GitLive allows you to view, share and edit code together with your team, live, across VS Code and JetBrains
- Check who is online from your team and which repositories, branches and issues they are working on
- Inspect and cherry-pick your teammates' local changes without performing a commit-push-fetch-merge cycle
- Open a live view of the file a teammate is working on and edit together
- Privacy-first: Easily control what you share including your online status, activity and local changes
- Installation
- Setting up GitLive
- As an Admin
- As a Team Member
- Account Management
- Visibility
- Pair Programming
We're a tool built for developers, by developers. So your contributions are important to us! Please review this section to make the process of contributing as smooth and efficient as possible.
GitLive uses Github Issue Tracking to track issues (mainly bugs). If you've found a bug, this is the place to start.
- You'll need to create a (free) GitHub account in order to submit an issue.
- Search the current issues to see if the bug has already been reported.
- If it hasn't, you can Open a new Issue.
- Please include as much information as possible - a title and a clear description at the very least.
Feature requests are welcome. But please take a moment to find out whether your idea fits with the scope and aims of the project, and provide as much detail as you can.
If there are any improvements you would like to see to our documentation, you can also use the Github issue tracking system. Our documentation is all open source, so if there are any improvements you would like to make yourself, you can do so via a pull request, which we will then review.
Install the bundler if you don't have it already.
gem install bundler
Install the dependencies with Bundler:
bundle install
Run the following to serve the site locally:
bundle exec jekyll serve
Now you will be able to view your changes locally by going to:
You can find more on Deployment Methods page on Jekyll website.