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Documentation Generation

Documentation is generated using sphinx.

The configuration for this is in doc/source/

We use the autoapi extension to generate documentation automatically from the docstrings in our python code.

Additionally, we also use the script to copy a few Markdown files from the root of the repository to the doc/source build directory automatically to include them in the documentation.

Those are included in the index.rst file which is the main entry point for the documentation and about the only manually maintained rst file.

Writing Documentation

When writing docstrings, use the numpydoc style.

Where necessary embedded reStructuredText (rst) markup can be used to help format the documentation.

Each top level module should include a docstring that describes the module and its purpose and usage.

These string should be written for consumption by both users and developers.

Other function and method docstrings that aren't typically intended for users can be written for developers.

Cross Referencing

You can include links between the documentation using cross-referencing links in the docstring.

For instance:

My docstring that references another module :py:mod:``.

Or else, a class :py:class:``.

Or else, a class name :py:class:`.ClassName` that is in the same module.

Or else, a class method :py:meth:`~.ClassName.method` but without the leading class name.

These links will be automatically resolved by sphinx and checked using the nitpick option to ensure we have well-formed links in the documentation.

Example Code

Ideally, each main class should also inclue example code that demonstrates how to use the class.

This code should be included in the docstring and should be runnable via doctest.

For instance:

class MyClass:
    My class that does something.

    >>> from my_module import MyClass
    >>> my_class = MyClass()
    >>> my_class.do_something()
    Expected output



This code will be automatically checked with pytest using the --doctest-modules option specified in setup.cfg.

Building the documentation

# From the root of the repository
make SKIP_COVERAGE=true doc

This will also run some checks on the documentation.

When running this command in a tight loop, it may be useful to run with SKIP_COVERAGE=true to avoid re-running the test and coverage checks each time a python file changes.


Manually with Docker

./ restart

Now browse to http://localhost:8080


We use the intersphinx extension to link between external modules and the nitpick option to ensure that all references resolve correctly.

Unfortunately, this process is not perfect and sometimes we need to provide nitpick_ignores in the doc/source/ file.

In particular, currently external TypeVar and TypeAliases are not resolved correctly and we need to ignore those.

In other cases, specifying the full path to the module in the cross-reference or the import can help.