Backup your library from PocketBook Cloud.
mkdir books && docker run \
--rm \
-v books:/books \
-e PBC_USERNAME=your@email.some \
-e PBC_PASSWORD=your_super_mega_password_123 \
-e DEBUG=true \
go build -o pbcsync ./cmd/pbcsync/
./pbcsync \
-client-id qNAx1RDb \
-client-secret K3YYSjCgDJNoWKdGVOyO1mrROp3MMZqqRNXNXTmh \
-username your@email.some \
-password your_super_mega_password_abc \
-debug \
-dir /some/dir
Usage of sync:
-client-id string
Client ID of PocketBook Cloud API.
Read the readme to find out how to get it.
-client-secret string
Client Secret of PocketBook Cloud API.
Read the readme to find out how to get it.
Enable daemon mode. Use the daemon-timeout flag for setting sync interval.
-daemon-timeout duration
Timeout for sync operation.
Used only daemon mode. (default 24h0m0s)
Enable debug output.
-dir string
Directory to sync files. (default "books")
Enable environment variables mode.
Ignores all command-line flags and loads values from environment variables:
PBC_CLIENT_ID as -client-id
PBC_CLIENT_SECRET as -client-secret
PBC_USERNAME as -username
PBC_PASSWORD as -password
DEBUG as -debug
DIR as -dir
DAEMON as -daemon
DAEMON_TIMEOUT as -daemon-timeout
-password string
Password from your PocketBook Cloud account.
-username string
Username of PocketBook Cloud. Usually it's your email.