Maven POM file : This is a Required field. Provide relative path from the repo root to the Maven POM .xml file. [Click here to know more about POM] (https://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-pom.html)
Options : Specify any Maven options you want to use
Goal(s) : In most cases, set this to
to compile your code and package it into a .war file. If you leave this argument blank, the build will fail. Click here to know more about Maven Build Lifecycle
Use the next three options to manage your JUnit test results in Azure Pipelines
Publish to Azure Pipelines/TFS : Select this option to publish JUnit Test results produced by the Maven build to Azure Pipelines/TFS. Each test result file matching
Test Results Files
will be published as a test run in Azure Pipelines/TFS. -
Test Results Files : This option will appear if you select the above option. Here, provide Test results files path. Wildcards can be used. For example,
for all xml files whose name starts withTEST-."
. Defaults to$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
Test Run Title : This option will appear if you select the
Publish to Azure Pipelines/TFS
option. Here provide a name for the Test Run
Use the next options to manage your code coverage options. If your Build file already has Code Coverage enabled, you can ignore this section and use the Publish Code Coverage task to upload results to TFS/Azure Pipelines
CodeCoverage Tool : Select the code coverage tool you want to use. Currently JaCoCo and Cobertura are supported. Click here to know more about Jacoco and Click here to know more about Cobertura.
Class Inclusion/Exclusion Filters : This option is enabled only when you select one tool in the above option. Provide a comma separated list of filters to include or exclude classes from collecting code coverage. For example: +:com.,+:org.,-:my.app*.*.
Class Files Directories : This option is enabled only when you select JaCoCo as code coverage tool. This field is required for a multi module project. Specify comma separated list of relative paths from Maven POM file to directories containing class files, archive files(jar, war etc.). Code coverage is reported for class files present in the directories. For example: target/classes,target/testClasses.
Source Files Directories : This option is enabled only when you select JaCoCo as code coverage tool. This field is required for a multi module project. Specify comma separated list of relative paths from Maven POM file to source directories. Code coverage reports will use these to highlight source code. For example: src/java,src/Test.
Use the next options to manage your JAVA_HOME
attribute by JDK Version and Path
Set JAVA_HOME by : Select to set
either by providing a path or let Azure Pipelines set theJAVA_HOME
based on JDK version choosen. By default it is set toJDK Version
JDK Version : Here provide the PATH to
if you want to set it by path or select the appropriate JDK verision. -
JDK Architecture : Select the approriate JDK Architecture. By default it is set to
Run SonarQube Analysis : You can choose to run SonarQube analysis after executing the current goals. 'install' or 'package' goals should be executed first. To know more about this option click here
Run Checkstyle : You can choose to run the Checkstyle static code analysis tool, which checks the compliance of your source code with coding rules. You will receive a code analysis report with the number of violations detected, as well as the original report files if there were any violations.
Run PMD : You can choose to run the PMD static code analysis tool, which examines your source code for possible bugs. You will receive a code analysis report with the number of violations detected, as well as the original report files if there were any violations.
Run FindBugs : You can choose to run the FindBugs static code analysis tool, which examines the bytecode of your program for possible bugs. You will receive a code analysis report with the number of violations detected, as well as the original report files if there were any violations.