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175 lines (171 loc) · 9.06 KB

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175 lines (171 loc) · 9.06 KB

Tests Needed!

Right now, lots of our tasks are missing even basic unit test coverage. To help us reach a better place, we'd like help writing some!

The initial goal here is pretty small - get at least one unit test per task that tests a mainline use. The idea here is to lower the entry barrier for writing new tests so that we can make that an expectation with any PR introducing new functionality.

To that end, we've created the following table which indicates which tasks currently have no tests, please add tests and help get the number of untested tasks to 0!

Task Owner Tested?
AndroidSigningV2 @leantk ✔️
AndroidSigningV3 @leantk ✔️
ANTV1 @leantk
AppCenterDistributeV1 @DennisPan @turanuk ✔️
AppCenterDistributeV2 @DennisPan @turanuk ✔️
AppCenterDistributeV3 @DennisPan @turanuk ✔️
AppCenterTestV1 @owenniblock ✔️
ArchiveFilesV2 @jtpetty ✔️
AzureAppServiceManageV0 @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg @vincentdass ✔️
AzureAppServiceSettingsV1 @eaarora-ms @SumiranAgg @vincentdass @niadak
AzureCLIV1 @bishal-pdmsft
AzureCLIV2 @bishal-pdmsft
AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1 @kmkumaran
AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV2 @kmkumaran
AzureFileCopyV1 @kmkumaran ✔️
AzureFileCopyV2 @kmkumaran ✔️
AzureFileCopyV3 @kmkumaran ✔️
AzureFunctionAppContainerV1 @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg ✔️
AzureFunctionAppV1 @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg
AzureIoTEdgeV2 @prativen @blackchoey @michaeljqzq
AzureKeyVaultV1 @bansalaseem ✔️
AzureMonitorAlertsV0 @kmkumaran ✔️
AzureMysqlDeploymentV1 @kmkumaran @RoshanKumarMicrosoft ✔️
AzureNLBManagementV1 @kmkumaran ✔️
AzurePowerShellV2 @kmkumaran ✔️
AzurePowerShellV3 @kmkumaran ✔️
AzurePowerShellV4 @kmkumaran ✔️
AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2 @bishal-pdmsft ✔️
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeploymentV3 @bishal-pdmsft @vinodkumar3 ✔️
AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3 @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg @vincentdass ✔️
AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4 @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg @vincentdass ✔️
AzureVmssDeploymentV0 @bishal-pdmsft ✔️
AzureWebAppContainerV1 @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg @vincentdass ✔️
AzureWebAppV1 @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg @vincentdass
BashV3 @jtpetty ✔️
ChefKnifeV1 @kmkumaran
ChefV1 @kmkumaran
CMakeV1 @daveken
CmdLineV2 @jtpetty ✔️
CocoaPodsV0 @leantk
CondaEnvironmentV0 @leantk ✔️
CondaEnvironmentV1 @leantk ✔️
ContainerBuildV0 @vithati @prebansa ✔️
ContainerStructureTestV0 @SadagopanRajaram @navin22
CopyFilesOverSSHV0 @leantk
CopyFilesV2 @jtpetty ✔️
CUrlUploaderV2 @leantk
DecryptFileV1 @leantk
DeleteFilesV1 @jtpetty ✔️
DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2 @SadagopanRajaram @ShreyasRmsft ✔️
DockerComposeV0 @bansalaseem ✔️
DockerV0 @bansalaseem ✔️
DockerV1 @bansalaseem ✔️
DockerV2 @bansalaseem ✔️
DotNetCoreCLIV2 @bishal-pdmsft ✔️
DotNetCoreInstallerV0 @bishal-pdmsft ✔️
DotNetCoreInstallerV1 @bishal-pdmsft ✔️
DownloadBuildArtifactsV0 @Lovakumar @omeshp
DownloadFileshareArtifactsV1 @Lovakumar @omeshp
DownloadPackageV0 @zjrunner
DownloadPackageV1 ✔️
DownloadSecureFileV1 @leantk ✔️
DuffleInstallerV0 @bansalaseem @vithati
ExtractFilesV1 @jtpetty ✔️
FileTransformV1 @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg @vincentdass
FtpUploadV1 @leantk
GitHubCommentV0 @ds-ms
GitHubReleaseV0 @prativen @mdmdakbar ✔️
GitHubReleaseV1 ✔️
GoToolV0 @bishal-pdmsft
GoV0 @bishal-pdmsft ✔️
GradleV2 @leantk ✔️
GruntV0 @hross
GulpV0 @hross
GulpV1 @hross
HelmDeployV0 @bansalaseem
HelmInstallerV0 @bansalaseem
HelmInstallerV1 @bansalaseem
IISWebAppDeployment @kmkumaran
IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0 @kmkumaran ✔️
IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0 @kmkumaran ✔️
InstallAppleCertificateV2 @leantk ✔️
InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1 @leantk ✔️
InstallSSHKeyV0 @leantk ✔️
JavaToolInstallerV0 @leantk ✔️
JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1 @Lovakumar @kasubram ✔️
JenkinsQueueJobV2 @leantk ✔️
KubectlInstallerV0 @bansalaseem
KubernetesManifestV0 @bansalaseem ✔️
KubernetesV0 @bansalaseem ✔️
KubernetesV1 @bansalaseem ✔️
MavenAuthenticateV0 @zjrunner @aasim ✔️
MavenV2 @leantk
MavenV3 @leantk ✔️
MSBuildV1 @daveken ✔️
MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1 @kmkumaran @RoshanKumarMicrosoft ✔️
NodeToolV0 @damccorm ✔️
NpmAuthenticateV0 @zjrunner
NpmV0 ✔️
NpmV1 @zjrunner @jotaylo ✔️
NuGetAuthenticateV0 @zjrunner @zarenner
NuGetCommandV2 @zjrunner @jotaylo ✔️
NuGetInstallerV0 ✔️
NuGetPublisherV0 @zjrunner ✔️
NuGetRestoreV1 ✔️
NuGetToolInstallerV0 @zjrunner
NuGetV0 @zjrunner ✔️
OpenPolicyAgentInstallerV0 @Anumita
PackerBuildV0 @bishal-pdmsft ✔️
PackerBuildV1 @bishal-pdmsft ✔️
PipAuthenticateV0 @zjrunner @shubham90
PipAuthenticateV1 @zjrunner @shubham90 ✔️
PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV1 @kmkumaran ✔️
PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV2 @kmkumaran ✔️
PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3 @kmkumaran
PowerShellV2 @jtpetty ✔️
PublishBuildArtifactsV1 @leantk
PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1 @SadagopanRajaram @nigurr
PublishCodeCoverageResultsV2 @karanjitsingh @acesiddhu
PublishPipelineMetadataV0 @vithati @nidabas
PublishSymbolsV2 @arunkm @mihaif @jahsu-MSFT @fadnavistanmay @owenhuynMSFT ✔️
PublishTestResultsV1 @smalpani ✔️
PublishTestResultsV2 @SadagopanRajaram ✔️
PyPIPublisherV0 @bishal-pdmsft @leantk ✔️
PythonScriptV0 @leantk
QuickPerfTestV1 @SadagopanRajaram @ShreyasRmsft
ReviewAppV0 @ds-ms
RunJMeterLoadTestV1 @SadagopanRajaram @ShreyasRmsft
RunLoadTestV1 @SadagopanRajaram @ShreyasRmsft
ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0 @bishal-pdmsft ✔️
ServiceFabricDeployV1 @bishal-pdmsft ✔️
ServiceFabricPowerShellV1 @bishal-pdmsft ✔️
ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2 @bishal-pdmsft ✔️
ShellScriptV2 ✔️
SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1 @kmkumaran ✔️
SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0 @kmkumaran
SqlServerDacpacDeployment @kmkumaran
SshV0 @leantk
TwineAuthenticateV0 @zjrunner
TwineAuthenticateV1 @zjrunner @shubham90 ✔️
UniversalPackagesV0 @zjrunner ✔️
UseDotNetV2 @bishal-pdmsft ✔️
UseNodeV1 @damccorm ✔️
UsePythonVersionV0 @leantk ✔️
UseRubyVersionV0 @hross ✔️
VSBuildV1 @daveken ✔️
VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1 @SadagopanRajaram @ShreyasRmsft ✔️
VsTestV1 @SadagopanRajaram @ShreyasRmsft
VsTestV2 @SadagopanRajaram @ShreyasRmsft ✔️
WindowsMachineFileCopyV1 @kmkumaran ✔️
WindowsMachineFileCopyV2 @kmkumaran ✔️
XamarinAndroidV1 @leantk ✔️
XamariniOSV2 @leantk ✔️
XamarinTestCloudV1 @leantk
XcodeV5 @leantk ✔️