The Power CAT Copilot Studio Kit is a comprehensive set of capabilities designed to augment Microsoft Copilot Studio. The kit helps makers develop and test custom agents, use large language model to validate AI-generated content, optimize prompts, and track aggregated key performance indicators of their custom agents.
Copilot Studio Kit allows makers to configure agents, tests and test sets, and use them to batch test their custom agents. Test runs produce detailed results including latencies, observed responses and run level aggregates. Different test types include response match, attachment match, topic match and generative answers which leverages AI Builder for response analysis.
More information on testing capabilities
Conversation KPIs are designed to help makers track and analyze the performance of their custom agents. This feature complements the existing analytics built-in the Copilot Studio and simplifies the process of understanding conversation outcomes by providing aggregated data in Dataverse rather than requiring you to analyze the complex conversation transcripts.
More information on conversation KPIs
SharePoint synchronization allows makers to configure periodical selective content synchronization from SharePoint locations to custom agent knowledge base as files.
More information on SharePoint synchronization
Prompt Advisor allows makers to develop effective prompts while learning useful prompt engineering skills. Prompts entered in the advisor tool will be analyzed and receive a confidence evaluation with detailed reasoning for the score. Advisor also provides a list of suggested refined prompts implementing various prompt techniques. Makers can select from these optimized prompts to iteratively refine and improve their input.
More information on Prompt Advisor
Webchat Playground simplifies customizing the appearance and behavior of the copilot agent webchat, including colors, fonts, thumbnails and initials. Easy to use UI allows makers to define the look and feel of their webchat, and HTML is generated with the specified styles.
More information on Webchat Playground
Adaptive Cards Gallery provides makers with a dozen built-in adaptive card templates for different scenarios. They demonstrate the extensibility of the adaptive card visuals and behavior, and provide examples on the agent side implementation as well on things like dynamic data binding.
More information on Adaptive Cards Gallery
- Prerequisites
- Installation instructions
- Configure users and teams
- Configure agents
- Configure tests
- Run tests
- Analyze test results
- Troubleshooting
As of the latest release:
- Multi-turn conversations are not yet supported.
- Support for testing agents requiring authentication is limited to unauthenticated and authenticated with EntraV2 SSO.
The latest shipped version is available via Releases. From there, you can download the latest version of all managed solutions that have been tested and are ready for use.
Stay up to date with our releases by subscribing to them:
- Select Watch
- Select Custom > Releases > Apply to receive notifications about our releases
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