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This repo is a mirror of the TypeScript wiki. Changes on either the wiki or this repo are immediately mirrored to the other side. This is done in a GitHub Action here, and another in the TS repo, and the main work is done by a
The wiki root is Home.md.
You can run this locally if you have ruby installed via:
# Install the deps
gem install gollum
# Start the server
Then you can open: http://localhost:4567
Things to remember:
Gollum is a bit of a nightmare for testing, my current technique is:
# before git branch -b thing_i_am_working_on # to iterate, amend the commit and re-run gollum against that bit of git git add .; git commit --amend --no-edit --no-verify; gollum --ref thing_i_am_working_on
Wikis don't support nesting, so filenames have to get a bit wild
- compiler/testing/fourslash.md + compiler-testing-fourslash.md
You can use a custom link syntax for references to TypeScript code which will be looked up at deploy time:
link to [`runFourSlashTest`][0] [0]: <src/harness/fourslash.ts - function runFourSlashTest(>
Will look at the file
in microsoft/TypeScript to find the line of codefunction runFourSlashTest
and provide a direct link in the wiki. You can audit them via the scriptnpm run lint
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Debugging TypeScript
- Performance
- Performance-Tracing
- Debugging-Language-Service-in-VS-Code
- Getting-logs-from-TS-Server-in-VS-Code
- JavaScript-Language-Service-in-Visual-Studio
- Providing-Visual-Studio-Repro-Steps
Contributing to TypeScript
- Contributing to TypeScript
- TypeScript Design Goals
- Coding Guidelines
- Useful Links for TypeScript Issue Management
- Writing Good Design Proposals
- Compiler Repo Notes
- Deployment
Building Tools for TypeScript
- Architectural Overview
- Using the Compiler API
- Using the Language Service API
- Standalone Server (tsserver)
- TypeScript MSBuild In Depth
- Debugging Language Service in VS Code
- Writing a Language Service Plugin
- Docker Quickstart
The Main Repo