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Here is an short explanation what to install on your Servers to set up
Lustre quickly.  Be aware that this doesn't replace the Documentation
and Installation Howtos from Lustre.

#1. Building the kernel and the modules
    You've to download the linux-source package for your kernel and
    the linux-patch-lustre package.

    Then patch your kernel with the correct patch file. Build and install
    it.  (Use make-kpkg) To patch the kernel automatically use
    --added-patches=lustre as build option.

    Here is the full line how I build my kernel (for those who are not
    familiar with make-kpkg):
    make-kpkg --added-patches=lustre --initrd --append-to-version "-my-version" --revision 1 kernel_image

    Now reboot into this new kernel and install the Lustre modules with:
     - m-a auto-install lustre

    Then the kernel and the modules should be there.

#2. Preparing the system
    In the next step install:
     - lustre-server-utils or lustre-client-utils

    This have to be done on every server system.

#3. Creating partitions on the OST/MDT/MGS Servers
    Now you'll have to differentiate between the OST and MDT and MGS Systems
    We'll assume here that MDT and MGS are on the same system:

     - Create partitions:
        - MGS/MDT: mkfs.lustre --fsname spfs --mdt --mgs $device
        - OST: mkfs.lustre --fsname spfs --ost --mgsnode=$mgsnode@tcp0 $device

        Additional options are:
	    --reformat                       - this partition was previously formatted with lustre, reformat it
	    --param="failover.mode=failout"  - don't hang the entire fs if an ost isn't available.

     - Now mount the partitons on the servers:
        - first the MDT/MGS Server:
          - mount -t lustre /dev/sda /srv/mdt
        - now the OST's
          - mount -t lustre /dev/sda /srv/ost

#4. Using the filesystem
    In order to use the FS, you'll have to mount it on a client. Please note
    that this client also needs the lustre-modules to be installed. (You can
    install lustre-source and build the module as described in 1.)
     - mount -t lustre mgsnode@tcp0:/spfs /mnt

#5. Building client modules with DKMS

    Lustre client-only kernel modules can built against non-patched, vanilla
	kernels. This may be more convenient than installing the patched kernel
	and server modules.

    Installing the lustre-client-modules-dkms package will automatically
	build modules for all currently installed kernels using DKMS
	( for which you will need to have the relevant
	linux-headers packages installed. When a new kernel is installed on the
	machine, DKMS will automatically build a new set of Lustre client modules.

    You can also use DKMS to create a new deb containing the pre-built kernel
	modules, suitable for installing on other machines which may not have a
	full build environment.

    - dkms build -m lustre-client-modules -v <version> -k <kernel-version>
      (repeat the above step for all required kernel versions)
    - dkms mkdeb -m lustre-client-modules -v <version>
    - dkms mkdsc -m lustre-client-modules -v <version>

Please have also a look into the official documentation for Lustre available at:

 -- Patrick Winnertz <>  Thu, 28 Dec 2007 14:53:25 +0200