Right now, lots of our tasks are missing even basic unit test coverage. To help us reach a better place, we'd like help writing some!
The initial goal here is pretty small - get at least one unit test per task that tests a mainline use. The idea here is to lower the entry barrier for writing new tests so that we can make that an expectation with any PR introducing new functionality.
To that end, we've created the following table which indicates which tasks currently have no tests, please add tests and help get the number of untested tasks to 0!
Task | Owner | Tested? |
AndroidSigningV2 | @leantk | ✔️ |
AndroidSigningV3 | @leantk | ✔️ |
ANTV1 | @leantk | |
AppCenterDistributeV1 | @DennisPan @turanuk | ✔️ |
AppCenterDistributeV2 | @DennisPan @turanuk | ✔️ |
AppCenterDistributeV3 | @DennisPan @turanuk | ✔️ |
AppCenterTestV1 | @owenniblock | ✔️ |
ArchiveFilesV2 | @jtpetty | ✔️ |
AzureAppServiceManageV0 | @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg @vincentdass | ✔️ |
AzureAppServiceSettingsV1 | @eaarora-ms @SumiranAgg @vincentdass @niadak | |
AzureCLIV1 | @bishal-pdmsft | |
AzureCLIV2 | @bishal-pdmsft | |
AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1 | @kmkumaran | |
AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV2 | @kmkumaran | |
AzureFileCopyV1 | @kmkumaran | ✔️ |
AzureFileCopyV2 | @kmkumaran | ✔️ |
AzureFileCopyV3 | @kmkumaran | ✔️ |
AzureFunctionAppContainerV1 | @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg | ✔️ |
AzureFunctionAppV1 | @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg | |
AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0 | ||
AzureIoTEdgeV2 | @prativen @blackchoey @michaeljqzq | |
AzureKeyVaultV1 | @bansalaseem | ✔️ |
AzureMonitorAlertsV0 | @kmkumaran | ✔️ |
AzureMysqlDeploymentV1 | @kmkumaran @RoshanKumarMicrosoft | ✔️ |
AzureNLBManagementV1 | @kmkumaran | ✔️ |
AzurePowerShellV2 | @kmkumaran | ✔️ |
AzurePowerShellV3 | @kmkumaran | ✔️ |
AzurePowerShellV4 | @kmkumaran | ✔️ |
AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2 | @bishal-pdmsft | ✔️ |
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeploymentV3 | @bishal-pdmsft @vinodkumar3 | ✔️ |
AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3 | @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg @vincentdass | ✔️ |
AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4 | @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg @vincentdass | ✔️ |
AzureVmssDeploymentV0 | @bishal-pdmsft | ✔️ |
AzureWebAppContainerV1 | @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg @vincentdass | ✔️ |
AzureWebAppV1 | @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg @vincentdass | |
BashV3 | @jtpetty | ✔️ |
ChefKnifeV1 | @kmkumaran | |
ChefV1 | @kmkumaran | |
CMakeV1 | @daveken | |
CmdLineV2 | @jtpetty | ✔️ |
CocoaPodsV0 | @leantk | |
CondaEnvironmentV0 | @leantk | ✔️ |
CondaEnvironmentV1 | @leantk | ✔️ |
ContainerBuildV0 | @vithati @prebansa | ✔️ |
ContainerStructureTestV0 | @SadagopanRajaram @navin22 | |
CopyFilesOverSSHV0 | @leantk | |
CopyFilesV2 | @jtpetty | ✔️ |
CUrlUploaderV2 | @leantk | |
DecryptFileV1 | @leantk | |
DeleteFilesV1 | @jtpetty | ✔️ |
DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2 | @SadagopanRajaram @ShreyasRmsft | ✔️ |
DockerComposeV0 | @bansalaseem | ✔️ |
DockerInstallerV0 | ||
DockerV0 | @bansalaseem | ✔️ |
DockerV1 | @bansalaseem | ✔️ |
DockerV2 | @bansalaseem | ✔️ |
DotNetCoreCLIV2 | @bishal-pdmsft | ✔️ |
DotNetCoreInstallerV0 | @bishal-pdmsft | ✔️ |
DotNetCoreInstallerV1 | @bishal-pdmsft | ✔️ |
DownloadBuildArtifactsV0 | @Lovakumar @omeshp | |
DownloadFileshareArtifactsV1 | @Lovakumar @omeshp | |
DownloadGitHubReleaseV0 | ||
DownloadPackageV0 | @zjrunner | |
DownloadPackageV1 | ✔️ | |
DownloadSecureFileV1 | @leantk | ✔️ |
DuffleInstallerV0 | @bansalaseem @vithati | |
ExtractFilesV1 | @jtpetty | ✔️ |
FileTransformV1 | @kmkumaran @SumiranAgg @vincentdass | |
FileTransformV2 | ||
FtpUploadV1 | @leantk | |
FtpUploadV2 | ||
FuncToolsInstallerV0 | ||
GitHubCommentV0 | @ds-ms | |
GitHubReleaseV0 | @prativen @mdmdakbar | ✔️ |
GitHubReleaseV1 | ✔️ | |
GoToolV0 | @bishal-pdmsft | |
GoV0 | @bishal-pdmsft | ✔️ |
GradleV2 | @leantk | ✔️ |
GruntV0 | @hross | |
GulpV0 | @hross | |
GulpV1 | @hross | |
HelmDeployV0 | @bansalaseem | |
HelmInstallerV0 | @bansalaseem | |
HelmInstallerV1 | @bansalaseem | |
IISWebAppDeployment | @kmkumaran | |
IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0 | @kmkumaran | ✔️ |
IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0 | @kmkumaran | ✔️ |
InstallAppleCertificateV2 | @leantk | ✔️ |
InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1 | @leantk | ✔️ |
InstallSSHKeyV0 | @leantk | ✔️ |
JavaToolInstallerV0 | @leantk | ✔️ |
JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1 | @Lovakumar @kasubram | ✔️ |
JenkinsQueueJobV2 | @leantk | ✔️ |
KubectlInstallerV0 | @bansalaseem | |
KubernetesManifestV0 | @bansalaseem | ✔️ |
KubernetesV0 | @bansalaseem | ✔️ |
KubernetesV1 | @bansalaseem | ✔️ |
MavenAuthenticateV0 | @zjrunner @aasim | ✔️ |
MavenV2 | @leantk | |
MavenV3 | @leantk | ✔️ |
MSBuildV1 | @daveken | ✔️ |
MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1 | @kmkumaran @RoshanKumarMicrosoft | ✔️ |
NodeToolV0 | @damccorm | ✔️ |
NpmAuthenticateV0 | @zjrunner | |
NpmV0 | ✔️ | |
NpmV1 | @zjrunner @jotaylo | ✔️ |
NuGetAuthenticateV0 | @zjrunner @zarenner | |
NuGetCommandV2 | @zjrunner @jotaylo | ✔️ |
NuGetInstallerV0 | ✔️ | |
NuGetPublisherV0 | @zjrunner | ✔️ |
NuGetRestoreV1 | ✔️ | |
NuGetToolInstallerV0 | @zjrunner | |
NuGetToolInstallerV1 | ||
NuGetV0 | @zjrunner | ✔️ |
OpenPolicyAgentInstallerV0 | @Anumita | |
PackerBuildV0 | @bishal-pdmsft | ✔️ |
PackerBuildV1 | @bishal-pdmsft | ✔️ |
PipAuthenticateV0 | @zjrunner @shubham90 | |
PipAuthenticateV1 | @zjrunner @shubham90 | ✔️ |
PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV1 | @kmkumaran | ✔️ |
PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV2 | @kmkumaran | ✔️ |
PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3 | @kmkumaran | |
PowerShellV2 | @jtpetty | ✔️ |
PublishBuildArtifactsV1 | @leantk | |
PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1 | @SadagopanRajaram @nigurr | |
PublishCodeCoverageResultsV2 | @karanjitsingh @acesiddhu | |
PublishPipelineMetadataV0 | @vithati @nidabas | |
PublishSymbolsV2 | @arunkm @mihaif @jahsu-MSFT @fadnavistanmay @owenhuynMSFT | ✔️ |
PublishTestResultsV1 | @smalpani | ✔️ |
PublishTestResultsV2 | @SadagopanRajaram | ✔️ |
PyPIPublisherV0 | @bishal-pdmsft @leantk | ✔️ |
PythonScriptV0 | @leantk | |
QuickPerfTestV1 | @SadagopanRajaram @ShreyasRmsft | |
ReviewAppV0 | @ds-ms | |
RunJMeterLoadTestV1 | @SadagopanRajaram @ShreyasRmsft | |
RunLoadTestV1 | @SadagopanRajaram @ShreyasRmsft | |
ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0 | @bishal-pdmsft | ✔️ |
ServiceFabricDeployV1 | @bishal-pdmsft | ✔️ |
ServiceFabricPowerShellV1 | @bishal-pdmsft | ✔️ |
ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2 | @bishal-pdmsft | ✔️ |
ShellScriptV2 | ✔️ | |
SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1 | @kmkumaran | ✔️ |
SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0 | @kmkumaran | |
SqlServerDacpacDeployment | @kmkumaran | |
SshV0 | @leantk | |
TwineAuthenticateV0 | @zjrunner | |
TwineAuthenticateV1 | @zjrunner @shubham90 | ✔️ |
UniversalPackagesV0 | @zjrunner | ✔️ |
UseDotNetV2 | @bishal-pdmsft | ✔️ |
UseNodeV1 | @damccorm | ✔️ |
UsePythonVersionV0 | @leantk | ✔️ |
UseRubyVersionV0 | @hross | ✔️ |
VSBuildV1 | @daveken | ✔️ |
VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1 | @SadagopanRajaram @ShreyasRmsft | ✔️ |
VsTestV1 | @SadagopanRajaram @ShreyasRmsft | |
VsTestV2 | @SadagopanRajaram @ShreyasRmsft | ✔️ |
WindowsMachineFileCopyV1 | @kmkumaran | ✔️ |
WindowsMachineFileCopyV2 | @kmkumaran | ✔️ |
XamarinAndroidV1 | @leantk | ✔️ |
XamariniOSV2 | @leantk | ✔️ |
XamarinTestCloudV1 | @leantk | |
XcodeV5 | @leantk | ✔️ |