These samples accompany the Author & run tests section of the Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova documentation.
karma-jasmine-cli: a simple unit test using Karma and Jasmine, run from the command line. See Basic unit testing in action with Jasmine and Karma.
karma-jasmine-gulp-VS: a Visual Studio project that demonstrates using the Visual Studio Task Explorer with Gulp to run the same test as in karma-jasmine-cli. See Command-line test runners in Visual Studio.
karma-qunit-cli: the equivalent of karma-jasmine-cli but using QUnit as the test framework.
chutzpah-jasmine-vs: a complete Visual Studio project with extensive unit tests using the Jasmine framework and the Chutzpah test runner. See Use Chutzpah in Visual Studio for how this is project is initially set up, and Improve tests/test-driven development for the complete walkthrough.