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PowerToys Data & Privacy


PowerToys diagnostic data is completely optional for users and is off by default in v0.86 and beyond. Our team believes in transparency and trust. As PowerToys is open source, all of our diagnostic data events are in the codebase.

Additionally, this document aims to list each diagnostic data event individually and describe their purpose clearly.

For more information, please read the Microsoft privacy statement.

What does PowerToys collect?

  1. Usage: Understanding usage and frequency rates for utilities and settings helps us make decisions on where to focus our time and energy. This data also helps us better understand what and how to move well-loved features directly into Windows!
  2. Stability: Monitoring bugs and system crashes, as well as analyzing GitHub issue reports, assists us in prioritizing the most urgent issues.
  3. Performance: Assessing the performance of PowerToys features to load and execute gives us an understanding of what surfaces are causing slowdowns. This supports our commitment to providing you with tools that are both speedy and effective.

Success Story: Fixing FancyZones Bugs with Your Help

FancyZones had numerous bug reports related to virtual desktop interactions. Initially, these were considered lower priority, since the assumption was that virtual desktops were not widely used, so we chose to focus on more urgent issues. However, the volume of bug reports suggested otherwise, prompting us to add additional diagnostics to see virtual desktop usage with FancyZones. We discovered that virtual desktop usage was much higher among FancyZones users. This new understanding led us to prioritize this class of bugs and get them fixed.

Transparency and Public Sharing

As much as possible, we aim to share the results of diagnostic data publicly.

We hope this document provides clarity on why and how we collect diagnostic data to improve PowerToys for our users. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.

Thank you for using PowerToys!

List of Diagnostic Data Events

Note: We're in the process of updating this section with more events and their descriptions. We aim to keep this list current by adding any new diagnostic data events as they become available.

If you want to find diagnostic data events in the source code, these two links will be good starting points based on the source code's langauge.


Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.DebugEvent Logs debugging information for diagnostics and troubleshooting.
Microsoft.PowerToys.GeneralSettingsChanged Logs changes made to general settings within PowerToys.
Microsoft.PowerToys.Runner_Launch Indicates when the PowerToys Runner is launched.
Microsoft.PowerToys.SettingsBootEvent Triggered when PowerToys settings are initialized at startup.
Microsoft.PowerToys.SettingsEnabledEvent Indicates that the PowerToys settings have been enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ScoobeStartedEvent Triggered when SCOOBE (Secondary Out-of-box experience) starts.
Microsoft.PowerToys.TrayFlyoutActivatedEvent Indicates when the tray flyout menu is activated.
Microsoft.PowerToys.TrayFlyoutModuleRunEvent Logs when a utility from the tray flyout menu is run.
Microsoft.PowerToys.Uninstall_Success Logs when PowerToys is successfully uninstalled (who would do such a thing!).

OOBE (Out-of-box experience)

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.OobeSectionEvent Occurs when OOBE is shown to the user.
Microsoft.PowerToys.OobeSettingsEvent Triggers when a Settings page is opened from an OOBE page.
Microsoft.PowerToys.OobeStartedEvent Indicates when the out-of-box experience has been initiated.

Advanced Paste

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.AdvancedPaste_EnableAdvancedPaste Triggered when Advanced Paste is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AdvancedPaste_Error Occurs when an error is encountered during the Advanced Paste process.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AdvancedPaste_InvokeAdvancedPaste Activated when Advanced Paste is called by the user.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AdvancedPaste_Settings Triggered when settings for Advanced Paste are accessed or modified.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AdvancedPasteClipboardItemClicked Occurs when a clipboard item is selected from the Advanced Paste menu.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AdvancedPasteClipboardItemDeletedEvent Triggered when an item is removed from the Advanced Paste clipboard history.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AdvancedPasteCustomFormatOutputThumbUpDownEvent Triggered when a user gives feedback on a custom format output (thumb up/down).
Microsoft.PowerToys.AdvancedPasteFormatClickedEvent Occurs when a specific paste format is clicked in the Advanced Paste menu.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AdvancedPasteGenerateCustomErrorEvent Triggered when an error occurs while generating a custom paste format.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AdvancedPasteGenerateCustomFormatEvent Occurs when a custom paste format is successfully generated.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AdvancedPasteInAppKeyboardShortcutEvent Triggered when a keyboard shortcut is used within the Advanced Paste interface.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AdvancedPasteSemanticKernelFormatEvent Triggered when Advanced Paste leverages the Semantic Kernel.

Always on Top

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.AlwaysOnTop_EnableAlwaysOnTop Triggered when Always on Top is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AlwaysOnTop_PinWindow Occurs when a window is pinned to stay on top of other windows.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AlwaysOnTop_UnpinWindow Triggered when a pinned window is unpinned, allowing it to be behind other windows.


Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.Awake_EnableAwake Triggered when Awake is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AwakeExpirableKeepAwakeEvent Occurs when the system is kept awake for a temporary, expirable duration.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AwakeIndefinitelyKeepAwakeEvent Triggered when the system is set to stay awake indefinitely.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AwakeNoKeepAwakeEvent Occurs when Awake is turned off, allowing the computer to enter sleep mode.
Microsoft.PowerToys.AwakeTimedKeepAwakeEvent Triggered when the system is kept awake for a specified time duration.

Color Picker

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.ColorPicker_EnableColorPicker Triggered when Color Picker is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ColorPicker_Session Occurs during a Color Picker usage session.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ColorPicker_Settings Triggered when the settings for the Color Picker are accessed or modified.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ColorPickerCancelledEvent Occurs when a color picking action is cancelled by the user.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ColorPickerShowEvent Triggered when the Color Picker UI is displayed on the screen.

Command Not Found

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.CmdNotFoundInstallEvent Triggered when a Command Not Found is installed.
Microsoft.PowerToys.CmdNotFoundInstanceCreatedEvent Occurs when an instance of a Command Not Found is created.
Microsoft.PowerToys.CmdNotFoundUninstallEvent Triggered when Command Not Found is uninstalled after being previously installed.

Crop And Lock

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.CropAndLock_ActivateReparent Triggered when the cropping interface is activated for reparenting the cropped content.
Microsoft.PowerToys.CropAndLock_ActivateThumbnail Occurs when the thumbnail view for cropped content is activated.
Microsoft.PowerToys.CropAndLock_EnableCropAndLock Triggered when Crop and Lock is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.CropAndLock_Settings Occurs when settings related to Crop and Lock are modified.

Environment Variables

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.EnvironmentVariables_Activate Triggered when Environment Variables is launched.
Microsoft.PowerToys.EnvironmentVariables_EnableEnvironmentVariables Occurs when Environment Variables is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.EnvironmentVariablesOpenedEvent Triggered when the Environment Variables interface is opened.
Microsoft.PowerToys.EnvironmentVariablesProfileEnabledEvent Occurs when an environment variable profile is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.EnvironmentVariablesVariableChangedEvent Triggered when an environment variable is added, modified, or deleted.


Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.FancyZones_CycleActiveZoneSet Triggered when the active zone set is cycled through.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FancyZones_EditorLaunch Occurs when the FancyZones editor is launched.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FancyZones_EnableFancyZones Occurs when FancyZones is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FancyZones_KeyboardSnapWindowToZone Triggered when a window is snapped to a zone using the keyboard.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FancyZones_MoveOrResizeEnded Occurs when a window move or resize action has completed.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FancyZones_MoveOrResizeStarted Triggered when a window move or resize action is initiated.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FancyZones_MoveSizeEnd Occurs when the moving or resizing of a window has ended.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FancyZones_OnKeyDown Triggered when a key is pressed down while interacting with zones.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FancyZones_QuickLayoutSwitch Occurs when a quick switch between zone layouts is performed.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FancyZones_Settings Triggered when FancyZones settings are accessed or modified.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FancyZones_SettingsChanged Occurs when there is a change in the FancyZones settings.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FancyZones_SnapNewWindowIntoZone Triggered when a new window is snapped into a zone.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FancyZones_VirtualDesktopChanged Occurs when the virtual desktop changes, affecting zone layout.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FancyZones_ZoneSettingsChanged Triggered when the settings for specific zones are altered.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FancyZones_ZoneWindowKeyUp Occurs when a key is released while interacting with zones.


Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.GcodeFileHandlerLoaded Triggered when a G-code file handler is loaded.
Microsoft.PowerToys.GcodeFilePreviewed Occurs when a G-code file is previewed in File Explorer.
Microsoft.PowerToys.GcodeFilePreviewError Triggered when there is an error previewing a G-code file.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MarkdownFileHandlerLoaded Occurs when a Markdown file handler is loaded.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MarkdownFilePreviewed Triggered when a Markdown file is previewed in File Explorer.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PdfFileHandlerLoaded Occurs when a PDF file handler is loaded.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PdfFilePreviewed Triggered when a PDF file is previewed in File Explorer.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerPreview_Enabled Occurs when preview is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerPreview_TweakUISettings_Destroyed Triggered when the Tweak UI settings for Power Preview are destroyed.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerPreview_TweakUISettings_FailedUpdatingSettings Occurs when updating Tweak UI settings fails.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerPreview_TweakUISettings_InitSet__ErrorLoadingFile Triggered when there is an error loading a file during Tweak UI settings initialization.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerPreview_TweakUISettings_SuccessfullyUpdatedSettings Occurs when the Tweak UI settings for Power Preview are successfully updated.
Microsoft.PowerToys.QoiFilePreviewed Triggered when a QOI file is previewed in File Explorer.
Microsoft.PowerToys.SvgFileHandlerLoaded Occurs when an SVG file handler is loaded.
Microsoft.PowerToys.SvgFilePreviewed Triggered when an SVG file is previewed in File Explorer.
Microsoft.PowerToys.SvgFilePreviewError Occurs when there is an error previewing an SVG file.

File Locksmith

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.FileLocksmith_EnableFileLocksmith Triggered when File Locksmith is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FileLocksmith_Invoked Occurs when File Locksmith is invoked.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FileLocksmith_InvokedRet Triggered when File Locksmith invocation returns a result.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FileLocksmith_QueryContextMenuError Occurs when there is an error querying the context menu for File Locksmith.

Find My Mouse

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.FindMyMouse_EnableFindMyMouse Triggered when Find My Mouse is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.FindMyMouse_MousePointerFocused Occurs when the mouse pointer is focused using Find My Mouse.

Hosts File Editor

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.HostsFileEditor_Activate Triggered when Hosts File Editor is activated.
Microsoft.PowerToys.HostsFileEditor_EnableHostsFileEditor Occurs when Hosts File Editor is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.HostsFileEditorOpenedEvent Fires when Hosts File Editor is opened.

Image Resizer

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.ImageResizer_EnableImageResizer Triggered when Image Resizer is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ImageResizer_Invoked Occurs when Image Resizer is invoked by the user.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ImageResizer_InvokedRet Fires when the Image Resizer operation is completed and returns a result.

Keyboard Manager

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_AppSpecificShortcutRemapConfigurationLoaded Indicates that the application-specific shortcut remap configuration has been successfully loaded.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_AppSpecificShortcutRemapCount Logs the number of application-specific shortcut remaps configured by the user.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_AppSpecificShortcutToShortcutRemapInvoked Logs each instance when an application-specific shortcut-to-shortcut remap is used.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_DailyAppSpecificShortcutToKeyRemapInvoked Logs the daily count of application-specific shortcut-to-key remaps executed by the user.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_DailyAppSpecificShortcutToShortcutRemapInvoked Logs the daily count of application-specific shortcut-to-shortcut remaps executed by the user.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_DailyKeyToKeyRemapInvoked Logs the daily count of key-to-key remaps used by the user.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_DailyKeyToShortcutRemapInvoked Logs the daily count of key-to-shortcut remaps used by the user.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_DailyShortcutToKeyRemapInvoked Logs the daily count of shortcut-to-key remaps used by the user.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_DailyShortcutToShortcutRemapInvoked Logs the daily count of shortcut-to-shortcut remaps used by the user.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_EnableKeyboardManager Indicates that the Keyboard Manager has been enabled in PowerToys settings.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_KeyRemapConfigurationLoaded Indicates that the key remap configuration has been successfully loaded.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_KeyRemapCount Logs the number of individual key remaps configured by the user.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_KeyToKeyRemapInvoked Logs each instance of a key-to-key remap being used.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_KeyToShortcutRemapInvoked Logs each instance of a key-to-shortcut remap being used.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_OSLevelShortcutRemapCount Logs the total number of OS-level shortcut remaps configured by the user.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_OSLevelShortcutToKeyRemapInvoked Logs each instance of an OS-level shortcut-to-key remap being used.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_OSLevelShortcutToShortcutRemapInvoked Logs each instance of an OS-level shortcut-to-shortcut remap being used.
Microsoft.PowerToys.KeyboardManager_ShortcutRemapConfigurationLoaded Indicates that the shortcut remap configuration has been successfully loaded.

Mouse Highlighter

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseHighlighter_EnableMouseHighlighter Triggered when Mouse Highlighter is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseHighlighter_StartHighlightingSession Occurs when a new highlighting session is started.

Mouse Jump

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseJump_EnableJumpTool Triggered when Mouse Jump is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseJump_InvokeJumpTool Occurs when Mouse Jump is invoked.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseJumpShowEvent Triggered when the Mouse Jump display is shown.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseJumpTeleportCursorEvent Occurs when the cursor is teleported to a new location.

Mouse Pointer Crosshairs

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.MousePointerCrosshairs_EnableMousePointerCrosshairs Triggered when Mouse Pointer Crosshairs is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MousePointerCrosshairs_StartDrawingCrosshairs Occurs when the crosshairs are drawn around the mouse pointer.

Mouse Without Borders

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseWithoutBorders_Activate Triggered when Mouse Without Borders is activated.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseWithoutBorders_AddFirewallRule Occurs when a firewall rule is added for Mouse Without Borders.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseWithoutBorders_EnableMouseWithoutBorders Triggered when Mouse Without Borders is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseWithoutBorders_ToggleServiceRegistration Occurs when the service registration for Mouse Without Borders is toggled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseWithoutBordersClipboardFileTransferEvent Triggered during a clipboard file transfer between computers.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseWithoutBordersDragAndDropEvent Occurs during a drag-and-drop operation between computers.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseWithoutBordersMultipleModeEvent Triggered when multiple modes are enabled in Mouse Without Borders.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseWithoutBordersOldUIOpenedEvent Occurs when the old user interface for Mouse Without Borders is opened.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseWithoutBordersOldUIQuitEvent Triggered when the old user interface for Mouse Without Borders is closed.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseWithoutBordersOldUIReconfigureEvent Occurs when the old user interface for Mouse Without Borders is reconfigured.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MouseWithoutBordersStartedEvent Triggered when Mouse Without Borders is started.


Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.NewPlus_EventCopyTemplate Triggered when an item from New+ is created (copied to the current directory).
Microsoft.PowerToys.NewPlus_EventCopyTemplateResult Logs the success of item creation (copying).
Microsoft.PowerToys.NewPlus_EventShowTemplateItems Triggered when the New+ context menu flyout is displayed.
Microsoft.PowerToys.NewPlus_EventToggleOnOff Triggered when New+ is enabled or disabled.


Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.Peek_Closed Triggered when Peek is closed.
Microsoft.PowerToys.Peek_EnablePeek Occurs when Peek is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.Peek_Error Triggered when an error occurs for Peek.
Microsoft.PowerToys.Peek_InvokePeek Occurs when Peek is invoked.
Microsoft.PowerToys.Peek_Opened Triggered when a Peek window is opened.
Microsoft.PowerToys.Peek_OpenWith Occurs when an item is opened with Peek.
Microsoft.PowerToys.Peek_Settings Triggered when the settings for Peek are modified.


Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerRename_EnablePowerRename Triggered when PowerRename is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerRename_Invoked Occurs when PowerRename is invoked.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerRename_InvokedRet Triggered when the invocation of PowerRename returns a result.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerRename_RenameOperation Triggered during the rename operation within PowerRename.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerRename_SettingsChanged Occurs when the settings for PowerRename are changed.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerRename_UIShownRet Triggered when the PowerRename user interface is shown.

PowerToys Run

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.LauncherBootEvent Triggered when PowerToys Run is initialized on boot.
Microsoft.PowerToys.LauncherColdStateHotkeyEvent Occurs when the hotkey is pressed in the cold state (not yet initialized).
Microsoft.PowerToys.LauncherFirstDeleteEvent Triggered when the first deletion action is performed in PowerToys Run.
Microsoft.PowerToys.LauncherHideEvent Occurs when PowerToys Run is hidden.
Microsoft.PowerToys.LauncherQueryEvent Triggered when a query is made in PowerToys Run.
Microsoft.PowerToys.LauncherResultActionEvent Occurs when an action is taken on a result in PowerToys Run.
Microsoft.PowerToys.LauncherShowEvent Triggered when PowerToys Run is shown.
Microsoft.PowerToys.LauncherWarmStateHotkeyEvent Occurs when the hotkey is pressed in the warm state (initialized).
Microsoft.PowerToys.RunPluginsSettingsEvent Triggered when the settings for PowerToys Run plugins are accessed or modified.
Microsoft.PowerToys.WindowWalker_EnableWindowWalker Triggered when the Window Walker plugin is enabled.

Quick Accent

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerAccent_EnablePowerAccent Triggered when Quick Accent is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerAccentShowAccentMenuEvent Occurs when the accent menu is displayed.

Registry Preview

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.RegistryPreview_Activate Triggered when Registry Preview is activated.
Microsoft.PowerToys.RegistryPreview_EnableRegistryPreview Occurs when Registry Preview is enabled.

Screen Ruler

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.MeasureTool_BoundsToolActivated Triggered when Screen Ruler's Bounds tool is activated.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MeasureTool_EnableMeasureTool Occurs when Screen Ruler is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.MeasureTool_MeasureToolActivated Triggered when Screen Ruler's Measure tool is activated.

Shortcut Guide

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.ShortcutGuide_EnableGuide Triggered when Shortcut Guide is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ShortcutGuide_HideGuide Occurs when Shortcut Guide is hidden from view.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ShortcutGuide_Settings Indicates a change in the settings related to the Shortcut Guide.

Text Extractor

Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerOCR_EnablePowerOCR Triggered when the Text Extractor (OCR) feature is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerOCRCancelledEvent Occurs when the text extraction process is cancelled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerOCRCaptureEvent Occurs when the user has created a capture for text extraction.
Microsoft.PowerToys.PowerOCRInvokedEvent Triggered when Text Extractor is invoked.


Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.Projects_CLIUsage Logs usage of command-line arguments for launching apps.
Microsoft.PowerToys.Workspaces_CreateEvent Triggered when a new workspace is created.
Microsoft.PowerToys.Workspaces_DeleteEvent Triggered when a workspace is deleted.
Microsoft.PowerToys.Workspaces_EditEvent Triggered when a workspace is edited or modified.
Microsoft.PowerToys.Workspaces_Enable Indicates that Workspaces is enabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.Workspaces_LaunchEvent Triggered when a workspace is launched.
Microsoft.PowerToys.Workspaces_Settings Logs changes to workspaces settings.


Event Name Description
Microsoft.PowerToys.ZoomIt_EnableZoomIt Triggered when ZoomIt is enabled/disabled.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ZoomIt_Started Triggered when the ZoomIt process starts.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ZoomIt_ActivateBreak Triggered when the Break mode is entered.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ZoomIt_ActivateDraw Triggered when the Draw mode is entered.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ZoomIt_ActivateZoom Triggered when the Zoom mode is entered.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ZoomIt_ActivateLiveZoom Triggered when the Live Zoom mode is entered.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ZoomIt_ActivateDemoType Triggered when the DemoType mode is entered.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ZoomIt_ActivateRecord Triggered when the Record mode is entered.
Microsoft.PowerToys.ZoomIt_ActivateSnip Triggered when the Snip mode is entered.