Since the tasks are open-sourced as reference examples, we want to ensure they follow the task guidelines.
Use the reports below when looking for a task as a reference example.
- Tasks should have one implementation.
- Written in TypeScript (compiled) or PowerShell
- Tasks and the modules they use are open source
- Tasks should be able to drive their technology on all the platforms they support
- Tasks driving cross-platform technologies should be written cross-platform (TypeScript)
Tasks should use the vsts-task-lib (TS) or vsts-task-sdk (PS).
Important! Reasons are laid out here.
Contributors (Microsoft and public) should be able to run tests on any platform.
Per the Contribution Guidelines.

Task |
Implemented |
Platform-complete |
Uses TaskLib/SDK |
Has L0 Tests |
Comments |
Ant |
2 Impl. Code Coverage only in PS1 |
AndroidSigning |
CMake |
CmdLine |
CocoaPods |
Gradle |
2 Impl. Code Coverage only in PS1 |
Grunt |
Gulp |
Msbuild |
Has 2 Impl intentionally for msbuild / xbuild. Missing xbuild (ts) L0 tests. |
Maven |
2 Impl. Code Coverage only in PS1 |
VSBuild |
XamarinAndroid |
2 Impl. |
XamarinComponentRestore |
XamarinLicense |
XamariniOS |
XCode |
XCodePackageiOS |
Task |
Implemented |
Platform-complete |
Uses TaskLib/SDK |
Has L0 Tests |
Comments |
Npm |
NuGetInstaller |
No Tests |
NugetPackager |
No Tests |
NuGetPublisher |
No Tests |
Task |
Implemented |
Platform-complete |
Uses TaskLib/SDK |
Has L0 Tests |
Comments |
ArchiveFiles |
BatchScript |
N/A |
N/A |
Carries no task impl. Handler in agent |
CMake |
CmdLine |
CopyFiles |
CopyPublishBuildArtifacts |
2 Impl. Pinned to PS on windows |
cURLUploader |
2 Impl. PS1 should be removed |
DecryptFiles |
No Tests |
DeleteFiles |
ExtractFiles |
JenkinsQueueJob |
PowerShell |
No Tests |
PublishBuildArtififacts |
PublishSymbols |
ShellScript |
Task |
Implemented |
Platform-complete |
Uses TaskLib/SDK |
Has L0 Tests |
Comments |
DeployVisualStudioTestAgent |
QuickPerfTest |
RunDistributedTests |
RunJMeterLoadTest |
RunLoadTest |
SonarQubePostTest |
SonarQubePreBuild |
XamarinTestCloud |
Task |
Implemented |
Platform-complete |
Uses TaskLib/SDK |
Has L0 Tests |
Comments |
AzureCloudPowerShellDeployment |
AzureFileCopy |
AzurePowerShell |
AzureRmWebAppDeployment |
AzureWebPowerShellDeployment |
Chef |
ChefKnife |
DeployAzureResourceGroup |
IISWebAppDeployment |
PowerShellOnTargetMachines |
SqlAzureDacpacDeployment |
SqlServerDacpacDeployment |
WindowsMachineFileCopy |