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Azure IoT Hub exporter

Azure IoT Hub exporter listens to Azure IoT Hub messages endpoint and exposes IoT Edge metrics to Prometheus.

Azure IoT Hub exporter

IoT Edge metrics are exported to IoT Hub by the metrics collector module as it is described in Collect and transport metrics approach (Option 2) via device-to-cloud messages. Azure IoT Hub exporter converts the metrics messages to Prometheus format and exposes them to be scrapped by Prometheus server.


Collect and transport metrics describes how to deliver metrics to IoT Hub via standard device-to-cloud channel. It's also possible to build a cloud workflow to push the metrics to Log Analytics workspace and consume them with Azure Workbooks and Azure Alerts. But what if we build our observability approach on top of Prometheus and Grafana? Metrics are exposed by IoT Edge modules in Prometheues format and we want them to land in a Prometheus server so that we can use PromQL to build Grafana dashboards and Prometheus alerts. The purpose of Azure IoT Hub exporter is to close the gap between IoT Hub and Prometheus server.



Add Azure IoT Hub exporter repository to Helm repos:

helm repo add azure-iothub-exporter

Install Azure IoT Hub exporter:

helm upgrade -i azure-iothub-exporter azure-iothub-exporter/azure-iothub-exporter \
--namespace <NAMESPACE> \
--set eventHubConnectionString=<IoT Hub messages endpoint connection string>

Refer to Read device-to-cloud messages from the built-in endpoint for the details on the IoT Hub messages endpoint connection string.

Prometheus configuration

Add the following job defintion to the prometheus config:

- job_name: azure-iothub-exporter
  scrape_interval: 1m
  metrics_path: /iotmetrics
  - targets: ["azure-iothub-exporter.<NAMESPACE>.svc.cluster.local:8080"]


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