Releases: microsoft/AzureAISpeechToolKit
Releases · microsoft/AzureAISpeechToolKit
Release 0.0.17
Release 0.0.16
This list of changes was auto generated.
Release 0.0.15
- f0e10d6 Merge pull request #86 from microsoft/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/azure-ai-speech-toolkit/undici-6.21.1
- 1f62100 Merge pull request #88 from microsoft/dilin/release
- 0cea663 chore: bump up to 0.0.15
- 4b37b87 chore(deps-dev): bump undici in /azure-ai-speech-toolkit
- 3022aa4 Merge pull request #85 from microsoft/dilin/update-sample-img
- db254e3 chore: update rewriting sample img
- dce802e Merge pull request #84 from microsoft/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/azure-ai-speech-toolkit/katex-0.16.21
- 7f78f50 chore(deps): bump katex in /azure-ai-speech-toolkit
- a6e5d3f Merge pull request #83 from microsoft/dilin/add-sample
- 4faf3b6 chore: add scenarios-python-console-speech-rewrite-sample
See More
- b390583 Merge pull request #82 from microsoft/dilin/telemetry-fix
- 219b399 chore: fix telemetry error_message
- 87cfb02 Merge pull request #81 from microsoft/release/0.0.14
- be08cc2 chore: bump up to 0.0.14
- 2706149 chore: survey 100%
- 11848f7 Merge pull request #80 from microsoft/dilin/release0.0.13
- e2ff3ec chore: bump up to 0.0.13
- d78a9d9 Merge pull request #79 from microsoft/dilin/dev
- 877d5ec chore: support telemetry for open in azure portal
- 2ee1652 chore: add more telemetries (#78)
- b63a0e0 feat: support ocassional survey (#77)
- 14e2aaa chore: remove infra file from package (#76)
- 42afe03 chore: bump up to 0.0.12 (#75)
- 9a42a77 feat: create ai service from panel (#74)
- 4be633b add create-azure-ai-service telemetry (#73)
- 41ea169 Update TelemetryEvents and Property (#72)
- 2cf2c51 Merge pull request #71 from microsoft/dilin/release0.0.11
- 9627d09 bump up to 0.0.11
- 53f275a Merge pull request #70 from microsoft/dilin/rename-call-center
- a8713e8 rename post call sample
- af74a4a Merge pull request #69 from microsoft/dilin/release0010
- 4f77282 chore: bump up to 0.0.10
- a972b7c Merge pull request #68 from microsoft/dilin/add-sample-1113
- d2b1423 chore: add new post call pic
- ddcbe0d Merge pull request #67 from microsoft/dilin/add-sample-1113
- ebda801 chore: add 2 new sample from extension branch
- ebb176c Merge pull request #66 from microsoft/haiyangsun/telemetry-debug
- 5531ad6 add file exist check
- dadbc03 chore: refine title in sample gallery
- 145ba1e chore: pull sample code from side branch
- 12f9039 chore: sample gallery list style don't show line
- 23dd685 Merge pull request #64 from microsoft/v-shoata/AddTranslateSpeechJavaJreSampleConfig
- 9e19524 Merge branch 'dilin/add-sample-1113' of into v-shoata/AddTranslateSpeechJavaJreSampleConfig
- 582f485 Merge pull request #65 from microsoft/v-shaota/AddSanmpleConfigForPostCallAnalyticsSample
- f83bb80 Update sample_config.json
- 3cf36eb Update sample_config.json
- 55d5239 Add sanmple_config for post call analytics sample
- 742438f Add sample config for translate speech java jre sample
- 367a4a5 Merge pull request #63 from microsoft/fix/ui
- 220f5fd chore: improve UI when searching
- 56047b6 Merge pull request #62 from microsoft/dilin/release0.0.9
- 376ae6f chore: bump up to 0.0.9
- 55e2a43 Merge pull request #61 from microsoft/dilin/add-compressed-audio
- a482e74 Merge pull request #60 from microsoft/dilin/fix-search
- e1378bf fix: research sample function
- ab46c13 chore: revert to extension version for csharp-dotnetcore-translates-stt
- a603d67 chore: test csharp-dotnetcore-translates-stt
- a38021a chore: test cpp-linux-stt-microphone
- 6827679 chore: update sample details about sst with compresed audio file
- bdebde6 Merge pull request #59 from microsoft/v-shaota/AddRecognizeSpeechInCompressedAudioInputStreamCppLinuxSampleConfig
- 16a4c2a Update sample_config.json
- cfc62d7 Add recognize speech in compressed audio input stream cpp linux sample into sample_config.json
- 0d5b1f9 Merge pull request #58 from microsoft/dilin/add-avatar
- b691a9c chore: rename title of avatar sample
- 6428643 Merge pull request #57 from microsoft/dilin/add-avatar
- d90f85a chore: add avatar in sample gallery
- 18784bd Merge pull request #56 from microsoft/dilin/release0.0.8
- a7ae6c0 chore: bump up to 0.0.8
- 1d6a60e Merge pull request #55 from microsoft/dilin/fix-callcenter
- aa63e67 chore: add customSubDomainName
- e8cb6f9 call center use extension bracnh
- 70627f3 Merge pull request #54 from microsoft/dilin/new-sample
- 093126b chore: uppper case title
- 4aa9837 Merge pull request #53 from microsoft/dilin/new-sample
- f20f7e2 chore: video translation belongs to non-scenario
- 15f496d Merge pull request #52 from microsoft/dilin/new-sample
- 7796809 fix: back to main branch
- 17a3915 chore: revert back to use original call-center c#
- 89a309d chore: try out automated call-centered c#
- 4c6bf82 chore: sample title rename
- 674dfc6 fix: sample_config video translation tag
- 7073a9c Merge branch 'dilin/new-sample' of into dilin/new-sample
- 165bf54 chore: change error message of fail to fetch subs
- 38da8f8 Add video translation csharp windows into sample_config.json (#51)
- a68ad50 chore: bump up to 0.0.7 (#50)
- 279abe4 [Telemetry] Update aikey & data classification (#49)
- 27d7cdf Merge pull request #48 from microsoft/dilin/add-call-center
- add20e6 chore: bump up to 0.0.6
- f9eeb52 Merge pull request #47 from microsoft/dilin/add-call-center
- bdf9391 chore: use call-center original source
- d040250 chore: prepare for adding call-center c# sample
- b012f71 Merge pull request #46 from microsoft/dilin/update-readme-gif
- b81facb docs: update README
- 23a4f49 Merge pull request #45 from microsoft/dilin/fix-tenantid
- 6cca4a4 chore: revert README changes
- 1fe650e chore: update package-lock.json
- 05c6cb0 fix: get vscode session credential with tenant id
- be46356 Merge pull request #41 from microsoft/haiyangsun/add-telemetry-3
- 1d18570 Merge pull request #44 from microsoft/dilin/fix-sample-gallery
- d5048f4 fix: sample gallery config file
- 2829aa9 Merge pull request #43 from microsoft/dilin/fix-sample-gallery
- db16f28 fix: fix captioning sample path
- 677b2c5 Merge pull request #42 from microsoft/dilin/test-sample2
- 47ccb24 chore: use captioning c#
- a53fe95 merge conflict
- bcece81 add telemetry cache logic
- 5a686b1 Merge pull request #39 from microsoft/dilin/release
- 030e1f0 chore: bump up to 0.0.5
- 5af8bfd Support configure sample (#38) [ #31, #34 ]
- 70214aa...