eTodo is a P2P task manager written in Erlang.
Key functionality include:
- Tasks that can be shared between peers
- Communication between peers using encrypted chat
- Task progress that can be shown to non eTodo users using “link view” functionality
- A To-Do list in eTodo has a default order
- It is easy to move tasks up and down within a list
- A task can be in more than one list
- A task can have one or more sub tasks, and so can sub tasks.
- Non intrusive reminders
- Local storage (no central server)
I have made prebuilt binary releases of eTodo for a few OS I run at home:
If no prebuilt package is available for your platform you can download and run eTodo according to the instructions below.
eTodo require an Erlang installation with a working wxErlang environment.
I recommend using Erlang Solutions installation packages.
Feel free to ignore steps already taken ;-)
Install Erlang
Install rebar3
Install GIT
Download code using GIT, use the command:
$ git clone
Before you run eTodo: enter the config folder and edit the sys.config file. Set the dir and logDir configurations.
Do one of the following (in the root folder of the project):
Make a release using the command:
$ rebar3 release
Run a rebar shell using the command:
$ rebar3 shell
If you made a release the release can be found in the folder:
To run the release enter the bin folder of the release and use the command:
Have patience: The first startup needs to create an empty TODO database.
eTodo isn't finished, when I feel inspired I code on it during my spare time. So do not expect it to be perfect, commented, have test cases or be fully documented ;)
I would like to give special thanks to:
For contributing to the project.