issues Search Results · repo:micahwedemeyer/automongobackup language:Shell
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inmicahwedemeyer/automongobackup (press backspace or delete to remove)i use this script in a rails application , but at this time the application is getting multitenant and i have to create
folders for each tenant , i will trigger the script with a rake task with whenever ...
- Opened on Mar 29, 2019
- #60
!--- Please notice that this Project is not under current/heavy development -- !--- If you would like to take ownership,
get in contact with the maintainers --
!--- Provide a general summary of the issue ...
- 3
- Opened on May 15, 2018
- #59
--quiet should be removed from mongodump. its not available in the actually version.
[root@vsm-prod backuptest]# mongodump --version mongodump version 2.2.0
- Opened on May 31, 2017
- #58
Sorry but i tried to run this script and its giving this error 368: [: yes: unexpected operator 393: [: yes: unexpected operator
MongoDB version v2.6.10 ubuntu ...
- 1
- Opened on May 20, 2017
- #57
Hello! Currently we can run a command when the backup finishes with the POSTBACKUP option. I m wondering whether there s
a way to run a command specifically when the backup fails, or if there s some way ...
- Opened on May 17, 2017
- #56
I configured this script to just do daily and hourly backups on a single instance of mongod w/o auth. Pretty simple. My
question is when I enable both daily / hourly to yes , how do I schedule this in ...
- 5
- Opened on Feb 9, 2017
- #53
mongodump executable may be missing and in order to improve the UX the script should attempt to install it using this
- if dnf is present, try dnf install -y mongo-tools
- if yum is present, ...
- Opened on Jan 24, 2017
- #52
!--- Please notice that this Project is not under current/heavy development -- !--- If you would like to take ownership,
get in contact with the maintainers --
!--- Provide a general summary of the issue ...
- Opened on Jan 14, 2017
- #50
+(automongobackup:454): select_secondary_member(): local __return=secondary
+(automongobackup:458): select_secondary_member(): members=($(mongo --quiet --host $DBHOST:$DBPORT --eval rs.conf().members.forEach(function(x){ ...
- Opened on Sep 6, 2016
- #48
I keep getting that message. I m not a linux expert, not sure what to check
- 1
- Opened on Jul 31, 2016
- #46

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