents the cursor position from moving if the breakpoint that was hit is already visible in the current window. See :help dap.defaults.

  • Fixed some races in regards to stopped event handling if the application is resumed concurrently with no user input. This solves some issues with debug adapters like the one for dart/flutter, which automatically pause and resume at the start of a debug session.

  • Improved process termination behavior to avoid (harmless) errors in the log when using debugpy and fix process leaks when exiting nvim in the middle of a debug session using the javascript debug adapter.

  • Added all and hierarchy flags to the terminate function to allow either terminating all debug sessions, or the full hierarchy of a debug session which contains child-processes. The latter is useful for the javascript debug adapter which makes heavy use of child sessions and where a single terminate would otherwise not end the full debug session.

Widgets, REPL and expression evaluation

  • Added a "Copy as expression" action for variables to the action menu (o). If yanking the value of a variable it will now also copy it's expression automatically to the e register. For example if you evaluate a list and drill into the fourth item which has a country property, which in turn has a name property and you yank the value, the e register might contain an expression like items[3]["country"]["name"] - depending on the debug adapter. This is useful if you want to call functions on a specific item shown in a result as you can type i<C-r>e to insert the expression.

  • The REPL and the variables and scopes widget now have a tagfunc set which can be used to jump to the declaration location of a variable if the debug adapter provides the information. Use with <C-]> or <C-w ]>

  • Added a autostart option to automatically start a debug session when evaluating an expression in the REPL. See :help dap.defaults. Tip: Use this with nluarepl to be able to always evaluate Lua expressions in the REPL.

  • Added support for special dap-eval://<ft> buffers which can be used to input multi-line expressions and evaluate them using :w. The output is shown in the REPL.

  • Added a :DapEval command which opens a dap-eval:// buffer in a split window. The command has range support to pre-fill the new buffer with the selected text.


  • The integrated terminal buffer now inherits the path option from the source filetype for better gf and C-w F support. This is useful if running tests via a debug session where the output often contains stacktraces.

  • External terminals now correctly use env variables provided by the debug adapter.


  • Reduced the overhead of the RPC loop and removed various copy operations.


  • Creating a new .vscode/launch.json file now uses vim.snippet to pre-fill the boilerplate. The file will also contain a $schema definition linking to dapconfig-schema to get diagnostics and completion support if using vscode-json-languageserver.

  • Improved the error message shown when the .vscode/launch.json file doesn't contain valid JSON.


  • Added a splitstr function which can be used to parse command arguments. Opposed to vim.split it preserves whitespace within quotes. See :help dap.utils.splitstr.