issues Search Results · repo:microsoft/CsWinRT language:C#
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inmicrosoft/CsWinRT (press backspace or delete to remove)Description
I m using a custom control which inherits from MediaPlayerElement in my application. When creating an instance of my
control, the application to throwing a NullReferenceException.
Steps To ...
- Opened yesterday
- #1944
I ve converted an UWP test application using xUnit as its test environment to .Net 9 + AOT. The xUnit tests are not
discovered (and not run).
Steps To Reproduce
1. Create an UWP test application ...
- 2
- Opened yesterday
- #1943
The list of artists for an audio file is stored in the System.Music.Artist property as a list of strings. We can get
this property value using
[StorageItemContentProperties.RetrievePropertiesAsync]( ...
- 1
- Opened yesterday
- #1942
I m using C#/WinRT on a type where the IDL looks something like this:
interface IDataSource : IInspectable
[propget] HRESULT MyProperty([out, retval] IItem** value);
- Opened 6 days ago
- #1941
Right now, public async methods must return IAsnycAction, IAsnycActionWithProgress TProgress , IAsnycOperation TResult ,
or IAsnycOperationWithProgress TResult, TProgress . Instead, developers ...
- Opened 6 days ago
- #1940
Currently, CsWinRT assumes that all public classes and members are to be projected. I would like a way to mark types or
members that are public to not be projected. Right now, you can do this ...
- Opened 6 days ago
- #1939
.NET Core UWP has officially supported Visual Studio 17.13, when will .NET Native become optional components?
.NET Core UWP 已经正式支持 Visual Studio 17.13了,.NET ...
- 2
- Opened 8 days ago
- #1936
The WMC1510 warning message unexpectedly appears in the control template pulled by generic.xaml
WMC1510 警告信息意外出现在 generic.xaml 拉取的控件模板中
Steps To Reproduce ...
- 9
- Opened 12 days ago
- #1932
Why doesn t the code generated by UWP s App.xaml contain the LoadComponent method
为什么 UWP 的 App.xaml 生成的代码没有包含 LoadComponent 方法
如图片所示,WinUI 3(左侧)的 App.xaml ...
- 1
- Opened 12 days ago
- #1931
Types can use the WinRTRuntimeClassName attribute to override the runtime class name reported for GetRuntimeClassName.
This is only used in that scenario today but if this were in an authoring ...
- Opened 14 days ago
- #1929

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