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Performance Metrics

Library to gather various performance metrics for the Opentrons Flex.

Currently being imported inside of opentrons.util.performance_helpers which defines helper function used inside other projects


It is assumed that you already have the other projects in the monorepo setup correctly.

make -C performance-metrics setup

Testing against OT-2 Dev Server

make -C robot-server dev-ot2

Testing against real OT-2

To push development packages to OT-2 run the following commands from the root directory of this repo:

make -C performance-metrics push-no-restart host=<ot2-ip>
make -C api push-no-restart host=<ot2-ip>
make -C robot-server push host=<ot2-ip>

Testing against Flex Dev Server

make -C robot-server dev-flex

Testing against real Flex

make -C performance-metrics push-no-restart-ot3 host=<flex-ip>
make -C api push-no-restart-ot3 host=<flex-ip>
make -C robot-server push-ot3 host=<flex-ip>

Extra step when running against real robots

Once this is done you might need to hack getting your robot and app to think they are on the same version. Go to your app -> Settings -> General and find your app version

Then run

make -C performance-metrics override-robot-version version=<app-version> host=<robot-ip>

this will make the app think that the robot is on the same version

Enabling performance-metrics feature flag

Performance metrics usage is hidden behind a feature flag. To enable it run the following command:

make set-performance-metrics-ff host=<ip>

To disable it run:

make unset-performance-metrics-ff host=<ip>