This log was last generated on Fri, 21 Feb 2025 07:22:41 GMT and should not be manually modified.
Fri, 21 Feb 2025 07:22:41 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.6.10 (PR #33879 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.24 (PR #33879 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.58 (PR #33879 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.6.14 (PR #33879 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.21 (PR #33879 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.17 (PR #33879 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.29 (PR #33879 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.24 (PR #33879 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.11.7 (PR #33879 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.65 (PR #33879 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.20 (PR #33879 by beachball)
Wed, 19 Feb 2025 07:21:16 GMT Compare changes
- fix(KeytipTree): refactor updateNode to improve parent handling (PR #33867 by
Wed, 29 Jan 2025 07:21:15 GMT Compare changes
- fix(Autofill): Only apply selection logic if the current value does not match the previous value to avoid using the value before state is set and handle del key as delete in the keydown event. (PR #33700 by
Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:21:49 GMT Compare changes
- Async dispose to release references (PR #33685 by
Fri, 17 Jan 2025 07:21:31 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Passing rest of ITagItemSuggestionProps to the underlying component. (PR #32839 by
- Delete border property from ms-PositioningContainer-layerHost containing typo (PR #32885 by
- add missing data-id attribute to close button in TagItem (PR #31956 by
Mon, 13 Jan 2025 07:21:22 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Remove deprecation warning from Callout's preventDismissOnResize and similar props (PR #33493 by
Wed, 08 Jan 2025 07:21:37 GMT Compare changes
- chore: Adding key to inner slot in Stack component. (PR #33578 by
Fri, 03 Jan 2025 07:21:31 GMT Compare changes
- fix(Combobox and Dropdown): add aria-invalid when errorMessage is set (PR #33529 by
Mon, 30 Dec 2024 07:21:29 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Add event listener to Panel in order to update the footer's sticky property correctly when content changes dynamically. (PR #33520 by
Mon, 23 Dec 2024 07:22:58 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.23 (PR #33445 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.57 (PR #33445 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.20 (PR #33445 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.11.6 (PR #33445 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.64 (PR #33445 by beachball)
Fri, 13 Dec 2024 07:23:12 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.22 (PR #33455 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.56 (PR #33455 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.19 (PR #33455 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.11.5 (PR #33455 by beachball)
Thu, 12 Dec 2024 07:22:32 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Added label, required, and error properties to BasePicker. (PR #33243 by
Fri, 22 Nov 2024 07:21:17 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Left-aligning menu items in Pivot's overflow menu. (PR #33325 by
Tue, 19 Nov 2024 07:22:07 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Adding high contrast selector to SplitButton's menu button styles so that the styles do not bleed when high contrast mode is not active. (PR #33290 by
Thu, 14 Nov 2024 01:04:05 GMT Compare changes
- fix(v8 SwatchColorPicker): Add forced-color-adjust to gradients (PR #33267 by
Wed, 13 Nov 2024 07:08:32 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Left-aligning SuggestionItem's contents so they do not move and shift on hover. (PR #33263 by
Tue, 12 Nov 2024 07:21:46 GMT Compare changes
- fix(v8 DatePicker): Add aria-required to required DatePickers (PR #33239 by
Fri, 01 Nov 2024 07:23:21 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.21 (PR #33167 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.55 (PR #33167 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.18 (PR #33167 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.11.4 (PR #33167 by beachball)
Fri, 25 Oct 2024 07:22:06 GMT Compare changes
- fix(v8 ColorSwatchPicker): Add border to white color in high contrast mode (PR #33136 by
Thu, 17 Oct 2024 07:23:06 GMT Compare changes
- fix: make button children rendering equal for both button and button as anchor (PR #32380 by
Wed, 16 Oct 2024 07:22:38 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Keytip passes through describedBy id if passed in (PR #33048 by
Fri, 11 Oct 2024 16:51:54 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.20 (PR #33024 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.54 (PR #33024 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.17 (PR #33024 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.16 (PR #33024 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.11.3 (PR #33024 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.63 (PR #33024 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.19 (PR #33024 by beachball)
Tue, 08 Oct 2024 07:23:46 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.19 (PR #32971 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.53 (PR #32971 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.16 (PR #32971 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.15 (PR #32971 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.11.2 (PR #32971 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.62 (PR #32971 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.18 (PR #32971 by beachball)
Fri, 04 Oct 2024 07:22:48 GMT Compare changes
- fix: clear Modal timer on component unmount (PR #32969 by
Wed, 02 Oct 2024 07:23:57 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.18 (PR #32920 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.52 (PR #32920 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.15 (PR #32920 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.14 (PR #32920 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.11.1 (PR #32920 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.61 (PR #32920 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.17 (PR #32920 by beachball)
Tue, 01 Oct 2024 07:21:07 GMT Compare changes
- fix (v8 MessageBar): Add showExpandButton prop to allow manual override to explicitly show the expand button (PR #32884 by
Mon, 30 Sep 2024 07:23:12 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.17 (PR #32437 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.51 (PR #32437 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.14 (PR #32437 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.13 (PR #32437 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.11.0 (PR #32437 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.60 (PR #32437 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.16 (PR #32437 by beachball)
Tue, 10 Sep 2024 07:21:59 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Debouncing onResolveSuggestions correctly after a picker has been remounted in React 18 strict mode. (PR #28227 by
Fri, 06 Sep 2024 07:21:40 GMT Compare changes
- fix: ColorPicker initializes focus outlines (PR #32376 by
Wed, 28 Aug 2024 07:21:50 GMT Compare changes
- fix: remove aria-valuenow from native input element (PR #32360 by
Wed, 21 Aug 2024 07:21:50 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Using minHeight instead of height in DefaultButton so that it can wrap and grow with its contents. (PR #29346 by
Thu, 15 Aug 2024 07:23:37 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.16 (PR #31484 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.50 (PR #31484 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.13 (PR #31484 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.21 (PR #31484 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.59 (PR #31484 by beachball)
Wed, 14 Aug 2024 07:21:40 GMT Compare changes
- fix(react/lib/icons): make icons inherit textDecoration from links (PR #32264 by
- ScrollablePane/Sticky: Allow remounting for react 18 strict mode (PR #28487 by
- fix: picker suggestion actions have focus outline (PR #32265 by
Thu, 08 Aug 2024 07:24:15 GMT Compare changes
- fix: ship bundled and umd code to registry (PR #32212 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.15 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.49 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.6.13 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.12 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.12 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.20 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.58 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.15 (commit by beachball)
Thu, 01 Aug 2024 21:38:31 GMT Compare changes
- chore: fix bad release and restore missing files in the dist folder. (PR #32198 by
Thu, 01 Aug 2024 07:24:47 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.14 (PR #32173 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.48 (PR #32173 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.11 (PR #32173 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.11 (PR #32173 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.28 (PR #32173 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.19 (PR #32173 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.57 (PR #32173 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.14 (PR #32173 by beachball)
Wed, 31 Jul 2024 07:33:07 GMT Compare changes
- Expose onKeyDown handling for header cells through columns onColumnKeyDown (PR #32005 by
Tue, 23 Jul 2024 07:32:52 GMT Compare changes
- fix(TimePicker): Clear text when date value changes to null (PR #31626 by
Thu, 18 Jul 2024 07:31:11 GMT Compare changes
- fix: item.onClick is called when SplitMenuItem checkmark is clicked (PR #31908 by
- Fix WindowProvider utilities always returning window/document/undefined (PR #31968 by
Tue, 09 Jul 2024 07:36:33 GMT Compare changes
- fix: update Spinner styles to address CSS bug (PR #31913 by
- fix: revert incorectly set npm versions in all packages (PR #31937 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.13 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.47 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.10 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.10 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.18 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.56 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.13 (commit by beachball)
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 07:31:38 GMT Compare changes
- Add 'allowParentArrowNavigation' to ComboBox. (PR #31805 by
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 07:32:52 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.12 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.46 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.6.12 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.9 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.9 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.17 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.55 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.12 (commit by beachball)
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 07:33:22 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.6.9 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.11 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.45 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.6.11 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.8 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.8 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.27 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.23 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.16 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.54 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.11 (commit by beachball)
Fri, 14 Jun 2024 15:25:28 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.10 (PR #31716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.44 (PR #31716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.6.10 (PR #31716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.7 (PR #31716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.7 (PR #31716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.15 (PR #31716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.53 (PR #31716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.10 (PR #31716 by beachball)
Thu, 06 Jun 2024 07:26:46 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.6.8 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.9 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.43 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.6.9 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.6 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.6 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.26 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.22 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.14 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.52 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.9 (commit by beachball)
Tue, 28 May 2024 07:28:20 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.6.7 (PR #31324 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.8 (PR #31324 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.42 (PR #31324 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.6.8 (PR #31324 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.5 (PR #31324 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.5 (PR #31324 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.25 (PR #31324 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.21 (PR #31324 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.13 (PR #31324 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.51 (PR #31324 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.8 (PR #31324 by beachball)
Fri, 24 May 2024 07:28:17 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.6.6 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.7 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.41 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.6.7 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.4 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.4 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.24 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.20 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.12 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.50 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.7 (commit by beachball)
Thu, 23 May 2024 07:28:50 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Excluding FocusZones inside of ContextualMenus from tabster's focusable mover. (PR #31443 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.6.5 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.6 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.40 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.6.6 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.3 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.3 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.23 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.19 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.11 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.49 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.6 (commit by beachball)
Mon, 20 May 2024 07:29:20 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.6.4 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.5 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.39 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.6.5 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.2 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.2 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.22 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.18 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.10 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.48 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.5 (commit by beachball)
Tue, 07 May 2024 07:26:46 GMT Compare changes
- fix aria role for draggable columns in DetailsList DetailsHeader (PR #31243 by
Mon, 06 May 2024 07:25:44 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Fixing SplitButton styles in High Contrast Mode. (PR #31253 by
Thu, 02 May 2024 07:27:45 GMT Compare changes
- feat: Add caseSensitive prop to Combobox. (PR #31247 by
Wed, 01 May 2024 07:26:38 GMT Compare changes
- fix: update List to render after scrolling finishes. (PR #29748 by
- Making sure V9 dialog doesn't set aria-hidden on a host element that is used as a container for V8 popups, dropdowns and menus. (PR #31181 by
Wed, 24 Apr 2024 07:27:48 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.6.3 (PR #31130 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.4 (PR #31130 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.38 (PR #31130 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.6.4 (PR #31130 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.1 (PR #31130 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.1 (PR #31130 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.21 (PR #31130 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.17 (PR #31130 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.9 (PR #31130 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.47 (PR #31130 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.4 (PR #31130 by beachball)
Mon, 22 Apr 2024 07:28:26 GMT Compare changes
- feat: update some components to optionally support shadow dom (PR #30689 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.3 (PR #31126 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.37 (PR #31126 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.6.3 (PR #31126 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.9.0 (PR #31126 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.8.0 (PR #31126 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.8 (PR #31126 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.46 (PR #31126 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.3 (PR #31126 by beachball)
Fri, 12 Apr 2024 07:29:11 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.6.2 (PR #31022 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.2 (PR #31022 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.36 (PR #31022 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.6.2 (PR #31022 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.44 (PR #31022 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.7.2 (PR #31022 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.20 (PR #31022 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.16 (PR #31022 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.7 (PR #31022 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.45 (PR #31022 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.2 (PR #31022 by beachball)
Wed, 10 Apr 2024 07:28:55 GMT Compare changes
- fix: picker tags only show focus styling when focused (PR #30710 by
Tue, 09 Apr 2024 07:26:50 GMT Compare changes
- fix: selected option focus outline has contrast against bg (PR #30979 by
Wed, 03 Apr 2024 07:29:31 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.6.1 (PR #30943 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.1 (PR #30943 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.35 (PR #30943 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.6.1 (PR #30943 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.43 (PR #30943 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.7.1 (PR #30943 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.19 (PR #30943 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.15 (PR #30943 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.6 (PR #30943 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.44 (PR #30943 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.1 (PR #30943 by beachball)
Fri, 29 Mar 2024 07:28:44 GMT Compare changes
- fix: GroupedList initiates FocusRects (PR #30458 by
Fri, 22 Mar 2024 07:28:52 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Build errors in TypeScript 5.3 (PR #30809 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.6.0 (PR #30817 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.4.0 (PR #30817 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.34 (PR #30817 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.42 (PR #30817 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.7.0 (PR #30817 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.5 (PR #30817 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.43 (PR #30817 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.15.0 (PR #30817 by beachball)
Wed, 20 Mar 2024 07:27:30 GMT Compare changes
- Recreate async helper in tooltiphost on remount (PR #28232 by
Wed, 13 Mar 2024 07:30:28 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.3.0 (PR #30753 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.33 (PR #30753 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.6.0 (PR #30753 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.41 (PR #30753 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.37 (PR #30753 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.4 (PR #30753 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.42 (PR #30753 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.14.0 (PR #30753 by beachball)
Mon, 12 Feb 2024 07:25:24 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Datepicker with input renders semantic button for voice control (PR #30499 by
Wed, 07 Feb 2024 07:26:18 GMT Compare changes
- Fix: Enable click events on coachmark for mobile & additional entry points on desktop (currently requires mouse movement only) (PR #30492 by
Mon, 05 Feb 2024 07:27:39 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Correctly calculating height of Callout aligning to the top and covering target. (PR #30467 by
Wed, 31 Jan 2024 07:27:56 GMT Compare changes
- fix: CommandBar menu icon is not disabled in high contrast mode (PR #29983 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.52 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.32 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.40 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.3 (commit by beachball)
Mon, 29 Jan 2024 07:27:14 GMT Compare changes
- fix: DetailsList inner FocusZone receives focus even if the header is not tabbable (PR #30386 by
Wed, 24 Jan 2024 07:26:57 GMT Compare changes
- chore: Adding data-tabster=uncontrolled to FocusZone and FocusTrapZone for proper interop with FluentUI V9. (PR #30369 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.39 (PR #30323 by beachball)
Tue, 23 Jan 2024 07:26:42 GMT Compare changes
- Added expand callback to the MessageBar component (PR #30221 by
Fri, 19 Jan 2024 07:29:32 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.51 (PR #30225 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.31 (PR #30225 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.38 (PR #30225 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.36 (PR #30225 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.2 (PR #30225 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.41 (PR #30225 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.24 (PR #30225 by beachball)
Mon, 15 Jan 2024 07:28:13 GMT Compare changes
- fix: positioning properly tests if point is at the zero location, instead of returning false (PR #30296 by
Wed, 10 Jan 2024 07:28:49 GMT Compare changes
- chore: disallow document and window access (PR #30063 by
- fix: List async and events to allow remounting component. (PR #29881 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.16 (PR #30063 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.50 (PR #30063 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.30 (PR #30063 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.15 (PR #30063 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.37 (PR #30063 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.35 (PR #30063 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.18 (PR #30063 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.14 (PR #30063 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.1 (PR #30063 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.40 (PR #30063 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.23 (PR #30063 by beachball)
Tue, 09 Jan 2024 07:33:09 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.49 (PR #30003 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.29 (PR #30003 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.36 (PR #30003 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.10.0 (PR #30003 by beachball)
Mon, 25 Dec 2023 07:28:35 GMT Compare changes
- feat(TextField): Add scrollContainerRef to allow fixing unwanted scroll issue with multiline + autoAdjustHeight and a container with scroll. (PR #30110 by
Thu, 14 Dec 2023 07:30:10 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.15 (PR #30061 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.48 (PR #30061 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.28 (PR #30061 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.14 (PR #30061 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.35 (PR #30061 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.34 (PR #30061 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.17 (PR #30061 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.13 (PR #30061 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.21 (PR #30061 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.39 (PR #30061 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.22 (PR #30061 by beachball)
Tue, 12 Dec 2023 07:27:25 GMT Compare changes
- fix(Callout): Update useMaxHeight hook for callout to use target top as bottom bound when aligned to top edge; account for scroll resizing when picking the best edge for positioning alignment (PR #29766 by
Thu, 16 Nov 2023 07:26:50 GMT Compare changes
- docs(FacePile): Updated FacePile API documentation for a better understanding (PR #29752 by
Thu, 09 Nov 2023 07:29:20 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.47 (PR #29772 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.27 (PR #29772 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.34 (PR #29772 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.33 (PR #29772 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.20 (PR #29772 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.38 (PR #29772 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.21 (PR #29772 by beachball)
Wed, 08 Nov 2023 07:27:22 GMT Compare changes
- fix: preventDismissOnEvent does not override passed-in prop (PR #29737 by
Mon, 06 Nov 2023 07:27:33 GMT Compare changes
- fix(Calendar): Calendar should memoize today's default value since it causes rerenders by creating a new object each time. (PR #29747 by
Wed, 01 Nov 2023 07:29:14 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.32 (PR #29699 by beachball)
Sat, 28 Oct 2023 00:29:16 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.14 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.46 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.26 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.13 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.33 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.31 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.16 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.12 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.19 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.37 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.20 (commit by beachball)
Mon, 16 Oct 2023 07:37:21 GMT Compare changes
- fix: avoid edge case where Sticky/ScrollablePane could fall into infinite loop (PR #29054 by
Mon, 09 Oct 2023 07:37:25 GMT Compare changes
- fix: DetailsList columns render correctly when the list is wider than the viewport (PR #29415 by
Wed, 04 Oct 2023 07:38:36 GMT Compare changes
- fix: GroupedListV2 scrollToIndex scrolls to correct index (PR #29332 by
Mon, 02 Oct 2023 07:36:46 GMT Compare changes
- Add contextualMenuItemAs and contextualMenuItemWrapperAs to ContextualMenuItem (PR #27907 by
Fri, 29 Sep 2023 07:45:30 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.45 (PR #29313 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.25 (PR #29313 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.32 (PR #29313 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.30 (PR #29313 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.18 (PR #29313 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.36 (PR #29313 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.19 (PR #29313 by beachball)
Thu, 28 Sep 2023 07:37:17 GMT Compare changes
- Update ensuresuggestionmodel to use passed object ariaLabel property for generated suggestionmodel aria label override (PR #28004 by
- chore: trigger manual version bump after broken release (PR #29303 by
- fix: Treat false values separate from values that aren't valid elements in stack. (PR #29321 by
Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:36:22 GMT Compare changes
- Keytip: Make keytip data align with which instance is visible (for duplicate registrations) (PR #28992 by
Mon, 28 Aug 2023 07:36:25 GMT Compare changes
- fix(AutoFill): Do not clear input when pressing left arrow after typing. (PR #28975 by
Fri, 25 Aug 2023 07:35:36 GMT Compare changes
- feat(Stack): Add deprecated flag to render null when receiving a falsy value. (PR #28978 by
- Revert "Keytips: Align keytipData with visible instance for dupes (#28522)" (PR #28977 by
- fix: Add displayName to dialog footer and content (PR #28939 by
Wed, 23 Aug 2023 07:36:23 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Autofill looks up owner document for inputElement (PR #27312 by
Fri, 18 Aug 2023 07:35:24 GMT Compare changes
- chore: fix all lint warnings for @fluentui/react (PR #28888 by
- fix(DatePicker): readOnlyTextField styles should win over textfield's default styles. (PR #28891 by
- fix(DatePicker): Make year picker react to go to today. (PR #28907 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.44 (PR #28862 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.24 (PR #28862 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.31 (PR #28862 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.17 (PR #28862 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.35 (PR #28862 by beachball)
Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:34:49 GMT Compare changes
- Pass-through pointer events in Details Row focus rects (PR #28439 by
Fri, 04 Aug 2023 07:35:28 GMT Compare changes
- fix(TimePicker): Selection now works in locales that don't use "am"/"pm" in their time format (PR #28469 by
Tue, 25 Jul 2023 07:44:53 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Datepicker renders input description if onRenderDescription is passed in (PR #27784 by
- fix: DetailsColumn tooltip shows on focus, and is associated via aria-describedby (PR #28604 by
- fix: do not dismiss editable comboboxes on scroll or resize immediately after opening (PR #28591 by
Tue, 18 Jul 2023 07:35:18 GMT Compare changes
- Keytip: Make keytip data align with which instance is visible (for duplicate registrations) (PR #28522 by
Mon, 17 Jul 2023 07:39:32 GMT Compare changes
- fix: checkable splitbutton and split menuitem have two separate touch targets (PR #28523 by
- fix: use tab role for Pivot overflow button (PR #28409 by
Mon, 10 Jul 2023 07:35:07 GMT Compare changes
- fix(Calendar): Add focus styles to CalendarPicker's go to today button. (PR #28458 by
Thu, 29 Jun 2023 07:35:33 GMT Compare changes
- chore: Exporting CSS files in @fluentui/react package. (PR #28362 by
Wed, 28 Jun 2023 07:37:34 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Dropdown and ComboBox do not use separator role (PR #27403 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.43 (PR #28335 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.23 (PR #28335 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.30 (PR #28335 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.29 (PR #28335 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.16 (PR #28335 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.34 (PR #28335 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.18 (PR #28335 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.32 (PR #28335 by beachball)
Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:35:49 GMT Compare changes
- fix: change rating in response to keyboard events, not focus events (PR #28303 by
- fix: Calendar uses month-only selection string when only month picker is used (PR #28301 by
Mon, 19 Jun 2023 07:36:38 GMT Compare changes
- chore: migrate to ts 4.7 which wont emit undefined anymore for optional arguments (PR #28067 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.13 (PR #28234 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.42 (PR #28234 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.22 (PR #28234 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.29 (PR #28234 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.28 (PR #28234 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.15 (PR #28234 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.33 (PR #28234 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.17 (PR #28234 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.31 (PR #28234 by beachball)
Wed, 14 Jun 2023 07:38:33 GMT Compare changes
- fix: revert column resize behavior for DetailsList (PR #27418 by
Thu, 08 Jun 2023 07:35:14 GMT Compare changes
- fix: ContextualMenu should not include headers and dividers in ARIA index calculations (PR #28127 by
Wed, 07 Jun 2023 07:33:57 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Layer propagates focus visible classname to its contents (PR #28157 by
Tue, 06 Jun 2023 07:35:19 GMT Compare changes
- add onRenderCellContent to override cell internals (PR #28064 by
- Exposed disabled property in IColorCellProps to allow customers to disable color cells. (PR #28015 by
Mon, 05 Jun 2023 07:37:24 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Dropdown hover high contrast mode colors (PR #27306 by
- MessageBar: Add SmallScreenSelector styles to use grid layout to properly place buttons (PR #28100 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.28 (PR #28125 by beachball)
Thu, 01 Jun 2023 07:38:37 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.41 (PR #28080 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.21 (PR #28080 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.27 (PR #28080 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.27 (PR #28080 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.14 (PR #28080 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.32 (PR #28080 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.16 (PR #28080 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.30 (PR #28080 by beachball)
Wed, 31 May 2023 07:38:39 GMT Compare changes
- fix: tweak type errors exposed in ts 4.5 (PR #27936 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.12 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.40 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.20 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.12 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.26 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.26 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.15 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.11 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.13 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.31 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.15 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.29 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.4.11 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.29 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.3.6 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.1.17 (commit by beachball)
Tue, 30 May 2023 07:36:09 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.11 (PR #27685 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.39 (PR #27685 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.19 (PR #27685 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.11 (PR #27685 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.25 (PR #27685 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.25 (PR #27685 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.14 (PR #27685 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.10 (PR #27685 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.12 (PR #27685 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.30 (PR #27685 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.14 (PR #27685 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.28 (PR #27685 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.4.10 (PR #27685 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.28 (PR #27685 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.3.5 (PR #27685 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.1.16 (PR #27685 by beachball)
Fri, 26 May 2023 07:37:02 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.38 (PR #27929 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.18 (PR #27929 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.24 (PR #27929 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.11 (PR #27929 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.27 (PR #27929 by beachball)
Thu, 25 May 2023 07:37:49 GMT Compare changes
- fix(DialogFooter): Add explicit children to work with React 18. (PR #27987 by
Mon, 22 May 2023 07:38:20 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Links in tab style show focus outline on selected tab (PR #27922 by
Wed, 17 May 2023 07:37:28 GMT Compare changes
- DetailsList has been modified to warn when "getKey" and "selection" props are passed simultaneously. The "getKey" property is never used if a Selection object is passed. Either the "getKey" prop from the Selection object is used, or Selection's default getKey implementation (item) => item.key is used, but never the "getKey" prop passed to DetailsList. Making "getKey" and "selection" mutually exclusive DetailsList properties prevents users from making this mistake. (PR #24048 by
Tue, 09 May 2023 07:38:07 GMT Compare changes
- fix(Coachmark): Fix positioning regression and update bounds on resize. (PR #27782 by
Fri, 05 May 2023 18:14:09 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.10 (PR #27769 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.37 (PR #27769 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.17 (PR #27769 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.10 (PR #27769 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.23 (PR #27769 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.24 (PR #27769 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.13 (PR #27769 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.9 (PR #27769 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.10 (PR #27769 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.29 (PR #27769 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.13 (PR #27769 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.26 (PR #27769 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.4.9 (PR #27769 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.27 (PR #27769 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.3.4 (PR #27769 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.1.15 (PR #27769 by beachball)
Tue, 02 May 2023 22:20:24 GMT Compare changes
- fix: update npmignore files to fix npm8/node16 regression with how npm publish works. (PR #27745 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.36 (PR #27745 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.16 (PR #27745 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.22 (PR #27745 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.23 (PR #27745 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.12 (PR #27745 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.9 (PR #27745 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.28 (PR #27745 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.12 (PR #27745 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.25 (PR #27745 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.3.3 (PR #27745 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.1.14 (PR #27745 by beachball)
Tue, 02 May 2023 00:58:16 GMT Compare changes
- chore: Export DraggableZone component (PR #27569 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.9 (PR #27736 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.35 (PR #27736 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.15 (PR #27736 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.9 (PR #27736 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.21 (PR #27736 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.22 (PR #27736 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.11 (PR #27736 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.8 (PR #27736 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.8 (PR #27736 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.27 (PR #27736 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.11 (PR #27736 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.24 (PR #27736 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.26 (PR #27736 by beachball)
- fix: esm, cjs, and amd folders should all be published correctly. (PR #27736 by
Mon, 01 May 2023 07:39:54 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.8 (PR #27724 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.34 (PR #27724 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.14 (PR #27724 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.8 (PR #27724 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.20 (PR #27724 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.21 (PR #27724 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.10 (PR #27724 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.7 (PR #27724 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.7 (PR #27724 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.26 (PR #27724 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.10 (PR #27724 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.23 (PR #27724 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.4.8 (PR #27724 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.25 (PR #27724 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.3.2 (PR #27724 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.1.13 (PR #27724 by beachball)
Tue, 25 Apr 2023 07:38:31 GMT Compare changes
- feat(TimePicker): Updated TimePicker controlled and uncontrolled props to work correctly. (PR #26482 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.7 (PR #26482 by beachball)
Fri, 21 Apr 2023 07:49:09 GMT Compare changes
- fix: exclude HTMLAttributes defined 'content' for Tooltip and TooltipHost Prop types to mitigate @types/react breaking changes (PR #27467 by
- fix: ContextualMenuSplitButton always sets aria-checked (does not leave it undefined) when it is checkable. (PR #27650 by
Thu, 20 Apr 2023 07:47:56 GMT Compare changes
- fix: DetailsList allows className in focusZoneProps, fix typing for selectionZoneProps (PR #27287 by
- fix: BasePicker selects correct focus target in selected items (PR #27534 by
Mon, 17 Apr 2023 07:40:25 GMT Compare changes
- fix(Callout): Update useMaxHeight to check if the provided maxHeight will make the callout get cut off. (PR #27558 by
Thu, 13 Apr 2023 07:41:10 GMT Compare changes
- fix: the BasePicker with List Below variant now sets aria-describedby pointing to selected values (PR #27525 by
Mon, 10 Apr 2023 07:36:30 GMT Compare changes
- fix: re-implement early List rendering behind prop flag (PR #27002 by
Fri, 07 Apr 2023 07:39:19 GMT Compare changes
- fix: GroupedListV2 properly toggles groups (PR #27420 by
Thu, 06 Apr 2023 07:39:05 GMT Compare changes
- fix: ComboBox updates activeDescendant value (PR #27457 by
Mon, 03 Apr 2023 07:37:18 GMT Compare changes
- fix: ColorPicker preview box updated to ignore forced colors to display chosen color (PR #27394 by
Thu, 30 Mar 2023 07:43:50 GMT Compare changes
- feat: Add blur function to ISearchBox componentRef (PR #27330 by
- Added touch support to ColorPicker (PR #27349 by
Tue, 28 Mar 2023 07:38:26 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Ensure click event object is not passed to calendarDismissed callback in DatePicker. (PR #26022 by
Fri, 24 Mar 2023 22:25:03 GMT Compare changes
- Fix: Fix issue with ComboBox not accepting IME input in allowFreeform (revert PR #26931) (PR #27323 by
Wed, 22 Mar 2023 08:03:46 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Calculating correct gap space when Tooltips have isBeakVisible set to false. (PR #27271 by
Fri, 17 Mar 2023 08:15:56 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.6 (PR #27210 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.33 (PR #27210 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.13 (PR #27210 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.7 (PR #27210 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.19 (PR #27210 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.20 (PR #27210 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.9 (PR #27210 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.6 (PR #27210 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.6 (PR #27210 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.25 (PR #27210 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.9 (PR #27210 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.22 (PR #27210 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.4.7 (PR #27210 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.24 (PR #27210 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.3.1 (PR #27210 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.1.12 (PR #27210 by beachball)
Tue, 14 Mar 2023 07:38:48 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Panel async and events to work in concurrent mode (PR #26749 by
Fri, 10 Mar 2023 07:38:25 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.19 (commit by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.8 (commit by beachball)
Thu, 09 Mar 2023 07:39:12 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.32 (PR #27119 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.12 (PR #27119 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.18 (PR #27119 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.5 (PR #27119 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.21 (PR #27119 by beachball)
Mon, 06 Mar 2023 07:43:04 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.31 (PR #26869 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.11 (PR #26869 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.17 (PR #26869 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.4 (PR #26869 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.20 (PR #26869 by beachball)
Wed, 01 Mar 2023 07:45:41 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.30 (PR #26980 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.10 (PR #26980 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.16 (PR #26980 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.18 (PR #26980 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.7 (PR #26980 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.3 (PR #26980 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.24 (PR #26980 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.8 (PR #26980 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.19 (PR #26980 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.3.0 (PR #26980 by beachball)
Wed, 22 Feb 2023 07:44:35 GMT Compare changes
- fix(ComboBox): fix(react-combobox): Remove _getAriaActiveDescendantValue, compute aria-activedescendantvalue in state, and update currentPendingValue when the options change. (PR #26574 by
- fix: update role and accname for non-hidden icon button (PR #26905 by
Wed, 22 Feb 2023 00:32:22 GMT Compare changes
- Fix: Combobox if value is controlled, we should not update state (PR #26931 by
- fix: Coachmark remove possible recursive loop (PR #26934 by
Sat, 18 Feb 2023 01:37:02 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.29 (PR #26903 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.9 (PR #26903 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.15 (PR #26903 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.17 (PR #26903 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.2 (PR #26903 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.23 (PR #26903 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.7 (PR #26903 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.18 (PR #26903 by beachball)
Fri, 17 Feb 2023 22:05:37 GMT Compare changes
- revert: rollback List rendering change (PR #26896 by
Fri, 17 Feb 2023 07:46:37 GMT Compare changes
- fix: move props object creation to allow for memoization in DetailsList. (PR #26842 by
Wed, 15 Feb 2023 07:42:17 GMT Compare changes
- fix: update cell HCM bg color to not clip focus indicator (PR #26723 by
Mon, 13 Feb 2023 07:37:39 GMT Compare changes
- fix(Datepicker): Set aria-current to date when the day is today instead of when it's selected. (PR #26816 by
Fri, 10 Feb 2023 07:47:23 GMT Compare changes
- Coachmark: re-render and re-calculate bounds when page resizes (PR #26725 by
- fix: Remove override row width style to fix DetailsList layouts. (PR #24096 by
Tue, 07 Feb 2023 07:36:28 GMT Compare changes
- fix(DatePicker): onLoadValidation can be turned off through textField props (PR #25961 by
Mon, 06 Feb 2023 07:41:30 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Combobox/Dropdown multiselect checkbox+label pattern with role=option results in duplicate text (PR #26566 by
Fri, 03 Feb 2023 07:50:06 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.5 (PR #26569 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.28 (PR #26569 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.8 (PR #26569 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.6 (PR #26569 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.14 (PR #26569 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.16 (PR #26569 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.6 (PR #26569 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.5 (PR #26569 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.1 (PR #26569 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.22 (PR #26569 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.6 (PR #26569 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.17 (PR #26569 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.4.6 (PR #26569 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.23 (PR #26569 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.2.6 (PR #26569 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.1.11 (PR #26569 by beachball)
Thu, 02 Feb 2023 07:35:41 GMT Compare changes
- fix: ContextualMenu label was missing overflow hidden (PR #26591 by
- [DatePicker] fix default date parser converting dates to UTC implicitly (PR #25962 by
Wed, 01 Feb 2023 07:39:52 GMT Compare changes
- fix: splitbutton should not refocus trigger after touch event (PR #26572 by
- fix: Dropdown option focus in high contrast mode should not be cut off by the popup (PR #26573 by
Mon, 30 Jan 2023 07:36:22 GMT Compare changes
- fix: remove invalid extra checkbox at end of DetailsRow (PR #26519 by
Fri, 27 Jan 2023 07:37:50 GMT Compare changes
- fix(SplitButton): No pointer events on focus ring (PR #25088 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.27 (PR #26520 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.7 (PR #26520 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.13 (PR #26520 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.9.0 (PR #26520 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.16 (PR #26520 by beachball)
Thu, 26 Jan 2023 07:35:31 GMT Compare changes
- Fix: add relative position to BasePicker to fix absolute position child bug (PR #26490 by
Wed, 18 Jan 2023 07:42:13 GMT Compare changes
- fix: added border with correct contrast ratio in HC in MessageBar (PR #26221 by
Wed, 11 Jan 2023 07:50:54 GMT Compare changes
- Set correct defaultRender for no results found (PR #26267 by
Tue, 10 Jan 2023 07:50:15 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.4 (PR #26260 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.26 (PR #26260 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.6 (PR #26260 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.5 (PR #26260 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.12 (PR #26260 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.15 (PR #26260 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.5 (PR #26260 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.4 (PR #26260 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.8.5 (PR #26260 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.21 (PR #26260 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.5 (PR #26260 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.15 (PR #26260 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.4.5 (PR #26260 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.22 (PR #26260 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.2.5 (PR #26260 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.1.10 (PR #26260 by beachball)
Mon, 09 Jan 2023 07:49:45 GMT Compare changes
- fix: set focus visibility className on correct element when calling setFocusVisibility directly (PR #26132 by
Thu, 05 Jan 2023 07:59:51 GMT Compare changes
- Fix the react errors when we set the ThemeProvider as a React.Fragment to remove the root div, issue: 16633 (PR #26160 by
- fix: remove Pickers live announcement text after timeout (PR #26055 by
- fix: Stopping className being unset in inner Stacks. (PR #26169 by
Fri, 23 Dec 2022 07:55:40 GMT Compare changes
- fix: ComboBox button is not aria-hidden by default (PR #26050 by
Wed, 21 Dec 2022 07:47:36 GMT Compare changes
- chore: export GroupedListV2 types (PR #26052 by
Tue, 20 Dec 2022 07:53:33 GMT Compare changes
- chore: Updating cdn links to match latest. (PR #26005 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.25 (PR #26005 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.5 (PR #26005 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.11 (PR #26005 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.8.4 (PR #26005 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.20 (PR #26005 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.14 (PR #26005 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.4.4 (PR #26005 by beachball)
Fri, 16 Dec 2022 07:50:07 GMT Compare changes
- fix: drag and drop column reorder for grouped DetailsList (PR #26015 by
Tue, 13 Dec 2022 07:46:30 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Grouped DetailsList alignment and cell count when CollapseAllVisibility is hidden (PR #25957 by
- fix: Autofill only sets input selectionRange if input is in focus" (PR #25971 by
Fri, 09 Dec 2022 07:54:30 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Removing weird hover style on first option in multiselect Comboboxes. (PR #25947 by
- fix: Stopping autocomplete in Combobox from suggesting disabled options. (PR #25909 by
Thu, 08 Dec 2022 07:46:37 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Always give panel header a background color, even before resize. (PR #25665 by
Mon, 05 Dec 2022 07:54:46 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Make Buttons align correctly when put inside of DialogFooter. (PR #25884 by
- remove the unecessary extra specificity and styles in hover and focus styles (PR #25834 by
Fri, 02 Dec 2022 07:54:14 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Fixing Slider's programmatic focus. (PR #25869 by
- fix: Respecting user-provided ids in ComboBox options. (PR #25867 by
Wed, 30 Nov 2022 07:46:31 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Allow data-selection-disabled to be respected by DetailsRow. (PR #25836 by
Thu, 24 Nov 2022 07:53:48 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Revert fix for margin added by safari. (PR #25759 by
- fix: prevent infinite loop when Picker has itemLimit=0 (PR #25557 by
Wed, 23 Nov 2022 07:54:36 GMT Compare changes
- fix: TooltipHost calls onRenderContent without passing props (PR #25726 by
Tue, 22 Nov 2022 07:47:00 GMT Compare changes
- feat: add allowFreeInput to ComboBox, to allow typing while the combobox is in focus (PR #25602 by
- fix: Deprecate the ContextualMenu componentRef because it has no public methods (PR #25499 by
Thu, 17 Nov 2022 07:51:43 GMT Compare changes
- fix: pickers limit keyboard navigation to resultsMaximumNumber. (PR #25638 by
- fix: FloatingPeoplePicker roles should be listbox/option (PR #25641 by
Wed, 16 Nov 2022 07:47:29 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Making Stack properly render non-ReactElement children. (PR #25685 by
- fix: set correct aria-posinset and aria-rowindex values on GroupedListV2 (PR #25520 by
Tue, 15 Nov 2022 07:44:59 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.24 (PR #25643 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.4 (PR #25643 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.10 (PR #25643 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.14 (PR #25643 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.8.3 (PR #25643 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.19 (PR #25643 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.4 (PR #25643 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.13 (PR #25643 by beachball)
Wed, 09 Nov 2022 07:48:12 GMT Compare changes
- This change removes top-level export * from the index.js of @fluentui/react, which was implicitly exporting duplicates of symbols. Changing to explicit exports means that the export * as the top level barrel file can't introduce duplicate names. This works around an issue identified in esbuild: evanw/esbuild#2658 (PR #25545 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.3 (PR #25564 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.23 (PR #25564 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.3 (PR #25564 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.4 (PR #25564 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.9 (PR #25564 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.13 (PR #25564 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.4 (PR #25564 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.3 (PR #25564 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.8.2 (PR #25564 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.18 (PR #25564 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.3 (PR #25564 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.12 (PR #25564 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.4.3 (PR #25564 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.21 (PR #25564 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.2.4 (PR #25564 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.1.9 (PR #25564 by beachball)
Fri, 04 Nov 2022 07:48:06 GMT Compare changes
- Make callbacks able to take one param type or the other rather than requiring both. (PR #25475 by
Thu, 03 Nov 2022 07:52:12 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Preventing blanket selectors from Fabric component from being applied via new preventBlanketFontInheritance prop. (PR #25453 by
Tue, 01 Nov 2022 07:49:22 GMT Compare changes
- feat: update List to render children on first render() call (PR #25331 by
Mon, 31 Oct 2022 07:45:40 GMT Compare changes
- chore: Reducing bundle size of Stack by moving selector used in multiple places to local const. (PR #25429 by
Fri, 28 Oct 2022 07:45:07 GMT Compare changes
- feat: Add enableScopedSelectors prop to Stack that, when true, makes the Stack styles selectors be more scoped to not be as expensive in style recalculation. (PR #25397 by
- Allow empty string as valid value for text property of ComboBox (PR #24665 by
- fix: Allowing DatePicker to be focusable within FocusZones by default. (PR #25428 by
Wed, 26 Oct 2022 07:52:53 GMT Compare changes
- fix: add support for HTML defails element (PR #25324 by
- fix: Improve Stack's style recalculation performance by selectively applying children selectors. (PR #25381 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.8 (PR #25381 by beachball)
Tue, 25 Oct 2022 07:43:18 GMT Compare changes
- fix: DetailsList is still tabbable when header is not visible (PR #25342 by
Mon, 24 Oct 2022 07:45:24 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Fixing color of disabled links in High Contrast mode. (PR #25344 by
- fix: GroupedListV2 state/prop updates trigger re-renders the same as GroupedList (PR #25301 by
Fri, 21 Oct 2022 07:44:53 GMT Compare changes
- Pass onRenderItem to Dropdown's onRenderContainer to allow use of onRenderList with default or custom onRenderItem (PR #25255 by
Thu, 20 Oct 2022 07:43:14 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.22 (PR #25294 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.2 (PR #25294 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.7 (PR #25294 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.12 (PR #25294 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.3 (PR #25294 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.8.1 (PR #25294 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.17 (PR #25294 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.2 (PR #25294 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.11 (PR #25294 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.2.3 (PR #25294 by beachball)
Mon, 17 Oct 2022 07:49:17 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Panel should only aria hide siblings when isOpen is true (PR #25223 by
Fri, 14 Oct 2022 07:43:59 GMT Compare changes
- chore: Bump v8 packages peer deps to include React 18 (PR #24976 by
Thu, 13 Oct 2022 07:45:27 GMT Compare changes
- docs: add @docCategory documentation comment to TimePicker (PR #25175 by
- ContextualMenu: Fix focus returning to correct element on menu close (PR #25063 by
Mon, 10 Oct 2022 07:38:22 GMT Compare changes
- fix: DetailsList should collapse columns even with horizontal scroll, and the CustomColumns example should not hide all columns (PR #24959 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.21 (PR #25138 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.1 (PR #25138 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.6 (PR #25138 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.8.0 (PR #25138 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.10 (PR #25138 by beachball)
- fix: Tooltip should not hide if an element inside it gets focused. (PR #25140 by
- fix: do not append first of month day letter after day name (PR #25003 by
- fix: Remove border in hover/pressed state of primary SplitButton. (PR #25059 by
- fix: Removing background color for Primary SplitButton's menu button in HCM. (PR #25066 by
Tue, 04 Oct 2022 07:45:02 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Removing 2px margin that Safari adds to all buttons. (PR #25052 by
Mon, 03 Oct 2022 07:37:49 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.5.0 (PR #25022 by beachball)
Fri, 30 Sep 2022 07:38:08 GMT Compare changes
- chore: support ID prop in Calendar (PR #25013 by
Thu, 29 Sep 2022 07:40:08 GMT Compare changes
- fix: MessageBar actions contrast in high contrast mode (PR #24977 by
- fix: DetailsList adds DetailsFooter to rowcount if provided (PR #24983 by
- chore: export useViewport via lib/Viewport (PR #24995 by
Wed, 28 Sep 2022 07:37:48 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Dropdown no longer sets incorrect and unnecessary aria-activedescendant (PR #24593 by
Thu, 22 Sep 2022 07:43:45 GMT Compare changes
- @fluentui/react: allowing Popup configuration on Modal component (PR #24693 by
Mon, 19 Sep 2022 07:47:29 GMT Compare changes
- feat: improve groupedlist virtualization (PR #24460 by
- fix: Add explicit children prop to TeachingBubble to support React 18 (PR #24823 by
Fri, 16 Sep 2022 07:37:31 GMT Compare changes
- Ensure toggling group state does not select it (PR #24822 by
Thu, 15 Sep 2022 19:15:25 GMT Compare changes
- All /lib-commonjs/ top-level entries have been added to the exports map for backwards compatibility. (PR #24792 by
- fix: update version mismatches triggered by v9 release (PR #24812 by
Tue, 13 Sep 2022 07:41:02 GMT Compare changes
- fix: remove readonly semantics from DetailsList (PR #24615 by
Thu, 08 Sep 2022 20:52:15 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Coachmarks now properly animate when used in any of the center positions (PR #24702 by
- Fix null-ref in useSlider() when unmounts before mouseUp fires (PR #24728 by
Wed, 07 Sep 2022 07:54:43 GMT Compare changes
- fix: update basepicker styles to show ellipsis when placeholder is shown (PR #24681 by
Mon, 05 Sep 2022 07:38:29 GMT Compare changes
- Update Suggestions loading aria for extended Picker loading (PR #24243 by
- fix: Fix Dropdown item styles to correctly apply hover styles even when focus is on another page (PR #24600 by
Fri, 02 Sep 2022 07:48:52 GMT Compare changes
- chore: export ButtonGlobalClassNames from classnames file (PR #24624 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.20 (PR #24394 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.4.13 (PR #24394 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.5 (PR #24394 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.11 (PR #24394 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.7.12 (PR #24394 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.16 (PR #24394 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.1 (PR #24394 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.9 (PR #24394 by beachball)
Thu, 01 Sep 2022 07:48:10 GMT Compare changes
- chore: Fix people picker focused styles (PR #24596 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.19 (PR #24599 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.4.12 (PR #24599 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.4 (PR #24599 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.7.11 (PR #24599 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.8 (PR #24599 by beachball)
Mon, 29 Aug 2022 07:44:37 GMT Compare changes
- feat: Add layerProps to PositioningContainer and TeachingBubble (PR #24549 by
- Fix backwards compatibility of Group Selection changes (PR #24554 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.18 (PR #24554 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.4.11 (PR #24554 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.3 (PR #24554 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.10 (PR #24554 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.7.10 (PR #24554 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.15 (PR #24554 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.13.0 (PR #24554 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.7 (PR #24554 by beachball)
Fri, 26 Aug 2022 07:39:57 GMT Compare changes
- fix: make picker items clickable, while moving focus on close button after click (PR #24492 by
- fix: Respect insertFirst in Modal if passed in (PR #24528 by
Thu, 25 Aug 2022 07:41:02 GMT Compare changes
- Added exports of GroupedList utils in v8 (PR #24515 by
- Added layer notification exports (PR #24485 by
- Added exports to pickers (PR #24509 by
- Added exports for TextField getStyles (PR #24511 by
Wed, 24 Aug 2022 16:36:06 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.17 (PR #24485 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.4.10 (PR #24485 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.2 (PR #24485 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.9 (PR #24485 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.7.9 (PR #24485 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.14 (PR #24485 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.6 (PR #24485 by beachball)
Wed, 24 Aug 2022 07:44:41 GMT Compare changes
- Exported getActivityItemStyles and getActivityItemClassNaes (PR #24475 by
- Exported getCommandBarStyles and getCommandButtonStyles (PR #24478 by
- Added exports for ContextualMenu getItemStyles and getItemClassNames (PR #24484 by
Tue, 23 Aug 2022 07:22:50 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Add React 17 support. (PR #24356 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.16 (PR #24332 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.4.9 (PR #24332 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.1 (PR #24332 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.8 (PR #24332 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.7.8 (PR #24332 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.13 (PR #24332 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.5 (PR #24332 by beachball)
Mon, 22 Aug 2022 07:44:26 GMT Compare changes
- @fluentui/react: Adding TextField style file to export map (PR #24399 by
- fix: Resolved ref issue causing tag items to not be selectable or deletable. Fixed styles to show selection without focus (PR #24434 by
Thu, 18 Aug 2022 23:39:29 GMT Compare changes
- FocusZone: enable focus to be able to bypass hidden elements (PR #24406 by
- feat: Explicit exports for common-styles sass files copied into react package (PR #24361 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.15 (PR #24406 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.4.8 (PR #24406 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.8.0 (PR #24406 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.7 (PR #24406 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.7.7 (PR #24406 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.12 (PR #24406 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.12.0 (PR #24406 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.4 (PR #24406 by beachball)
- fix: Make focus rects visible again in Combobox (PR #24340 by
Thu, 18 Aug 2022 07:48:47 GMT Compare changes
- feat: Allow IChoiceGroupOption in callback signatures (PR #24242 by
- fix: add items prop to state to fix issue 23135 (PR #24385 by
- fix(List): solve stale props problem with getPageSpecification (PR #24353 by
Mon, 15 Aug 2022 07:39:40 GMT Compare changes
- Support range selection from Group headers (PR #24278 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.14 (PR #24359 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.4.7 (PR #24359 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.7.8 (PR #24359 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.6 (PR #24359 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.7.6 (PR #24359 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.11 (PR #24359 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.11.0 (PR #24359 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.3 (PR #24359 by beachball)
Fri, 12 Aug 2022 07:48:18 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Remove caret from regex to correctly detect if the browser is Edge. (PR #24337 by
Mon, 08 Aug 2022 20:28:21 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Make focus rects visible inside of ContextualMenu (PR #24261 by
Mon, 08 Aug 2022 07:39:32 GMT Compare changes
- feat(Pivot): add overflowButtonAs prop to allow overflow button customization. (PR #24196 by
- feat: add popupProps to Callout (PR #24212 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.2 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.13 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.4.6 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.3 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.7.7 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.5 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.2 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.2 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.7.5 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.10 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.10.2 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.2 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.4.2 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.20 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.2.2 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.1.8 (PR #24212 by beachball)
- fix: Breadcrumb overflowbutton focus outline now visible in HCM. (PR #24234 by
Thu, 04 Aug 2022 07:42:12 GMT Compare changes
- create focus queue for multi level contextual menus (PR #24131 by
- task: fix precopy in react in include files from the correct folder (PR #24215 by
Tue, 02 Aug 2022 18:04:49 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.7.6 (PR #24175 by beachball)
Tue, 02 Aug 2022 07:44:44 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Miscellaneous TS fixes for React 18 usage. (PR #24148 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.12 (PR #24032 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.4.5 (PR #24032 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.7.5 (PR #24032 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.4 (PR #24032 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.7.4 (PR #24032 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.9 (PR #24032 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.10.1 (PR #24032 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.1 (PR #24032 by beachball)
Mon, 01 Aug 2022 07:39:02 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Make use parent FocusRectsContext so that only the outermost Fabric/ThemeProvider element in a tree is the only one being targetted by focus visibility classnames and event listeners. (PR #24150 by
- fix(TagPicker): focus outline for TagItem remove button now meets required contrast ratio. (PR #24126 by
Fri, 29 Jul 2022 07:41:56 GMT Compare changes
- fix: update DetailsRow and GroupHeader to only expose treegrid semantics when used within GroupedList (PR #24109 by
Thu, 28 Jul 2022 07:41:17 GMT Compare changes
- feat: Making Fabric component an element to which to attach focus rects classnames and event listeners. (PR #24110 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.3 (PR #24093 by beachball)
Wed, 27 Jul 2022 07:37:42 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Change modal isModeless to only effect pointer events, not layout. (PR #24074 by
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.2.0 (PR #24055 by beachball)
Tue, 26 Jul 2022 07:39:34 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Scope focus visible classnames and event listeners to ThemeProvider by default, and to the window body as a fallback. (PR #24025 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.11 (PR #24068 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.4.4 (PR #24068 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.7.4 (PR #24068 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.2 (PR #24068 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.7.3 (PR #24068 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.8 (PR #24068 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.10.0 (PR #24068 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.1.3 (PR #24068 by beachball)
Mon, 25 Jul 2022 07:36:55 GMT Compare changes
- fix: update TooltipHost to use onRenderContent in description text (PR #24037 by
Fri, 22 Jul 2022 07:54:16 GMT Compare changes
- feat(Nav): Add role property to override navigation ARIA role. (PR #24012 by
Thu, 21 Jul 2022 07:49:17 GMT Compare changes
- fix: TagPicker no longer reads remove when narrating list of selected tags (PR #24009 by
Wed, 20 Jul 2022 07:42:27 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Improve step handling for invalid intermediate SpinButton values (PR #23993 by
- fix: update CommandBar cacheKey computation to include farItems (PR #23973 by
Tue, 19 Jul 2022 07:41:07 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Update Nav to not use separate labels for expand/collapse state. (PR #23968 by
Fri, 15 Jul 2022 20:03:47 GMT Compare changes
- chore: Fixing dependency mismatch due to @fluentui/react-portal-compat-context bump. (PR #23945 by
Thu, 14 Jul 2022 07:45:34 GMT Compare changes
- Exporting setLayerHostSelector method to configure the default layerhost selector. This allows partners to opt back into the old behavior of appending layers to the body. (PR #23753 by email not defined)
Tue, 12 Jul 2022 07:40:59 GMT Compare changes
- feat: Re-export canUseDOM from @fluentui/utilities and remove setSSR from withResponsiveMode tests. (PR #23847 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.10 (PR #23848 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.4.3 (PR #23848 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.7.3 (PR #23848 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.1 (PR #23848 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.7.2 (PR #23848 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.7 (PR #23848 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.9.0 (PR #23848 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.1.2 (PR #23848 by beachball)
- fix(Combobox): Only set newPendingValue if there is not a matching option and the pendingValue changed. (PR #23824 by
- feat: add list utilities for reading and writing scroll values (PR #23813 by
- feat: Allow SelectionZone attributes to disallow behaviors. (PR #23848 by
Fri, 08 Jul 2022 07:36:28 GMT Compare changes
- Add optional improveCSSPerformance prop to Shimmer (PR #23728 by
- fix(Dropdown): narrator announcing hidden items as selectable (PR #23755 by
Thu, 07 Jul 2022 07:37:21 GMT Compare changes
- Handle when FocusTrapZone wraps an iframe (PR #23792 by
Wed, 06 Jul 2022 07:38:24 GMT Compare changes
- feat: Adding focusZoneProps support for Nav. (PR #23806 by
- fix(Checkbox): add indeterminate value to inputRef (PR #23772 by
Thu, 30 Jun 2022 07:40:48 GMT Compare changes
- feat: Updating Slider to support ariaLabel prop. (PR #23776 by
Tue, 28 Jun 2022 07:39:04 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.9 (PR #23683 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.4.2 (PR #23683 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.7.2 (PR #23683 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.7.1 (PR #23683 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.1.1 (PR #23683 by beachball)
Fri, 24 Jun 2022 07:43:32 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.7.1 (PR #23440 by beachball)
Mon, 20 Jun 2022 07:45:12 GMT Compare changes
- feat: Allow
as value for choice group selected key (PR #23518 by
Fri, 17 Jun 2022 07:41:59 GMT Compare changes
- make row count zero when placeholder data is true because header will still render (PR #23523 by
Wed, 15 Jun 2022 21:38:03 GMT Compare changes
- feat: Adding focusTrapZoneProps to Modal so we can customize inner FocusTrapZone. (PR #23563 by
Wed, 15 Jun 2022 07:40:21 GMT Compare changes
- fix: Adding close button to Dropdown list when it opens as a panel. (PR #23524 by
- handle entering key pressing in contenteditable element in SelectionZone (PR #23472 by
Tue, 14 Jun 2022 07:52:11 GMT Compare changes
- feat: adds keyboard overrides to SelectionZone and DetailsList (PR #23487 by
Mon, 13 Jun 2022 07:39:07 GMT Compare changes
- FocusTrapZone: deprecate ignoreExternalFocusing in favor of disableRestoreFocus, and fix bugs with handling prop changes (PR #22500 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.6.0 (PR #23493 by beachball)
- move Calendar day focus styles to correct element (PR #23311 by
Fri, 10 Jun 2022 07:46:13 GMT Compare changes
- add isSelectedOnFocus prop to DetailsList (PR #23467 by
- Calendar/Datepicker: add preventDefault to FocusZone keys to prevent page scroll when hitting bounds (PR #23441 by
- set defaultMode to responsive mode provided as props, so that in error scenarios we can fallback to this mode (PR #23402 by
- fix: Persona no longer renders empty divs for secondaryText, tertiaryText, and optionalText if not present (PR #23401 by
Thu, 09 Jun 2022 07:45:28 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.7.0 (PR #23445 by beachball)
Tue, 07 Jun 2022 07:48:02 GMT Compare changes
- Only stop esc key propagation when picker is open (PR #23337 by
- Update high-contrast mixins to support forced-colors (PR #23285 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.8 (PR #23266 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.4.1 (PR #23266 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.6.1 (PR #23266 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.7.0 (PR #23266 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.1.0 (PR #23266 by beachball)
Thu, 02 Jun 2022 07:38:04 GMT Compare changes
- update Layer to use getDocument instead of WindowContext document (PR #23052 by
Wed, 01 Jun 2022 07:38:24 GMT Compare changes
- allow for showing a sortable icon and sortable aria-label on an unsorted but sortable column in a DetailsList (PR #22947 by
Mon, 30 May 2022 07:44:12 GMT Compare changes
- Fixed bug where className changes in List props does not cause a rerender (PR #23126 by
Fri, 27 May 2022 07:39:11 GMT Compare changes
- update splitbutton styles so inner buttons stretch to fill root button container (PR #23051 by
Wed, 25 May 2022 07:44:28 GMT Compare changes
- Fixing the PlainCard styles export to have the correct path. This never worked before, so I consider it a minor change. (PR #23201 by
Tue, 24 May 2022 07:47:25 GMT Compare changes
- feat: Bump @fluentui/react-portal-compat to 9.0.0-rc.3 (PR #23138 by
Mon, 23 May 2022 07:42:16 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.6.0 (PR #23103 by beachball)
Thu, 19 May 2022 07:41:27 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.4.0 (PR #23069 by beachball)
Tue, 17 May 2022 07:45:01 GMT Compare changes
- fix Pivot a11y issue: aria-selected not allowed on menuitems (PR #23022 by
Mon, 16 May 2022 07:36:55 GMT Compare changes
- Updated to add missing exports (PR #22990 by
Fri, 13 May 2022 07:45:34 GMT Compare changes
- add compatibility with components from @fluentui/react-components (PR #22541 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.1 (PR #22966 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.7 (PR #22966 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.3.3 (PR #22966 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.2 (PR #22966 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.5.8 (PR #22966 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.5.5 (PR #22966 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.1 (PR #22966 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.1 (PR #22966 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.6.7 (PR #22966 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.6 (PR #22966 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.8.3 (PR #22966 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.39 (PR #22966 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.4.1 (PR #22966 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.19 (PR #22966 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.2.1 (PR #22966 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.1.7 (PR #22966 by beachball)
Wed, 11 May 2022 07:42:46 GMT Compare changes
- Updated to scroll to pending selected element (PR #22907 by
Mon, 09 May 2022 07:37:41 GMT Compare changes
- Combobox: Fix issue where the ariaLabel was intended to be used as the preview text but it wasn't showing up (PR #22826 by
Thu, 28 Apr 2022 07:39:55 GMT Compare changes
- fix live regions in Calendar for JAWS (PR #22643 by
Wed, 27 Apr 2022 07:43:07 GMT Compare changes
- Fix HCM disabled checkmarks (PR #22641 by
- fix screen reader issues on calendar navigation buttons and combobox (PR #22613 by
- change ie11 fix from star selector to span to avoid perf issues (PR #22642 by
Mon, 25 Apr 2022 07:37:24 GMT Compare changes
- DocumentCard: parent container is no longer focusable and now has role=group to improve a11y experience (PR #21461 by
- Fix memory leak in makeStyles by counting references (PR #22555 by
- add focus styles to DocumentCardTitle (PR #22612 by
Thu, 21 Apr 2022 07:36:48 GMT Compare changes
- update contextmenu to focus submenu containers on click or hover (PR #22577 by
Wed, 20 Apr 2022 07:39:22 GMT Compare changes
- Fix issue where focus outline was not showing for toggle button in IE11 (PR #21618 by
- icon of group header is not shrink (PR #22020 by
- Moves onScroll method on ScrollablePane from root to container (PR #20123 by
Tue, 19 Apr 2022 21:39:15 GMT Compare changes
- add dismissMenu prop to Dropdown (PR #22535 by
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.3.2 (PR #22550 by beachball)
- Adding neutralSecondaryAlt to Theming designer and 'dedeprecating' it from Fabric slots. (PR #22529 by email not defined)
Mon, 18 Apr 2022 07:38:03 GMT Compare changes
- Fixed onRenderOption docs to note that regular AND header types are affected (PR #22513 by
- Panel: fix extra margin when custom navigation is used (PR #22524 by
- Nav: Remove duplicative active focus styles from chevron (PR #22514 by
- ContextualMenu: Fix high contrast colors (PR #22518 by
Fri, 15 Apr 2022 07:42:46 GMT Compare changes
- fix ariaLabel and ariaLabelForGrid weirdness, add deprecation warning for shouldApplyApplicationRole (PR #22436 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.6 (PR #22499 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.3.1 (PR #22499 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.1 (PR #22499 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.5.7 (PR #22499 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.5.4 (PR #22499 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.6.6 (PR #22499 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.5 (PR #22499 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.8.2 (PR #22499 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.38 (PR #22499 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.18 (PR #22499 by beachball)
- Fixing onScrollToItem in ComboBox by using the getPendingSelectedIndex instead of checking state. (PR #22505 by email not defined)
- Updating TeachingBubble to follow best practices, with primary action being on the left and secondary action on the right (PR #22473 by email not defined)
- ContextualMenu: Focus container by default when opened by click event. (PR #22499 by
- Fixed Dialogs ability to be draggable (PR #22481 by
- Fix makestyles to re-register styles for objects upon theme change, and fix memory leak where we keep copy of window (PR #22493 by
Thu, 14 Apr 2022 07:38:09 GMT Compare changes
- Moved focus pivot styles to only effect links not in overflow (PR #22490 by
- Dropdown: Fixing issue where, if previous/next tabbable element is inside FocusZone then tabbing with Dropdown open will skip it. (PR #22488 by
- Added onScroll callback for calloutProps in ComboBox. (PR #22501 by email not defined)
Tue, 12 Apr 2022 07:39:33 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.3.0 (PR #22439 by beachball)
Mon, 11 Apr 2022 07:40:57 GMT Compare changes
- fix(react): Panel - make theming work and sticky styling consistent (PR #22408 by
Wed, 06 Apr 2022 07:34:57 GMT Compare changes
- Change combobox aria-autocomplete to 'list' when autoComplete is off (PR #22271 by
Mon, 04 Apr 2022 20:01:03 GMT Compare changes
- New layers are now rendered within a container element. This means that injecting things like ContextualMenu will have less DOM layout recomputes, resulting in better performance. (PR #22295 by
Thu, 31 Mar 2022 07:38:07 GMT Compare changes
- adjust slider styles to match contrast ratios (PR #22256 by
Wed, 30 Mar 2022 07:38:54 GMT Compare changes
- Allow DetailsRow rendering to be customized based on row state (PR #22081 by
- Respect isDayPickerVisible prop in Calendar on mobile (PR #22110 by
- Fix Tooltip to better support iOS VoiceOver (PR #22216 by
Mon, 28 Mar 2022 07:47:27 GMT Compare changes
- Dropdown: Fixing issue where tabbing once focused on the Dropdown options would restore focus to the current Dropdown instead of going to the next/previous focusable elements. (PR #22197 by
Fri, 25 Mar 2022 07:38:05 GMT Compare changes
- Fixed secondary text styling in PeoplePicker Personas when displayed in the input. (PR #22200 by
Wed, 23 Mar 2022 07:37:29 GMT Compare changes
- Rating: add focus outlines (PR #22184 by
Mon, 21 Mar 2022 07:39:45 GMT Compare changes
- Adding style files to export maps. (PR #22161 by
Fri, 18 Mar 2022 07:42:02 GMT Compare changes
- Stack: Adding basis prop to mimick flexBasis CSS property. (PR #19053 by
Wed, 16 Mar 2022 07:38:50 GMT Compare changes
- Combobox: Adding fixes for onChange and onPendingValueChanged callbacks. (PR #22097 by
- Add proper ARIA role to overflow Pivot items (PR #22022 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.5.6 (PR #21960 by beachball)
Tue, 15 Mar 2022 07:45:54 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.5 (PR #22094 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.2.5 (PR #22094 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.5.5 (PR #22094 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.5.3 (PR #22094 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.6.5 (PR #22094 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.4 (PR #22094 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.8.1 (PR #22094 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.37 (PR #22094 by beachball)
Sat, 12 Mar 2022 01:04:49 GMT Compare changes
- Adding sass import to sass core references file. (PR #22077 by
Fri, 11 Mar 2022 19:51:48 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.5.0 (PR #22074 by beachball)
Fri, 11 Mar 2022 07:34:41 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.4 (PR #22047 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.2.4 (PR #22047 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.5.0 (PR #22047 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.5.4 (PR #22047 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.5.2 (PR #22047 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.6.4 (PR #22047 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.3 (PR #22047 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.8.0 (PR #22047 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.36 (PR #22047 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.17 (PR #22047 by beachball)
Thu, 10 Mar 2022 07:34:50 GMT Compare changes
- ContextualMenu: Removing unused paramater in openSubMenu calls. (PR #22040 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.3 (PR #22043 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.2.3 (PR #22043 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.5.3 (PR #22043 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.6.3 (PR #22043 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.2 (PR #22043 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.35 (PR #22043 by beachball)
Wed, 09 Mar 2022 07:37:29 GMT Compare changes
- Update styling in ContextualMenu to allow primary text to remain visible on overflow (PR #21934 by
- Add onClick logic to container div so that it focuses back on item when you hit the item limit. (PR #22008 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.2 (PR #22008 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.2.2 (PR #22008 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.5.2 (PR #22008 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.5.1 (PR #22008 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.6.2 (PR #22008 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.1 (PR #22008 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.7.0 (PR #22008 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.34 (PR #22008 by beachball)
Tue, 08 Mar 2022 23:29:58 GMT Compare changes
- Expose LayerHost element directly to Layer (PR #21812 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.1 (PR #22006 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.2.1 (PR #22006 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.5.1 (PR #22006 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.6.1 (PR #22006 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.6.0 (PR #22006 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.33 (PR #22006 by beachball)
Tue, 08 Mar 2022 07:35:07 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.5.0 (PR #21700 by beachball)
Mon, 07 Mar 2022 07:41:13 GMT Compare changes
- add ariaLabel to ProgressIndicator (PR #21950 by
- Respect shouldFocusOnContainer prop if it is set when opening menu via click (PR #21965 by
Fri, 04 Mar 2022 07:42:05 GMT Compare changes
- Update onRenderIcon docs to warn of render condition (PR #21942 by
Thu, 03 Mar 2022 07:24:27 GMT Compare changes
- Adding explicit export maps on all consumer packages for FUIR 8 and 9. (PR #21508 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.4.0 (PR #21919 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.2.0 (PR #21919 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.2.0 (PR #21919 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.4.0 (PR #21919 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.4.0 (PR #21919 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.5.0 (PR #21919 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.2.0 (PR #21919 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.2.0 (PR #21919 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.6.0 (PR #21919 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.5.0 (PR #21919 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.6.0 (PR #21919 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.32 (PR #21919 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.4.0 (PR #21919 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.16 (PR #21919 by beachball)
- picker spinners have aria label properly applied (PR #21923 by
Wed, 02 Mar 2022 07:23:05 GMT Compare changes
- move from scrollWidth to bounding rect to support scaled content (PR #21897 by
- Panel: Only mark siblings as aria-hidden when open (PR #21867 by
Tue, 01 Mar 2022 07:23:42 GMT Compare changes
- ContextualMenu, Image, Keytips, Layer, MaskedTextField: Use useIsomorphicLayoutEffect instead of useLayoutEffect to avoid warnings in SSR (PR #21899 by
- Add color: inherit to year button so that it gets color from header container (PR #21896 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.25 (PR #21852 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.26 (PR #21852 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.21 (PR #21852 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.4.0 (PR #21852 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.5.8 (PR #21852 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.4.12 (PR #21852 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.5.0 (PR #21852 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.31 (PR #21852 by beachball)
Thu, 24 Feb 2022 07:29:50 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.24 (PR #21837 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.25 (PR #21837 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.20 (PR #21837 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.3.14 (PR #21837 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.5.7 (PR #21837 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.4.11 (PR #21837 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.4.3 (PR #21837 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.30 (PR #21837 by beachball)
Wed, 23 Feb 2022 07:26:36 GMT Compare changes
- ContextualMenu: Add prop that allows users to wrap a custom tooltip around each menu item button. (PR #21707 by
Thu, 17 Feb 2022 07:28:31 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.23 (PR #21777 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.24 (PR #21777 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.19 (PR #21777 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.3.13 (PR #21777 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.5.6 (PR #21777 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.4.10 (PR #21777 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.4.2 (PR #21777 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.29 (PR #21777 by beachball)
Mon, 14 Feb 2022 07:26:36 GMT Compare changes
- Add visually hidden content to grid cells to fix iOS VoiceOver bug (PR #21705 by
- Fix aria-labelledby on div element missing reference (PR #21549 by
Fri, 11 Feb 2022 07:27:47 GMT Compare changes
- Don't hide siblings for modeless modals. Use the same modalization method in FocusTrapZone and Popup. (PR #21642 by
- Combobox now supports aria-describedby and aria-labelledby properly (PR #21661 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.22 (PR #21706 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.23 (PR #21706 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.18 (PR #21706 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.3.12 (PR #21706 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.5.5 (PR #21706 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.4.9 (PR #21706 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.4.1 (PR #21706 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.28 (PR #21706 by beachball)
Thu, 10 Feb 2022 07:32:10 GMT Compare changes
- Facepile: Add onRenderPersonaWrapper prop which wraps clickable Personas. (PR #21347 by
- SelectionZone: Add prop to disable default behavior that clears selection when clicking on non-toggle surface. (PR #21641 by
Wed, 09 Feb 2022 07:30:48 GMT Compare changes
- SwatchColorPicker: add event param to event handlers (PR #21635 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.21 (PR #21603 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.22 (PR #21603 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.17 (PR #21603 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.3.11 (PR #21603 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.5.4 (PR #21603 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.4.8 (PR #21603 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.4.0 (PR #21603 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.27 (PR #21603 by beachball)
- do not render area attributes without valid values (PR #21657 by
- Add deprecation notice (PR #21547 by
Tue, 08 Feb 2022 07:25:33 GMT Compare changes
- Add enableAriaHiddenSiblings to Popup and Dialog and respect it in Modal (PR #21110 by
- Callout: prevent data props from being used twice (PR #21639 by
- ContextualMenu: delayUpdateFocusOnHover is now working correctly so menu items are no longer focused on mouse hover. (PR #21528 by
- Dropdown: Headers and Dividers marked as hidden are now actually hidden. (PR #21527 by
- Remove duplicate export names caused by export star. (PR #21608 by
Fri, 04 Feb 2022 07:31:42 GMT Compare changes
- Moved the navigatedDayRef to td element (PR #21123 by
- Changed shouldFocusOnContainer default value to false (PR #20601 by
Thu, 03 Feb 2022 07:29:41 GMT Compare changes
- Added check to detect mouse enter for items (PR #21302 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.20 (PR #21545 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.21 (PR #21545 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.3.0 (PR #21545 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.16 (PR #21545 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.3.10 (PR #21545 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.5.3 (PR #21545 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.4.7 (PR #21545 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.3.10 (PR #21545 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.26 (PR #21545 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.15 (PR #21545 by beachball)
Tue, 01 Feb 2022 07:26:25 GMT Compare changes
- remove aria-colindex from DetailsList columns by default, fix aria-label and aria-description on column headers (PR #21344 by
- fix Textfield to include prefix/suffix in the accessible name (PR #21467 by
- fix DetailsList high contrast link selector hierarchy (PR #21465 by
Mon, 31 Jan 2022 07:27:29 GMT Compare changes
- MessageBar: add expandButtonProp which takes IButtonProps to customize expandButton. (PR #18166 by
- Nav: add isExpanded prop to allow consumer control of collapsed/expanded state. (PR #18347 by
- Panel fix: Header now inherits backgroundColor from parent. (PR #21466 by
Wed, 26 Jan 2022 07:26:00 GMT Compare changes
- Re-add motion and font theme re-exports. (PR #21363 by
Tue, 25 Jan 2022 07:30:06 GMT Compare changes
- DetailsList: add keyboardColumnEditProps prop to programatically trigger a column resize and reorder. (PR #20679 by
- TimePicker: Updated onChange prop, added initial date, use new getDateFromTimeSelection function (PR #20805 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.3.0 (PR #20805 by beachball)
- Fix an accessibility bug of TooltipHost when mouse leaves before timer triggers (PR #21125 by email not defined)
Mon, 24 Jan 2022 07:26:13 GMT Compare changes
- Combobox: remove default title attribute added to options. (PR #21369 by
- Fix aria-readonly regression in Calendar (PR #21374 by
Fri, 21 Jan 2022 07:26:05 GMT Compare changes
- Add an onRenderContent override to the Breadcrumb (PR #21280 by
- Extending target to composedPath in Callout dismiss listener (PR #19798 by
Mon, 17 Jan 2022 09:43:48 GMT Compare changes
- Properly pass menu target to submenu items (PR #21162 by
Fri, 14 Jan 2022 07:28:38 GMT Compare changes
- fix an issue with ChoiceGroup and focus rectangles (PR #21215 by
Thu, 13 Jan 2022 07:30:57 GMT Compare changes
- SearchBox: properly pass the new value to onChange, and only call onChange once (PR #21268 by
Wed, 12 Jan 2022 07:32:29 GMT Compare changes
- Added check for disabled prop (PR #20973 by
Tue, 11 Jan 2022 07:29:05 GMT Compare changes
- Suggestions: add searchForMoreText button to the suggestions listbox. (PR #21199 by
Mon, 10 Jan 2022 07:26:30 GMT Compare changes
- List: when role is removed, remove aria-label as well. (PR #21176 by
Fri, 07 Jan 2022 07:27:47 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.15 (PR #21201 by beachball)
Mon, 03 Jan 2022 23:32:10 GMT Compare changes
- SwatchColorPicker: use radio roles on single-row swatches (PR #20829 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.19 (PR #20954 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.20 (PR #20954 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.2.3 (PR #20954 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.14 (PR #20954 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.3.9 (PR #20954 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.5.2 (PR #20954 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.4.6 (PR #20954 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.3.9 (PR #20954 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.25 (PR #20954 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.14 (PR #20954 by beachball)
Wed, 22 Dec 2021 07:29:44 GMT Compare changes
- Fixing Stack behavior when a React.Fragment wraps StackItems, it should be ignored. (PR #21090 by
Thu, 16 Dec 2021 07:26:40 GMT Compare changes
- ComboBox: Add callback to listen to raw text input (PR #21069 by
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.2.0 (PR #21011 by beachball)
Wed, 15 Dec 2021 07:31:27 GMT Compare changes
- Add aria-multiselectable to multiselect Combobox (PR #21024 by
- Made checkmark opacity 0 for indeterminate (PR #21005 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.18 (PR #20716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.19 (PR #20716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.13 (PR #20716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.3.8 (PR #20716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.1.6 (PR #20716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.5.1 (PR #20716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.4.5 (PR #20716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.3.8 (PR #20716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.24 (PR #20716 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.1.0 (PR #20716 by beachball)
Tue, 14 Dec 2021 07:30:02 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.12 (PR #20904 by beachball)
Fri, 10 Dec 2021 07:30:34 GMT Compare changes
- Fix minor issues with promise handling (PR #20909 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.11 (PR #20587 by beachball)
Thu, 09 Dec 2021 07:27:17 GMT Compare changes
- Support ability to prefer the menu target as an item's click event target (PR #20161 by
Wed, 08 Dec 2021 07:28:19 GMT Compare changes
- SearchBox: disable pointer events when is focused (PR #20951 by
Tue, 07 Dec 2021 07:31:32 GMT Compare changes
- Swap edge if on boundary (PR #20769 by
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.3.0 (PR #20769 by beachball)
Fri, 03 Dec 2021 07:36:11 GMT Compare changes
- update ChoiceGroup focus handling (PR #20859 by
Wed, 01 Dec 2021 07:41:08 GMT Compare changes
- restore exports for CommunicationColors, NeutralColors & SharedColors (PR #20824 by
Tue, 30 Nov 2021 07:37:32 GMT Compare changes
- Deprecating v8 makeStyles. (PR #20712 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.10 (PR #20833 by beachball)
- Panel: Content no longer overlaps with header and footer when scrolling. (PR #20806 by
Thu, 25 Nov 2021 14:54:13 GMT Compare changes
- Removing export stars in favor of named exports. (PR #20665 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.2.3 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.17 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.18 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.2.2 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.9 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.3.7 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.1.5 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.1.5 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.5.0 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.4.4 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.3.7 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.23 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.2.8 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.13 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.0.9 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.1.6 (PR #20784 by beachball)
- call useFocusRects within ChoiceGroup (PR #20737 by
Tue, 23 Nov 2021 07:27:34 GMT Compare changes
- added new prop getAriaDescription to detailsRow (PR #20631 by
Mon, 22 Nov 2021 07:36:13 GMT Compare changes
- DetailsList: preserve selectAllButtonProps in group header props (PR #20677 by
- Update Dropdown positioning focus management. (PR #20656 by
Fri, 19 Nov 2021 07:45:28 GMT Compare changes
- update Callout to update both maxHeight and positions when recalculating (PR #20639 by
Thu, 18 Nov 2021 07:29:22 GMT Compare changes
- ContextualMenu: Allow focusZoneProps to override default values passed to FocusZone. (PR #20642 by
- Dropdown: Removing unintended extra height. (PR #20636 by
Wed, 17 Nov 2021 07:36:21 GMT Compare changes
- Fix linkProps spreading on DocumentCardPreviewBase component (PR #20335 by
- Adds root element ref to async.requestAnimationFrame invocation (PR #20149 by
Tue, 16 Nov 2021 07:36:41 GMT Compare changes
- Callout: Specifying that gapSpace prop has pixels as its unit in prop comment. (PR #20605 by
Mon, 15 Nov 2021 07:29:05 GMT Compare changes
- Adding firstFocusableTarget prop to FocusTrapZone. (PR #20413 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.8 (PR #20419 by beachball)
Wed, 10 Nov 2021 07:31:58 GMT Compare changes
- Panel: fix isFooterAtBottom bug where unnecessary scrollbar is present. (PR #20467 by
- Combobox a11y fix to associate group headers with items for screenreaders (PR #20529 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.16 (PR #20529 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.17 (PR #20529 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.2.1 (PR #20529 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.7 (PR #20529 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.3.6 (PR #20529 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.4.2 (PR #20529 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.4.3 (PR #20529 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.3.6 (PR #20529 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.22 (PR #20529 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.12 (PR #20529 by beachball)
Tue, 09 Nov 2021 07:38:10 GMT Compare changes
- fix(Callout): add explicit maxHeight (PR #20533 by
Mon, 08 Nov 2021 07:35:50 GMT Compare changes
- Dialog: Removing tooltip from close button. (PR #20530 by
Fri, 05 Nov 2021 07:36:39 GMT Compare changes
- Fix uncaught positioning logic when both directionalHintFixed and alignTargetEdge are true (PR #20514 by
- Suggestions: Fixing issue where you couldn't select focused option after hitting 'get more results' button. (PR #20487 by
- [object Object] (PR #20308 by
Thu, 04 Nov 2021 07:29:41 GMT Compare changes
- DetailsList: Making the disabled prop in IDetailsRowStyleProps optional as making it required is a breaking change. (PR #20488 by
Wed, 03 Nov 2021 07:36:03 GMT Compare changes
- fix(Pivot): add overflow button aria-label prop (PR #20443 by
Tue, 02 Nov 2021 07:37:01 GMT Compare changes
- Keytips: Make keytips aware of the visibility of their targets (PR #20396 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.15 (PR #20331 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.16 (PR #20331 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.6 (PR #20331 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.3.5 (PR #20331 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.4.1 (PR #20331 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.4.2 (PR #20331 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.3.5 (PR #20331 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.21 (PR #20331 by beachball)
- Adjust TimePicker regex and error message (PR #20331 by
Mon, 01 Nov 2021 07:32:07 GMT Compare changes
- Add alert tooltip to ColorPicker when invalid hex or RGBA values are entered" (PR #20394 by
- Calendar: move role="gridcell" to the td element and make it the focus target (PR #20412 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.14 (PR #20231 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.15 (PR #20231 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.5 (PR #20231 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.4.0 (PR #20231 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.20 (PR #20231 by beachball)
- fix Combobox scroll into view method to not scroll + close combo menu (PR #20414 by
Fri, 29 Oct 2021 07:29:08 GMT Compare changes
- Remove explicit readonly semantics from Calendar grid (PR #20324 by
Thu, 28 Oct 2021 07:29:14 GMT Compare changes
- Slider: support aria-labelledby prop (PR #20201 by
Wed, 27 Oct 2021 07:29:16 GMT Compare changes
- Remove incorrect toolbar role from Pivot and pass accname attributes to the tablist (PR #20317 by
- ComboBox: Fix hidden options in multiSelect mode (PR #20334 by
Tue, 26 Oct 2021 07:39:42 GMT Compare changes
- Fix high contrast Breadcrumb link color (PR #20328 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.4 (PR #20328 by beachball)
Mon, 25 Oct 2021 07:38:02 GMT Compare changes
- Dialog/Modal/Panel: Popup component now correctly finds and adds aria-hidden attribute to sibling nodes. (PR #19628 by
Thu, 21 Oct 2021 07:28:35 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.3 (PR #20281 by beachball)
Wed, 20 Oct 2021 07:30:01 GMT Compare changes
- AutoFill: cursor and characters added now behave correctly when trying to compose a composition string in freeform ComboBox. (PR #20193 by
- TextField: Remove placeholder style font override. (PR #20193 by
- High contrast style fixes for ColorPicker (PR #20193 by
Wed, 13 Oct 2021 07:31:28 GMT Compare changes
- Pivot: overflow menu no longer shows item that's currently selected. (PR #20138 by
Mon, 11 Oct 2021 07:36:36 GMT Compare changes
- Fully migrated ContextualMenu implementation to be a functional component (PR #19730 by
Fri, 08 Oct 2021 07:31:50 GMT Compare changes
- Panel: footer now stays at bottom when scrolling down. (PR #20148 by
Tue, 05 Oct 2021 07:37:17 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.13 (PR #20105 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.14 (PR #20105 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.2 (PR #20105 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.3.4 (PR #20105 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.3.4 (PR #20105 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.4.1 (PR #20105 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.3.4 (PR #20105 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.19 (PR #20105 by beachball)
Mon, 04 Oct 2021 07:27:12 GMT Compare changes
- Updated callout bounds to watch for window resize (PR #20051 by
- added disabled state for detailsRow (PR #20051 by
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.13 (PR #20051 by beachball)
Thu, 30 Sep 2021 07:31:40 GMT Compare changes
- DatePicker: ReadOnly DatePicker now uses a div with role=combobox so swipe gesture registers using Talkback. (PR #20017 by
Wed, 29 Sep 2021 07:36:23 GMT Compare changes
- Updated error to be role alert (PR #20013 by
Tue, 28 Sep 2021 22:17:07 GMT Compare changes
- Removed "suggestions available" from Calendar navigation buttons narratation (PR #20000 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.12 (PR #20000 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.12 (PR #20000 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.2.0 (PR #20000 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.1 (PR #20000 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.3.3 (PR #20000 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.3.3 (PR #20000 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.4.0 (PR #20000 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.3.3 (PR #20000 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.18 (PR #20000 by beachball)
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.11 (PR #20000 by beachball)
Tue, 28 Sep 2021 07:37:27 GMT Compare changes
- fix(TeachingBubble): Provide default aria attributes for dialog (commit by
- update positioning logic to handle callout positions at small screens (commit by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.3.0 (commit by beachball)
- fix(DetailsList): apply hovered link color via parent container (commit by
- Switch from dialog role to listbox role for pickers with no suggestions (commit by
- fix(DetailsList): keyboard selection within group header (commit by
Mon, 27 Sep 2021 07:34:24 GMT Compare changes
- Update Toggle to not append on/off text to label" (PR #19843 by
- Provided opt-in for delaying first measure (PR #19843 by
- Updating README to remove sections that no longer exist. (PR #19843 by
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.2.7 (PR #19843 by beachball)
Thu, 23 Sep 2021 07:35:13 GMT Compare changes
- Small update to comment in FocusTrapZone. (PR #19891 by
Wed, 22 Sep 2021 09:55:02 GMT Compare changes
- Slider: fix ally contrast flag for disabled slider (PR #19902 by
Tue, 21 Sep 2021 07:42:34 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.2.3 (PR #19865 by beachball)
Mon, 20 Sep 2021 07:36:26 GMT Compare changes
- Panel: isFooterAtBottom prop now working as expected (PR #19844 by
- Bump @fluentui/react to v8.34.3 (PR #19844 by
Thu, 16 Sep 2021 07:38:39 GMT Compare changes
- Delay calculating viewport on mount (PR #19815 by
Tue, 14 Sep 2021 07:38:18 GMT Compare changes
- setting the defaultRenderer argument for the onRenderIcon of ContextualMenuItem (PR #19605 by
Mon, 13 Sep 2021 07:37:03 GMT Compare changes
- feat(Combobox): add select all functionality (PR #19758 by
- Backspace does not work in BaseExtendedpicker in projection popout windows (PR #19758 by
Fri, 10 Sep 2021 07:39:51 GMT Compare changes
- Customize search for more icon for Suggestions (PR #19671 by
- Fix Dropdown to only add ARIA live region when focused (PR #19667 by
Thu, 09 Sep 2021 07:39:06 GMT Compare changes
- Exposed an optional removeButtonIconProps prop in PeoplePicker, Suggestions and TagPicker. This change is backward compatible. (PR #18829 by
Wed, 08 Sep 2021 07:34:11 GMT Compare changes
- fix selected semantics and scroll-to-view on Combobox, remove select-on-hover behavior, remove unneeded aria-checked on checkbox (PR #19344 by
- Set active descendant for no results found (PR #19606 by
- Put layer mount events after DOM updated. (PR #19669 by
Mon, 06 Sep 2021 07:34:53 GMT Compare changes
- Updated to flexbox the document card preview items (PR #19584 by
Thu, 02 Sep 2021 07:36:46 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-conformance to v0.4.5 (PR #19590 by
Wed, 01 Sep 2021 07:39:56 GMT Compare changes
- Added placeholder styles to base picker (PR #19568 by
Tue, 31 Aug 2021 07:37:47 GMT Compare changes
- Fix initial ResponsiveMode value (PR #18892 by
- Panel: header and footer now reflow properly when zoomed in. (PR #19547 by
- Fix position bug of Callout when target prop has changed. (PR #19502 by
Mon, 30 Aug 2021 07:35:05 GMT Compare changes
- Expose FocusZoneProps on the DetailsList and DetailsRow components. (PR #19404 by
Wed, 25 Aug 2021 07:35:19 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.10 (PR #19481 by
Mon, 23 Aug 2021 07:35:43 GMT Compare changes
- Use a simple array instead of a const for keytips to register (PR #19467 by
Thu, 19 Aug 2021 07:41:35 GMT Compare changes
- Moving type-based imports/exports to use "import type" and "export type" to enable isolatedModules. (PR #19416 by
- Fix horizontal scrollbar detection in MarqueeSelection (PR #19414 by
- check preventDismissOnEvent before dismissing the callout for all dismiss triggers (PR #19395 by
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.3.0 (PR #19416 by
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.15 (PR #19416 by
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.9 (PR #19416 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.9 (PR #19416 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.1.11 (PR #19416 by
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.3.0 (PR #19416 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.2.7 (PR #19416 by
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.2.2 (PR #19416 by
Mon, 16 Aug 2021 07:36:39 GMT Compare changes
- Fix DetailsList columnheader focus target when it does not contain a button; remove aria-haspopup when false (PR #19243 by
Fri, 13 Aug 2021 07:36:34 GMT Compare changes
- Keytip fixes to handle multiple parents and children - OverflowButton keytip fixes for correctly registering persisted keytips (PR #19351 by
- Add aria-level to the TeachingBubble heading (PR #19374 by
Thu, 12 Aug 2021 07:34:46 GMT Compare changes
- Update Overlay to use more accurate React.HTMLAttribute typings for onClick (PR #19350 by
- Add role=none to fix CommandBar hierarchy, add optional group labels to primary/secondary command groups (PR #19280 by
Wed, 11 Aug 2021 07:34:54 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.1.5 (PR #19256 by
Mon, 09 Aug 2021 07:35:14 GMT Compare changes
- Fix Callout positioning bug when the target element has changed. (PR #19228 by
Thu, 05 Aug 2021 07:34:24 GMT Compare changes
- improve calendar selection border by making an after element to not adjust cell spacing, and remove borders between selected days in contiguous ranges (PR #19211 by
- Fix Pivot's isPivotItem check for IE11 compatibility (PR #19238 by
- Fix website and legacy demo in IE 11 (PR #19237 by
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.2.6 (PR #18566 by
Tue, 03 Aug 2021 07:39:30 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.2.2 (PR #19169 by
Mon, 02 Aug 2021 07:36:20 GMT Compare changes
- Temporarily reverting onPositioned bug fix. (PR #19212 by
Fri, 30 Jul 2021 07:35:22 GMT Compare changes
- [KeytipLayer] Pass triggering key sequence to onEnterKeytipMode callback (PR #19195 by
- Fixing onPositioned bug in Callout component. (PR #19194 by
Thu, 29 Jul 2021 07:35:37 GMT Compare changes
- Add prop to allow user defined Tooltip to be rendered without default Tooltip being rendered (PR #19137 by
- Callout: Allowing for user-set maxHeight to be respected. (PR #19167 by
- Storing PositioningContainer's positions in a ref to enable Coachmark to follow the target element. (PR #18559 by
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.2.0 (PR #18028 by
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.2.1 (PR #18028 by
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.13 (PR #18028 by
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.7 (PR #18028 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.7 (PR #18028 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.1.9 (PR #18028 by
Wed, 28 Jul 2021 07:34:11 GMT Compare changes
- Add live region for BasePicker item removal, fix focused tag styles (PR #19080 by
Tue, 27 Jul 2021 07:34:27 GMT Compare changes
- Fix bug where ContextualMenu's onMenuDismissed is called twice (PR #19135 by
Mon, 26 Jul 2021 07:37:30 GMT Compare changes
- Fix crash in ContextualMenu when Callout component is loaded asynchronously (PR #19122 by
- Enabling Callout to revaluate position after width and height modifications are made. (PR #18887 by
- Removed left padding for links in MessageBar and fixed examples (PR #19009 by
Fri, 23 Jul 2021 07:38:19 GMT Compare changes
- Calendar: add border color to selected date to fix contrast ratio. (PR #18580 by
- DetailsList: use the radio role for single selection mode checks (PR #18967 by
Thu, 22 Jul 2021 07:36:55 GMT Compare changes
- fix Autofill for IME input (PR #19008 by
Tue, 20 Jul 2021 22:23:17 GMT Compare changes
- Fix openOnFocus bug with closing the dropdown, remove default tooltip text (PR #18984 by
- Fixing high constrast selected styling for combobox (PR #19007 by
Fri, 16 Jul 2021 07:32:14 GMT Compare changes
- Add aria-owns to wrapping element of comboboxes and pickers for better virtual cursor screen reader support (PR #18959 by
Fri, 16 Jul 2021 00:35:31 GMT Compare changes
- Apply getFocusStyle to TextField's
icon button (PR #18909 by
Thu, 15 Jul 2021 07:36:18 GMT Compare changes
- Prevent tooltip from showing on tab switch for the focused element (PR #18884 by
Wed, 14 Jul 2021 07:28:19 GMT Compare changes
- Set id correctly on header item when title is an IContextualMenuItem (PR #18853 by
Tue, 13 Jul 2021 22:32:58 GMT Compare changes
- ComboBox: Propagate ariaLabel to the dropdown list element (PR #18890 by
Tue, 13 Jul 2021 07:35:36 GMT Compare changes
- Pass Icon 'title' as alt text for File Type Icons (PR #18802 by
- Pivot: removed cyclic imports that were causing ordering issues with esbuild output. (PR #18888 by
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.2.0 (PR #18802 by
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.12 (PR #18802 by
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.6 (PR #18802 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.6 (PR #18802 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.1.7 (PR #18802 by
Fri, 09 Jul 2021 07:39:31 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.2.1 (PR #18808 by
Thu, 08 Jul 2021 07:32:49 GMT Compare changes
- Remove title tooltip from TeachingBubble close button (PR #18771 by
- Datepicker: move aria-haspopup to the correct element (PR #18838 by
Wed, 07 Jul 2021 07:32:54 GMT Compare changes
- Update picker suggestions scroll into view so it works with inline suggestions (PR #18825 by
Thu, 01 Jul 2021 07:35:05 GMT Compare changes
- Added focusZoneProps to the Pivot component to have ability be more customized (PR #18430 by
- Fixing a bug within ComboBox which caused aria-labelledby to be added to list even when label was absent. (PR #18734 by
Tue, 29 Jun 2021 07:33:32 GMT Compare changes
- This ports the change to allow title on menu sections to be an IContextualMenuItem to support lang props (PR #18713 by
Mon, 28 Jun 2021 07:35:16 GMT Compare changes
- Coachmark: now accepts Target type for target prop. (PR #18671 by
- Slider: add event to onChange, add range to onChanged, and fix issues from function component conversion (PR #18330 by
- Add TimePicker component (PR #18556 by
- TeachingBubble: Add overflow-wrap setting to header (PR #18652 by
- SwatchColorPicker: Updated colorCell style to fix vertical alignment bug (PR #18651 by
- Fixing onChanged regression within SearchBox component. (PR #18715 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.2.0 (PR #18556 by
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.2.0 (PR #18556 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.4 (PR #18556 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.1.5 (PR #18556 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.2.3 (PR #18556 by
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.1.4 (PR #18556 by
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.10 (PR #18556 by
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.4 (PR #18556 by
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.1.3 (PR #18556 by
Tue, 22 Jun 2021 07:35:11 GMT Compare changes
- SearchBox: show icon on focus (PR #18526 by
Mon, 21 Jun 2021 07:34:33 GMT Compare changes
- Update Coachmark beak HC styling to windowtext (PR #18613 by
Fri, 18 Jun 2021 07:30:58 GMT Compare changes
- allow custom filter icons for the details header (PR #18268 by
Wed, 16 Jun 2021 07:34:24 GMT Compare changes
- Update Persona to make tooltip optional, update PeoplePicker to not show tooltip (PR #18469 by
Tue, 15 Jun 2021 07:40:20 GMT Compare changes
- Update Nav chevron icon styles to adapt to text spacing (PR #18529 by
- Update Check style to fix text spacing alignment bug (PR #18528 by
- (GroupedList) fixed getGroupHeight function returning wrong height for groups with children (PR #18515 by
- Add explicit z-index to PositiningContainer with doNotLayer=true (PR #18517 by
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.1.3 (PR #18249 by
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.9 (PR #18249 by
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.3 (PR #18249 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.3 (PR #18249 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.1.4 (PR #18249 by
Fri, 11 Jun 2021 07:34:26 GMT Compare changes
- fix zIndex style for Callouts with doNotLayer=true (PR #18495 by
Thu, 10 Jun 2021 07:32:59 GMT Compare changes
- forcing showMonthPickerAsOverlay to true when screen is less than a certain size (PR #18472 by
Wed, 09 Jun 2021 07:33:38 GMT Compare changes
- Blocking Dialog/Modal always gets assigned role "alertdialog" when IsBlocking is true (PR #18298 by
Tue, 08 Jun 2021 07:32:44 GMT Compare changes
- Blocking Dialog/Modal always gets assigned role "alertdialog" when IsBlocking is true (PR #18298 by
Mon, 07 Jun 2021 07:38:15 GMT Compare changes
- Fix name and description on DetailsHeader checkbox (PR #18366 by
Fri, 04 Jun 2021 07:37:23 GMT Compare changes
- Adding default generic type to makeStyles so autocomplete works in scenarios where you don't specify the generic. (PR #18427 by
- fixing onRestoreFocus merge issue between v7/V8 (PR #18434 by
Mon, 31 May 2021 07:33:15 GMT Compare changes
- makeStyles: Fixing typing issue that prevented the use of makeStyles with I***Styles interfaces. (PR #18376 by
Thu, 27 May 2021 07:33:21 GMT Compare changes
- Fixed icon contrast visibility of half filled rating star (PR #18197 by
Wed, 26 May 2021 07:35:43 GMT Compare changes
- Add dismissOnTargetClick prop (PR #18308 by
- Remove outdated or duplicated info from readme (PR #18326 by
- List: changed the type of version prop to any (PR #18257 by
- Use responsiveMode prop to override hook behavior (PR #17526 by
- Fix resizing of justified columns for constrained viewport widths (PR #17374 by
- Dropdown: multiselect dropdown options now pass ariaLabel prop to Checkbox input. (PR #18325 by
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.2.2 (PR #18272 by
Tue, 25 May 2021 01:11:03 GMT Compare changes
- Slider: correct value is now passed to onChanged callback. (PR #18304 by
Mon, 24 May 2021 07:35:28 GMT Compare changes
- SpinButton: onChange is now excluded from native props and input event now properly returned in onChange callback (PR #18221 by
Fri, 21 May 2021 07:34:54 GMT Compare changes
- DetailsList: custom group header props such as styles are now correctly applied. (PR #18198 by
- Revert "Utilize
property to check if click handler should discard Callout (#17810)" (PR #18274 by - Fix onRenderDetailsGroupHeader props (PR #18101 by
- Remove aria-hidden attribute from label text, add title attribute to input so it provides the accessible description (PR #18260 by
Thu, 20 May 2021 07:41:54 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.1.1 (PR #18024 by
Wed, 19 May 2021 07:34:20 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-conformance to v0.3.1 (PR #18194 by
Tue, 18 May 2021 07:34:38 GMT Compare changes
- Wrap Tooltip content in div when type is not string (PR #17593 by
Mon, 17 May 2021 07:33:48 GMT Compare changes
- Calenda :announce the date in the order [day], [month], [year] (PR #18146 by
Fri, 14 May 2021 07:35:10 GMT Compare changes
- DetailsList: fix line that throws undefined error in GroupedDetailsList" (PR #18150 by
- Pivot: role prop of header button can now take link.role value (PR #18161 by
Thu, 13 May 2021 07:36:55 GMT Compare changes
- DatePicker: when textfield prop received contains an id, that id is now properly applied to TextField input (PR #18102 by
Wed, 12 May 2021 07:36:20 GMT Compare changes
- Toggle inlineLabel: break-all -> break-word (PR #18127 by
- Remove aria-label from Combobox options when no ariaLabel prop is defined (PR #18132 by
Mon, 10 May 2021 07:36:07 GMT Compare changes
- MessageBar: setting
based onMessageBarType
for improved accessibility (PR #18042 by - update DetailsList columnheader element with name and description ARIA attributes (PR #18071 by
- ComboBox: option title attribute passed is now correctly respected. (PR #18100 by
- Add DetailsList prop to name group header checkbox, and tie checkbox name to associated group name (PR #17979 by
- Remove unnecessary Array spread in KeytipLayerBase ctor (PR #17990 by
Fri, 07 May 2021 07:34:34 GMT Compare changes
- Use Callouts preventDismissOnEvent prop to check if callout should dismiss on click (PR #17810 by
Thu, 06 May 2021 07:35:51 GMT Compare changes
- ChoiceGroup: fills visible small dot in middle for checked selected item (PR #18069 by
- SearchBox: input event now properly returned in onChange callback (PR #18068 by
Wed, 05 May 2021 07:36:50 GMT Compare changes
- Remove aria-live from ColorPicker text input (PR #18048 by
Tue, 04 May 2021 07:36:35 GMT Compare changes
- Dialog/Modal/Panel: when opened, body children elements are now hidden and set to aria-hidden = true (PR #17925 by
Fri, 30 Apr 2021 07:42:23 GMT Compare changes
- Upgrade to ts 4.0 (PR #17932 by
- Fix: row indices for Grouped DetailsList and GroupedList to improve a11y experience (PR #17591 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.1.0 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.1.0 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.1.0 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.1.0 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.2.0 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.1.0 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.6 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.1.0 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.1.0 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/eslint-plugin to v1.2.0 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.2.0 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.5 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.1.0 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-conformance to v0.3.0 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.1.0 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.1.0 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.0.4 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.1.0 (PR #17932 by
- Bump @fluentui/scripts to v1.0.0 (PR #17932 by
Wed, 28 Apr 2021 07:32:59 GMT Compare changes
- Fix rangeSlider toggleTransition double firing bug (PR #17878 by
- Remove rAF setState in DocumentCardTitleBase (PR #17963 by
Tue, 27 Apr 2021 07:34:03 GMT Compare changes
- Added proportional column behavior to the DetailsList component and enabled custom components in cell headers. (PR #16874 by
- Fix Hidden Panel bug where onDismiss is being fired while panel is closed (PR #17961 by
- Combo-box: Disable combobox is focusable using tab (PR #17954 by
- Fix Slider to trigger onChanged for Home and End keys (PR #17966 by
Mon, 26 Apr 2021 07:34:31 GMT Compare changes
- Update Calendar prev/next buttons to use aria-disabled instead of disabled so they do not lose focus (PR #17933 by
Fri, 23 Apr 2021 07:37:10 GMT Compare changes
- Adding support to provide custom role for DetailsList (PR #17330 by
- Fix styling for
prop for Modal (PR #17082 by - Bump @fluentui/eslint-plugin to v1.1.1 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.0.3 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.0.5 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.0.5 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.0.8 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.1.3 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.0.5 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.5 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.0.5 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.0.5 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.1.3 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.4 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.0.4 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-conformance to v0.2.6 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.0.3 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.0.3 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.0.3 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.0.3 (PR #17894 by
- Bump @fluentui/scripts to v1.0.0 (PR #17894 by
Wed, 21 Apr 2021 07:31:50 GMT Compare changes
- Persona presence indicator background clipping is changed so there is never any space between the border and the content regardless of the browser zoom level used. (PR #17802 by
- undefined (PR #17802 by
Mon, 19 Apr 2021 07:33:33 GMT Compare changes
- Datepicker accessibility fix: the input is no longer marked invalid when the date is reset (PR #17836 by
- ScrollablePane fix: add option to make the scroll region focusable to enable keyboard scrolling of static content (PR #17846 by
Fri, 16 Apr 2021 07:32:08 GMT Compare changes
- ContextualMenu:Making IMenuItemStyles and IContextualMenuItemStyles optional instead of required. (PR #17831 by
- darken teaching bubble button text color to meet contrast minimum when hovered or focused (PR #17805 by
- Button: Setting focus visibility to true in scenarios where it should be supported. (PR #17820 by
Wed, 14 Apr 2021 07:34:12 GMT Compare changes
- Pass MouseEvent to Toggle onChange callback (PR #17807 by
Tue, 13 Apr 2021 14:55:56 GMT Compare changes
- Accessibility update for picker selected item semantics and focus behavior" (PR #17723 by
- Improve accessibility of reveal password (PR #16985 by
- Button uses custom to set its aria-controls id if passed (PR #17784 by
- adding another example and updating test snapshot (PR #17716 by
- DatePicker no longer opens on focus by default, but still opens on click (PR #17770 by
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.0.4 (PR #17716 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.0.4 (PR #17716 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.0.7 (PR #17716 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.1.2 (PR #17716 by
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.0.4 (PR #17716 by
- Bump @fluentui/common-styles to v1.0.4 (PR #17716 by
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.0.4 (PR #17716 by
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.0.4 (PR #17716 by
Sat, 10 Apr 2021 03:23:10 GMT Compare changes
- ContextualMenu: focused div when menu is opened now has role = menu (PR #17683 by
Fri, 09 Apr 2021 23:42:49 GMT Compare changes
- Dropdown: no longer automatically selects the first option when dropdown receives keyboard focus (PR #17739 by
Thu, 08 Apr 2021 07:33:06 GMT Compare changes
- Combobox: Fix issue where the ariaLabel was intended to be used as the preview text but it wasn't showing up. (PR #17733 by
- ContextualMenu: Focus now returns to contextual menu trigger when closed (PR #17425 by
- Remove pointerEvents: 'none' from BaseButton disabled styles (PR #17737 by
Wed, 07 Apr 2021 08:04:03 GMT Compare changes
- Dropdown accessibility fix (PR #17603 by
- Allow both aria-label and aria-labelledby on buttons (PR #17705 by
- Dropdown accessibility fix (PR #17603 by
Tue, 06 Apr 2021 07:34:10 GMT Compare changes
- SplitButton: when primary button is disabled, menu button is now focusable and explicitly added to tab order (PR #17698 by
- TeachingBubble: Keyboard focus now properly visible on buttons (PR #17592 by
Thu, 01 Apr 2021 07:33:24 GMT Compare changes
- Add customization hook for ResizeGroup in CommandBar (PR #17632 by
- Memoize useKeytipRef (PR #17655 by
- Update BasePicker to use ARIA 1.2 combobox pattern (PR #17637 by
Wed, 31 Mar 2021 00:53:43 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.0.2 (PR #17568 by
Tue, 30 Mar 2021 07:34:45 GMT Compare changes
- Remove dependency from @fluentui/react to @fluentui/react-shared-contexts (PR #17586 by
- DetailsList: checkbox is now linked to the rowheader which improves a11y description for each row. (PR #17245 by
- VirtualizedComboBox: Now passes id and arialabelledby attributes to List component to ensure ARIA attributes have valid values (PR #17455 by
- DetailsList: row border now visible when focused in High Contrast Mode (PR #17504 by
- Fix autofill in the case of controlled combobox (PR #17475 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.0.5 (PR #17584 by
Thu, 25 Mar 2021 07:33:24 GMT Compare changes
- Autofill: Inherit font-family to prevent defaulting to Arial. (PR #17507 by
Wed, 24 Mar 2021 07:32:21 GMT Compare changes
- add option to use FocusTrapZone in ContextualMenu (PR #17480 by
- fix GroupSpacer flex shrinking styles (PR #17479 by
Mon, 22 Mar 2021 07:34:09 GMT Compare changes
- Pivot: Fix setting selectedKey={null} to not render any PivotItem (PR #17506 by
- Fix DetailsList off-by-one aria-rowindex values when headers are visible" (PR #17423 by
Thu, 18 Mar 2021 20:15:34 GMT Compare changes
- Rating: specifies when a rating's button is selected/not selected to improve a11y experience (PR #17267 by
- Facepile: overflow number and icons are now properly visible in High Contrast Mode (PR #17476 by
Thu, 18 Mar 2021 07:33:22 GMT Compare changes
- Adding ability to pass a Rectangle as a target and account for it in positioning logic. (PR #17467 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.1.0 (PR #17467 by
Wed, 17 Mar 2021 07:35:44 GMT Compare changes
- Pickers SuggestionsItems: remove button now visible after receiving keyboard focus (PR #17315 by
- ProgressIndicator: Deriving aria-labelledby and aria-describedby. (PR #17430 by
- Make rating bidirectional (PR #17277 by
Tue, 16 Mar 2021 07:32:44 GMT Compare changes
- switch popup focus to useEffect, add setTimeout for React 16 (PR #17405 by
- Fix bug with useTargetWidth in ContextualMenu (PR #17424 by
Mon, 15 Mar 2021 07:36:20 GMT Compare changes
- image/feat: Add loading prop to Image component (PR #16609 by
- Add a required property to checkboxes (PR #17392 by
Fri, 12 Mar 2021 20:04:27 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-conformance to v0.2.3 (PR #17161 by
Thu, 11 Mar 2021 07:33:03 GMT Compare changes
- Calendar/DatePicker: add ref to props where appropriate, and remove unnecessary forwardRef (PR #17347 by
- Fix cleanup of global focus handlers (PR #17369 by
Wed, 10 Mar 2021 07:34:39 GMT Compare changes
- The package.json sideEffects array now correctly tags scss files as having side effects, so that they aren't dropped by the bundler accidentally. (PR #17316 by
- Remove incorrect rowindex and rowcount for grouped detailslist and groupedlist, fix remaining automated a11y errors (PR #17259 by
Tue, 09 Mar 2021 07:32:29 GMT Compare changes
- switch menu buttton to aria-controls to remove nesting (PR #17299 by
- PeoplePicker: Fixing the need to press backspace key twice when removing multiple items. (PR #17304 by
Sun, 07 Mar 2021 23:34:51 GMT Compare changes
- Still trigger deprecated
property of Toggle until it is removed (PR #17296 by
Fri, 05 Mar 2021 20:30:59 GMT Compare changes
- Fix menu hierarchy in ContextualMenu, and update labelled element (PR #17266 by
Wed, 03 Mar 2021 07:45:18 GMT Compare changes
- Text: Making styles respect semantic colors. (PR #17252 by
Wed, 03 Mar 2021 00:10:09 GMT Compare changes
- BasePicker: added high contrast styling to sass file when picker is disabled (PR #17226 by
- Fix webpack bundle (PR #17246 by
Tue, 02 Mar 2021 07:24:27 GMT Compare changes
- Fix: Layer's div element is not removed from body (PR #17001 by
- Adds role="presentation" to BasePicker div for screen reader accessibility (PR #17202 by
- Add link to version 8 release notes in readme (PR #17193 by
Mon, 01 Mar 2021 07:20:46 GMT Compare changes
- Autofill: add string type check and throw development error (PR #16599 by
- add menu role to the menu element underneath menu sections (PR #16905 by
Fri, 26 Feb 2021 01:16:27 GMT Compare changes
- Checkbox: remove native props extension to reflect actual behavior (PR #17180 by
- Allow itemSubMenuProvider to return a boolean (PR #17149 by
- Add props typing for useSlider (PR #17167 by
- Release version 8 (PR #17169 by
- TextField: call onChange with standard timing (PR #17181 by
- Bump @fluentui/date-time-utilities to v8.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/eslint-plugin to v1.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-conformance to v0.2.2 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/scripts to v1.0.0 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/example-data to v8.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 to v8.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/foundation-legacy to v8.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/jest-serializer-merge-styles to v8.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/merge-styles to v8.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-focus to v8.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-window-provider to v2.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/set-version to v8.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/style-utilities to v8.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/test-utilities to v8.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/theme to v2.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/utilities to v8.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/webpack-utilities to v8.0.1 (PR #17169 by
- Bump @fluentui/react-shared-contexts to v1.0.0-beta.10 (PR #17169 by
Thu, 25 Feb 2021 20:16:39 GMT Compare changes
- update Icon, FontIcon, ImageIcon, and createSvgIcon to add the img role, and update examples (PR #16836 by
- ComboBox: fix multi-select checkbox role; improve docs and examples (PR #16331 by
Thu, 25 Feb 2021 01:15:27 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-conformance to v0.2.1 (PR #17118 by
- update detailslist to use grid aria props for group rows (PR #15809 by
Wed, 24 Feb 2021 07:19:56 GMT Compare changes
- Add range support to Slider, to allow selecting a lower and upper bound of a range (PR #16854 by
Wed, 24 Feb 2021 00:05:29 GMT Compare changes
- Pickers Suggestions: focused dropdown option is now properly highlighted in High Contrast Mode (PR #17020 by
- Fully disable viewport measurement with 'skipViewportMeasures' (PR #17107 by
- Prevent '.ms-Icon' style overrides from conflicting with the "Move column" target (#16014) (PR #17124 by
Mon, 22 Feb 2021 12:26:22 GMT Compare changes
- Export ResponsiveMode utilities (PR #17066 by
- Fix: Date Picker - selected date got reset after clicking outside of calendar (PR #17059 by
Thu, 18 Feb 2021 19:38:50 GMT Compare changes
- Allow React 17 in peerDependencies. The library has not yet been fully validated with React 17, so please report any issues you find. (PR #17048 by
Thu, 18 Feb 2021 12:27:34 GMT Compare changes
- Fix focus border for Dropdown multiselect items (PR #16802 by
- Fix contrast of 'filter chevron' against background color (PR #16939 by
- Utilize useLayoutEffect for keytips to mimic previous didUpdate/didMount behavior - Fixes for persisted menu overflow keytips (PR #17042 by
- ScrollablePane: removes aria-hidden attribute so Sticky content are no longer hidden from screen readers (PR #17014 by
Wed, 17 Feb 2021 12:21:39 GMT Compare changes
- add labels to calendar tables, date header button, and tweak label wording for conciseness (PR #16855 by
Mon, 15 Feb 2021 12:22:00 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-hooks to v8.0.0-beta.12 (PR #16880 by
Fri, 12 Feb 2021 12:26:20 GMT Compare changes
- "BasePicker: combobox role and id are removed when itemLimit is reached" (PR #16849 by
- Remove theming logic/interface which are unrelated to v8 release from @fluentui/theme package. (PR #16935 by
- remove references to getEdgeChromiumNoHighContrastAdjustSelector (PR #16957 by
- PersonaCoin: mergeStyles function is now memoized to prevent repeated calls on render (PR #16931 by
Thu, 11 Feb 2021 00:58:10 GMT Compare changes
- [BREAKING] Remove compat exports; move Button back to old location (PR #16895 by
Wed, 10 Feb 2021 12:20:53 GMT Compare changes
- PersonaCoin: now accepts initialsTextColor prop which sets the text color of the Persona Coin (PR #16873 by
Tue, 09 Feb 2021 12:24:19 GMT Compare changes
- ChoiceGroup: Focus border now visible when focus method is called (PR #16832 by
- Combine react-internal back into react (and update references). Move react-date-time components into react to break circular dependency. (PR #16832 by
- Stack/Text: Added additional pragma to set jsxRuntime to classic (PR #16832 by
Tue, 09 Feb 2021 00:56:52 GMT Compare changes
- Bump @fluentui/react-date-time to v8.0.0-beta.40 (PR #16835 by
- Fixing modal Panel outer click issue (PR #16835 by
- Add missing HighContrast override to SplitButton (PR #16792 by
- Add missing styles for disabled buttons (PR #16794 by
Thu, 04 Feb 2021 12:22:24 GMT Compare changes
- Add additional prop support to IBreadcrumbItems (PR #16765 by
Wed, 03 Feb 2021 05:51:40 GMT Compare changes
- Add high contrast overrides for the Separator (PR #16705 by
- Checkbox: border is now visible when element is in focus in High Contrast White Mode (PR #16739 by
- Update ColorPicker to announce clamping of RGBA values (#15855) (PR #16709 by
- DocumentCardPreview: add maxDisplayCount prop (PR #16666 by
- Module federation innerloop experience (PR #16771 by
Tue, 02 Feb 2021 12:21:54 GMT Compare changes
- allow passing native properties to the root element of StackItem (PR #16719 by
Mon, 01 Feb 2021 12:23:48 GMT Compare changes
- Remove react-theme-provider dependency from react package. (PR #16698 by
- Moving Checkbox, Link, Pivot, Slider and Toggle from their respective @fluentui/react- packages back to @fluentui/react-internal. (PR #16701 by
- Updating re-exports that pointed to @fluentui/react- packages to now point to @fluentui/react-internal. (PR #16701 by
Fri, 29 Jan 2021 12:21:00 GMT Compare changes
- Tooltip: Fix positioning issues that can cause tooltip to flash/not render (PR #16541 by
Thu, 28 Jan 2021 12:25:56 GMT Compare changes
- Updating to webpack 5, latest typings, latest loaders and plugins. Also stop generating dist/manifest.json (file an issue if you were using it). (PR #16447 by
- Clean up some prop comments and deprecated messages (PR #16555 by
- Update high contrast to support forced colors (PR #16595 by
- Port delayed keytip fix to onKeytipUpdated (PR #16614 by
Fri, 22 Jan 2021 12:24:49 GMT Compare changes
- Added generic type for ISelectableOption interface (PR #15488 by
Thu, 21 Jan 2021 12:36:12 GMT Compare changes
- Set focus state in FocusTrapZone even if onFocus and onBlur do not bubble (PR #15804 by
- Updating dev dependencies. (PR #16548 by
- fix a typo in CalloutContent.base.tsx (PR #15865 by
Wed, 20 Jan 2021 12:22:46 GMT Compare changes
- Use GrayText for disabled Action Button in high contrast. (PR #16188 by
Mon, 18 Jan 2021 12:35:34 GMT Compare changes
- Fixes TextField custom error message rendering (PR #16487 by
Fri, 08 Jan 2021 12:32:12 GMT Compare changes
- Fixed ComboBox onBlur was not submitting pending value when relatedTarget is an ancestor to menu (PR #16078 by
- Fixes linux firefox persona/image rendering only the top left quarter of images (#16361) (PR #16370 by
Thu, 07 Jan 2021 12:35:30 GMT Compare changes
- fix(Popup): use proper window from useWindow() hook (PR #16394 by
Thu, 31 Dec 2020 12:30:02 GMT Compare changes
- Add a props for Dropdown component to enable adjust width to fit content (PR #16298 by
- Add calloutMinWidth props for Callout component (PR #16298 by
Thu, 24 Dec 2020 12:35:10 GMT Compare changes
- DetailsList: Fix group chevron alignment in single select mode (PR #16289 by
Mon, 21 Dec 2020 12:28:34 GMT Compare changes
- feat: add new property onRenderStar for Rating (PR #15994 by
Fri, 18 Dec 2020 12:27:55 GMT Compare changes
- fix #15729: add type button to textfield of type password (PR #15949 by
Mon, 14 Dec 2020 12:27:38 GMT Compare changes
- Pickers: add aria-label as an option to apply to the root combobox (PR #16187 by
Wed, 09 Dec 2020 12:27:00 GMT Compare changes
- Button: Removing react-button Button from react-internal, re-exporting compat Button as regular Button. (PR #16150 by
- fix narrator scan mode navigation for picker (PR #16177 by
Mon, 07 Dec 2020 12:29:34 GMT Compare changes
- SpinButton: Add onChange (PR #16137 by
Fri, 04 Dec 2020 12:30:32 GMT Compare changes
- Add combo box exports (PR #16133 by
Wed, 02 Dec 2020 12:37:40 GMT Compare changes
- Dropdown: fix option text truncation for single-select. (PR #16096 by
- SpinButton: remove defaults for min and max (PR #16109 by
Tue, 01 Dec 2020 12:38:05 GMT Compare changes
- SpinButton: Fix function component conversion issues revealed by eslint-plugin-react-hooks (PR #15431 by
Thu, 26 Nov 2020 12:28:18 GMT Compare changes
- Only attempt to handle keydown event for tooltip close if the tooltip is currently open (PR #16011 by
Tue, 24 Nov 2020 12:29:52 GMT Compare changes
- GroupedList: Allow passing of rootListProps to allow passing attributes to parent list (#15772) (PR #16034 by
- Add interface for onRestoreFocus params (PR #15941 by
- SearchBox: Don't prevent Esc from propagating if the box is empty. Also fix infinite recursion in onKeyDown. (PR #16018 by
Mon, 23 Nov 2020 12:31:40 GMT Compare changes
- Fixed SearchBox maximum call stack size on keydown (PR #16028 by
Fri, 20 Nov 2020 12:32:25 GMT Compare changes
- Fix display issue with Dropdown when using Chrome Translate (PR #15984 by
- Keyboard focus should be visible in selected footers in pickers in high contrast (PR #15985 by
- ContextualMenu: remove unnecessary resize check (PR #15584 by
Thu, 19 Nov 2020 12:28:32 GMT Compare changes
- Add text to breacrumb overflow items (PR #15977 by
- improve Text variant style inheritance (PR #15942 by
Mon, 16 Nov 2020 12:31:52 GMT Compare changes
- Avoid React.Children traversal for early return cases (PR #15503 by
Fri, 13 Nov 2020 12:33:46 GMT Compare changes
- Add support for ariaDescription in contextual menu items (PR #15770 by
- Modify Persona example and tests to cover the new initials behavior (PR #15880 by
- Add missing exports to API (PR #15882 by
Tue, 10 Nov 2020 12:30:36 GMT Compare changes
- Updating Modal to a function component within react. (PR #15569 by
Fri, 06 Nov 2020 12:34:34 GMT Compare changes
- ContextualMenu: Using MenuContext.Consumer to consume context pvovided by MenuButton. (PR #15826 by
Tue, 03 Nov 2020 12:32:23 GMT Compare changes
- Add aria-hidden to error section (PR #15794 by
- Layer: fix not rendering into targeted host element defined by hostId prop. (PR #15756 by
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 12:32:47 GMT Compare changes
- Combobox: Allow combobox to handle the inner focus aspects of itself before calling the passed in onItemClick callback or calling setSelectedItem (PR #15791 by
- Remove references to custom Omit helper (PR #15790 by
- Update SpinButton to inherit Fabric font styles. (PR #15724 by
- SplitButton: Fix ariaDescription behavior so that it is correctly picked up by screen-readers. (PR #15797 by
Fri, 30 Oct 2020 12:33:11 GMT Compare changes
- remove check for allowFreeForm to enable readOnly prop (PR #15737 by
Thu, 29 Oct 2020 12:34:59 GMT Compare changes
- Export all from react-window-provider. (PR #15738 by
Wed, 28 Oct 2020 12:32:24 GMT Compare changes
- Port TextField reveal password feature to master (PR #15720 by
Tue, 27 Oct 2020 12:35:09 GMT Compare changes
- ResizeGroup: Improve perf by making sure resize data state change is batched. (PR #15701 by
Mon, 26 Oct 2020 12:39:59 GMT Compare changes
- Adding a forwardRef to Separator within react. (PR #15678 by
Fri, 23 Oct 2020 23:25:40 GMT Compare changes
- SelectionZone: Adding an optional className prop (PR #15652 by
Fri, 23 Oct 2020 03:26:15 GMT Compare changes
- Add react package (PR #15271 by
- Example updates. (PR #15337 by
- Moving FocusTrapZone and Modal from react-next to react. (PR #15368 by
- Move TextField "next" changes back to main package (PR #15370 by
- Moving SwatchColorPicker and ButtonGrid from react-next to react. (PR #15373 by
- Move ChoiceGroup v8 changes to react (PR #15387 by
- move Image component from react-next to react (PR #15367 by
- Moving react-next SearchBox to react. (PR #15385 by
- move persona to react (PR #15386 by
- Move Fabric from react-next to react (PR #15388 by
- Moving react-next OverflowSet to react package. (PR #15389 by
- Moving react-next MessageBar to react. (PR #15393 by
- Move v8 Rating changes to from react-next to react (PR #15398 by
- Move v8 Coachmark changes from react-next to react (PR #15400 by
- Move v8 ResizeGroup changes from react-next to react (PR #15401 by
- Moving react-next Shimmer to react package. (PR #15407 by
- Moving react-next SpinButton to react. (PR #15408 by
- Moving react-next TeachingBubble to react package. (PR #15411 by
- ContextualMenu: Move to react (PR #15448 by
- Moving react-next SelectedItemsList to react package. (PR #15430 by
- Popup: Replacing version in react with version from react-next. (PR #15436 by
- FloatingPickers: Move to react (PR #15458 by
- Callout: move to react (PR #15455 by
- Moving react-next Layer into react package. (PR #15481 by
- Re-export FocusZone directly from react-focus (PR #15515 by
- Don't ship a bundle of this package alone (PR #15414 by
- SpinButton: fix component typing, ref and remove keytipProps. (PR #15534 by
- Deprecate Fabric. (PR #15539 by
- Changing BaseButton's wrapper span to a fragment. (PR #15558 by
- Rename @uifabric/styling to @fluentui/style-utilities (PR #15567 by
- Export getMenuStyles from ContextualMenu (PR #15573 by
- Moves Button export to compat folder. (PR #15576 by
- rename @uifabric/foundation to @fluentui/foundation-legacy (PR #15595 by
- CommandBar: Fixing incorrect aria role. (PR #15614 by
- SearchBox: Making role on root div opt in. (PR #15621 by
- Adding a forwardRef to Check (ref-conformance) (PR #15622 by
- Adding a forwardRef to ContextualMenu (ref-conformance) (PR #15625 by
- Rename @uifabric/merge-styles to @fluentui/merge-styles (PR #15627 by
- ChoiceGroup option props cleanup (PR #15399 by
- Delete old Calendar and DatePicker (PR #15644 by
- Adding a forwardRef to VerticalDivider within react. (PR #15654 by
- Ensure GroupedList version is invalidated when parent list is invalidated (PR #15439 by
- Rename office-ui-fabric-react package and update references (PR #15271 by
- Export @fluentui/theme and react-theme-provider. Remove Foundation exports. (PR #15354 by
- Remove unneeded package dependencies. (PR #15456 by
- Combobox: Move combobox to react (PR #15490 by
- Dropdown: Move to react-internal (PR #15500 by
- Enable unit tests. (PR #15532 by
- Remove keytipProps/KeytipData from ComboBox and Dropdown. (PR #15534 by
- Remove duplicate shared scss files from src/common (use the ones from
instead) (PR #15543 by - Changing Button exports from the one in @fluentui/react-internal to the one in @fluentui/react-button. (PR #15576 by
- Rename @uifabric/icons to @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2 (PR #15603 by
- Fixing propagation of items and groups props from DetailsList through GroupedList. (PR #15605 by
- Rename @uifabric/set-version to @fluentui/set-version (PR #15616 by
- GroupedList: Adding support for custom keyUp callback to GroupHeader. (PR #15624 by
- Rename @uifabric/example-date to @fluentui/example-data (PR #15618 by
- GroupedList: Fixing issue where paging new data into existing groups did not trigger re-render. (PR #15628 by
- Rename @uifabric/react-hooks to @fluentui/react-hooks & @uifabric/utilities to @fluentui/utilities (PR #15629 by
- Delete old Calendar and DatePicker, re-export Calendar and DatePicker from date-time-utilities (PR #15644 by
- Rename @uifabric/date-time to @fluentui/react-date-time (PR #15659 by
Sun, 27 Sep 2020 04:20:52 GMT Compare changes
- SwatchColorPicker: Expose onRenderColorItem and override (PR #15180 by email not defined)
- Breadcrumb: add role prop for items (PR #15199 by
- Updating FocusTrapZone.test 'Focusing the FTZ' tests to use componentRef instead of ref. (PR #14804 by
- Fix incorrect hover behavior during menu animation (PR #15219 by
Fri, 25 Sep 2020 12:25:17 GMT Compare changes
- Update GroupList and Grouped DetailsList semantics to work with screen readers (PR #14835 by
- Support StrictMode in DetailsList hierarchy (PR #14980 by
- Add Callout prop allowDismissOnTargetClick boolean. (PR #15077 by
- Adding an elementRef to BaseButton.tsx to allow access to the root DOM element. (PR #15196 by
- Moving examples to @fluentui/examples package. (PR #15132 by
- DetailsList: reordering FocusZone and SelectionZone to resolve onItemInvoked not being called on pressing enter on an item. (PR #15221 by
- Fix GroupedList expand/collapse behavior (PR #15228 by
Thu, 24 Sep 2020 00:46:56 GMT Compare changes
- Added a prop preventDismissOnEvent in Callout, and in favor of this deprecated the 3 existing props preventDismissOnScroll, preventDismissOnResize, and preventDismissOnLostFocus in Callout Component (PR #14842 by
- Callouts: Fix a breaking change where new functionality would cause dismissal on giving focus to an iframe (PR #15192 by
- Set font-family inherit on button and input elements. (PR #15172 by
- Pivot: Fix HC styling for pivot tabs to show text when selected (PR #15166 by
Tue, 22 Sep 2020 12:25:45 GMT Compare changes
- Add control to the set of keys which dismiss the tooltip (PR #15000 by
- Fix bug in useKeytipRef function (PR #15113 by
Mon, 21 Sep 2020 12:22:29 GMT Compare changes
- Implement dialog boundary clamping (PR #15056 by
Thu, 17 Sep 2020 23:15:07 GMT Compare changes
- Update website content for ComboBox, Dropdown, and TextField (PR #15100 by
Wed, 16 Sep 2020 12:27:22 GMT Compare changes
- Unset virtual parent when closing popups (PR #15039 by
Fri, 11 Sep 2020 12:27:31 GMT Compare changes
- Migrate Target type to @uifabric/react-hooks (PR #14513 by
- ContextualMenu: clean up examples (PR #14989 by
- Remove useConstCallback usage (PR #14990 by
Thu, 10 Sep 2020 01:20:26 GMT Compare changes
- Export getMenuItemStyles from ContextualMenu (PR #14963 by
Wed, 09 Sep 2020 18:41:54 GMT Compare changes
- Exporting some of the interfaces that are being deep imported in product code. (PR #14824 by
Wed, 09 Sep 2020 12:24:19 GMT Compare changes
- Adding an IMaskTextFieldProps interface and deprecating mask, maskChar, and maskFormat from ITextFieldProps. (PR #14829 by
- Expose popupProps on Panel (PR #14868 by
- Callout: Dismiss when blurring to a new window. (PR #14363 by
Mon, 07 Sep 2020 12:26:26 GMT Compare changes
- Factor out hook-based inner logic from DetailsList (PR #12870 by
Fri, 04 Sep 2020 12:28:23 GMT Compare changes
- DetailsRow/DetailsHeader: Remove findDOMNode usage (PR #14851 by
Wed, 02 Sep 2020 12:26:41 GMT Compare changes
- Calendar: Adding aria-current=date to present day. (PR #14806 by
Tue, 01 Sep 2020 12:27:02 GMT Compare changes
- add wrapper styling to datepicker (PR #13477 by
- ResponsiveMode: remove findDomNode (PR #14762 by
- Deprecating Shimmer's componentRef as it doesn't use any public methods. (PR #14763 by
- Fabric component: styles prop respected. (PR #14827 by
Fri, 28 Aug 2020 12:29:20 GMT Compare changes
- Icon: Rendering children if passed down as props and adding snapshot tests for these scenarios. (PR #13621 by
- fixing negative date navigation by changing the date clone method from using strings to using the date object itself (PR #14647 by
- fixing callout positioning when screen is too small to position and DirectionalHint = left* or right* due to using last value from for loop (PR #14771 by
Wed, 26 Aug 2020 12:35:38 GMT Compare changes
- adding aria label on button to clarify what it does (PR #14728 by
- TextField: Removing recursive reference in ITextFieldStyles. (PR #14739 by
- Link: Making High Contrast styling adhere to system settings. (PR #14709 by
Tue, 25 Aug 2020 12:36:19 GMT Compare changes
- Checkbox: removed
wrappers in the styles, as they're no longer required. (PR #14707 by
- GroupedList: Fixing errors in the examples that are triggered when the tsconfig strictFunctionTypes rule is turned on. (PR #14640 by
- Renaming Grid utility to ButtonGrid. (PR #14710 by
Fri, 21 Aug 2020 12:34:55 GMT Compare changes
- Custom Layout for Contextual Menu (PR #14546 by
Wed, 19 Aug 2020 12:44:33 GMT Compare changes
- Export new theming variables, and fix theming variable generation script (PR #14396 by
Tue, 18 Aug 2020 07:58:00 GMT Compare changes
- StackItem: Fixing issue #12592 - StackItem does not use its
token (PR #14554 by - fixing publish (PR #14566 by
Fri, 14 Aug 2020 12:43:53 GMT Compare changes
- Pickers: Update to be concurrent compatible (PR #14491 by
- Link: Fixing High Contrast styling of links rendered as buttons. (PR #14497 by
Thu, 13 Aug 2020 12:41:58 GMT Compare changes
- BasePicker's onDismiss can now return a boolean to decide if an item is selected (PR #14302 by
Wed, 12 Aug 2020 18:34:18 GMT Compare changes
- CommandBar: Show tooltipHost.content when iconMode = true even when text/name is provided in commandBarItemProps (PR #14323 by
- Dropdown: Correctly updating set-size when number of options updates after first render. (PR #14415 by
- Tooltip: Stopping propagation when clicking Esc on tooltip host. (PR #14476 by
Tue, 11 Aug 2020 05:47:07 GMT Compare changes
- ContextualMenu: Add another prop to allow users to override default focus restoring behavior. This fixes an issue where it would not restore focus correctly when contextualmenu is hidden. (PR #14351 by
- Updating Announced, GroupedList, Coachmark, and ExtendedPeoplePicker examples to use function components (PR #13912 by
- Prettier fix. (PR #14018 by
Mon, 10 Aug 2020 06:19:21 GMT Compare changes
- Accessibility fix for links in dark mode (PR #14270 by
- FocusTrapZone: Adding aria-hidden to bumper elements so that they are not read by screen readers. (PR #14376 by
- ContextualMenu: Modifying examples so that screen readers read the different ways to open a submenu. (PR #14401 by
- Fix input and label IDs not respected by choice group option. (PR #14387 by
- Add HC styling to fix ProgressIndicator progress bar (PR #14410 by
- Add HC styling to make clickable and nonclickable items differentiable (PR #14411 by
Thu, 06 Aug 2020 12:40:48 GMT Compare changes
- Updating Shimmer and Stack to function components. (PR #13849 by
- Updating Picker, TagPicker, and Selection examples to use function components. (PR #14156 by
- Spinner: Fix HC styling of spinner componet to show highlight color (PR #14372 by
Thu, 06 Aug 2020 00:30:40 GMT Compare changes
- Adding useResponsiveMode hook within office-ui-fabric-react utilities. (PR #14229 by
- Add deprecation notices (PR #13626 by
- Removing unused default props from TeachingBubbleContent. (PR #14239 by
- Toggle: fix thumb border width style (PR #14361 by
- Dropdown: Fixing multiselect scenarios not reading out aria-setsize and aria-posinset due to incorrect placement of role=option in Checkbox. (PR #14367 by
- Dropdown: Removing aria-required from multiselect scenarios since it's not allowed for role='button'. (PR #14369 by
Wed, 05 Aug 2020 12:39:43 GMT Compare changes
- Remove all usage of string refs in OUFR (PR #14342 by
- Add focuszone props to GroupedList and change details list to only use a single focus zone (PR #14283 by
- Toggle: fix pill HC style when selected (PR #14316 by
- Fix hc hover styling for checked checkbox to make checked state more visible on hover (PR #14341 by
- Remove findDOMNode usage from DragDropHelper (PR #14348 by
Tue, 04 Aug 2020 12:42:32 GMT Compare changes
- update hc styling for Dropdown and ComboBox items to remove noisy borders (PR #14273 by
Mon, 03 Aug 2020 12:45:42 GMT Compare changes
- Add high contrast styling for command bar (PR #14215 by
Thu, 30 Jul 2020 12:38:09 GMT Compare changes
- updated grouped list to be a11y compliant (PR #11494 by
- Add noop transform to force gpu on mobile (PR #13875 by
Fri, 24 Jul 2020 12:45:55 GMT Compare changes
- ScrollablePane: fix pointer events on sticky'd elements (PR #13744 by
- Add high contrast adjust selector to dropdown styles (PR #14176 by
Wed, 22 Jul 2020 12:40:51 GMT Compare changes
- Updated doc content (PR #13887 by
- Add :after styles to fix ratio of suggested items in PeoplePicker on keyboard focus (PR #14124 by
Tue, 21 Jul 2020 12:43:08 GMT Compare changes
- DetailsList: fix exception in DetailsRow when selection is undefined. (PR #14088 by
- add document role to child of modal to fix VoiceOver issue (PR #14096 by
- Fix "rules of hooks" lint rule violations (PR #14097 by
Sat, 18 Jul 2020 00:04:51 GMT Compare changes
- Panel: pass missing event to onDismiss. (PR #14075 by
Thu, 16 Jul 2020 21:33:40 GMT Compare changes
- Fix onBlur event firing on every calendar day component bug (PR #13992 by
- removing unnecessary !important, fixing two linting errors, fixing high contrast bug in oufr calendar (PR #14032 by
Wed, 15 Jul 2020 12:41:19 GMT Compare changes
- Allow consumer of ContextualMenu control to override the role of internal list. (PR #13908 by
- Fix screen reader behavior on picker action buttons (#13291) (PR #13627 by
Mon, 13 Jul 2020 23:14:39 GMT Compare changes
- Replace tslint with eslint; fix some violations (PR #13944 by
- Add mutliSelectDelimiter property to ComboBox (PR #13979 by
- Keytip: add useKeytipRef hook. (PR #13742 by
- ContextualMenu: Fix high contrast style for submenu icon (PR #13843 by
Thu, 09 Jul 2020 21:59:04 GMT Compare changes
- Apply focusZone props to ContextualMenu. (PR #13924 by
- Prettier update. (PR #13812 by
- Slider: Fixing High Contrast styles. (PR #13952 by
- Applying cosmetic code updates from Prettier. (PR #13953 by
Wed, 08 Jul 2020 12:34:21 GMT Compare changes
- Removing console.log from MarqueeSelection Example. (PR #13941 by
Tue, 07 Jul 2020 12:34:51 GMT Compare changes
- Combine labelId and StateTextId in labelledById and update tests (PR #13886 by
Wed, 01 Jul 2020 12:35:23 GMT Compare changes
- Ensure ResizeGroup uses correct window for animation frame (PR #13864 by
- High contrast in Edge Chromium: fix Label and TextField. (PR #13844 by
- High Contrast in Edge Chromium: fix ChoiceGroup. (PR #13846 by
- High Contrast in Edge Chromium: fix Nav. (PR #13850 by
- High Contrast in Edge Chromium: Fix ContextualMenu. (PR #13870 by
Mon, 29 Jun 2020 12:36:08 GMT Compare changes
- SpinButton: pass through event information if the user spins up or down (PR #13811 by
- ContextualMenu: Fixing issue where focus would not return to previously focused element and issue where error might occur if said previously focused element didn't have a focus method. (PR #13813 by
- Convert KeytipTransitionModifier to type (PR #13825 by
Fri, 26 Jun 2020 12:36:28 GMT Compare changes
- PeoplePicker: Fix examples to properly remove duplicates (PR #13366 by
Mon, 22 Jun 2020 12:42:16 GMT Compare changes
- KeytipData: convert to function component (PR #13688 by
Fri, 19 Jun 2020 12:38:09 GMT Compare changes
- Keytip: add KeytipLayer storybook decorator and fix missing handled prop for link (PR #13687 by
Wed, 17 Jun 2020 16:07:40 GMT Compare changes
- Icon: Rendering children if passed down as props and adding snapshot tests for these scenarios. (PR #13621 by
- Add new rounded corners to theme (PR #13635 by
Wed, 17 Jun 2020 12:37:16 GMT Compare changes
- Add Datetime utilities package (PR #13605 by
Tue, 16 Jun 2020 12:40:00 GMT Compare changes
- Prevent ContextualMenu from destroying existing menu items on every repaint (PR #13357 by
- fix height and width check in the image component (PR #13544 by
Mon, 15 Jun 2020 12:45:48 GMT Compare changes
- modalization for FocusTrapZone (PR #13281 by
Fri, 12 Jun 2020 18:29:07 GMT Compare changes
- PivotItem: Fixing typing error in headerButtonProps. (PR #13550 by
- Update Details and Grouped list chevron to rotate in the correct direction for RTL. (PR #13514 by
- Combobox: Fix openOnKeyboard prop to work as expected (PR #13520 by
- Fix some unnecessary DetailsList styles (PR #13540 by
Wed, 10 Jun 2020 12:37:27 GMT Compare changes
- DocumentCard: add prop to open link in a new tab. (PR #13076 by
- Add onGrowData to Breadcrumb (PR #13447 by
Tue, 09 Jun 2020 12:35:17 GMT Compare changes
- Link: fix broken href in examples (PR #13511 by
Mon, 08 Jun 2020 12:34:34 GMT Compare changes
- Dialog: min height for title to ensure subtext doesn't overlap 'close' button. (PR #13492 by
- Dropdown and ContextualMenu doc comment clarifications (PR #13471 by
- Picker/PeoplePicker: Fix issue where default value wouldn't trigger suggestions (PR #13480 by
- Deprecating defaultSelectedIndex props in Pivot.types.ts. (PR #13479 by
Fri, 05 Jun 2020 05:09:39 GMT Compare changes
- Fixing GroupedList custom example aria error. (PR #13457 by
- Stack: Clarifying deprecated message of props replaced by tokens. (PR #13476 by
Thu, 04 Jun 2020 12:35:08 GMT Compare changes
- CommandBar: Fixed caching to greatly improve performance for all users (PR #13428 by
- Pivot: replace onKeyPress with onKeyDown and ariaLabel with aria-label (PR #13442 by
Tue, 02 Jun 2020 12:36:30 GMT Compare changes
- Dialog: Fixing broken deprecated props and adding snapshot tests for them. (PR #13425 by
- Remove explicit blocking of Alt key (PR #13389 by
- add aria-checked if the role is menuitemradio (PR #13434 by
Fri, 29 May 2020 12:35:34 GMT Compare changes
- Add dedicated touch invoke functionality to SelectionZone (PR #13241 by
- SpinButton: Reintroduce incorrect behavior of allowing updates when value is provided to prevent breaking partners. (PR #13367 by
- Changing storybook add-on panel position to default to be at the bottom of the page. (PR #12906 by
Thu, 28 May 2020 12:42:08 GMT Compare changes
- SplitButton: Making imperative focus call on touch events. (PR #13361 by
Wed, 27 May 2020 12:40:00 GMT Compare changes
- Pivot: Adding
prop toPivotItem
to allow for persistentPivotItems
to control the amount of re-renders that happen. (PR #12779 by
Thu, 21 May 2020 12:34:43 GMT Compare changes
- MessageBar: Restore style overrides for Link inside MessageBar in high contrast; use dismissButtonAriaLabel as title too (PR #13034 by
- Prettier fix in Callout test. (PR #12478 by
Wed, 20 May 2020 12:31:10 GMT Compare changes
- update MessageBarButtonBorder color (PR #12932 by
Mon, 18 May 2020 12:54:52 GMT Compare changes
- Pass all relevant state to Nav group render override (PR #12854 by
- SpinButton: allow empty string as value, clean up docs and tests (PR #13174 by
- DetailsList: clarify IColumn.ariaLabel docs; other doc cleanup (PR #13183 by
Fri, 15 May 2020 12:42:20 GMT Compare changes
- Updating List, Keytips, and Facepile examples to use function components (PR #12829 by
- updating Shimmer, Slider, SelectedPeopleList, MarqueeSelection, and SwatchColorPicker examples to FC (PR #12849 by
Fri, 15 May 2020 05:52:46 GMT Compare changes
- PivotItem: Expanding types of headerButtonProps to include IButtonProps. (PR #13128 by
Fri, 15 May 2020 00:07:39 GMT Compare changes
- Support custom checkbox for : added onRenderGroupHeaderCheckbox property (PR #12105 by
- Updating examples for ProgressIndicator, FloatingPeoplePicker and ResizeGroupOverflowSetExample to use FC (PR #12890 by
Thu, 14 May 2020 12:34:32 GMT Compare changes
- fix accessibility issue (PR #12952 by
- updating DocumentCard and GroupedList to FC (PR #12851 by
- Update Picker.CustomResult.Example.tsx (PR #12795 by
- Updating examples to use
instead ofgetId
and convertingDialog
examples to function components. (PR #13054 by
Tue, 12 May 2020 12:41:21 GMT Compare changes
- Adding onDragOver method to IDragDropEvents (PR #12859 by
Mon, 11 May 2020 12:36:34 GMT Compare changes
- Checkbox: remove unneeded text-align css on label (PR #13014 by
- Shimmer: fix high contrast in new edge (PR #13073 by
Fri, 08 May 2020 12:35:40 GMT Compare changes
- Add custom expand icon support to Group Header (PR #13011 by
- update snapshots for merge-styles change to not generate class with no styles (PR #13029 by
- Prettier fix on Callout test. (PR #12339 by
- Checkbox: fix high contrast styles in Edge Chromium (PR #13035 by
- Cleaning up callout, announced, and calendar examples (PR #13053 by
Thu, 07 May 2020 01:06:55 GMT Compare changes
- CommonJS paths were pointing to esm paths, now should correctly point to the right path. (PR #13026 by
Wed, 06 May 2020 12:32:22 GMT Compare changes
- Dropdown: improve multi-select selected keys warnings (PR #12989 by
- ColorPicker: removing unneeded array spread. (PR #12994 by
Tue, 05 May 2020 12:34:22 GMT Compare changes
- Adding missing changes due to move from IPoint to Point. (PR #12993 by
- Add logic to cap the number we show in the facepile descrtiptive overflow at 99 to prevent text overflow (PR #12902 by
- Prettier fix in Callout test. (PR #12448 by
- MarqueeSelection: Fixing drag and drop functionality. (PR #12991 by
Mon, 04 May 2020 12:33:29 GMT Compare changes
- Prettier Fix in Callout test. (PR #12615 by
Fri, 01 May 2020 12:28:41 GMT Compare changes
- Theming: fix SASS slot autogenerator and run it (PR #12949 by
Fri, 01 May 2020 00:19:21 GMT Compare changes
- Updating usage of FocusZone to use non-deprecated prop names. (PR #12484 by
Thu, 30 Apr 2020 12:31:44 GMT Compare changes
- Example: update Callout example to use Text component (PR #12423 by
Wed, 29 Apr 2020 12:34:58 GMT Compare changes
- update MessageBar colors (PR #12821 by
- Updating FocusTrapZone, Overlay, and TextField to use function components (PR #12774 by
Tue, 28 Apr 2020 12:34:09 GMT Compare changes
- Updating IPoint, x and y references to Point, left and top respectively. (PR #12722 by
- Popup: add onRestoreFocus method to replace shouldRestoreFocus (PR #12806 by
- Change contextual menu renderMenuItem function to prevent prop mutation and unneeded rerenders (PR #12750 by
- Updating examples for ScrollablePane and HoverCard to use FC (PR #12871 by
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 12:39:25 GMT Compare changes
- Callout: Updating positioning logic to account for dual screen scenarios. (PR #12785 by
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 12:33:04 GMT Compare changes
- Updating Announced, Callout, and Calendar examples to function components (PR #12670 by
- Fix SASS default values for theme.effects (PR #12802 by
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 12:34:50 GMT Compare changes
- ContextualMenu: Improve perf by doing less merge styles (PR #12752 by
- Update ColorRectangle and ColorSlider to handle native events when using the 'on' utility (PR #12753 by
Sun, 19 Apr 2020 02:02:09 GMT Compare changes
- Enable classnames caching for label and icon (PR #12712 by
Fri, 17 Apr 2020 12:34:08 GMT Compare changes
- Allow forwarding of FocusTrapZone props in TeachingBubble (PR #12693 by
- Pivot: componentRef now resolves correctly, unnecessary DOM element removed. (PR #12748 by
- added set of svg icons (PR #12641 by
Thu, 16 Apr 2020 12:37:31 GMT Compare changes
- Replace uses of EventGroup with the 'on' function and _disposables pattern in ColorRectangle, ColorSlider, and Slider (PR #12717 by
- changed svg factory example and added icon components tests (PR #12675 by
Thu, 16 Apr 2020 04:01:45 GMT Compare changes
- Adding Stack snapshot test for RTL scenarios. (PR #12649 by
- Readme: Add migration info (PR #12508 by
- removing more references to wrong icon-ppt.png icon in wrong folder (PR #12422 by
- Fixed a bug in the DatePicker causing an existing validation error to be cleared when tabbing through the component. (PR #12602 by
- Panel: passing close button styles down using subComponentStyles (PR #12630 by
- Examples: fix bad practice styles prop (PR #12631 by
- Updated DatePicker and ComboBox examples to use function components (PR #12637 by
- Updating Rating, Text, OverflowSet, and Dropdown examples to use function components (PR #12638 by
- always return explicit Fabric dir (PR #12647 by
- Adding SVG icon examples (PR #12608 by
- Keyframes are calculated on access. This helps with SSR generation, as namespace will be respected. (PR #12668 by
- DetailsRow.base bug fix for cellStyleProps (PR #12691 by
Thu, 09 Apr 2020 12:24:31 GMT
- Support List overrides for rendering root and surface elements (
- ColorPicker: Add support for selecting transparency instead of alpha (
- Combobox: Fix getActiveDescendantValue would sometimes return -listundefined. (
- DetailsList: add missing aria-label to example (
Wed, 08 Apr 2020 12:28:27 GMT
- Fabric: cleanup dir logic, don't add 'dir' unless different from context (
- CommandBar: prevent command button style mutation if possible (
- fix: fix typings for asAsync & internal usages of (
Tue, 07 Apr 2020 12:35:07 GMT
- GroupedList: Only invoke range selection on header click when in multiple selection mode (
- Updated search box and divider examples to functional components (
Mon, 06 Apr 2020 12:27:21 GMT
- Updated search box and divider examples to functional components (
- Updating Image and Persona examples to use function components. (
Fri, 03 Apr 2020 12:27:13 GMT
- ChoiceGroup: fix bad cache key for getClassNames (
- Update Layer and Modal examples to use functional components (
Thu, 02 Apr 2020 12:30:40 GMT
- ComboBox: borderColor should be applied properly in the case of error (
- Button: Add an example of an IconButton that has a Tooltip. (
- Pivot: fixing comment typo. (
Wed, 01 Apr 2020 12:29:21 GMT
- Panel: closeButton should stick to the right even if header is removed (
- Combobox: Update docs to make onPendingValueChanged more clear (
- ComboBox: onResolveOptions and onPointerDown callbacks should not hit when disabled. (
Tue, 31 Mar 2020 12:27:26 GMT
- DetailsList: Fixes following issues with Groups: 1) Add draggable attribute if required 2) Call onDragEnter and onDragLeave with right parameters 3) Use the css class returned by onDragEnter (
- update website banner and remove reference to fabric in context menu docs (
Mon, 30 Mar 2020 19:10:08 GMT
- Dialog/Panel: Change heading from 2 to 1 (
Wed, 25 Mar 2020 12:30:04 GMT
- Changing references of Fabric to Fluent (
- Adding Text example for weights. (
Mon, 23 Mar 2020 12:28:29 GMT
- Replace OfficeDev/office-ui-fabric-react with microsoft/fluentui (
Thu, 19 Mar 2020 12:29:37 GMT
- Run prettier: 120 line length, trailing commas. And minor documentation updates prompted by line length changes. (
Tue, 17 Mar 2020 20:48:59 GMT
- Pass default ContextualMenuItem renderer to onRenderMenuList (
- Added support for overriding persona presence colors (
- Remove duplicated export (
Tue, 17 Mar 2020 12:28:58 GMT
- Ensure ContextualMenu section header generates valid element ID (
- Adding onClick callback to divider in SplitButtons that stops propagation so that clicking on the divider does not trigger action. (
Mon, 16 Mar 2020 12:28:27 GMT
- BaseComponent: remove using BaseComponent from oufr package (
Fri, 13 Mar 2020 12:30:22 GMT
- KeytipManager: Add new options for adjusting how keytip data is sent to the manager to optimize rendering times for components which use keytips (
Thu, 12 Mar 2020 12:35:00 GMT
- convert initializeFocusRects to hook (
- withResponsiveMode: Add initializeResponsiveMode render performance optimization (
Tue, 10 Mar 2020 12:25:14 GMT
- ITag: key can be number, in addition to string. (
- Fix the legacy items wrapper styles. (
- restore onRenderIcon prop for ContextualMenuSplitButton (
Sat, 07 Mar 2020 01:39:37 GMT
- Adding isReversed prop to overflowSet so we can visually reverse the components and maintain consistent keyboarding navigation. (
- Export GroupedListSection (
- Cleanup: Removing 'use strict' directive in ts files since modules are emitted with a 'use strict' prologue. (
- withViewport: cleaning up resize observer. (
Thu, 05 Mar 2020 12:27:53 GMT
- Suggestions: Deprecating unused searchErrorText prop. (
Wed, 04 Mar 2020 12:27:02 GMT
- Remove vertical-align flagged as unused (
- MarqueeSelection: deleting html element references on unmount. (
Tue, 03 Mar 2020 12:27:24 GMT
- Using tslint:disable-next-line instead of tslint:disable without a corresponding tslint:enable afterwards for all non-tests and non-data files. (
- Link: Make focus work even when Link has block children. (
- ScrollablePane example: fix strict function type errors (
Mon, 02 Mar 2020 12:25:44 GMT
- SpinButton: fix SpinButton content overlapping with border under certain resolutions (
- DetailsList Example: change drag drop behavior to be more intuitive, allow dragging to the last row (
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 12:25:15 GMT
- Updates the Nav component's links to use aria-current (
- Panel: use align-items for vertical alignment (
- Dialog: fix isOpen deprecated prop no longer being honored (
Thu, 27 Feb 2020 12:23:46 GMT
- Toggle: allow menuitemcheckbox role (
- Slider: allow setting id on slider (
Wed, 26 Feb 2020 12:28:12 GMT
- Turning on 'deprecation' tslint rule. (
Tue, 25 Feb 2020 12:25:39 GMT
- FocusZone: Re-exporting FocusZone from react-focus package and removing duplication in OUFR package. (
- Delete PositioningContainer docs (
Mon, 24 Feb 2020 12:21:19 GMT
- DetailsList: fix memory leak caused by incorrect component memoization (
- Adding pointer down support for dismissing the fabric base layer. (
Fri, 21 Feb 2020 12:20:14 GMT
- Adds ignoreScrollingState to List, to avoid updates to scrolling state when it's not being used (
- Link: text decoration should not show up even for buttons. (
Thu, 20 Feb 2020 12:20:16 GMT
- SearchBox: Use native input onBlur to fix blur getting called twice (
- DatePicker: Fixing onSelectDate event being called twice when allowTextInput is set to true. (
- GroupedList: Adding checks for group and selection being undefined. (
- FocusZone: fix memory leak caused by closure (
Wed, 19 Feb 2020 12:21:05 GMT
- Removing use of deprecated props across the office-ui-fabric-react package so we can eventually enable the tslint deprecation rule. (
- Add syncpack and synchronize dependencies. Refresh fluent import. (
- Set touchmove and touchend event handlers to get caught in the capture phase (
Mon, 17 Feb 2020 17:06:50 GMT
- List: clearing scrollElement on unmount to avoid retaining an edge to a dom element and leaking. (
- Fix: Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document'. (email not defined)
- ShimmeredDetailsList: add aria-busy=true when shimmer is enabled (
Wed, 12 Feb 2020 12:24:27 GMT
- Re-export react-focus's FocusZone from OUFR (
- Replacing deprecated StatelessComponent references with FunctionComponent. (
- ContextualMenu: change role of category options to menuitemcheckbox (
- TextField example: fix onChange typing error when strictFunctionType is true (
Tue, 11 Feb 2020 18:37:59 GMT
- TagItem accepts title and defaults either children or item name (#11845) (
- Tooltip: allow scrolling tooltip content (
- Dropdown: fix SubComponentStyles interfaces (
Mon, 10 Feb 2020 12:39:35 GMT
- Dropdown: fix item hover style (
- SpinButton: remove unneeded validation on tab key (
Fri, 07 Feb 2020 12:41:31 GMT
- GroupedList: Announcing position in set. (
Thu, 06 Feb 2020 12:37:34 GMT
- ev.defaultPrevented is not a function, remove errant () (
- DocumentCard: Updating DocumentCardLocations styles to latest Fluent specs. (
- MaskedTextField: fix MaskedTextField captures focus on re-render on Edge (
- Dropdown: remove unnecessary focus calls (
Wed, 05 Feb 2020 12:43:32 GMT
- TeachingBubble: Fixing styling when TeachingBubble has close button but no headline. (
- TeachingBubble: Applying Callout style-related props like calloutWidth and calloutMaxWidth. (
- ChoiceGroup: fix option label text being cutoff (
- Pickers: remove input X button in Edge (
Mon, 03 Feb 2020 20:04:10 GMT
- Text: Updating docs and style logic to remove 'inherit' by default behavior. (
- Dialog: Fix DialogContent titleProps (
Fri, 31 Jan 2020 19:00:10 GMT
- Providing drag drop support for GroupedListSection. Previously, GroupedListSection was non-draggable. (
- Add ability to customize DetailsHeader tooltip based on column data (
- Add styles file and type files for EditItem component (
- FacePile: Use default semantic html instead of aria attributes and roles (
- ContextualMenu: Transforming examples to FunctionComponents and cleaning them up. (
- Nav: Fixing regular expression used to determine if URL is protocol relative or not. (
- Dropdown: Fixing various High Contrast issues. (
- ContextualMenu: fix role for checkable split button menu item (
- GroupedList: Adding aria-expanded state to the focus target of groups so that the collapsed/expanded state of the group is announced. (
- GroupedList: Adding aria-level to indicate nested level of groups. (
Wed, 29 Jan 2020 12:37:18 GMT
- MessageBar: Fix High Contrast Mode issues. (
- Panel: Calling onOpen on non-imperative scenarios like its description states. (
- Dropdown: Fix issue where pressing key up can cause scrolling of the whole page. (
Tue, 28 Jan 2020 12:43:24 GMT
- BaseFloatingPicker: pass custom props to inner Callout (
- Dialog/Panel: allow to set aria-level on header title (
- Semantic slot conversions for a few components: Persona, ContexualMenu, SplitButton, SpinButton, Tooltip, Dropdown, ComboBox, CommandBar, Suggestions (
- Fix a bug where a user pressing the down key without opening the dropdown causes the window to scroll. The dropdown should cycle through the options. This fix changes the index from being the last item in the options to being the starting index, which is 0. (
- Support for dynamically updating keytips (
- Button: Adding support for onPointerDown and onPointerUp. (
Mon, 27 Jan 2020 03:59:43 GMT
- GroupedList: Add role prop to groupProps (
- add icon support to combobox (
- SpinButton: Making disabled SpinButtons non-focusable. (
- SearchBox: Dispose of EventGroup on unmount (
- PersonaCoin and related components: elliminating BaseComponent usage to reduce bundle size. (
Fri, 24 Jan 2020 12:30:27 GMT
- Updating text field validation in date-time package to check new value rather than old one. (
- DatePicker: Fixing issue with formatted dates. (
Wed, 22 Jan 2020 12:36:43 GMT
- Panel: Restyled Panel's header and navigation sections (
- TextField: fix focused bottom border mis-alignment when errorMessage is set (
Mon, 20 Jan 2020 12:28:43 GMT
- ContextualMenu: Hide checkmark in ContextualMenuItems if canCheck is false (
- PeoplePicker: Splitting one example into multiple examples and converting to Function Components. (
Fri, 17 Jan 2020 02:32:17 GMT
- Update tslib minver to first version containing __spreadArrays helper due to changes in how TS emits spreads. (
Fri, 17 Jan 2020 01:24:12 GMT
- OverflowSet: Don't assume role or orientation. Update CommandBar, examples and docs (
- Theme Designer: adding secondary text to a11y panel, adding neutralSecondaryAlt to Fabric Palette slots table, fixing ThemeRulesStandards & ThemeGenerator producing color inaccuracies (
- DatePicker accessibility: day in calendar is announced with blank role (
- DatePicker: error message for required field is not cleared when date is selected from calendar (
- Basepicker/Suggestions: Fix an issue where hasSuggestedAction would return true incorrectly (
Thu, 16 Jan 2020 12:28:58 GMT
- Upgrade repo to TS3.7. (
- Add aria role to multi-select dropdown (
- CommandBar: Do not render empty div if farItems prop is empty array (
- ContextualMenu: Fix disabled item being focusable (
- Dropdown: fix exception when options change due to DropdownSizePosCache (
- Fixing click handling for colorrectangle for bug #11680 (
- Revert "ContextualMenu: Fix disabled item being focusable (#11693)" (
Wed, 15 Jan 2020 00:21:25 GMT
- ComboBox: Move autoComplete with no freeform key handling to onKeyUp to get access to key value vs key code to support non latin characters (
- Text: Fixing children check so it can render {0} value. (
- Reverting moving tablist to be a parent of tabpanel (
Tue, 14 Jan 2020 12:27:16 GMT
- Fabric: Properly handle dir being passed into control (
- FocusZone: remove keydown listener correctly to avoid a leak with inner zones. (
Mon, 13 Jan 2020 12:28:56 GMT
- Change focus class behavior: Alternate between 'hidden' and 'visible' classes (
- Consume compose functions where appropriate (
- Popup: fix an issue where onBlur would not correctly update focus state (
- Dropdown: fix missing asterisk on focused dropdown (
Fri, 10 Jan 2020 12:31:47 GMT
- FocusZone:add page down/up feature (
- Update snapshot test after fixing combobox styling (
- Remove onBlur from being excluded in grid (
Thu, 09 Jan 2020 12:34:52 GMT
- Icon: update null/undefinedcached icons till the time non-null/undefined icons are available for the first time. Then cache the non-null/undefined icons. (
- Popup: Fix disposables and element ref memory leaks (
Wed, 08 Jan 2020 17:02:57 GMT
- Button: Use aria-checked for checkbox and menuitemcheckbox roles (
- Update focus border styles for SearchBox, BasePicker (
- bumping load-themed-styles to take advantage of es6 version of it (
- For API reference pages, show all property tables on page load (
- Calendar: Fixing text color of 'today's day cell' when in High Contrast Mode. (
Tue, 07 Jan 2020 12:31:36 GMT
- Pickers: fix multiple enter presses selecting same option many times (
- FocusTrapZone: Release event handlers and element references for garbage-collection (
Mon, 06 Jan 2020 12:29:10 GMT
- Modal ignoreExternalFocusing prop should also affect Popup (
- Combobox: Clicks to headers and scrollbars no longer cause onBlur (
- FocusZone: Delete function references on unmount (
Fri, 03 Jan 2020 12:27:16 GMT
- ChoiceGroup: update docs and examples (
- Remove duplicate ChoiceGroupOption export (
- TagPicker: Define
for TagItem in case text overflows. ( - update callout docs comment (
Wed, 01 Jan 2020 12:30:43 GMT
- Pass the original renderer to onRenderLabel in ChoiceGroupOption (#11575) (
Tue, 31 Dec 2019 12:31:45 GMT
- SwatchColorPicker: properly apply ID; doc updates (
- Fabric control: listen for rtl in theme (
- DetailsList: Update examples to work in strictFunctionTypes (
- Combobox: Focus returns to input after item click (
- Layer: add touch events to filtering to stop those that are bubbling up (
Mon, 30 Dec 2019 12:25:00 GMT
- add firstFocusableSelector to example FocusTrapZone to resolve Edge issue (
Tue, 24 Dec 2019 12:33:51 GMT
- Ensure icon font family isn't overridden by Fabric Core (
Mon, 23 Dec 2019 12:34:01 GMT
- Align color system in Tooltip (
Fri, 20 Dec 2019 12:32:45 GMT
- Modal, Panel, Overlay: added optional prop allowTouchBodyScroll that allows body scroll on touch devices (
- ScrollablePane: Fixing tabbing navigation with Sticky headers. (
Thu, 19 Dec 2019 12:33:02 GMT
- Update color picker to include aria labels for hue and alpha sliders (
- Combobox: Fix multiselect options not being read by screen readers. (
- Sticky: Always render narrator readable content in place (
- DocumentCard: Fixing focus styling on Links in DocumentCardPreview. (
- Combobox: Removed redundant htmlFor attribute as input already use aria-labelledby (
- SearchBox: Don't duplicate placeholder text in aria-label (
- DetailsList: Adding Announced section for # of filtered items in examples. (
- DetailsList: Adding Announced section for examples that have '# of items selected' message in display. (
Wed, 18 Dec 2019 12:30:18 GMT
- FocusZone: Adding tab handle for DomOrder direction. (
Tue, 17 Dec 2019 12:29:42 GMT
- ProgressIndicator: improve high contrast colors for progress bar (
- PersonaCoin: make divs role presentation (
Sun, 15 Dec 2019 23:45:36 GMT
- Persona: adding alt text to examples (
- DetailsList: Adding aria-readonly attribute so screen readers don't announce the cells as editable. (
- getRTL uses RTL flag on theme if present. (
- Fix iteration of Sticky items in ScrollablePane (
- Fix minor doc issues for TextField and pickers (
- Move ARIA role to outer div where native props are assigned to allow for ARIA attributes such as aria-label. (
- ContextualMenu: Associate group with header to improve narrator (
Fri, 13 Dec 2019 12:30:51 GMT
- Toggle: Change div inside button to be a span (
- Tooltip: clarify examples and docs (
- FocusZone: Escape readOnly input on arrow clicks (
- Nav: Allow falsy values of title to be passed into items (
- Panel: onLightDismissClick now properly prevents light dismiss (
- ContextualMenu: Fix accessibility issue in example (
Thu, 12 Dec 2019 12:29:56 GMT
- Callout: Add Non Focusable Callout example (
- Ensure that navigating between selected items doesn't clear modal state (
- Stack: Adding documentation about Stack Items in the Stack overview. (
Wed, 11 Dec 2019 12:30:26 GMT
- Only update ExtendedPicker state on input events that are not mid-composition (
- Dropdown: Render options with header in group so that narrator associates group with header (
- Autocomplete: Allow value to be overriden (
- Combobox: multi-select does not clear index on selection. Selected and checked properly supported (
- fix contextual menu split button cannot be read by screen reader bug (
Tue, 10 Dec 2019 12:34:47 GMT
- DetailsList: Pass column styles to DetailsColumn (
- Dialog: Use closeButtonAriaLabel for close button tooltip (
- Theme Designer: use createTheme and Customizations.applySettings instead of loadTheme (
- Screen Reader is reading wrong column header with associated cell value for single-select detail list (
- Button: fix size mismatch between primary and default buttons (
Mon, 09 Dec 2019 12:29:23 GMT
- OverflowSet: Vertical layout now uses menu instead of menubar (
Fri, 06 Dec 2019 12:33:21 GMT
- Fixed after element misalignment (
- Dropdown: fix misalignment (
- DocumentCard: Adding explicit focus styles (
- Slider: getAriaValueText should return value if ariaValueText isn't supplied (
- updated snapshots (
- Correct SpinButton default max value in documentation (
Thu, 05 Dec 2019 12:34:16 GMT
- ComboBox: empty errorMessage shouldn't create white space (
- VirtualizedComboBox: Implement focus(shouldOpenOnFocus, asyncFocus) (
Wed, 04 Dec 2019 12:32:13 GMT
- Add calloutProps to HoverCard (
- Added a a field to Nav Group Props" (
Tue, 03 Dec 2019 12:36:28 GMT
- Pickers: Allow force resolve when no match found (
- DatePicker: Making styles accept functions and objects and not only functions. (
- ComboBox: Fixing icon position when disabled. (
- Removed persona cursor style as it was making non buttons look like clickable buttons (
Fri, 29 Nov 2019 12:34:49 GMT
- TeachingBubble: add hasCloseButton and deprecate hasCloseIcon; prevent header text from overlapping with close button. (
Thu, 28 Nov 2019 12:32:23 GMT
- Updated office-ui-fabric-core dependency (
- Coachmark: Add prop to make beak persistent after opening (
- Update Modal onKeyUp to also register in componentDidMount (
- Update spinbutton check (
Wed, 27 Nov 2019 12:32:07 GMT
- Combobox: Noop if selected item is disabled (
- PeoplePicker: Fix selected + hover Persona text styling. (
- ComboBox: Fixing options' custom styling not applying to multiselect ComboBoxes. (
Tue, 26 Nov 2019 12:32:11 GMT
- Fabric component: adding
support to affect both thedir
attribute as well as affecting the styling generated within scope (by creating an rtl-versioned theme and exposing it viaCustomizer
.) (
Mon, 25 Nov 2019 12:31:13 GMT
- CommandBar: Removed unnecessary role={'presentation'} from OverflowSet (
- fixing double selection in Calendar month picker (
- CommandBarButton: Fixed hidden CommandBarButton splitbuttonDivider (
- test (
- Revert label change (
Fri, 22 Nov 2019 16:57:54 GMT
- Modal: Updated styles to match toolkit. (
- Removed SCSS from ResizeGroup. Added ResizeGroup.OverflowSet.Example.Style file. Added Codepen export support (
- TeachingBubble: adding focus outline to close button for color contrast accessibility. Color contrast ratio should be more then 3:1. (
- Callout: Fixed bottom padding and button alignment to flex-end (
Thu, 21 Nov 2019 12:30:32 GMT
- Fabric Component: add applyTheme and applyThemeToBody props. (
- Updated searchbox and textfield disabled borders in high contrast (
Wed, 20 Nov 2019 12:29:50 GMT
- Add link to Nav props (
- Dropdown: do not count hidden items (
Mon, 18 Nov 2019 12:33:30 GMT
- MarqueeSelection: Add horizontal scrolling (
- Nav: remove incorrect and unnecessary hover styles (
- Coachmark: A11y fixes - Added focus indicator to coachmark when activated (
- CalendarDay: Fixed issue with onDayKeyDown re-opening callout (
- Fix dropdown option style on keyboard navigation in high contrast mode (
- Combobox high contrast mode fixes for input box, caret down button, option hover styles (
Fri, 15 Nov 2019 12:31:09 GMT
- applied accessibility changes to main package (
- Picker: Updating disabled border color from transparent in order to match disabled background color. (
- DropDown: make dropdown option title prop to be assigned consistently for the multiselect case (
Thu, 14 Nov 2019 12:30:52 GMT
- ComboBox: adding an onRenderUpperContent() flexpoint for combobox (
- FocusZone: reset alignment when receiving focus. (
- lint-imports.js: Added errors for package absolute imports (
Wed, 13 Nov 2019 12:33:43 GMT
- SearchBox: Remove autocomplete documentation as feature is not supported. (
Tue, 12 Nov 2019 12:32:39 GMT
- Doc typing updates to support API doc refactor (should not impact consumers) (
- Fix dropdown title and event (
- Combobox: Augmented checkbox to handle clicks from blank space to the right of the label (
- ContextualMenu: Add example using ContextualMenu directly. (
- HoverCard: Clarify hotKey in documentation. (
Sat, 09 Nov 2019 14:26:36 GMT
- FloatingPicker: Addressing bad import, causing jest to fail when referenced. (
Sat, 09 Nov 2019 06:41:37 GMT
- Removed SCSS (
- Removed SCSS (
- Removed SCSS dependency. Since we're doing this in JS, I don't think we'd need the :after selector but I'd love to be corrected just in case I'm wrong (
- Dropdown: fixed checks on preventDefault which should be defaultPrevented (
Fri, 08 Nov 2019 12:30:07 GMT
- copied over fixes from a previous PR # 10439 (
- Add px units to flexBasis styling by default. Remove existing styling usage where it had no effect before this PR. (
- Removed SCSS file (
- Removed SCSS file (
- TooltipHost: Fix dismiss race condition. (
- Removed SCSS for List Scrolling Example in favour of mergeStyleSets pattern (
- Removed SCSS from Facepile Examples (
Thu, 07 Nov 2019 12:26:32 GMT
- TeachingBubble: Wrap contents in a FocusTrapZone to better support keyboard navigation. (
- Fix modal keyboarding issue with respect to moving the modal (
- Pass through div props to the rendered root of CommandBar. (
- Address BasePicker calls onResolveSuggestions callback when click. (
Wed, 06 Nov 2019 12:34:07 GMT
- Update API doc generation to handle deprecated messages (
- ContextualMenu: fix escape not dismissing menu (
- Removed SCSS file (
Tue, 05 Nov 2019 23:43:46 GMT
- CommandBar: Update examples (
Tue, 05 Nov 2019 12:25:16 GMT
- Propagate version through List and GroupedList (
Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:23:43 GMT
- ColorPicker: add keyboard support and aria labels (
- ComboBox: onPendingValueChanged callback before onChange (
- All Components: Added new files and markdown content (
- Dropdown: error message should have role=alert (
- Checkbox: Added title attribute to checkbox containing div (
- Updating the default foreground values in theming algorithm to match new fluent values (email not defined)
- Toggle: Force wrapping when width-constrained. (
- Combobox: Fixed issue where hidden options are shown when arrowing through combobox option list (
Fri, 01 Nov 2019 12:25:57 GMT
- CommandBar: update examples and docs (
Fri, 01 Nov 2019 01:02:38 GMT
- Panel: improve examples (
Wed, 30 Oct 2019 19:36:52 GMT
- ComboBox: Allow Space KeyUp event to propagate (
- SpinButton: fix vertical alignment relative to other fields (
- Option to use checkbox role in Toggle component (
- Refactor Stack import to be relative not OUFR root (
Tue, 29 Oct 2019 12:36:28 GMT
- Remove re-export of @uifabric/example-data from office-ui-fabric-react (
- CommandBarButton: Fix height issue when commandbar buttons iconOnly props set to true (
Mon, 28 Oct 2019 22:25:45 GMT
- Added role to the selection list for BasePickerListBelow control so screen readers will read off "n" of "m" when arrowing through the list. (
Mon, 28 Oct 2019 12:31:48 GMT
- Panel: Use semantic colors (
- removing circular IPoint import (
Fri, 25 Oct 2019 12:31:49 GMT
- Facepile: added ARIA label so ARIA input fields should have an accessible name addressing issue #10877 (
- Dropdown: Moving announcement of selected options from aria-describedby to aria-labelledby. (
- Fix button _onDismissMenu to accept undefined event params (
Thu, 24 Oct 2019 12:31:42 GMT
- Do not expand date picker on TextField click when disableAutoFocus is true and allowTextInput is true. (
- FocusZone: unhooking capture keydown handler at the right time to avoid a race condition. (
- Make DetailsRow data-is-focusable configurable (
- Adds aria label to basebutton on the outer div (
Wed, 23 Oct 2019 12:32:05 GMT
- Dropdown: Added note to documentation page calling out Dropdown's behavior of rendering in a panel in very small viewports. (
- TagPicker: make tag item and input text to respect theme color and have correct font (
- Suggestions: Fix problem where search for more button wouldn't highlight correctly (
- TagPicker: Update snapshots (
Tue, 22 Oct 2019 12:32:05 GMT
- ContextualMenu: Tightening types of onDismiss callback. (
- consume suggestionsAvailableAlertText prop to floating picker, so that the screen readers can announce the apperance of suggestions when the prop is set. (email not defined)
- Fix getDerivedStateFromProps signatures (
- TagPicker: prevent long items from overflowing narrow container (
- TagPicker: Close button high contrast color fix (
Mon, 21 Oct 2019 12:33:23 GMT
- Facepile: Added presence example (
- Pickers: Bring pickers in line with W3 ARIA 1.1 specs. (
- Fix typo (
Fri, 18 Oct 2019 12:31:12 GMT
- Fix virtualization state tracking in List and DetailsList (
- Allow data attribute passing for SpinButton (
- Dropdown: fix a few of the aria regressions (
- Get rid of DetailsList example snapshot churn (
Thu, 17 Oct 2019 12:33:02 GMT
- Dropdown: Bringing accessibility up to standards. (
- Button: Fixed logic where onDismiss was replacing internal dismiss function. (
Wed, 16 Oct 2019 12:33:21 GMT
- Announced: add
prop and root styles ( - Allowing role to be overridden on SplitButton (
- ComboBox and Dropdown: Passing correct onDismiss prop in onRenderContainer. (
- Checkbox: improve checked state handling (
- TeachingBubble udpates: added separate multi-step example to reflect current design toolkit and updated basic teachingbubble example (
- Pivot and Stack: relax child item type checks (
- CommandBar: Replacing inline styles with definition in styles file. (
Tue, 15 Oct 2019 12:32:28 GMT
- Breadcrumb: fix accessibility and styling issues (
- Textfield: Fix disabled text color (
Mon, 14 Oct 2019 12:30:37 GMT
- Tooltip: Creating aria placeholder for accessibility scenarios with Tooltips with a render delay. (
- SpinButton: Fixing minWidth and having it come from const to be consistent. (
Fri, 11 Oct 2019 12:31:31 GMT
- TeachingBubble: body content should resize better when container is wide. Added wide example with just text to demonstrate this. (
- Apply className on DetailsHeaderBase. (email not defined)
Thu, 10 Oct 2019 12:32:08 GMT
- Export DetailsRowFields (
- Fixed dropdown to not select first option automatically unless it's selected using keyboard navigation per aria (
- Announced: explicitly show aria-live property in Announced types (
Wed, 09 Oct 2019 22:25:09 GMT
- ResponsiveMode: defaulting to large to avoid breaking changes for scenarios assuming it would be available on first render. (
- Dropdown: when
prop is set to true, the Dropdown now does not close the options callout immediately. (
Wed, 09 Oct 2019 12:34:23 GMT
- Breadcrumb: Allow setting a custom overflow icon. (
- Announced: default aria live to polite (
- DetailsList: ariaLabel for select all checkbox should be dependent on selection mode (
- Changing order of arguments passed to getClassNames. Until now it was inconsistent with type defined in Button.types.ts (
Tue, 08 Oct 2019 12:31:37 GMT
- ComboBox: Making error messages accessible to screen readers. (
Mon, 07 Oct 2019 23:42:31 GMT
- Adding a new prop renderPersistedMenuHiddenOnMount (
- Callout and Card: Fix anchors for both (
- Callout & Tooltip: Making background color themable. (
Mon, 07 Oct 2019 12:33:45 GMT
- Reverting dependency on ReactDOM findDOMNode in utilities to avoid bundle problems in partners. (
- fixed minor a11y bugs, revamped example page (
Fri, 04 Oct 2019 22:19:48 GMT
- ContextualMenu: Removing deprecated check for getMenuClassNames that was stopping callout subComponentStyles from being applied. (
Thu, 03 Oct 2019 23:14:46 GMT
- Fixes broken publish (
Thu, 03 Oct 2019 01:14:35 GMT
- Callout: Addressing regression when target is an event. (
- Dropdown: adjust option styling for IE11 (
- Dropdown: Making multiselect options clickable outside of the options label while still within Dropdown's boundaries. (
Wed, 02 Oct 2019 12:31:15 GMT
- Nav: improve ARIA labels for group headings. (
- Prevent suggestion autocomplete without selection (
- DocumentCard: Adding aria-label descriptions to all examples. (
- Teachingbubble Example: Fix illustration example (
- Fixing the rendering of boolean values in Lists (
Tue, 01 Oct 2019 12:33:48 GMT
- Layer: now works better when rendering from a child window. (
- Refactoring BaseButton with respect to how it processes menuProps (
- Rating: Align read-only functionality with ARIA standards. (
Mon, 30 Sep 2019 12:35:16 GMT
- dateMath change to include extra parameter when calculating date range (
- Dropdown: There is now a visible focus border on Dropdowns in the error state. (
Fri, 27 Sep 2019 12:33:04 GMT
- SwatchColorPicker: Updates web fluent styles per toolkit (
- revert icon button back to fixed width (
- Dropdown: Narrator should announce options before, during, and after expanding/collapsing. (
- DetailsList: Narrator should announce SelectAll Checkbox as a toggle selection for all items (
- TextField: Multiline textfields are now correctly associated with their labels with
. (
Thu, 26 Sep 2019 12:32:32 GMT
- simplified examples and fix a11y issues (
- Dropdown: Error messages in Dropdown are now linked to the Dropdown (from a programmatic accessibility POV). (
Wed, 25 Sep 2019 12:34:56 GMT
- Adding a prop shouldUpdateWhenHidden to decide whether to udpate hidden callouts and contextual menus (
- Fix return type of onGrowData() in CommandBar. (
- DetailsList: initialize selection object mode with selectionMode prop if it is defined (
- fixing focus outline in IE11. The outline in IE11 does not show if it overflows the div it's in unless we explicitly set overflow: visible on the div (other browsers have this as the default). (
- Coachmark Accessibility: adding HighContrastSelector to coachmark (
- updated callout example with better, accessible example (
- Pivot: Fix accessibility of example. (
- Use correct type in docs for 'collapseAllVisibility' in 'GroupedList' (
- Pivot: Improve accessibility of examples. (
Tue, 24 Sep 2019 12:35:43 GMT
- Changing ColorPicker to use a selectedId instead of selectedIndex in its state. (
- Dialog: Updated styles to match toolkit. (
- Added a title in the custom SplitButton example (
- TeachingBubble: alt tags for example images. (
- Remove codepen-loader usage (
Mon, 23 Sep 2019 12:33:15 GMT
- Icon Accessibility: update aria-hidden to pull aria-labelledBy from root and imageProps and removed role presentation - should not apply when a label is provided. (
- Update icons to v3.50. May change subset font files for some components. (
- FocusTrapZone example: Remove Randomize function. (
- Positioning: Fix issue where anchor edge would flip even if previous positions calculated (
- fix typo in ComboBox and Button docs (
- Stack doesn't need to set overflow=hidden when grow=true to restrict size of flexbox children. Users are having to override this with overflow=visible to prevent clipping inner children (email not defined)
Fri, 20 Sep 2019 12:34:28 GMT
- Breadcrumb: Added ability to make current item a heading. (
- Update Panel examples to improve accessibility. (
- Fixes various a11y issues in docs and controls (
- TeachingBubble: Specify heading role for header. (
- ContextualMenu: Update the bounds prop to allow for the same functionality that the Callout has (
- Listen to composition events only for IE11 (
Thu, 19 Sep 2019 13:05:24 GMT
- TagPicker: Updated styles to match toolkit. Added more screener tests. Added read only state. (
- Apply CheckboxVisiblity to header as well in DetailsList (
- ComboBox: fix for issue resetting suggestedDisplayValue after clearing the content of a comboBox (
- keep aria-label in sync with FloatingPicker open state in BaseExtendedPicker (
- SplitButton: Updated high contrast styling (
- Rating: Fixed duplicates ID on stars with fractional values. (
- Coachmark: Fixed pulse beacon RTL animation direction issue. (
- add landmark and widget role to searchbox (
Wed, 18 Sep 2019 12:32:55 GMT
- Listen to onCompositionUpdate instead of onInput for IME composition (
- BasePicker: deprecate onFocus (
- Contextual Menu calls onMenuOpened when hidden is changed from undefined to false. (
Mon, 16 Sep 2019 12:34:47 GMT
- update to use icon prop instead of string (
- Use new hooks in some examples (
- DatePicker: call custom text field onChange handler if it exists in default onChange handler (
Fri, 13 Sep 2019 12:34:39 GMT
- CalendarMonth: Prefer createRef over string ref (
- Callout: add the ability for bounds to take a callback (
- give tooltip hoverable area an index lower than the content (
- Add .is-disabled to ChoiceGroupOption when disabled (
- TextField: remove invalid aria-labelledby (
- DetailsList: add Announced to examples with sortable columns (
- Tooltip: Changed examples from aria-labelledby to aria-describedby to follow a11y spec. (
Thu, 12 Sep 2019 12:34:15 GMT
- Persona: Adding size120 to the PersonaSize enum, updating API. (
- Only render SpinButton label container if label or icon is present (
- Fix examples to only export a single component (
- Combobox: Fix issue where it would mutate props (
- Pickers: make background color of input transparent so it doesn't clip border (
- GroupedList: Fixed selected prop value not being set. (
Wed, 11 Sep 2019 12:35:47 GMT
- Combobox: ensure that state doesn't mutate in controlled scenario (
Mon, 09 Sep 2019 21:43:18 GMT
- Update Nav.base.tsx (
Fri, 06 Sep 2019 12:34:51 GMT
- Nav: Added aria-labels to Nav examples per issue request (
Thu, 05 Sep 2019 12:34:51 GMT
- Adding Preview pan to the color picker component, increasing the width and height of the color rectangle and css changes (
- give tooltip hoverable area an index lower than the content (
Wed, 04 Sep 2019 12:32:15 GMT
- Update snapshots (
- Dropdown: Fix bug where it was not programatically possible to focus on Dropdown with
. ( - Checkbox: Added initializeFocusRects to fix focus issue. (
Wed, 04 Sep 2019 04:09:58 GMT
- DetailsList: Fix function mutations with onClick and onContextMenuClick in DetailsColumn (
- fix version file (
Wed, 04 Sep 2019 00:37:31 GMT
- Button: Fixing SplitButton outline when focused. (
Mon, 02 Sep 2019 12:33:56 GMT
- Add FocusZone direction domOrder (
- Nav Component isOnTop property set can set focus to the Nav focusZone (
Fri, 30 Aug 2019 12:30:57 GMT
- Fix imports in examples and deprecate old example data (
- Dialog: Changed demo copy to match real OWA text (
Thu, 29 Aug 2019 12:30:00 GMT
- ColorRectangle styling fixes (
- Fix override handling for CommandBarButton (
Tue, 27 Aug 2019 12:33:51 GMT
- Link, Stack, and Toggle example updates (
- Remove some relative imports from examples (
Mon, 26 Aug 2019 12:30:49 GMT
- Button: change divs to be spans so its w3 compliant (
- Memoizing styling in createComponent for components that have their default styling determined entirely by tokens. (
- Refactor Checkbox styles to reduce size. (
- Update positioning logic to nudge item when none of the positions fit (
- New drop hint icon for drag-drop and corresponding padding space on top (
- Updating snapshots due to merge-styles selector split changes. (
Fri, 23 Aug 2019 12:35:28 GMT
- MessageBar: Fix high contrast mode issue where you cannot tell which buttons you have focus on. (
- fixing the icons to have minWidth instead of hard coded width (
- Update npmignores, delete unused jest setup files (
- make sure to skip aria-describedby for onRenderDescription is nullRender (
- Fix up readme and package.json descriptions (
Thu, 22 Aug 2019 12:34:59 GMT
- Button: Using FontIcon and ImageIcon instead of Icon in both oufr and experiments Button. (
- right align the action buttons per new design (
- Autofill: fix issue where autofill wouldn't handle delete correctly (
- making sure we get rid of javascript: urls in nav (
- Panel Example: Fix function typing (
Wed, 21 Aug 2019 12:34:09 GMT
- Add presenceTitle prop (
- Combobox: Updates styles to latest design specs. (
- Simplify Button examples (
- Use getDocument instead document in FocusZone and FocusTrapZone (
- Fix TextField onChange bug (
- Fix empty text box when a color component being zero (
- add space functionality to split button with tests (
Tue, 20 Aug 2019 12:31:26 GMT
- Nav: update to latest redlines (
- Tooltip: Fix examples to pass correct root display styling. (email not defined)
Thu, 15 Aug 2019 12:30:43 GMT
- Adding prop on BaseButton to allow user to specify custom props on SplitButton's primary action button. (
- Rename deprecated React lifecycle functions to prevent development mode warnings in React 16.9. (
- Add fast Icon variants and useFastIcons option in DetailsList (
- FocusZone: Remove role=presentation (
- Moving the drag-drop caret icon on top of column divider to make if compatible with Sticky header (
- Slider: update active pressed state color for slider border and thumb to match design toolkit spec. Updated palette references to sematic colors. (
- TextField: fix onChange issue and async tests (
- Dropdown: allow setting empty string as item title (
- ActivityItem, Nav, and Pivot example updates (
- MessageBarButton: Remove the fixed width added in #8779. (
Wed, 14 Aug 2019 12:30:13 GMT
- ChoiceGroup: fix focusing on options and general cleanup (
- Searchbox: Updates styles to latest design specs and added semantic slots usage. (
Tue, 13 Aug 2019 12:31:12 GMT
- Checkbox: added indeterminate state (
- Updating snpashots and styles which use $ syntax. (
- Changing breadcrumb items to links (
- Pivot: pivot content (icon, text, count) should be consistently aligned via styling. (
Mon, 12 Aug 2019 12:30:25 GMT
- Allow callout to reposition after position prop is passed in (
Fri, 09 Aug 2019 12:31:50 GMT
- Spinbutton: removed additional top and bottom margin styling overriding Label's styling and causes alignment inconsistencies with textbox, combobox, etc. (
Thu, 08 Aug 2019 12:32:41 GMT
- DetailsList: Assign button role to group toggle element if aria-label provided. (
- Update SASS variables using script (
- Moved role, aria-label, and aria-expanded to the same element as per aria requirements (
- DetailsRow should only re-render if a prop is detected to have changed. (
Wed, 07 Aug 2019 12:32:28 GMT
- Updating styles to not use $ syntax. (
- Initial implementation of clickable legends (
- Add customization section to Themes page (
- Checkbox: Fix for an accessibility bug where checkbox labels were read at two different locations in Narrator's scan mode (
- moving the async clearTimeout call inside the if check to prevent accidentally clearing the timeout unless we're going to be making a new one (
Tue, 06 Aug 2019 12:32:07 GMT
- Replace the usage of
variable with font styles pulled from the theme object and minor cleanup. (
Mon, 05 Aug 2019 12:33:41 GMT
- Slider: Add new prop to snap while moving. (
Fri, 02 Aug 2019 12:33:29 GMT
- Persona: Fix styles issue caused by unnecessary nesting (
- Remove extra export of SelectionMode (
Wed, 31 Jul 2019 12:26:17 GMT
- Commandbar: Expose dataDidRender method (
- [BaseExtendedPicker] Only add aria-owns tag when the picker is expanded (
- Tooltip: Fixing hidden hover area overlapping with Tooltip targets. (
- Perf Test: Integrate Flamegrill (
Tue, 30 Jul 2019 12:28:32 GMT
- TeachingBubble: Fix primary button high contrast styling issues. (
- Dropdown: Panel now dismisses in small widths (
- Separate the anchor for the card from card's hover target ('')
Mon, 29 Jul 2019 12:26:00 GMT
- Shimmer: refactor out the BaseComponent and deprecated React lifecycle methods. (
- Fix cell animations so they only trigger on cell key changes (
- Panel: fix shrinking of the footer and make header not shrink. (
- Pivot: align pivot link text in relation to the whole pivot tab. (
Fri, 26 Jul 2019 12:28:52 GMT
- ShimmeredDetailsList: enables additional logic to be executed before rendering the default shimmer row. (
- removing BaseComponent from SpinButton (
- Added aria label to demo page for custom picker (
Thu, 25 Jul 2019 12:27:19 GMT
- ChoiceGroup: updating IChoiceOption to accept input attributes (
Wed, 24 Jul 2019 12:27:56 GMT
- split calendarMonth into three rows (
- Facepile: Fix narrator not announcing coauthor position (
Tue, 23 Jul 2019 16:33:51 GMT
- Tooltip: Updates box-shadow to match fluent web toolkit (
- Rating: fix aria-label in
mode and when use half stars. ( - Spinner: Updating label font size and position in respect to spinner to match fluent toolkit (
- ColorPicker: Updates margin bottom of the color rectangle to match web fluent toolkit. (
- Multiselect ComboBox options should respect disabled setting (
- making mousemove event bind to capture phase to work inside Layers and Callouts (
Mon, 22 Jul 2019 21:37:45 GMT
- support to add custom attributes on SpinButton and ComboBox components (
- Details____ general cleanup (
Mon, 22 Jul 2019 12:28:42 GMT
- Refactor out BaseComponent from List components (
- Nav: Add ability for screen reader to read selected state. (
- DetailsList: Remove unnecessary BaseComponent and class component usage (
- Panel: remove window.innerHeight from styles (
- fix the layer example so the panel dismisses properly (
- DetailsList and Check styling optimizations (
Fri, 19 Jul 2019 12:25:58 GMT
- Tooltip: render tooltip only after the delay and make sure if provided
is bigger thandelay
not to flash the Tooltip. (
Thu, 18 Jul 2019 12:27:48 GMT
- Panel: Making padding not change with screen width to match toolkit. (
Wed, 17 Jul 2019 18:58:57 GMT
- Add new ways for callers to control the behavior of the combo box. (
- ChoiceGroupOption: move the inline styles into getStyles function to allow override. (
- prevent header and footer in panel from shrinking (
- Adding @types/react and @types/react-dom to package.json that have peer dependencies on react and react-dom. (
- Rating: ensure rating gets updated even when it has value of 0. (
- GroupedList: Using level to determine nestingDepth when it is given. (
- DropDown: Adding null check in onPositioned call. (
Sat, 13 Jul 2019 22:20:41 GMT
- Dialog: Deprecating componentRef prop. (
- Tooltip: Rendering hidden hoverable area to allow for interaction with Tooltips. (
- Panel: remove window.innerHeight from styles (
Fri, 12 Jul 2019 12:29:52 GMT
- GroupedList: Refactor out BaseComponent in favor of React.Component and React.FunctionComponent (
- Dropdown: adds an
custom renderer prop. (
- Update to progressBar indicator description label font size to match design toolkti spec. (
Thu, 11 Jul 2019 12:29:51 GMT
- Pivot: updating white hover background color(#9595) (
- Pass disabled state to labels in ChoiceGroup, Dropdown, Slider and SpinButton. (
- Tooltip: Fixing 'persist on scroll' issues. (
- DetailsRow: pass aria-label attribute to each row's checkbox. (
- Only clear selection in MarqueeSelection when starting a new marquee (
- Utilities: reuse an exisiting clamp function. (
Wed, 10 Jul 2019 12:28:00 GMT
- Dropdown: set aria-hidden to true on the ChevronDown icon so that it is not picked up by the screen reader (
- Button: Fixing CompoundButton and SplitButton high contrast mode styling. (
- FocusTrapZone: Updating overview description to indicate restriction of website interaction. (
- Nav: fixes focus border in High Contrast mode. (
- Pickers: replace empty string with undefined. (
Tue, 09 Jul 2019 17:34:38 GMT
- Panel: Adding Overlay props. (
- Modal: Adding overlayProps as a prop. (
- Adding tooltipHostProps as a prop to the Breadcrumb component. (
- "FocusZone: Add setFocusAlignment public method to Force horizontal alignment in the context of vertical arrowing to use specific point as the reference, rather than a center based on the last horizontal motion." (
- User should use onRenderPersonaCoin for custom rendering. When this is set, this custom rendering will be used. (
Mon, 08 Jul 2019 12:27:04 GMT
- Fix mock Date class (
Thu, 04 Jul 2019 12:29:39 GMT
- SearchBox: allow passing in id for input (
- Breadcrumb: Adding overflowAriaLabel to examples. (
- Button: Updating example to make it less confusing to screen readers. (
Wed, 03 Jul 2019 12:30:55 GMT
- SplitButton: add in props to control splitbutton menu button (
- Callout: add support for RefObject as target (
- Revert "BaseFloatingItem: fix tests + remove redundant state (#9500)" (
- Announced: fix QuickActions example to reset Announced message (
- update snapshots and update extended picker tests (
Mon, 01 Jul 2019 18:51:43 GMT
- Prettier change
- adds react-app-polyfill
- Fix tests for BasePicker + remove redundant state
Fri, 28 Jun 2019 12:27:34 GMT
- Replaced SCSS in favour of CSS in JS in List Basic Example
- Added interfaces for List Ghosting Example
- GroupedList: Fix "Show All" not rendering all items in a group
- Removed scss usage from List example.
- GroupedList: Updated header text color on hover and updated snapshots.
- Layer: remove the usage of viewport width and height to fix layout issues on mobile browsers
- Removed used Rating SCSS file
Thu, 27 Jun 2019 18:25:04 GMT
- Prettier changes.
- Avoid marking DetailsRow as non-draggable unless backed by DragDropEvents
- Addressing a variety of problems related to style recalculations.
- Panel: Overflowing header text should word break and wrap by default
- Add placeholder as TextArea property, allows placeholder in multiline TextField
Wed, 26 Jun 2019 21:48:30 GMT
- BasePicker would only reveal suggestions on type or click, shifting focus. Now shows for click, not shifting focus as well.
Wed, 26 Jun 2019 12:23:41 GMT
- Panel: move windowHeight from classNames into inline styles to prevent unnecessary className recalculations, respect isFooterAtBottom prop
- TextField: Add condition for Edge browser to detect placeholder styles
Tue, 25 Jun 2019 12:26:09 GMT
- Updates to tileslist, list and marquee selection
Mon, 24 Jun 2019 23:11:20 GMT
- FocusZone: fixed keyboard navigation when checkForNoWrap prop enabled.
- Dropdown:Bring back breakpoint for small screen sizes
- Coachmark: fixes beacon color props not being passed to styles.
Fri, 21 Jun 2019 12:27:05 GMT
- Adds dual presence to PersonaPresence
- Slider: onChanged is fired after a delay following keydown events.
- Tooltip: add onKeyDown handler to dismiss on escape
- Combobox: Fix styles so that RootChecked works
- Don't expand ComboBox flyout on touch when disabled.
- TooltipHost: fix the closeDelay Tooltip bug where a user could not interact with the Tooltip because it would close.
Thu, 20 Jun 2019 12:27:38 GMT
- DetailsList: add aria-hidden to checkbox labels
Wed, 19 Jun 2019 12:27:03 GMT
- Make more examples exportable to codepen
Tue, 18 Jun 2019 19:00:04 GMT
- Facepile: Introducing OnRenderPersona and OnRenderPersonaCoin to override default implementation of Persona and PersonaCoin.
- Tooltip: reverts commit 210fbabee
Tue, 18 Jun 2019 12:26:19 GMT
- DetailsList accessibility now reports 0 rows while placeholder data is being displayed. Also added a prop to ShimmeredDetailsList to specify aria label (such as a "loading data" message) while shimmer is being displayed.
- Prevent the callout from being dismissed when the mouse is pressed inside, but then moved outside (while keeping pressed) and released.
- Only run KeytipManager update when relevant keytip props have changed in KeytipData.
Mon, 17 Jun 2019 12:26:51 GMT
- exposing datemath function to calculate beginning of week
- ShimmeredDetailsList: fixes issue where fading overlay was not removed when real item passed.
- Removing getClassNames method from SwatchColorPicker.base.tsx which improves perf. by about 10% because of memoization
- Stack: Improving examples so that they have better performance and removing anti-patterns from them.
- Tooltip: Improving performance by wrapping Callout inside with a DelayedRender so that nothing renders until after the delay's done and only if the mouse's still over the tooltip area."
- Updates some documentation links.
Fri, 14 Jun 2019 15:54:00 GMT
- Major bumping the foundation package.
Fri, 14 Jun 2019 12:26:30 GMT
- Set context menu width when using a split button to calculation of total width minus the width of the split menu button
- Coachmark: Bottom position coachmarks shouldn't be hidden/cut off by other elements on the page.
- Updated DetailsList example code to provide getKey prop, needed to make seelction work correctly when sorting and filtering are enabled.
- Fix missing assets in production build.
Thu, 13 Jun 2019 12:20:34 GMT
- HoverCard: Handle target being null in the case of unset ref
- withViewport: Render composed component regardless of viewport height and width
Thu, 13 Jun 2019 00:24:48 GMT
- Initial release of Fabric 7
Wed, 12 Jun 2019 00:42:26 GMT
- Move Calendar and DatePicker to legacy package
- ColorPicker: remove deprecated props, better error handling, fix TextField usage
- ComboBox: Breaking Change deprecated props
removed - Dropdown className should be applied to the root
- Remove deprecated doc page props
- SearchBox: pass event to onChange
- Rating: Breaking change is
prop is passed, control will reflect value always. - Remove use of deprecated @autobind decorator
- DetailsList, DetailsRow, DetailsRowFields: remove deprecated props, logic and styles related to
. - Move Router to example-app-base
- ShimmerDetailsList: remove deprecated props and style props.
- TextField: remove deprecated props, fix controlled/uncontrolled behavior
- Stack: Adding relevant Stack and StackItem tokens.
- Do not export Foundation package.
- Support slots API changes.
- Changes to support slots API refactoring.
- Persona: remap existing persona initial colors to new fluent values and add some new ones.
- Fixing the order of switching sides in RTL context, so the order has to start with the right then left. Issue sample #9029
- Button: Conditionally rendering KeytipData.
- ColorPicker: remove decimals from alpha value
- Update CommandBar/CommandBarButton styles
- Update Layer examples to use modern context API
- Improved CSS in Stack sample code for performance.
- Update and dedupe React deps.
- Support changes to createComponent API.
- Remove unused and not exported ListPage prototype component
- SelectionZone: Document exported interfaces, remove any type usage, consolidate access
- Rating: Added getNativeProps to component for event usage
- Update instances of
to use named parameters. - Nav, Calendar, and DatePicker move into office-ui-fabric-react
- Stack: Adding documentation to tokens.
- Suggestions: add itemProps type of onRenderSuggestedItem
Tue, 11 Jun 2019 12:21:35 GMT
- Updating snapshots to conform with
changes which should filter out unexpected attributes from primatives more accurately. - Improve performance of documentcardtitle
- upgrade to api-extractor 7.1.6
Mon, 10 Jun 2019 12:24:00 GMT
- Icon: Set aria-hidden if imageProps.alt or imageProps.aria-labelledby is undefined
- DatePicker: Check out of bounds on initial render
- Fixes issue when the menu icon in the second button of the
gets disabled styles when only the primary action is disabled.
Fri, 07 Jun 2019 12:21:48 GMT
- Panel: use windowHeight for all devices rather than only for iOS
- Improved Calendar A11Y
Thu, 06 Jun 2019 12:22:24 GMT
- Update documentation to add target _blank to external links
- Fixing some bugs for the persisted ContextualMenu
Wed, 05 Jun 2019 12:22:30 GMT
- adding missing filetype mappings to support LPC and other partners
- Fix TS 3.5 typing issues.
- Consume Selection from Utilities
- BaseButton: Render placeholder icon if iconName is empty string
- ContextualMenu: When menus are rendered with the
flag, the scrollbar now renders correctly in Edge. - add tooltips to Calendar buttons without text
- TextField: Adds aria-labelledby to input
Tue, 04 Jun 2019 12:22:18 GMT
- Coachmark: fix default colors assignment to pull from the theme object.
Mon, 03 Jun 2019 23:04:02 GMT
- Dropdown: fix issue where onchange wasnt called
- Remove circular imports in ContextualMenu.tsx
- Searchbox: Stop preventing default if we don't handle the keypress"
Mon, 03 Jun 2019 12:23:18 GMT
- Updating DatePicker and Calendar accessibility
- Fixed SplitButton styling for menu icon and dividers in disabled state
Fri, 31 May 2019 12:21:27 GMT
- TeachingBubble: Updated entrance animation for teaching bubble in TeachingBubble.styles.ts. Removed jelly animation and replaced with new motion spec entrance animation.
Thu, 30 May 2019 12:22:06 GMT
- Autofill: makes sure the fresh input is retrieved at the time of composition end
- Refactor common logic out of _dismissOnLostFocus to a generalized function in order to decouple handling of _dismissOnScroll from _dismissOnLostFocus
- Remove extra role attribute from callout root element, support aria-roledescription on callout main where role already resides
- DetailList: only select the first item on keydown from header if there isn't already something selected
- Dropdown: fix issue where dropdown did not respect selectedKey(s) prop
Wed, 29 May 2019 12:21:24 GMT
- Persona: rename and export function to get color
- Adds an example to TextField with customized masks
- Fix aria-label in Dropdown options list
- Revert styled perf fixes temporarily.
- Nav: Prepend link name to aria label for expand button and set it as default if no label is provided
- TextField: remove unecessary font override for ::placeholder
Fri, 24 May 2019 14:51:14 GMT
- remove usage of bare process
Thu, 23 May 2019 22:14:40 GMT
- TeachingBubble: Add footerContent prop to render custom footer text
- Dropdown: Replace some palette slot usage with semantic slots.
- Examples: Remove relative imports.
Wed, 22 May 2019 12:21:34 GMT
- Addressing a variety of problems related to style recalculations.
- SelectableDroppableText: fixes
tag usage that was causing some errors in using the api.json with @microsoft/api-documenter package. - Preserve Selection modal state during single-select
- Ensure non-selectable items may still be invoked
Tue, 21 May 2019 12:20:44 GMT
- element does not affect global button styling.
- Dropdown: Add required visual hint when label is not provided.
- Updated Toggle component to accept JSX Elements. Added screener and snapshot tests for new changes
- Fixed: ComboBox onResolveOptions should have array not object as argument
- DatePicker: keep validation errors after noop
Mon, 20 May 2019 12:22:33 GMT
- Add selectedOptions to ComboBox and Dropdown
- Add a new prop to enable Slider origin from zero
- Fix ColorPicker Hex input
- MessageBar: Add
property for message bar icon
Thu, 16 May 2019 05:28:50 GMT
- [Checkbox] Fix outline on focus.
Wed, 15 May 2019 12:31:44 GMT
- Nav respects changes to collapsedByDefault
- Allow custom aria label generation in suggestionStore
- ShimmeredDetailsList: export to the surface missing API items.
- added the title attribute for the cancel icon in the panel which is same as aira-label
- Add TextField multiple-line errorMessage support
- This latest PR is to ensure Nav link without icon should not be rendered with place-holder
Tue, 14 May 2019 07:50:31 GMT
- The FocusZone photos example now correctly renders focus rectangles.
- Update Fabric assets link
Tue, 14 May 2019 01:56:43 GMT
- Dropdown/Combobox: Add prop to allow open on focus
- DetailsList: Export missing public API symbols
- added element id to the ChoiceGroup component
- In Edge, prevent pickers from showing "ms-clear" icon when typing.
- Removed a few more
typeof window
references to avoid memory leaks with IE11. - Picker/DocPage: fix IBasePickerProps doc comment and add type alias to DocPage.
- withViewport: Respect value change of skipViewportMeasures by reassigning appropriate resize listener
Fri, 10 May 2019 12:36:11 GMT
- Export ResponsiveMode from controls that expect it as a prop.
- Fix focus state on ComboBox
- Fix ARIA issue in Surfaces
Thu, 09 May 2019 12:35:50 GMT
- Added support for hidden options in dropdown and combo box
- Include md files in nested docs folders
Wed, 08 May 2019 12:37:40 GMT
- Fix return type of onReduceDate in CommandBar
Tue, 07 May 2019 12:34:52 GMT
- Color card + samples cards of Theming Designer, set up the layout of the whole app, got started implementing the creation of the theme"
- Theme Designer app: Colors left nav, Samples card, A11y Checker card, Fabric Palette card, Export Panel
- New feature: Semantic Slots card as well as clean up of layout & css.
- Router should error if getComponent doesn't return anything
- Truncate suggestions in IE11
- Icon documentation update
Sun, 05 May 2019 19:59:10 GMT
- Router: ignore trailing slashes, don't update if hash didn't change
Sat, 04 May 2019 00:01:54 GMT
- Properly propagate Esc in DatePicker
- Add min panel width for small screen sizes
- Documentation: adds more
tags to API items. - Doc updates for new website
Thu, 02 May 2019 12:36:35 GMT
- Add IBreadcrumbData, deprecate IBreadCrumbData
- Modal/Dialog: Add ability to move via mouse and/or keyboard
- Tooltip/TooltipHost: content now can take JSX content.
- Remove out-of-date IE focus handling work-around. Pass forceFocusInsideTrap={false} to DatePicker FocusTrapZone. Adjust FocusTrapZone return focus handling.
Wed, 01 May 2019 12:34:25 GMT
- BasePicker: re-add removed property to fix api break
- Fix type in BasePicker onRemoveSuggestion api
- DetailsHeader: mark cellIsActionable, cellIsEmpty, and cellWrapperPadded as deprecated
- Introduces ImageFit.centerContain
- Color card + samples cards of Theming Designer, set up the layout of the whole app, got started implementing the creation of the theme"
- Theme Designer app: Colors left nav, Samples card, A11y Checker card, Fabric Palette card, Export Panel
Tue, 30 Apr 2019 12:31:36 GMT
- DocPage: add types
- Always reset pending info on option click.
- FocusZone: remove outline on focus
- Bugfix to set the correct width of the Pivot item's :after element, so Pivot items don't move on (un)selection
- Use new getFocusStyle signature
- DetailsColumn: Cleanup className vars, use lambdas for this binding, add type-safety to root ref
Mon, 29 Apr 2019 12:34:34 GMT
- DetailsList: export DetailsHeader
- Fixed typo in position utility
Sat, 27 Apr 2019 00:04:47 GMT
- Updating Icon, Checkbox, and Image to be pure components (correctly.)
Fri, 26 Apr 2019 12:35:24 GMT
- Breadcrumb: Add in focuszone props to give more control
- Teachingbubble: Improve target that's passed to callout
- Add new prop 'detailsListStyles' to allow passing 'styles' prop to DetailsList. Deprecate all shimmer related props in DetailsList and DetailsListRow. Adds documentation
- Deprecate implementation examples
- Fix the picker suggestion items flashing issue.
- Setting initial scrollbar height and width equal to 0 to prevent rendering when it's width/height changes from undefined to 0. Cascading updates caused due to notifySubscribers for sticky componentDidMount lifecycle hook. Reducing computations for sticky component by combining updates for change in sticky state (top/bottom/non-sticky) & distanceFromTop. Setting placeHolder width equal to scrollWidth of nonStickyContent.firstElementChild
Thu, 25 Apr 2019 12:33:20 GMT
- Concentrate onhover style ui changes to label element for Checkbox
- Remove componentRef property for Image component at Image.types.ts.
- DetailsRowFields: Refactor styles to remove unnecessary re-render
- fixing header keyboarding in CalendarMonth in OUFR
Wed, 24 Apr 2019 12:35:55 GMT
- Delete outdated component status info
- FocusTrapZone: Add disabled prop.
- VerticalDivider: Make into a styled component
Tue, 23 Apr 2019 12:32:00 GMT
- Adding a way to make to make the state of the SwatchColorPicker be fully controllable
- Introduce vertical option for ResizeGroup
- FocusZone should not set elements inside a portal (outside its DOM) as an active element
- Lists: Remove unnecessary usages of css concat helper
Mon, 22 Apr 2019 12:32:06 GMT
- CommandBar: Add split/disabled buttons example to documentation page
- ScrollablePane: Remove Z Index since it's no longer necesssary
- Selection: initialize count
- TextField documentation updates
Fri, 19 Apr 2019 12:33:03 GMT
- Button: Fix issue where button would eat keydown events
- Remove usage of assign helper in favor of Object.spread across Lists
- Dropdown: Add unit test;
- Split button displays an expanded state always with persistMenu:true - fixing that
- Pickers: Fix issue where they would have invalid described by
Wed, 17 Apr 2019 12:33:35 GMT
- Modal: Ensure that the "ms-Dialog" class name is only applied once.
- Run prettier on all files
Tue, 16 Apr 2019 12:32:59 GMT
- DatePicker: Fix props not matching their description. Add new prop to provide old functionality
- DetailsList: Expose optional onRenderCheckbox callback option
- Update Announced examples
- Panel: Fix double dismiss
Mon, 15 Apr 2019 12:33:42 GMT
- DetailsList: Fix high contrast focus color
- MessageBar: fixes the transparency of the background issue when rendered on top of themed backgrounds.
- Adding data parameter to the ComboBoxOptionWrapper. This will allow ShallowCompare to compare against this extra parameter
Fri, 12 Apr 2019 12:34:16 GMT
- These changes allow for a controlled Pivot to have no selected PivotItem by specifying null as the selectedKey prop.
- ThemeGeneratorPage: fix it so it looks right
- Updating CalloutContentBase's shouldComponentUpdate to do shallow comparision
Thu, 11 Apr 2019 12:37:10 GMT
- Documentation: add @docCategory inline tags
- css-in-js conversions for DocumentCard, ExtendedPeoplePicker, FloatingPeoplePicker, SelectedPeopleList
Wed, 10 Apr 2019 12:33:17 GMT
- Panel: add onOpen and onOpened properties
- ComboBox: call onPendingValuedChanged with an empty value string when the user clears the input
Tue, 09 Apr 2019 12:35:21 GMT
- Panel: set forceFocusInsideTrap to false for non-blocking Panels
- Spinner: only render an aria-live polite message when ariaLabel is provided.
Mon, 08 Apr 2019 12:37:15 GMT
- A number of components have been updated to reduce the dependencies, lowering bundle size impact for a variety of scenarios.
- TextField: clarify onBeforeChange documentation
Fri, 05 Apr 2019 22:09:49 GMT
- Persona: now sets dir=auto for text fields rendered in persona.
- Fix layer and modal codepen links
- Fixing submenu dismissal when parent menu has a hidden prop
- Panel: add border to main div in high contrast
Fri, 05 Apr 2019 12:36:12 GMT
- SelectionZone: Disallow selection when selection mode is SelectionMode.none
- Dialog, Layer, and Modal partial css-in-js conversions
- Modal: constrain scrollableContent height to 100vh and window.innerHeight for mobile Safari to support DetailsList virtualization
- Convert OverflowSet examples and one Panel example to css-in-js
- Fix for scrolling functionality in Suggestions component.
- Toggle: make on/off text clickable
- Tooltip: fixing the color and font size of subText not to be overriden by external UHF css.
Thu, 04 Apr 2019 12:34:57 GMT
- List and other example updates
- Nav and MessageBar example updates
- Colors: reduce size of utility file by changing implementation
- SelectionZone: Defer dom inspection until interaction
Wed, 03 Apr 2019 12:38:51 GMT
- Button: Adding missing parenthesis in ev.stopPropagation function call.
- CommandBar: Meeting color contrast accessibility standards in examples.
- Button: Allowing menu navigation with keyboard when shouldFocusOnMount is set to false.
- PeoplePicker: Fix persona overflowing container
- Small bug fixes for keytips
- BaseFloatingPicker: do not update unmounted component on promise resolution
Tue, 02 Apr 2019 12:36:20 GMT
- FocusZone: fixing logic to track outer FZ components correctly.
- Image: fixes a visual bug where during fade in animation the image was shifted slightly.
Tue, 02 Apr 2019 00:38:15 GMT
- Dropdown: The
callback's event target should always be the dropdown element, which contains the id attribute passed in through props. - Fixed a problem with Pivot showing the wrong PivotItems when using JSX expressions. Extended the test case
- FocusZone and FocusTrapZone example improvements
- GroupedList: Respect groupProps isAllGroupsCollapsed on initial render
- List and other example updates
- Use ^ ranges instead of >=
Mon, 01 Apr 2019 12:37:03 GMT
- Stack: Adding margin as a token of StackItem and childrenGap as a token of Stack and updating examples accordingly.
- Separator: promote to OUFR
- ContextualMenu: Remove extra role=menu
- MaskedTextField: fixes the state update when the value it's controlled by the host app.
- More TextField example updates
Fri, 29 Mar 2019 12:36:45 GMT
- Dropdown: add correctly cased onRenderPlaceholder prop and deprecate onRenderPlaceHolder, plus example updates
- Added order property to StackItem
- HoverCard: adds a public
method to allow instant dismiss of the card.
- Persisted callout fixes
- DocPage: add separate prop for overriding native props component name
- Pickers: condionally render the list of the selected items only if there are any items to display. Fixes the aria role="list" bug where a list must contain one or more list items.
- Spinner and Slider example updates
- TextField example updates
Thu, 28 Mar 2019 12:36:39 GMT
- ComboBox: Add aria-required field to assist screen readers to read out required field
Wed, 27 Mar 2019 12:34:02 GMT
- List: Parameterize generic T for item type with default type any
- Calendar: Making calendar days aria-readonly: true so that Narrator doesn't read them as editable.
- DocumentCard: Removing blank 1px line below preview images in compact layout.
- Remove custom high contrast selectors and example utility CSS classes
- Split up color utility functions into separate files for perf
- GroupHeader: tighten componentWillReceiveProps parameter typing
- update API file
- update api file generated by api-extractor 7
Tue, 26 Mar 2019 12:32:51 GMT
- Remove IE 11-incompatible constructs
- FloatingPicker: Change width to min-width for Suggestions
- ContextualMenu: Improve typings and remove unnecessary casts
Mon, 25 Mar 2019 12:33:48 GMT
- GroupSpacer: Reduce render calls by refactoring styled HOC to React.SFC
- FocusZone: focus alignment is now reset when first receiving focus (programatically or via
Fri, 22 Mar 2019 12:34:41 GMT
- ColorPicker: Showing picked color in high contrast mode.
- List: Avoid setting role to list in case of empty list
Fri, 22 Mar 2019 02:41:51 GMT
- Dialog: changing type of
prop to allow JSX to be injected.
- Calendar: Fixing typo is scss.
- Add shouldComponentUpdate to ContextualMenuItems to ensure items are only updated when needed.
- Pivot did not support PivotItems used in JSX-expressions (e.g. {this.state.something && <PivotItem ...>}. I fixed this functionality and added a simple test case.
- Fix focus zone virtual parent focus restoration
- FocusZone: minor performance tweak to have a single capture keydown handler, rather than one per outer zone instance.
- Fixing componentURL to point to correct url.
- Popup: Revert change to find active element within iframe
Thu, 21 Mar 2019 12:36:30 GMT
- SelectedPeopleList: Key wrapped selectedItem children when they are keyed
- Breadcrumb: Update custom divider example to have aria-hidden on divider
- GroupHeader & GroupFooter: Extend React.Component instead of BaseComponent
- Improve TextField example accessibility
- TextField: Fixed flex bug in IE11
- move replaceItem from SelectedPeopleList to BaseSelectedItemsList
Wed, 20 Mar 2019 16:14:56 GMT
- FocusTrapZone: Make sure to call passed in focus and blur handlers
Wed, 20 Mar 2019 03:15:21 GMT
- Callout: Fix beak position for dynamically sized callouts.
- ComboBox: if
are null, make sure the code doesn't crash. - Icon: remove BaseComponent dependency.
Tue, 19 Mar 2019 18:05:11 GMT
- Fix typing on BaseSelectedItemList.removeItem
Fri, 15 Mar 2019 12:34:07 GMT
- DetailsHeader: Add ariaLabelForToggleAllGroupsButton to IDetailsHeaderProps
- Add new icons to OUIFR API
- Export Foundation package.
- SpinButton: label prop should be marked as optional
- Rating: unchecked stars should be unfilled.
- Popup: If framed, set focus to frame's activeElement on dismiss
- Use codepen loader in examples
- For multiSelectComboBox, if allowFreeForm is true, currentPendingValue should get added to option and be selected onBlur
- Nav: Fix selection state to only check URL if state.selectedKey is undefined
- Fix combobox behaviour: multiple selections are now correctly shown in dropdown
- TeachingBubble examples: separate onDismiss into onDismiss and onShow
- List: Remove duplicate page rows iteration and add tests for SparseArray scenarios
- Fix color contrast ratio of unchecked Rating stars
- Use typeof check on process before checking process.env.NODE_ENV
- Turn IBasePickerSuggestionsProps into a Pick<> type
- Drop space from DetailsList header aria-labeledby
- HoverCard: fixes the native event listeners assignment when the target prop is updated.
Wed, 13 Mar 2019 00:42:29 GMT
- Text: default to fonts.medium
- Dropdown: Type onRenderTitle as Array only
- BaseButton: Correctly clone props instead of mutating them
Tue, 12 Mar 2019 12:31:43 GMT
- Provide a way to pass cell contents directly to DetailsRow
- FocusTrapZone: Refactor trapping behavior to fix multiple outstanding issues.
- Fix overflow calculation for non-collapsible columns
- FocusTrapZone: Fix for zones that have zero tabbable elements.
- updating calendaryear to work when react version upgrades
- DetailsHeader: remove duplicate IDetailsHeaderState
- Panel: fixes regression when no custom navigation renderer provided and
prop is set to false there should not be an empty div rendered occupying the space.
Mon, 11 Mar 2019 12:31:10 GMT
- Shimmer: adds new props
to Shimmer andbackgroundColor
to ShimmerElementsGroup to allow easy customization of Shimmer colors when placed on elements with background colors other than white.
Fri, 08 Mar 2019 13:32:10 GMT
- Expose persistMenu in combobox similar to baseButton
- SpinButton: Stateful example should restrict input value to range.
- List: Revert remove usage of string refs for List pages #7704
Thu, 07 Mar 2019 13:32:47 GMT
- Remove console log in Tooltip absolute position example
- Pivot - remove deprecated lifecycle method, and deterministically render selected PivotItem. Will change behavior of Pivot instances that specified
but use in an uncontrolled fashion. - Suggestions: set className on Suggestion header/footer
- SwatchColorPicker: updates the styles so that they align to the toolkit specs.
Wed, 06 Mar 2019 13:27:18 GMT
- BaseButton does not call onAfterMenuDismiss when persistMenu is true
- Change FocusZone to use the as pattern
- Tooltip: Add absolute position example to documentation
- FocusZone: removing dependency on BaseComponent, slicing about 3k gzipped off the payload.
Tue, 05 Mar 2019 17:33:41 GMT
- Update version of 'styled', add type annotations to usages of 'styled'.
Tue, 05 Mar 2019 13:30:24 GMT
- DetailsRowFields: Inherit from React.Component instead of BaseComponent"
Tue, 05 Mar 2019 04:25:07 GMT
- add Announced component
- Breadcrumb: Add native props support
- Export all theme variables in one file, and emit basic font token mixins
- CommandBar: Adding aria-label to Grid View and Information Buttons in examples.
- ChoiceGroup: Fix disabled selected styles
Mon, 04 Mar 2019 13:29:58 GMT
- Improved Accessibility with the Pickers and PeoplePicker Components by adjusting styles for High Contrast Mode.
Fri, 01 Mar 2019 19:40:22 GMT
- DetailsList & List: Improve typings currently typed as any
Fri, 01 Mar 2019 13:33:08 GMT
- Nav: Add disable state for navigation links
- ChoiceGroup: Make dropdown on example disabled until the option with the dropdown is selected so that tab focus goes to the default selected option.
- ChoiceGroup: Visually present 'required' prop in 'ChoiceGroup with a custom label' example and remove 'required' prop from non-selected radio buttons.
- ChoiceGroup: Fixing Narrator focus on ChoiceGroupOptions.
- ChoiceGroup: Adding defaultSelectedKey to 'ChoiceGroup with Icons' example so that aria-selected property is set.
- CommandBar: Fixing aria-label in examples so that it doesn't repeat information.
- GroupedList: Provide default getGroupHeight implementation to avoid infinite scroll handlers
- Updated dependencies.
Thu, 28 Feb 2019 17:04:01 GMT
- Dropdown and ComboBox:
can now take null to clear the selection.
Thu, 28 Feb 2019 13:29:07 GMT
- TagItemSuggestion: adds
white-space: nowrap
CSS declaration which is required fortext-overflow: ellipsis
to work. - TextField: adds font styles passed from theme to the root element.
Wed, 27 Feb 2019 06:49:08 GMT
- Modal: Fix missed naming updated from Modeless PR
Wed, 27 Feb 2019 01:28:58 GMT
- Updating the API file resulted in the updates to the @uifabric/styling package which is exported form OUFR.
- Announce column header for Day in Calendar
- Calendar: Change role of CalendarDay button from 'button' to 'gridcell'
- DetailsList: dragDropEvents props updates not respected
Tue, 26 Feb 2019 22:45:29 GMT
- Dialog: Add the ability for dialogs to be sticky (can interact with content behind dialog while dialog is open)
- Make the list items of personas used in rendering Facepile have role="option" which is required because the
- encompassing these has a role="listbox". Caught in a Keros FastPass.
- ARIA: Update calls to mergeAriaAttributeValues to no longer explicitly supply output element id padding.
Tue, 26 Feb 2019 13:31:28 GMT
- Text: add Text component
- DetailsList: Remove redundant casts and local declaration
- Sticky: maintain focus on Sticky header when scrolled
- Force Suggestion items to be shrinkable
Mon, 25 Feb 2019 13:31:08 GMT
- Persona: Augment documentation for
to be more useful. - Pivot: Removed mention of pivot overflow which is not implemented
Fri, 22 Feb 2019 13:31:09 GMT
- DetailsRow & DetailsRowFields: onRenderItemColumn return type as React.ReactNode
- Pivot: Add new stylable area for Pivot item container div.
- Add aria-describedby prop to Combo Box and Spin Button
- Fix usage of 'ms-text-align'
Thu, 21 Feb 2019 13:32:08 GMT
- GroupedList: Reduce usage of any type in GroupedList and GroupedListSection
Wed, 20 Feb 2019 21:57:24 GMT
- ChoiceGroup: now works again in FocusZone, but this also reverts a bug fix which allowed FocusTrapZones to behave better with ChoiceGroups in them. We will fix this issue separately. Popup: no longer has
specified, which is causing all sorts of regressions wrt FocusTrapZone usage.
- ChoiceGroup: fixing issue when nested in FocusZones.
Tue, 19 Feb 2019 13:37:02 GMT
- Set colors for unknown persona coin to fixed values
Mon, 18 Feb 2019 13:38:30 GMT
- ColorPicker: take color object in props, add standard onChange
- Deprecate IconNames due to const enum usage.
- Stack: Fix 'as' prop circular reference.
- Panel: Enabling the addition of new buttons (or other components) to the Navigation region
- Panel: fixes several screen breakpoint issues and brings more clarity to docs and logic of applying the breakpoints.
- Coding conventions
- Added custom width, left anchored panel support
Fri, 15 Feb 2019 17:41:16 GMT
- Stack: Promoting component to oufr package.
Fri, 15 Feb 2019 13:33:06 GMT
- Include component markdown files in npm package.
Thu, 14 Feb 2019 13:34:55 GMT
- Fix type IBaseFloatingPickerSuggestionProps in ExtendedPeoplePicker, expose showRemoveButtons
- TeachingBubble: revert PR #7837
- fluent folder cover; updated metadata font color; added yellowDark color variable
- Fix DetailsList compiler warnings in test by casting document.activeElement to HTMLElement
- Pivot cleanup
Wed, 13 Feb 2019 13:36:46 GMT
- MessageBar: exclude className from nativeProps
- Fix id usage in examples
- Normalized disabled style for input components (DatePicker, TextField).
- Remove maximum width from Breadcrumb items
- Fixing SpinButton A11y Pass Bug 2 where Up/Down buttons aren't discernable.
- TextField: updates some semantic colors usage.
Tue, 12 Feb 2019 13:36:43 GMT
- ComboBox: adds an autofillProps
- Make ChoiceGroupOptions stylable
- Calendar: adding type="button" in Calendar buttons so they don't submit by default inside forms
- FocusZone: fixing issue where onActiveItemChanged was no longer firing.
- Fix ID usage in examples
- Toggle: pass in native hidden prop to root element
- Tooltip: Updates examples to demonstrate how to tag aria attributes correctly
- Pickers: fix bug in ExtendedPicker demo and remove unneeded cast in EditingItem
Mon, 11 Feb 2019 13:40:44 GMT
- PivotItem: updating itemCount type to include strings
- Pickers: Re-type onItemRemove in Suggestions to support the suggestions Generic type
- In HoverCard, do not dismiss the card when the prop is true and the event prompting the dismissal is the 'mouseleave' event from the card itself. Clicking outside, escape, etc will still dismiss the card.
- Removed Href on Links that are disabled. This prevents inadvertent access to disabled links. Also prevents link focus rect bug
- SpinButton: Only update value in state if newProps.value is defined
Fri, 08 Feb 2019 13:37:21 GMT
- Add textField to IDatePickerProps
Thu, 07 Feb 2019 13:32:39 GMT
- DetailsList: Fixes the column header shifting upwards by 1px after drag and drop action.
Wed, 06 Feb 2019 13:38:07 GMT
- Nav: add semantic colors styling to link
- FocusTrapZone: Fixed FocusTrapZone to use the relatedTarget instead of document.activeElement to find what is losing focus
- Fixing wrapping links' focus rect clipping problem with boxshadow styling.
Tue, 05 Feb 2019 13:35:00 GMT
- MessageBar: mix in native props
- Use React.ComponentType in ExtendedPeoplePicker for render props
- DetailsList: render a simple column header for checkboxes in single selection mode
- Fixing the implementation of the hidden prop wrt to focus, bounds and unnecessary mounts
- Nav: Fixed an issue where nav link text overflow was not properly left aligned.
- Remove popup outline
Mon, 04 Feb 2019 13:36:12 GMT
- GroupHeader: exposes props of selection check button.
- Clarify extended picker dont documentation
- Update documentation
- Remove some unneeded casts + 'any's in ExtendedPeoplePicker
Thu, 31 Jan 2019 20:10:48 GMT
- FocusZone: focus can now be recovered if focus was resting within the zone but the element was removed.
Thu, 31 Jan 2019 13:36:13 GMT
- scrollTop value may be in decimal. Taking floor of scrollTop to calculate isStickyBottom for a sticky component
- TeachingBubble: do not pass in onDismiss to TeachingBubbleContent
- Support ESC after clicking in Popup
Tue, 29 Jan 2019 13:35:55 GMT
- GroupedList: changes types of the renderers to allow customizing the
through theCustomizer
. Export the missing interfaces to the top level index file of the GroupedList.
- width is not required for sticky placeholder as it won't affect horizontal scrolling. For a detailsGroupedList, if horizontal scrollbar is present when detailsHeader is in non-sticky state, it should be there even when detailsHeader becomes sticky.
- Panel: add flex-grow: 1 to contentInner
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:35:27 GMT
- Coachmark: updates how the theme is passed to
function. Adds 2 new props:theme
. Minor cleanup.
- DetailsList: Set aria-expanded attribute only if necessary
- DocumentCard: Renames 'previewFileTypeIcon' to 'icon' to fix a regression
- Fix callouts appearing partially off screen
Fri, 25 Jan 2019 13:38:07 GMT
- Specify prop "type" to be "button" for links which are of type button
- Fix ColorPicker when alpha slider is hidden
- Add documentation and tests for color utilities
- Combobox: Pass taxIndex to Autofill component
- Panel: Add aria-hidden attribute to prevent narrator from reading when transitioning to a closed state
- Added screener tests to Breadcrumb component to prevent regression
- position anchor currently by default uses either the given alignment edge or uses the positive flanking edge, without regard to whether the positive or negative edge has more room. This change uses the bounds to determine which side has more room and flips the anchor around, to solve issues with dynamically resizing callouts not having enough room to grow if they default to a top-anchor
- Fix the regression in DocumentCard role by commit 5b8befe. It should always use props.role if it is defined.
Thu, 24 Jan 2019 13:36:17 GMT
- Add lang tag to the section header by getting the native props
- Prevent the Tooltip's content from scrolling
Wed, 23 Jan 2019 22:53:13 GMT
- Update DetailsList examples to have codepens
- DatePicker: adds missing className attribute to the
of the control. - Dispose DragDropHelper in DetailsHeader to prevent memory leaks
- Coachmark: Fix component to open contents on mouseover
- Update GroupedList and HoverCard examples to have codepens
- Added a simpler DocumentCardImage component for use in the DocumentCard component
- ContextualMenu: Fixes a layout bug with split menu items in IE11
- ContextualMenu: Add menu role for accessibility
- Use CSS object-fit in the Image component in capable browsers
Tue, 22 Jan 2019 13:34:38 GMT
- DocumentCard: added native properties to the root element
Mon, 21 Jan 2019 13:36:01 GMT
- Theming: add scss files generated from defaults
- Pickers: adjusts disabled styles for TagPicker and PeoplePicker to align them to the toolkit specs. Disable remove button on PeoplePicker selected items when picker disabled.
- DetailsHeader: Refactor deprecated componentWillReceiveProps to getDerivedStateFromProps
- List: Remove usage of string refs used for List pages
- Breadcrumb: issue #7701 - fixes the double focus rectangle caused by both Link and Breadcrumb.
- moving functuion _isHeightOrWidthDifferent to file scope
Fri, 18 Jan 2019 13:38:06 GMT
- Exposes a preventDismissOnResize prop in the Callout component
- Dropdown: refactor styles of Panel to
- ContextualMenu: fixes issue #7686 when items of type
are given the same key and later are rendered as list items causing a React warning. Change the example having this issue. - CommandBar: Add ARIA labels to the overflow buttons in examples
- Facepile: Add ARIA role to the list of people
- PeoplePicker: Reduce height to match other inputs
- Update two examples to use CommandBarButton
Thu, 17 Jan 2019 13:34:42 GMT
- DetailsList: add isMenuOpen property on IColumn interface and add aria-expanded to the DetailsList column header.
- Pickers: Fix it so that pickers now correctly lose focus
- When clicking on existing oufr calendar component, there's a 1px space between days in the day picker where the click has no effect. Fixing
- ChoiceGroup: Sets the first enabled option to focusable, even with an invalid defaultSelectedKey
- TextField: fixes High Contrast mode styles when focusing.
Wed, 16 Jan 2019 13:38:45 GMT
- Toggle: adds ability to render with the label inline (left side and right in RTL).
- Panel: setting the aria-modal to true to prevent loosing focus when using Narrator in scan mode.
- Icons: Remove aria-hidden to fix narrator focus bug
- DetailsList: Remove redundant columns iteration, array allocation, and setState call in DetailsRowFields
Tue, 15 Jan 2019 13:36:46 GMT
- theming: add loadFonts function and register font variables
- Icon: Pass theme to styles functions.
- ChoiceGroup: adds a getter method to IChoiceGroup to allow grabbing the current checked option through the componentRef.
- Add type for example list items
- Convert DocumentCard to MergeStyles
- DocumentCard: changed href in basic example to
- Copy over hasDynamicChildren and hasMenu for persisted keytips
- Removing some of the deprecated components flagged when turning the tslint deprecation flag to true in the office-ui-fabric-react package.
- PeoplePicker: adjust height of the picker suggestion item to follow the toolkit redline.
- Fix issue with Facepile not using maxDisplayablePersonas prop if its value is 0
Mon, 14 Jan 2019 13:39:22 GMT
- DatePicker: only set aria-owns when callout is rendered [#6931]
- Fix DatePicker firing two onSelectDate events when allowTextInput is true
- Date is no longer selected when click on 'Today'. That behavior is still allowed passing a boolean argument
- Relaxed type restrictions on possible values for 'autoComplete' attribute on TextField component.
- ActionButton: Fix focus outline getting clipped when the action button sits within a container with
. - DatePicker: Temporarily disable failing DatePicker test which uses document.querySelector
- Horizontal scrollbar not available for a grouped details list (all groups collapsed) when header is sticky
Fri, 11 Jan 2019 05:00:46 GMT
- Ensure coachmark layers under header
- Changed colors to make message bar more visible.
- DetailsList: Ensure the headerClassName prop is processed properly when mergeStyles is used
- CombBox: revert change to aria label
- ContextualMenu: fix hovering on items in IE
- Modal, Dialog: Update styling to work with changes to allowScrollOnElement (change overflowY from auto to hidden)
- DetailsList: Add test for existence of headerClassName if provided
Thu, 10 Jan 2019 13:34:59 GMT
- Pickers: converting to CSS-in-JS suggestions part of the pickers. Move some interfaces and create styled versions of each subcomponent base. Fix imports and more cleanup.
Thu, 10 Jan 2019 04:58:48 GMT
- ITheme: add defaultFontStyles property
- Fix issues of marquee selection for IE
- Pickers: Fix so controlled pickers will only focus when it has focus
Wed, 09 Jan 2019 13:35:35 GMT
- Checkbox: Refactored to use an instead of "button", fixing several longstanding bugs along the way.
- ChoiceGroup: Removed role='application' from root-div
- Fixed: the commandbar will no longer flicker when resized
- CommandBar: minor perf improvement in computing cache key
- Fix the typing of ExpandingCard/PlainCard component props.
- FocusTrapZone - Make forceFocusInsideTrap prop changes modify focus
Tue, 08 Jan 2019 13:34:49 GMT
- Allow disabling specific dates on the calendar in addition to the max and min dates.
- CalendarYear: convert from componentWillReceiveProps to getDerivedStateFromProps
Mon, 07 Jan 2019 13:34:37 GMT
- Add FocusTrapCallout component
- Exposes the tabIndex of the TextField in the DatePicker
- Slider: Allows a custom value format function to be passed which formats the value label
- DocumentCard: add optional aria role property to allow override the default aria role.
- ChoiceGroup: exposing focus() method in IChoiceGroup and makes sure it is implemented.
- Fix outline for Modals and Dialogs in High Contrast mode
- SearchBox: fix handling of null value
Thu, 03 Jan 2019 13:33:55 GMT
- TooltipHost: add show method
- Fix calendar accessibility edge bug preventing row and column info from being populated correctly
Tue, 01 Jan 2019 13:36:37 GMT
- update pivot component to use semantic slots from design redlines
Mon, 31 Dec 2018 13:37:56 GMT
- Pickers: Fix issue where suggestions wouldn't dismiss for controlled pickers
- Fix Nav selected item's pseudo element
Fri, 28 Dec 2018 13:35:08 GMT
- ComboBox will prioritize ariaLabel property over label for accessibility. Aria labels for Dropdown and ComboBox options do not default to item text.
- FocusZone: Respect the onKeydown handler even it is inside inner focus zone.
- checking if sticky content offsetHeight is in sync with nonStickyContent offsetHeight
Mon, 24 Dec 2018 13:33:49 GMT
- Adding option to prevent focus on Coachmark mount
Fri, 21 Dec 2018 13:34:57 GMT
- ContextualMenu: fix opening submenus with hrefs
Thu, 20 Dec 2018 13:39:35 GMT
- GroupedList: add compact mode and styles cleanup across GroupedList and DetailsList. Change expand button icon. Consolidate style values in between mentioned components.
- Pickers: convert PeoplePicker items to CSS-in-JS. Expose some components to the surface API and rename them to solve ambiguity issues. Fix some imports in ExtendedPicker and FloatingPicker caused by my API changes.
Wed, 19 Dec 2018 13:39:07 GMT
- DetailsList: fix conditional rendering of aria-describedby
- Dropdown: only select aria-activedescendant when open to fix screen reader output for required dropdown
- DetailsList: Fix custom footer example's footer row not full width.
Tue, 18 Dec 2018 22:17:52 GMT
- MessageBar: add aria-expanded and aria-controls to See More button
Tue, 18 Dec 2018 13:36:49 GMT
- ComboBox: add placeholder prop
Mon, 17 Dec 2018 13:36:58 GMT
- Persona: fixing how coinProps are passed through from Persona to PersonaCoin.
- Pickers: convert
to use CSS-in-JS. AddTagItemSuggestion
functional component. MoveTagPicker
related interfaces to aTagPicker.types.ts
file. Cleanup some TSDocs inBasePicker.types.ts
- BaseComponent: Remove componentWillReceiveProps usage
Fri, 14 Dec 2018 13:35:30 GMT
- DetailsList: add isCollapsible and deprecate isCollapsable
- Persona: change type of the 'coinProps' type to IPersonaCoinProps.
- Correct hover and highlight states for Calendar (DateRangeType.Week)
Thu, 13 Dec 2018 13:37:01 GMT
- theming: remove ITypography
- Pickers: Convert TagPicker and PeoplePicker to use CSS-in-JS. Support SASS styling for custom pickers extended from BasePicker. Fix tests not using componentRef to access component methods. Cleanup TagPicker example page.
- DetailsHeader: Fix "Select All" state not persisted across component mounts when optional selection prop provided.
Tue, 11 Dec 2018 13:36:20 GMT
- Coachmark: Move style interfaces to Coachmark.types.ts file and add styled wrapper around to enable use of Customizer to theme the component.
- DetailsList: changed drop hint display to none to not occupy any space
- Dropdown: wrap items list in FocusZone to prevent auto-scrolling to first list item
- Fix merge conflict resulting in build error.
- Adds a just:build script to OUFR to begin integration with Just
- Removing some of the deprecated components flagged when turning the tslint deprecation flag to true in the office-ui-fabric-react package.
Mon, 10 Dec 2018 13:35:53 GMT
- Dropdown: remove aria-labelledby from items wrapper div if no label property is provided
- Dropdown:
is no longer ignored if the Dropdown options changes. - Rating: respect the icon property
Fri, 07 Dec 2018 13:35:16 GMT
- Searchbox: Reverts the focus fix for IE since it broke focus for other browsers
- Check: fixing alignment of the check inside the circle when in RTL.
Thu, 06 Dec 2018 13:34:21 GMT
- The Dropdown component will now only include an aria-labelled-by attribute when there is no provided ariaLabel prop. This means that the component will honor provided ariaLabels and create markup such that screen readers will read the aria label and not the regular label.
- DetailsList: Prevent override of column cell border while dragging
- spellCheck defaults to false in BasePicker
Wed, 05 Dec 2018 13:35:35 GMT
- TeachingBubble: add customizer scope to TeachingBubbleContent to allow using it individually.
Tue, 04 Dec 2018 13:36:40 GMT
- Picker: The shift key is now required (in addition to the del key) in order to delete a suggestion.
- DetailsList: Adding support for column drag-drop in RTL
Mon, 03 Dec 2018 13:37:07 GMT
- Removing some deprecated components flagged when turning tslint deprecation flag to true in oufr package.
- DetailsList: Re-adding border fade animation as transition on column reorder
- TeachingBubble: Expand usage documentation to distinguish it from similar components.
- Facepile: Fix overflow title not rendered in Firefox.
Fri, 30 Nov 2018 13:37:17 GMT
- Extend theming to incorporate shadows and rounded corners
- DevExp: packages will no longer include the api.json from api extractor to reduce package size
- SwatchColorPicker: Fixing state method componentWillReceiveProps of SwatchColorPicker in order to resolve how it sets focus and color on its cells in its uncontrolled form.
Thu, 29 Nov 2018 19:34:12 GMT
- HoverCard: A new callback called onCardExpand has been added that occurs after the expanded hover card is rendered
- DatePicker: Added calendarAs to support custom calendars
- DatePicker: Support custom callout props, and therefore layer props
- TeachingBubble: Convert Callout styles to use subComponentStyles.
- Tooltip: do not allow more than one tooltip at once
- add SASS var for accent theme slot
- semantic slot value updates
- Spinner: adds new prop 'labelPosition' to allow customizing the render position of the label. Add new screener stories plus snapshot-test.
- Ensures nav links are announced once
- BasePicker: Will now respect
property ofinputProps
, if one was provided. - Dropdown: Add documentation (where there were none previously) about the responsiveMode prop.
- Slider: Fixed IE 11 compatibility issue by changing
method call toparseFloat()
method instead. - Correct hover and highlight states for Calendar (DateRangeType.Week)
- Sticky: Sync ScrollablePane scroll on Sticky forceUpdate to fix scrollbar positioning.
- Facepile: Fix custom title on overflow button not being used in facepile
- DetailsList: fixing focus rectangle color from themePrimary to neutralSecondary.
- ContextualMenu: Fixes alignment of the chevron button of a regular submenu and the split button chevron. Changes positioning of the divider of the split button to fix a hover state background visual bug.
Thu, 22 Nov 2018 13:36:17 GMT
- Fixing background color of overlay so that screen behind panel isn't hidden in high contrast mode when panel's open
Wed, 21 Nov 2018 13:34:56 GMT
- adding more specificity by adding selectors
- Link: inherit font size and font weight.
- Check: Fix component not using styles prop when generating classNames.
- ContextualMenu: Remove ContextualMenuItemWrapper onItemClick binds which drop DOM event from args list.
Tue, 20 Nov 2018 20:12:42 GMT
- Removing some of the deprecated components flagged when turning the tslint deprecation flag to true in the office-ui-fabric-react package.
- A bug fix to avoid crash in ScrollablePane when the componenent is unmounted in an environment where MutationObserver is not supported (for example in jsdom)
Tue, 20 Nov 2018 13:32:17 GMT
- API: Update API with several new icon definitions.
- changed _root.value to _root.current in componentDidMount
- DetailsList: Prefer BaseComponent async when using setTimeout to avoid memory leak when toggling drag & drop class.
Mon, 19 Nov 2018 13:36:25 GMT
- ProgressIndicator: Fixes bug when transparent color used in a gradient in Safari browser treats it not as intended.
Fri, 16 Nov 2018 13:35:41 GMT
- Dropdown: add placeholder prop, deprecate placeHolder
- Update lorem generator to not use randomly generated text
- GroupedList: rendered with aria-role grid instead of list
- DetailsList: Remove drag and drop border animation causing style mutations on re-render.
- "Fix scrollable pane sticky alignment issue"
- HoverCard: Fixes a style selector to properly remove the border from the Callout holding card's content and add a different shadow to it.
Thu, 15 Nov 2018 13:36:22 GMT
- DevExp: get rid of const enum so the library is compatible with Typescript's isolatedModule compilation mode
- ScrollablePane and Sticky: Fix placeholder height, Sticky sorting, and stickyClassName
- Slider: replace button with div so vertical Sliders render on Safari
- Updating snapshots from
helper changes.
Wed, 14 Nov 2018 13:34:01 GMT
- Choicegroup: Fix an issue where the child label component was incorrectly getting the className prop.
- ContextualMenu, ComboBox, Dropdown: on Mac, don't close on alt or command
- TextField: fix multiline bug, update docs
Tue, 13 Nov 2018 13:30:53 GMT
- ColorPicker: Export sub-components
- Fix bug in ColorPicker opacity slider and improve demo page
- DatePicker: onSelectedDate now propagates empty values even when input is required.
Mon, 12 Nov 2018 13:31:40 GMT
- Modal: Allow defining layer props
- SearchBox: IE now will consistently focus when click between icon and placeholder text
- DetailsHeader: Support optional tooltip rendering for column headers.
Fri, 09 Nov 2018 13:32:57 GMT
- Removing more deprecated components flagged when turning the tslint deprecation flag to true in the office-ui-fabric-react package.
- DocumentCard: Adding
method toIDocumentCard
, which can be accessed viacomponentRef
. - Removing some of the deprecated components flaged when turning the tslint deprecation flag to true in the office-ui-fabric-react package.
- Add keytips to Facepile personas
- Remove the FocusZone wrapping the FacepileMembers
- ChoiceGroupOption: component mergeStyled class names no longer gets overridden by choicegroupoption item className prop
- Button: example updated with proper styling for a custom split button
- Passing the prop alignTargetEdge to contextualMenu's callout
- Link: Fix bug where componentRef property was passed through to the dom element
- Improve conditions of re-initialize state
- BasePicker: give selected items element role "list"
Thu, 08 Nov 2018 04:17:34 GMT
- Label examples: updated to illustrate good accessibility patterns.
- DatePicker: pressing enter now changes the selection.
- Panel documentation: updated docs to recommend having a minimum 340px width on the container.
- Modal: Set aria-modal=true for a better screen reader experience.
- Modal examples: Adding aria labels title & description.
Wed, 07 Nov 2018 13:31:01 GMT
- Nav: Added linkAs to support custom buttons and React Router
- ContextualMenu: Add menuItem subComponentStyles to enable each item styling from the ContextualMenu styles.
- update to fix bug when footer covered horizontal scroll bar
- Button: Update example to use PrimaryButton component
- Add unit tests for ComboBox multiSelect onItemClicked callback and on select via mouse click.
- Remove defaultPrevented check in ComboBox item click due to multiSelect regression.
- Set GroupedList List page key to IGroup key instead of name for uniqueness.
Tue, 06 Nov 2018 13:31:09 GMT
- Dropdown: change aria attributes on listbox when disabled
- Increase height on Persona card primary text to make room for descenders
Sun, 04 Nov 2018 02:27:52 GMT
- add ariaLabel prop for ChoiceGroupOption
- Fix typo with DatePicker Callout aria-label.
Fri, 02 Nov 2018 18:11:37 GMT
- Panel: fix box-shadow value
Fri, 02 Nov 2018 12:28:55 GMT
- Add optional onItemClick callback to ComboBox.
- Callout Positioning fixes - OnPositioned should not be called on every frame and adding a new prop called alignPerfectlyWithTarget to disallow nudging of callout
- TextField: set overflow to hidden when autoAdjustHeight is set to avoid flashing scrollbar
- ContextualMenu: Add fix for subComponentStyles. It is now optional in the
- Pickers: Fix IE 11 focus and a few css issues
- Slider: fix value calculations
Wed, 31 Oct 2018 22:35:10 GMT
- Adding warning and updating documentation on Pivot children needing to be of type PivotItem to be rendered.
Wed, 31 Oct 2018 12:32:41 GMT
- Expose existing mergeSettings utility function.
Tue, 30 Oct 2018 18:45:48 GMT
- ComboBox/Autofill: prevent text from being selected when focus is not on the input box
- Removing some of the deprecated components flaged when turning the tslint deprecation flag to true in the office-ui-fabric-react package.
Tue, 30 Oct 2018 12:27:52 GMT
- Addition of year picker to Calendar
- ContextualMenu: adding a subComponentStyles hook to enable styling of the components used within ContextualMenu. Removing an unused style function.
Mon, 29 Oct 2018 18:04:30 GMT
- Add blur to ITextField and implement to support programmatic blur."
Mon, 29 Oct 2018 12:31:29 GMT
- DetailsList/List: updating documentation.
- DatePicker: Pass id prop to TextField component.
- ContextualMenu: Fix separator announcement in Narrator scan mode.
Fri, 26 Oct 2018 12:32:36 GMT
- Enable api-extractor build task
- Callout: Added layerProps to interface
- GroupedList: add aria-expanded and aria-controls
- Add optional onColumnResize callback to IColumn which reports resized column's current width
- Fix the issue of DetailLists and DetailHeadder property about isAllGroupsCollapsed changed after initial constructor , they are not reflected in the state.
- Breadcrumb: add overflowAriaLabel to examples
- Fix typo in role attribute in DocumentCardActivity
- Updated Fabric API file
- Rating: Updating padding on each star to fix clipping focus outline and adjust height to follow redlines.
Thu, 25 Oct 2018 12:30:06 GMT
- CommandBar: Remove duplicate className prop application.
- Add unit tests for DetailsList onRenderMissingItem prop.
- Dropdown: Add support for onFocus callback
Wed, 24 Oct 2018 12:28:58 GMT
- Add an optional parameter to allow Dropdown to call onChanged when an item is clicked, even if that item was already selected
- Tooltip: change display property of TooltipHost to inline-block to properly behave when wrapping inline or inline-block children.
- ResizeGroup: Moved relative style to inner wrapper div
Tue, 23 Oct 2018 12:32:16 GMT
- TooltipHost: convert to CSS-in-JS
Mon, 22 Oct 2018 12:29:57 GMT
- Add in missing exports in index.ts
- Fixed the column total vertical sync issue while resizing the column header by dragging them to the right until it gets overflowed and also make the vertical overflow as auto to make sure that the scroll bar appears only when there is a vertical overflow.
Fri, 19 Oct 2018 12:29:20 GMT
- HoverCard: Add BasicCard as an option when need to render a non-expanding HoverCard. Refactor mergeStyle API plus refactor file organization.
- Revert getItemClassNames API change to fix memoization bug due to Object usage rather than primitive arguments list."
- Added 'break' statement in PeoplePicker component example. Without it, changing picker type to 'Process Selection' was rendering 'Controlled Picker' instead.
Thu, 18 Oct 2018 20:22:36 GMT
- adding groups prop to pass parent group's children info
- Add onPagesUpdated optional prop to List component
- Remove api-extractor.disabled.json
- Fix accessibility issue when user arrow down suggestion, screen reader is not announcing the selected result
Wed, 17 Oct 2018 12:29:40 GMT
- Breadcrumb: move style interfaces to the types file to be included in the export and documentation.
- DetailsList: update the styles with 2 new regions headerWrapper and contentWrapper providing easy className hooks to pass custom styling.
- Spinner: No longer appears to vibrate in Microsoft Edge (Oct 2018 Update).
Wed, 17 Oct 2018 01:29:55 GMT
- Update theme generator to generate valid code output. Fix Pivot API to accurately reflect div interface.
- FocusTrapZone: Add/remove focus and click handlers when props change
Tue, 16 Oct 2018 12:28:48 GMT
- Dropdown: Adds a state property to be set when the Callout has been positioned identifying on what edge of the target it has rendered.
- ScrollablePane: now uses React createRef, added test.
Mon, 15 Oct 2018 12:29:12 GMT
- DetailsList: do not set select all button aria-describedby unless id it references exists
- Added default font theme for Slider control to remove Fabric component dependency.
- Fix ContextualMenuItem secondary text not read by screen reader due to aria-label containing only primary text."
- Slider bug fix for min equals max
- Panel: Fixed second scroll bar when content taller than panel
- ShimmeredDetailsList: Added export to top level index file
Thu, 11 Oct 2018 23:13:31 GMT
- Implement ImageFit.centerCover
- Calendar: accessibility fixes for month option grid
- Dropdown: Fix issue where correct option wasn't selected
- Fix ContextualMenu example broken charm icons and specify hover delay input as type="number".
- Remove 'Button Swap with Focus State' example
- ScrollablePane: Update DetailsList example to fix bug where footer overlapped scroll bar
- IconButton: Specifiy the color of the icon in IconButton so that it can be themed and change the hover color for the same reasons.
Wed, 10 Oct 2018 12:29:05 GMT
- DatePicker and Calendar: allowing native div props to be forwarded to container div.
- Keytip: Fix TS 3.1 error by extending IBaseProps.
- Facepile: fix precedence order for style and className props
- Added default font theme for Slider control to remove Fabric component dependency.
- Make ChoiceGroup's role configurable with default "application" for JAWS support.
- KeyTip: Adds space around examples to improve readability
- Nav: add aria-label and aria-expanded to groups
- Panel: make scrollableContent the only scrollable div
- TagPicker textbox is in the wrong position - middle instead of bottom. Added an align style to fix this.
Tue, 09 Oct 2018 12:26:48 GMT
- Nav: Add custom group header renderer property
- DocumentCard, Pivot, GroupHeader - replace instances of neutralSecondaryAlt with neutralSecondary
- DocumentCardTitle: Fixes an infinite loop condition caused by componentDidUpdate calling _srinkTitle() over and over again due to setState being triggered every time without a stop condition.
Mon, 08 Oct 2018 19:25:44 GMT
- Links that wrap aren't getting the proper focus rect. Added a conditional selector that changes the outline and removed the getFocusStyles call to fix this. This is for Links that are anchors. Links that are buttons do not wrap at the moment. Once Links that are buttons wrap we can address their focus rect issues if there are any.
- TextField can no longer be resized to below its minimum height
Mon, 08 Oct 2018 12:24:16 GMT
- Typescript 3.1 type fixes.
- Moving tslint/prettier dependencies to published packages.
- Fix a11y violations in ContextualMenu examples
- Fix Sliders' support for zero values.
Fri, 05 Oct 2018 23:29:26 GMT
- Moving data property from IDropDownOption to ISelectableOption so anyone that uses ISelectableOption can use this property
- Fixed initials not reappearing bug when image is removed from a PersonaCoin
Fri, 05 Oct 2018 12:27:02 GMT
- DetailsList: header now reflects the theme defined in the font.
- Facepile: allow FacepileButton to render custom styles
- Fixed null ref error when autoFocus prop is used in SearchBox
- Fixes DetailsHeader disabled columns invoking onColumnClick callbacks
Thu, 04 Oct 2018 12:26:48 GMT
- Coachmark: Add delayBeforeCoachmarkAnimation prop
- Add explicit min-width of 0px to SearchBox input element, to prevent overflow when SearchBox has a fixed width.
- Modal: small topOffsetFixed changes and added example to Dialog
- Dropdown: only apply an aria-labelledby attribute if a non-empty label property is given
- Correct hover and highlight states for Calendar (DateRangeType.Week)
Wed, 03 Oct 2018 12:28:46 GMT
- Modal: add optional prop topOffsetFixed
- SwatchColorPicker: let height and width be customizable
- FocusZone: check for RTL before making top bottom comparisons
Tue, 02 Oct 2018 12:28:04 GMT
- Pivot: update the wrapper holding the tab buttons from ul tags to div for HTML validation and keep the narrator working correctly.
- Layer: Don't block capture events, allowing onFocus and onBlur events to work as expected.
- TextField: prettier fixes
Mon, 01 Oct 2018 12:27:24 GMT
- semantic slot value updates per design direction
- Improve _isWhiteCell logic to handle rgb(a) and hex shorthand notation.
- Add native props support for input properties to SearchBox's inner input element.
Fri, 28 Sep 2018 12:27:38 GMT
- DetailsList: replace the use of neutralSecondaryAlt color which was deprecated.
- ComboBox: add logic to stop onBlur handler to be invoked when clicking on Callout's scrollbar.
- now all the top level components will include version info for package
Thu, 27 Sep 2018 12:27:48 GMT
- Layer: Do not render content until virtual parent is set.
Wed, 26 Sep 2018 12:27:23 GMT
- Add currentRenderedQueryString to avoid discrepancy
- Sticky: second null check for currElem
- Dropdown: prevent dropdown to open on keyboard events when in disabled mode.
Tue, 25 Sep 2018 12:28:12 GMT
- Allows callout props to be passed through the base picker
- ResizeGroup: Remove classNamesFunction from ResizeGroup
- make oufr also set sideeffects for version.js
Mon, 24 Sep 2018 12:27:31 GMT
- CommandBar: Surface buttons now have role of menuitem
- Fix off by one error with DetailsHeader DnD when checkbox is hidden.
- Fix Panel Custom className not output if PanelType is Custom
Fri, 21 Sep 2018 14:25:46 GMT
- Adding a version stamp file
- fixed Korean characters typing issue in IE11.
- Revert max-line-length change in favor of tslint disable next line for ColorSlider background values to fix Screener regression.
- Add example of using CommandBarButtonAs with coachmarks and add IComponentAsProps
Thu, 20 Sep 2018 12:25:33 GMT
- DocumentCardPreview: Change component to use Link and add linkProps
- ColorPicker: The ColorPicker component now passes the complete color object as second parameter to the
props along with the existing string representation of the same as first parameter. - add support for commandBarButtonAs to ICommandBarItemProps along with passing the defaultRender to the commandBarButtonAs
Wed, 19 Sep 2018 12:27:48 GMT
- Panel: pass click events to onDismiss handler
- Refactor PivotItem & DialogFooter type comparison to use React.Element.type to address hot module replacement break.
Tue, 18 Sep 2018 12:26:03 GMT
- Panel: Extend props to HTMLAttributes
Mon, 17 Sep 2018 12:27:05 GMT
- Add conformance tests to verify that components take a className property
- SpinButton: SpinButton: Preventing and Stopping Propagation when enter is pressed
- Coachmark: Fix tabbing when Coachmark is mounted
- Fix DetailsList columnReorderProps change not causing render
- Example updated with the implementation of onRenderDivider for DetailsList
Fri, 14 Sep 2018 01:55:02 GMT
- Adds an optional prop to the DatePicker that allows disabled elements to be focused (although not pressed)
- added functional unit tests for drag-drop feature
Thu, 13 Sep 2018 17:38:04 GMT
- Adds new semantic slots per design direction
- Teaching Bubble: Fix outline on content that produces undesirable visuals
- Fixes SwatchColorPicker swatches shifting when isWhite swatch not at end of row due to 1px different in border-width
- Hide duplicate keytips and give console warning if found
- Fix Selection count not updating when items are removed
Wed, 12 Sep 2018 12:26:41 GMT
- SpinButton: Added SpinButton snapshot and simplified ariaValueNow logic
- Button: Fix splitButton focus issue with Portals
- Check whether meta key is pressed during selection
Tue, 11 Sep 2018 07:28:02 GMT
- removed the check for event to be an instanceof DragEvent in the onDrop method
- Make button respect no global class names flag
- update datepicker to allow IE to work with input field while retaining the accessibility
- Revert removal of should render DatePicker guard given focus changes with Layer changes.
- Fixed_groupheader_checkbox_aria_label_accessibility_issue
Tue, 11 Sep 2018 02:54:40 GMT
- IconButton: now with less IE11 shifting pixels.
- add safeguard in contextualmenu against doing setstate while unmounted
Mon, 10 Sep 2018 10:24:57 GMT
- adding min and maxwidth to dialog
- Fixed key not found issue with contextmenu with custom onRender per item
Fri, 07 Sep 2018 22:04:50 GMT
- Check: adjusting shouldComponentUpdate to not ignore theme changes.
Fri, 07 Sep 2018 16:29:48 GMT
- Updates button slots with correct pre-fluent palette values and scss fallbacks
- Layer: Add optional event blocking. Tooltip: Detect targets in portals.
- Layer: Now use React Portals.
- Add white-space: nowrap to CommandBar Button labels
- ChoiceGroup to add a customizable ariaLabelledBy prop
- ChoiceGroup: have focus method take into account selectedKey
- adjust dropdownprops onchange to be more in line with the div element onchange attrib
- ComboBox: Fix pressing ENTER after just hovering over item when freeform (and there's no pending value)
- ComboBox: Allow 0 as a valid selectedKey/defaultSelectedKey
- Updates the example for Nav to use a more updated click handler pattern
- Fix issue where deleting all selected items wouldn't update selection
- allow custom classnames to be passed thru to spinbutton
Thu, 06 Sep 2018 10:28:35 GMT
- add buttonBackgroundDisabled semantic slot
- SpinButton: Add check for a 0 value
- CommandBar: get rid of invalid aria attributes
- ComboBox: reduce the calls to onChange to be more accruate (e.g. remove from the wrapping div and make sure we do not double process changes)
- ContextualMenuItem declare font-color as semanticColors.bodyText instead of inherit
- adding a scope for groupedlist footer link styles
Wed, 05 Sep 2018 10:29:25 GMT
- Change bodyDivider value from neutralTertiaryAlt back to neutralLight
- Mark unused "toggled" prop of IButtonProps as deprecated.
- Deprecate classNames for ContextualMenu & ContextualMenuItem in favor of mergeStyles API via styles props.
- onRenderDivider props added to DetailsList to wrap the existing behaviour of column divider of lists
- Modal, Panel: make scrollable content styles customizable via className or styles props
- use div and instead of p if teachingbubble content isn't a string
- Fix 'npm run generate' issue
Tue, 04 Sep 2018 10:27:15 GMT
- add onBlur on Slider
- DetailsList: only use role button when onColumnClick prop is defined
Mon, 03 Sep 2018 10:25:31 GMT
- Added optional 'iconProps' property to SearchBox component.
- Sticky placeholders should ignore pointer events when state is non-sticky
Fri, 31 Aug 2018 20:48:42 GMT
- Coachmark - only show beak if it is collapsed
- fix re-render caused by view port resize observer
Fri, 31 Aug 2018 17:27:00 GMT
- ComboBox: Fix clearing the comboBox on escape
Fri, 31 Aug 2018 10:27:35 GMT
- SpinButton: Add aria-valuenow and aria-valuetext for controller spin buttons
- DatePicker: add optional underlined prop for TextField
- ComboBox: update isOptionSelected logic to take into acount updated values for currentPendingValue
- added ability for personacoin to be arbitrarily sized for initials
Thu, 30 Aug 2018 19:26:04 GMT
- Addresses #6041. Added onRenderMenuList to ContextualMenu. Added default _onRenderMenuList with IContextualMenuProps. Updated docs with an example of a ContextualMenu with custom MenuList with searchbox.
- add overflow hidden to hide scroll from calendar holder
- ComboBox: Update ComboBox to allow for empty string to be submitted
- onRenderCoin to be called irrespective of imageUrl being present or not
Thu, 30 Aug 2018 10:32:49 GMT
- Add the ability to disable the built-in SelectionMode in DetailsList
- Menu/ComboBox/Dropdown: Make the mouse being under a menu item not move focus until after a mouseMove is seen
- Checkbox: use id passed in if provided
- ChoiceGroup: have ChoiceGroupOption style use new ms-Fabric--isFocusVisible class
- Dropdown: color changed to HighlightText
- Remove unnecessary margin on dropdown
- Allow MaskedTextField to backspace to the beginning when the mask is all numbers
- Corrected some Checkbox implementations - should use 'aria-labelledby' instead of 'aria-describedby'
- make escape key do prevent default first before calling ondismiss callback
- BaseButton: iconProps className takes precedence if it exists in icon render
Wed, 29 Aug 2018 10:28:42 GMT
- Expose the event that triggers the commit of a manually entered value to OnValidate callback so consumers can handle focus transitions in an accessible way
- Make ComboBox input color themeable
- Fix status indicators on icon-only column headers
- Coachmark: Fix inability to focus on inputs when Coachmark is active
- Buttons: remove borders on buttons without borders
- Textfield: fixed ie only styles regarding clear button
Tue, 28 Aug 2018 10:23:58 GMT
- Callout: Pass divProperties into root
- Adding a missing passthrough of the menuicon style from base button to split menu icon
- updates to view count icon spacing to spec in documentcard
- Panel: set the content height to window.innerHeight on iOS
- Sticky: null check for currElem
Mon, 27 Aug 2018 10:27:43 GMT
- Adds an optional close button to the DatePicker
- Convert all SCSS styles in panel to JS Styles
Fri, 24 Aug 2018 17:02:14 GMT
- Reverting Customizer React 16 context change, while we dig into the Layer portal conversion first. As it is moving to React 16 breaks layer theming, which we believe can only be fixed if we move to portals (which has other issues to investigate.)
Fri, 24 Aug 2018 14:45:24 GMT
- Prevent breaking change in DetailsItemProps
Fri, 24 Aug 2018 10:26:08 GMT
- ColorSlider, ComboBox, Dropdown, Rating, Toggle: add onChange and deprecate onChanged
- ChoiceGroup: remove aria-labelledby to prevent accessibility bugs with custom onRenderLabel
- ContextualMenu: remove line-height 0 styling for lists
- Fix @types/prop-types being inconsistently restrictive.
Thu, 23 Aug 2018 10:28:17 GMT
- Pickers: A variety of accessibility and bug fixes
- Fix Scrollable scroll syncing and header/footer alignment
- Check: adjusting shouldComponentUpdate to not ignore theme changes.
- Modal, Panel: allow scrolling within Modal and Panel while disabling scrolling on the body (ios)
- DetailsList: Account for grouping depth of more than one in width calculation.
Wed, 22 Aug 2018 05:10:19 GMT
- Button: Added labelHovered and fixed menuIconCheckedHovered ButtonStyles
- CommandBar: Update documentation page
- Adding role="Grid" so that VoiceOver within Safari works for Calendar and DatePicker
Tue, 21 Aug 2018 20:36:27 GMT
- Sticky: Fix logic when Sticky on first render is at most top position to get it sorted properly.
Tue, 21 Aug 2018 10:28:16 GMT
- adds variantBorderHovered and emptyStateBackground semantic slots to theme and variants logic
- BaseButton: Add onFocusCapture to the split button container to focus the container instead of doing it in the menu onClick
- ChoiceGroup: change styles so that label styles do not apply to Label components in onRenderField
- DetailsList: select first row on down arrow key event
- MaskedTextField: onChange now returns the displayed value vs the entered value
- Sticky: Fix an edge case causing Sticky footer to wrongly re-calculate it's height.
Mon, 20 Aug 2018 10:26:10 GMT
- Don't left-pad DetailsColumn header icons
- DetailsList: add aria-hidden to select all checkbox in single selectionmode
- TextField: Fix application of inputClassName lost when component was converted to JS styling.
- Use role="alert" instead of aria-live="assertive" on error message container for TextField.
- remove unnecessary export in detailslist
- Panel: remove selected media queries to ensure that custom panels are always right-aligned
- Autofill: prevent onInputChange from being called on IE11 inputs with a placeholder
Fri, 17 Aug 2018 15:00:40 GMT
- Decouple ShimmeredDetailsList from DetailsList
Fri, 17 Aug 2018 10:26:39 GMT
- Date is no longer selected when click on 'Today'. That behavior is still allowed passing a boolean argument
- ChoiceGroup: Fix bug that errors on Array.find as it does not exist in IE11.
- Replaced black with violet in the personacoin pallette to avoid potential offensive personacoin combinations
- Panel: add max-width to fixed Panel width styles
Thu, 16 Aug 2018 10:26:16 GMT
- Button: fix aria properties so that unit tests pass
- DetailsList: selectionMode for groups is none if checkboxvisibility is hidden
- DetailsList: remove related section from demo page
- FocusZone: Fix Tabbing behavior when in RTL
- Panel: change click listener to mousedown listener so that Panels aren't dismissed on mouseup
- Ensure SelectionZone selects item before opening context menu
Wed, 15 Aug 2018 10:26:31 GMT
- adding a npm run codepen command to allow for local codepen webpack-dev-server
Tue, 14 Aug 2018 10:27:33 GMT
- autogenerate codepenable examples for fabric examples tagged with @codepen
- DetailsList: in single select mode maintain role and index, and remove onclick
Tue, 14 Aug 2018 00:01:11 GMT
- Fixes checkbox visibility flag in detailslist
- KeytipLayer Styles: Changed 1px to 0px to hide span
- TextField: For uncontrolled scenarios, update value when defaultValue changes.
- Coachmark: Export from index file for use in CodePens.
- onRender callbacks of PersonaDetail can also be used to wrap the default behaviour
Mon, 13 Aug 2018 03:43:25 GMT
- new button semantic slots
- adds opacity function to variants
- Uniformly export component "Base" implementations.
- Improves high contrast mode styles for calendar
- Adding updateDragInfo for DragEnd event
- Updating the documentation pages for components to enable the feedback section.
Fri, 10 Aug 2018 10:26:09 GMT
- Coachmark: Add onDismiss
- CommandBar: OnClick now properly passes item as well as event
- ColorPicker: Update color rectangle when hue value changes
- autogenerate codepenable examples for fabric examples tagged with @codepen
- ComboBox cannot clear value when allowFreeForm enabled. Should trigger onChanged when value is cleared
- Update components using customizer (including Button variations) to concatenate customizer and component style sets
- Added optional feedback section for component pages
- Link: Fix focus border text clipping.
- TextField: Respect validateOnFocus props when props change.
- ColorPicker: Limit decimal points shown for alpha.
- ' Added 2 callback functions for dragstart and drag end events to get the telemetry logs in ODSP-Next'
- Changing the drophint ICON
- default render behaviour can be used along with onRenderCoin in Persona component
- Prettier cleanup.
- Removed unnecessary heading roles, and added aria-level to those requiring them
- HoverCard: Adds more documentation and adds a focus stop on root to eliminate an edge case when target is not provided the focus listener was not firing at all.
- ShimmeredDetailsList: replace a hard coded multiplier with a ratio constant and modify some math logic.
Thu, 09 Aug 2018 10:31:30 GMT
- Checkbox: Now aligns to spec when text wraps to multiple lines (#5816).
- ChoiceGroup: Set data-is-focusable attribute so that FocusTrapZone can detect correct focusable elements
- DetailsList: Fix all examples by disabling row renderer optimization.
Wed, 08 Aug 2018 10:25:08 GMT
- Layer: Fix layer customizability regression introduced in #5569 - which also broke the official Layer example.
- Fix a class of bad imports that breaks AMD.
- Fixes a bug in drag and drop detaillist column not showing a gripper
- Dropdown: use item text for title if title is not provided
- Button should not have any html tag as children. In IE the inner html, would not render.
- Panel: Don't force focus in trap if isHiddenOnDismiss is set and panel is closed
Tue, 07 Aug 2018 10:22:32 GMT
- Minor documentation and type name fixes
- Add new toggle prop to correclty use aria-pressed attribute as needed.
- Fix line height scrollbar issue in ActivityItem
- Dropdown: You can no longer use the arrow keys to change the selected items in a disabled Dropdown. (#5738)
- CommandBar: Disabled buttons are now focusable by default due to menubar role
- Fix bug in ChoiceGroup that errors on Array.find as it does not exist in IE11
- Add Modal component to index entry file.
- Fixing Shimmer implementation in DetailsList.
Mon, 06 Aug 2018 10:27:53 GMT
- TextField: Add onChange prop and deprecate onChanged
Fri, 03 Aug 2018 10:25:59 GMT
- Align cell and column padding in DetailsList
- 'adds 4 new semantic slots, based on designs from SP-Client events webpart, and with approval from Philip Kuo; actionLink, actionLinkHovered, cardBackground, variantBorder'
- ComboBox: Only allow focus to be put back on input if focus is still inside the ComboBox
- Dropdown: changed default directionalHintFixed to false. Can be changed to true via calloutProps.directionalHintFixed
- SearchBox: fix field backgroundColor.
- Updated the example to use imageUrl as props instead of hard coding directly into the img tag
- MessageBar: add aria-expanded
Thu, 02 Aug 2018 10:23:19 GMT
- Make Toggle component follow accessibility standards, propose deprecation of onAriaLabel, offAriaLabel
- Fixing an issue where ColorPicker would report invalid color values when tabbing between its Hex and RGBA text inputs."
Wed, 01 Aug 2018 10:25:51 GMT
- Remove ShimmeredDetailsList from the DetailsList 'bundle'
- Check: shouldComponentUpdate now resepects theme and classname changes.
- FocusTrapZone: Fix focus/click-trapping bugs when FocusTrapZones are nested.
- Restore accessible labels for DetailsList columns and states
- dragStart callback will be in sync with browser, instaed of calling it in mousemove
- PersonaCion will render the user's avatar image only if there is a valid image and the user do not wish to hide it, unlike previously where an empty img tag(src='') was being rendered over the initials always
- Deprecating 'borderStyle' prop of Shimmer subcomponents Line, Circle, Gap in favor of leveraging mergeStyles API.
Tue, 31 Jul 2018 10:25:18 GMT
- Fix SelectionZone selectToIndex with Shift+Tab, expose FocusZoneProps on ExtendedBasePicker
- Dropdown: Converted to support JS styling.
- Adding footer component for details list
- Fixing issue with render coin on persona component
- Tooltip: narrator now announces aria-describedby when using onRenderContent
Mon, 30 Jul 2018 10:27:11 GMT
- Layer: Fixed bugs in examples that were affecting their functionality (#5680).
- Ratings: Minor typings bug fix.
- Adding interfaces IDetailsGroupRenderProps, IDetailsGroupDividerProps, which extends existing interfaces IGroupRenderProps, IGroupDividerProps respectively, allowing group header/footer for DetailsList to be displayed as a DetailsRow.
Fri, 27 Jul 2018 10:25:40 GMT
- Enabled Customizer to affect TextField
- ScrollablePane: Fix mutationObserver
- Fixing the Detailscolumn render return type to return a single JSX element, instead of an array
- Added experiments dependency to fabric website package file and added exports for collapsible section and foundation
Thu, 26 Jul 2018 10:28:51 GMT
- CommandBar: Support passing tooltipHostProps to items in iconOnly mode
- TextField: Convert to JS styling.
- Changes resizing viewport detection
Wed, 25 Jul 2018 03:20:34 GMT
- Removed global css selectors in example code, which was causing sporadic spacing problems with other unrelated examples.
Tue, 24 Jul 2018 10:24:36 GMT
- Added an optional "export to codepen" button to code examples. Implemented the button for the Label Component. When clicked, the button redirects to a codepen containing the relevant code example, ready for user editing.
- ScrollablePane: Fix overflow css and remove unncessary stickyClassName in render
Mon, 23 Jul 2018 10:28:08 GMT
- add shouldComponentUpdate to detailsrow to improve performance
- Addressing bad imports.
- Modal: Convert to JS styling.
- Added hideOverflow prop to Callout to control it's overflowYHidden style prop on calloutMain element. Used this prop to hide flickering scrollbar on TeachingBubble due to height variance during load animation.
- fix aria-expanded for ExtendedPicker
- Combobox: Dropdown will now "drop up" if there isn't enough space below
- ContextualMenu: Deprecated inactive prop as it was no longer being used
- Coachmark: Add missing key prop to array in render
- ScrollablePane: allow initialScrollPosition === 0
- MarqueeSelection: fix snapshot test verbosity
- Popup: Skip scroll computation if style.overflowY is provided.
- Textfield: onSearch now works when no text has been entered. It will return an empty string.
- Changes to fix auto-scroll to top issue when state changed, adding an if st
- ComboBox: Fix bug in
caused by incorrect check for undefined, which also ignores 0, which is a valid value for bothnewPendingIndex
Fri, 20 Jul 2018 10:25:21 GMT
- ComboBox: Fix IE11 null event.relatedTarget
Thu, 19 Jul 2018 19:04:38 GMT
- Add automation identifier to the visible content of ResizeGroup
- Added optional feedback section for component pages
Thu, 19 Jul 2018 10:23:34 GMT
- Adds showInitialsUntilImageLoads property to Persona/PersonaCoin to show initials while the image is loading
- ResizeGroup: Optimize performance for initial render when onGrowData is provided
Wed, 18 Jul 2018 10:25:50 GMT
- Fix issue where last suggestion item was selected on first query change. Fix picker showing on zero query
- Fix various typings/code bugs.
- Adding a try/catch when we call setActive in Dropdown/ContextualMenu in IE11.
- DatePicker: Fixes a bug where the DatePicker would only open every other time it gained focus.
Tue, 17 Jul 2018 10:28:40 GMT
- ExtendedBasePicker: Expose selectedItems, Remove persona suggestion padding in FloatingPicker
- Removing most
decorator usage. This change should reduce extra React dom elements from being created. Also updatingcomponentRef
resolution to supportReact.createRef()
- ResizeGroup: Optimize performance of initial render
- BasePicker: Fix a bug where the selection state would mutate inappropriately
- ScrollablePane: Add notifySubscribers in mutationObserver
- Use spread operator in PositioningContainer.styles.ts
- Fix check for Panel light-dismiss
- CalloutDismiss: Revert change that caused callout to dismiss when window focused
Mon, 16 Jul 2018 10:27:18 GMT
- Convert GroupedList to CSS-in-JS
- Refactors variants of DetailsList into individual component sub-pages
Fri, 13 Jul 2018 21:32:37 GMT
- Reverting the TypeScript bump, to unbreak DetailsList d.ts changes.
- Button: Added menuAs to better support custom contextual menus
- DetailsList: Complete CSS-in-JS conversion.
- Edit to styled function call allowing customization with CalloutContent, DialogContent, and DialogFooter
- Fix TextField clearing on render when value prop is undefined.
- Deprecate unused linkIsSelected Pivot style prop.
Thu, 12 Jul 2018 10:29:30 GMT
- In focusable disabled state, no button should be able to execute key/mouse events. Added check for menuProps to existing handlers.
Thu, 12 Jul 2018 00:12:00 GMT
- TextField:
prop now respected.
- Respect the getMenuClassNames property on ContextualMenu
- CommandBar: Fixed iconOnly feature where empty text div was still rendered
Wed, 11 Jul 2018 05:16:03 GMT
- DetailsHeader css-in-js conversion
- Fixing detailsheader screen regression
Tue, 10 Jul 2018 21:54:07 GMT
- Allow FloatingPicker to be a controlled component
- CommandBar: Mix in menuProps to overflowButtonProps
- Implement new getFocusStyle option in ComboBox.
Tue, 10 Jul 2018 05:05:15 GMT
- Converting ContextualMenu to MergeStyles step 2 - Style Conversion
- Coachmark: Add accessibility features to component, ARIA props, narrator support, and keyboarding controls
- SearchBox: Move background color styling from searchbox input to searchbox root. Fixes #5477.
Mon, 09 Jul 2018 18:08:32 GMT
- DetailsList - css-in-js styling
- Dismiss panel when clicking outside of the Panel component.
- Don't select date by default when clicking on a month
- FacePile now uses semantic list tags.
Fri, 06 Jul 2018 19:07:51 GMT
- Builds a new umd bundle suitable for manifest service
- HoverCard: Adds new prop 'openHotKey' to allow user to change the default key used to open the hover card when tabbing to it.
- fixing webpack.config.js to only build production for the UMD / manifest
Fri, 06 Jul 2018 10:23:46 GMT
- Converting ContextualMenu to MergeStyles step 1 - file structure
- Change the styling for ContextualMenu secondaryText from neutralTertiary to neutralSecondary for accessibility
- MessageBar: class name calculations were not being done in the correct location, and were only valid on initial render. Now ensuring they're evaluated prior to render.
Thu, 05 Jul 2018 17:54:06 GMT
- Hide persona image when showing UnknownPersonaCoin
- TeachingBubble: Fixed unscoped focus style
Thu, 05 Jul 2018 10:26:07 GMT
- Fixed target index issue, when the dragged column is before the drophint
- Fix the text is cropped unexpectedly
Wed, 04 Jul 2018 10:28:27 GMT
- Dialog: Fixing layout issue for IE11
Tue, 03 Jul 2018 17:41:15 GMT
- Pivot: Ctrl+number doesn't work in Firefox to switch tabs if Pivot is focused.
- Dropdown: Substantially improve accessibility - in particular in single-select mode.
Mon, 02 Jul 2018 20:41:48 GMT
- Convert TeachingBubble to use JS styling.
- Checkbox: Updated hc hover states.
- Link: HC color for link rendered as a button.
Mon, 02 Jul 2018 10:21:36 GMT
- DatePicker MergeStyles step 2 - Converts scss to js styles
- Convert Slider to merge-styles
Fri, 29 Jun 2018 10:24:05 GMT
- Pivot: Convert to JS styling.
- ShimmeredDetailsList: adds a new wrapper for DetailsList when needed to be used with Shimmer animation.
Thu, 28 Jun 2018 10:23:21 GMT
- Added arguments to styled function to allow the Customizer component to affect Nav
Wed, 27 Jun 2018 23:59:19 GMT
- TextField: render undefined as empty string in renderInput
Wed, 27 Jun 2018 17:22:20 GMT
- datepicker mergestyles conversion step 1
- Added as={Component} as a prop to Link
- Prettier fixes
- Checkbox: Fix layout bug that causes
in Checkbox label to not take effect (#5224) - Fix minor accessibility bugs in DetailsList
- Fix import paths to use relative paths for office-ui-fabric-react
- CSS changes for draggable columns, to show the gripper ICON only on hover
Tue, 26 Jun 2018 10:27:47 GMT
- mergestyles conversion
- Callout: add blur listener that only dismisses Callout if window loses focus
- ComboBox: Set Callout MaxWidth to be the width of the menu when useComboBoxAsMenuWidth when enabled
- Default shouldFocusOnMount value in BaseButton _onToggleMenu
- MessageBar: remove role property from multiline root div
Mon, 25 Jun 2018 10:28:13 GMT
- Add a getGroupHeight prop to GroupedList + DetailsList
- GroupedList: add expandCollapseButtonProps to GroupHeader so an aria-label can be included"
- Only apply padding to label if it's not an image/icon type
Fri, 22 Jun 2018 16:21:15 GMT
- Buttons: Focusable disabled buttons no longer execute on ENTER/SPACE
- MessageBar: add class names for backwards compatibility
- Pivot: fixing a typing issue when used with proxies.
- Remove space from personaInitialsColorToHexCode magenta case
- Accessibility: using the down arrow key to navigate the command bar currently skips over the search box - added aria-hidden to the div containing the search icon
- TextField: placeholder text should be neutralSeconary.
Thu, 21 Jun 2018 19:27:25 GMT
- Added column reorder with DragAndDrop support in Details List. As part of this feature, a new component DetailsColumn has been added inside the header, for each column. An optional new prop(ColumnReorderOptions) has been added to DetailsList to handle the column reorder. Have added column level drag subscriptions to be able to drag the columns, and added one header level subscription, to handle the drops. All the drag drop events are being handled at header level.
- Add high contrast styles to disabled contextual menu items
Wed, 20 Jun 2018 23:33:29 GMT
- Make it possible to disable firstfocus in hover card
- Updated Checkbox and ChoiceGroup to accept custom styles
- label fluentstyles
- fix clear input for BaseExtendedPicker
- Callout: revert blur change
- Adding a Teams customization example.
Wed, 20 Jun 2018 10:25:55 GMT
- MessageBar: convert to use JS styling
- Callout: add blur listener and dismiss on blur functionality to Callout
- GroupedList: render group headers if showEmptyGroups is true
Tue, 19 Jun 2018 10:26:26 GMT
- Updated Link, Breadcrumb, and Dialog to accept custom styles
Mon, 18 Jun 2018 16:57:14 GMT
- ComboBox: Change Style to allow options to overflow
- Textfield: Adding new optional
prop. - Add params to BaseButton openMenu to override focus props temporarily
- SearchBox: add optional aria label prop for clear text button and default to 'clear text'
- ColorPicker: add aria-labels to textfields
- ContextualMenu/ComboBox/Dropdown: Fix up expand/collapse behavior so that collapsing menus is consistent
- ContextualMenu: Fixed the fact that uncheckable contextual menu items incorrectly possessed the
Fri, 15 Jun 2018 14:44:02 GMT
- Fix splitButton styling to not break existing usages and fix spinButton to make the contents focusable when disabled
Fri, 15 Jun 2018 10:18:10 GMT
- Popup: overflowY set to undefined when not scroll
Thu, 14 Jun 2018 20:52:57 GMT
- DetailsList/List: added method to get the index of the item in view
- Enable SelectedItemsList and ExtendedPicker to be controlled components
- WAC wants ability for Button and SplitButton to have focus while disabled so created a new flag allowDisabledFocus & implemented it on these two controls.
- OverflowSet: Convert from SASS to JS styles.
- ScrollablePane: Fix DetailsList example's DetailHeader not syncing scroll position.
- Updating Toggle to use
for customizations.
- Moved demo out of the codebase
- DetailsList: 'select all' checkbox is non-focusable in single selectionmode
- Fix broken documentation links
- Theme Generator: add additional accessiblity pair
- Temporarily disable component example snapshot tests.
Mon, 11 Jun 2018 10:18:35 GMT
- Adding focus async to focus autofill when calling componentDidUpdate
- Add styling output to component example snapshot tests.
- Add automatic snapshot tests for all component examples.
- Theme Generator: have json output contain only IPalette members
Fri, 08 Jun 2018 18:34:17 GMT
- ColorPicker: use getStyles
- add style arg to customize
- Shimmer: Adds new Shimmer component to office-ui-fabric-react
- TeachingBubble: Fix content from wrapping to next line unncessarily
- Dropdown: Add aria-label to option and option to aria-activedescendant
- Package: Fix sideEffects array to target scss files using global.
- ContextualMenu: Remove the ability for click to close a submenu. This aligns with windows behavior
Thu, 07 Jun 2018 17:40:07 GMT
- SplitButton: apply button props to the focusable element for split buttons
Thu, 07 Jun 2018 16:35:34 GMT
- Add canRemoveItem callback
- FocusTrapZone: Added new capability. When
is called, it will pass focus to a descendant element. The new propfocusPreviouslyFocusedInnerElement
controls the descendant-choosing behavior. - Minor changes to improve server side rendering.
- "Add selection zone for BaseExtendedPicker, and add screen reader support for suggestions"
- Update Coachmark basic example and fix TeachingBubble SCSS selectors
- Fix Detials column header hit targets
- Add global name to scss files using global selector to tag in sideEffects.
- Fixed FocusTrapZone bug: If first child in the FTZ is a FocusZone and that FZ's last focused child is not the first focusable child, shift-tab would break out of the FTZ.
- adding css fix to remove unnecessary scroll bars on calendar and datepicker components
- Theme Generator Page: update accessibility section to account for new logic for variants
- Theme Generator: untheme correctly when leaving theme generator
- Code format changes
- HoverCard: Removing unnecessary animation class causing a visual bug in IE browser.
Tue, 05 Jun 2018 10:23:03 GMT
- Callout: Add
Tue, 05 Jun 2018 00:44:30 GMT
- Added Prettier
- CommandBarPage: Remove fabric js reference.
- _onValidate should only skip validation on text entry if state.value is undefined (it was skipping when text entry was empty string)
Mon, 04 Jun 2018 18:50:06 GMT
- Revert PR 4897
Mon, 04 Jun 2018 10:16:13 GMT
- Coachmark: Fix positioning bugs and add in support for different Coachmark directions.
- DetailsList: adjusting aria labels and exporting more ariaLabels in
to allow for better narrator reading and table scanning. - Dropdown: Allow
to be provided as an item property. - Icons top level import was exporting a file path, should be exporting a package path.
- GroupedList: Added multiple customization entry-points including custom indent spacing and header customization.
- Allow for more control over event handling for keytips
- Callout: fix dismissing events to attach to the documentElement, not body.
- SplitButton: Hook up aria-roledescription to splitButtons so that they can leverage that markup if it gets passed in to the component.
- SpinButton: addressing onValidate, onIncrement, and onDecrement callbacks to be called correctly.
- MessageBar: New color for dismiss / expand button in hc mode for better visibility.
- Updating react typings.
- Updated test snapshots
Fri, 01 Jun 2018 10:18:43 GMT
- Added FocusTrapZone capability: When the FTZ is focused, it will pass focus to a descendant element. The new prop 'focusPreviouslyFocusedInnerElement' controls the descendant-choosing behavior.
- Fix ComboBox ARIA attributes.
- Prevent invalid empty ARIA values from being output.
- ComboBox: Fix the value that is checked when submitting a pending value to take into account if the aria-label is used as text. This line was missed in the initial change
- Add support for pointerup to dismiss keytips
Thu, 31 May 2018 10:18:58 GMT
- MessageBar: fix color for X close button so that it is accessible
- Theming: generate a more accessible themeLighter and more accessibility pairs
- HoverCard: example fix for keyboard navigation to HoverCard target.
Wed, 30 May 2018 22:05:03 GMT
Version update only
Wed, 30 May 2018 20:28:34 GMT
- Selection utility: getSelectedIndices is now a mandatory member of the
interface. - CommandBar component has been replaced with the one from the experiments package.
- Checkbox: replaced optional properties of the
interface, removedstyles
from theICheckboxProps
interface, made the checkmark visible on hover, added high contrast styles. - CommandBarButton: Supports custom styling and button aliasing. Interface improvements.
- ContextualMenu: Remove deprecated since v0.69
prop of ContextualMenu component. - Positioning/Callout/ContextualMenu: Remove all deprecated props
- Minimum React version is now 16.3.2.
- Label and Toggle now support javascript styling. Improvements to Label and Toggle interfaces. Added Toggle and Label root aliasing.
- ChoiceGroup: now supports customizable theming. Various bug fixes, cleanup within. Tests updated to use enzyme.
- Deprecate ContextualMenu's name prop in favor of new text prop.
- DetailsList: fieldName is now an optional field of IColumn.
- All
properties accept either a function to return a style object, or a static style object
- BaseButton: Make adjustment so that customclass names has precedence.
- CommandBarButton: High contrast hover state.
- CommandBar: Removed unnecessary endAligned styleprops and styles
- Port CommandBar accessibility fixes (PR #4686) to 6.0
- Positioning: correctly positon callout without beak
- Suggestions: Fix a bug where arrow keys would not scroll correctly
Wed, 30 May 2018 00:35:36 GMT
- FocusZone: Added onFocusNotification API to notify creators of focus
- Update local properties in BaseExtenededPicker on receiving new props
- CommandBar Example: More specific selector for text color to override the link styles we get from msgraph on the website.
- ComboBox: Update styling so that the "selected" item does not get the "selected" look when navigating through the potential options.
- Fix passing onclick from props for contextual anchor item
Fri, 25 May 2018 21:30:43 GMT
- MaskedTextField: Added event callpack passthrough
- fix old error color SASS variables so they work when themed
Fri, 25 May 2018 16:53:47 GMT
- Revisited the Multi-select Combo box initial state selection fix
- BaseButton sometimes has aria-labelledBy pointing to element that isn't in the DOM
- StickyPane: Replaced Array.From since it is not supported in IE
Thu, 24 May 2018 17:06:02 GMT
- Pass SelectionZone props through DetailsList and add alternate data-selection-auto-selection attribute name
- add new semantic slot
Wed, 23 May 2018 16:14:26 GMT
- ChoiceGroup: Reverting the updates to ChoiceGroup styling. We found some breaking changes in it, so we'd like to minimize partner impact by moving this to the 6.0 (next) release. Sorry for the trouble.
Wed, 23 May 2018 10:28:50 GMT
- ChoiceGroup: now supports customizable theming. Various bug fixes, cleanup within. Tests updated to use enzyme.
- Converting Facepile SCSS to MergeStyles step 1 - file structure
- Common sass files are now exported in the
- Fixing circular dependency and non-AMD references in ContextualMenu
- cleanup semantic slots
Tue, 22 May 2018 10:29:13 GMT
- Implementation of experimental chiclet component
- Revert IconButton hover/pressed background color change.
- Set 'margin 0' reset style for buttons in Safari in Fabric component
- CommandBarButton: Fixed split styles
Mon, 21 May 2018 10:29:16 GMT
- Callout/Positioning: Fix a bug where max-height would be incorrectly calculated if covertarget was set
- Added an addtional prop in IPickerItemProps for allowing focus on tagItem when picker is disabled
- Moved best design practices write up in SearchBoxes Overview to Best Practices for clarity that these are not included features
Fri, 18 May 2018 01:46:34 GMT
- ContextualMenu: Make the whole menu always programatically focusable
Thu, 17 May 2018 22:02:40 GMT
- Add data-selection-select behavior to make elements select rows before taking action
- Fix Slider import, make specific to Styling
Thu, 17 May 2018 20:12:39 GMT
- Part 1 of converting Slider to mergeStyles
- Add enter/exit keytip mode to KeytipManager
- Added support in textfield for aria-describedby native prop
- Suggestions: Fix a bug where arrow keys would not scroll correctly
Thu, 17 May 2018 10:28:07 GMT
- ContextualMenuSplitButton: Adding the correct attributes for screen readers to read the button correctly
- TextField: Invoke custom description render function if provided even if no description text provided.
Wed, 16 May 2018 00:05:17 GMT
- Buttons: Deprecate
prop in favor of more consistentsecondaryText
- Fix markdown file paths on SwatchColorPicker docs page.
- Finishing the rest of the Calendar style updates
- Fix detailslist custom group header example by invoking correct onClick for select and collapse toggles.
- Fix misuse of aria props on ProgressIndicator
Tue, 15 May 2018 07:09:49 GMT
- Deprecate ComboBox's value prop in favor of new text prop.
- Fix bug where primaryDisabled is not respected on contextual menu items
- Dropdown: Remove aria-autocomplete and aria-readonly
- Pivot: Slight tweak to the
compare to ensure it works in minified scenarios. - shouldVirtualize takes incoming properties
Mon, 14 May 2018 20:46:25 GMT
- fixes type comparing in Pivot
Mon, 14 May 2018 19:35:51 GMT
- Ensure subMenuHoverDelay is respected by the ContextualMenu for expanding and dismissing submenus
- Fixes issue where expanding sub menu via arrow keys was broken, and adds aria label of "menu" to item when keyboarded
Mon, 14 May 2018 10:14:42 GMT
- Pivot: include className in props to override styles
- Add more customization hooks to ProgressIndicator
- Breaking BaseButton Types dependency from ContextualMenu class
Fri, 11 May 2018 04:21:29 GMT
- Deprecate Persona's primaryText prop and add replacement text prop.
- Puts additional alert on selected suggestions behind a prop
- Revert change to use React.createPortal, until event leaking issues can be resolved
Thu, 10 May 2018 10:27:25 GMT
- Add secondaryText to ContextualMenuItem to render on the right of (text)
- MarqueeSelection: Added
function. - Added overflowMenuProps property to CommandBar
- Even if a ComboBoxOptionWrapper component doesn't update (shouldComponentUpdate returns false), children functions are still being executed unnecessarily, which can cause performance issues. This can be avoided by passing in a reference to a function that returns the children elements, instead of returning the elements themselves.
- Fix index import
Wed, 09 May 2018 15:42:02 GMT
- FocusZone: Add a prop to allow a FocusZone to not let focus events propagate outside of the FocusZone
- Added support for special casing UnknownPersona coin
Tue, 08 May 2018 18:18:47 GMT
- BaseButton: Allow Alt + Down on menu buttons to open the menu
Tue, 08 May 2018 10:17:01 GMT
- Remove redundant defaultSelectedItem prop for BaseExtendedPicker
- Icon: undoing breaking change with regards to making
required, adding tests to ensure backwards compatibility. - Mark Slider's ValuePosition enum as deprecated as it is unused.
- Add ContextualMenuItem functions to open and close menus
- Fixes issue where focus isn't displayed correctly on the contextual mneu
- SearchBox: New prop for turning off icon animation.
- Layer: Use React Portals if available
- Popup: Added check for onBlur to prevent focus setting focus to be disabled in chrome
- Fix breadcrumb rendering issue when overflow index is at last
Mon, 07 May 2018 10:28:20 GMT
- High contrast hover states: Breadcrumb, Button, ComboBox, Link, Nav, Pivot, SearchBox, SpinButton, Toggle.
- Keytips: Minor update to improve behavior
- Remove keytip positioning workaround since Callout positioning was fixed
- In the TextField component, The code setting the 'errorMessage' state to an empty string in the _onInputChange member function was removed do to causing the message to flicker.
Fri, 04 May 2018 15:58:39 GMT
- ScrollablePane: Optimizations on how component functions. Change positioning from inheriting height/maxHeight of parent element to use position: absolute
- Icon: code has been cleaned up, memoizeFunction usage has been removed.
- Rating: Hover states in regular and high contrast mode.
- Fix ensureSuggestionModel null ref, get rid of unneeded FocusZone in BaseExtendedPicker, remove requirement in BaseExtendedPicker that suggestions are shown when input is focused (only clicked)
- Positioning: Fix cover positioning so it returns the correct edge to handle menu shrinkage
- Fix TooltipHost mutation of calloutProps.
- SpinButton: Remove browser autocomplete
- Using the proper preview text to set the aria label on combobox options. I previously had this change, but I accidentally reverted it during a merge.
Wed, 02 May 2018 23:55:40 GMT
- SplitButton/ComboBox: added onTouch support for menu expansion.
- Add Keytip, KeytipLayer, and KeytipData component
- If firstFocus on HoverCard is set then propagate it to setInitialFocus in ExpandingCard. This enables focusing the card on render.
- TextField can now render the numeric value 0
Tue, 01 May 2018 19:26:35 GMT
- Theme Generator: use HSV for generating shades/tints
Tue, 01 May 2018 10:23:32 GMT
- DatePicker: Add a reset function to the public
interface. - move extendedPicker, floatingPicker, and selectedItemsList to OUFR
- Tooltip: updated to use customizable styling via
. - List: Added list scrolling modes
- Breadcrumb: Updating breadcrumb to user js styling.
- Added onClick handler to rating star in the Rating component that calls _onFocus redundently for support with Firefox & Safari on OSX.
- details link contrast issue
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 21:22:55 GMT
- Revert isEqual check in List.
Mon, 30 Apr 2018 10:16:44 GMT
- Contextual Menu: moved out the split button to be its own component, ContextualMenuSplitButton
- Use theme flag to control global classes
Fri, 27 Apr 2018 10:15:52 GMT
- Added optional className property to Calendar
- Fix #3607
- Add a option for custom dividerAs to get item information while rendering
Thu, 26 Apr 2018 10:12:34 GMT
- Complete ProgressIndicator conversion to mergeStyles. Add
to enable changing height of progress bar. - Pickers: Several fixes regarding certain props
- Fix props validation for Breadcrumb
- Gate calendar month, year, and today keydowns for only ENTER as onClick handles space with button nodes to fix double date change regression.
Wed, 25 Apr 2018 05:32:09 GMT
- Fabric: the isFocusVisible class is no added to the Fabric component again, to preserve backwards compatibility. Also fixing index file to export the types.
- Fix theme slots for DetailsList header colors
- Enabled native props (aria-* and data-*) on OverflowSet even when the doNotContainWithinFocusZone prop is false
Tue, 24 Apr 2018 10:12:58 GMT
- fixing selection bugs in Calendar component, updating styling for new designs
- Begin converting Pivot to mergeStyles
- Use
attribute on correct ScrollablePane div
Mon, 23 Apr 2018 10:24:54 GMT
- Updating the focus styling to use the generalized
classname. This is one step closer towards removing theFabric
component wrapper requirement. - Plumb ARIA label for picker suggestion remove button
- ContextualMenu: in item root styling, replaced
font: inherit
with the appropriate font style from the theme. - Updating a snapshot test.
- Adding check to focusTrapZone to only restore focus on close if focus was still inside the focusTrapZone
- Deprecates INavLink.iconClassName in favor of IIconProps.className.
Fri, 20 Apr 2018 23:06:06 GMT
- Added support for zero star situations in the Rating component. Before it would write out a star for the number zero showing 6 stars when there should be 5.
- Add onRenderIcon prop to IContextualMenuItem to allow override icon render for contextualMenuItem.
- Callout.Basic.Example: Fix example so callout positions properly
- Propagate onRenderInitials correctly from Persona to PersonaCoin
Fri, 20 Apr 2018 10:12:34 GMT
- TextField: Implemented input masking.
- add onRenderDescription to TextField
- Added support for native props on Panel for the root div with class ms-Panel
- Added headerButtonProps prop to PivotItem to allow passing native props (data-* & aria-*) to the header/link/CommandButton element. Also depricated linkText and added headerText for semantic purposes.
- DetailsRow: applying
to the check cell to prevent it from squishing in the flex layout. - Revert unintended changes to Dropdown styles from #4512
Thu, 19 Apr 2018 18:25:59 GMT
- Add the option of collapsing breadcrumb overflow items into a position other than the first one
- ComboBox: Add Event as additional paramater to onChanged callback for saving pending changes
- Remove usage of Number.isNaN from SpinButton.tsx since it doesn't exist in IE11
- Update createRef to match React.createRef api
- Remove unused variables and re-enable no-unused-variable for office-ui-fabric-react
Thu, 19 Apr 2018 00:17:37 GMT
- ActivityItem: Added the pulsing beacon animation for the compact size.
- SearchBox: Clicks on element before input field set cursor to start of input text.
- ChoiceGroup: Style polish for focus, high contrast focus, and high contrast hover.
- Fix PersonaCoin index import
- Updates aria-owns on BasePicker (and snapshot tests) so its only set when suggestions are rendered
Wed, 18 Apr 2018 17:02:26 GMT
- ContextualMenu: Update mousemove to only do anything if there is not another pending mouse enter/move/leave to improve the snappiness of the updates
Wed, 18 Apr 2018 10:15:04 GMT
- Convert documentation to markdown for HIG.
- Revamp Themes documentation
- Passes item when href set onClick for CommandBar control
Tue, 17 Apr 2018 18:47:11 GMT
- Fix improper imports from index files
- Mark Panel content as scrollable
Mon, 16 Apr 2018 21:49:29 GMT
- Do not call the onMenuClick on every keyDown event
Mon, 16 Apr 2018 10:23:26 GMT
- Contextual Split Button: Change styling to only have one split button container instead of two
- Changed Dropdown components role from combobox to dropdown
- Bring back isResultsFooterVisible that is props but never used.
- ContextualMenu/Button: Improve perf and add hiddenvariable to buttons
- Add ability to use Customer to provide a default layer host
- Fabric component: all logic that was in the component has moved to a helper which is initialized within BaseComponent. This ensures that focus rectangles show up even if you don't use the Fabric wrapper.
- Set Panel's FocusTrapZone prop isClickableOutsideFocusTrap to true by default to allow click interactions while panel is open
- Upgrade to TypeScript 2.8.1
- Add focus method to Breadcrumb
- Fix scroll bar shows when it should not.
- Fix style and alignment issues with DetailsList headers
- Add new component page prop for editing on GitHub.
- SpinButton: Make sure up/down Arrow do not leave the spinButton
- Handling the scenario where embedded text is passed in as the option's text. In This case, the ariaLabel prop will be displayed in the input and used for autocomplete matching. The value rendered in the menu will not change.
- Wrapping combobox options in an internal component which only performs an update if the props have changed. We are currently updating every option on every mouse or keyboard event. This gives awful performance in comboboxes with many elements.
- Adds tests for DocumentCardTitle title truncation
- Add focus method to Pivot.
- FocusZone: redoing the "reset alignment on mouse down" change in a less intrusive manner, with test coverage.
- Removing module entry until we change
to output es6 modules in 6.0. If you would like tree shaking to work, please use webpack aliasing to alias{packageName}/lib
. In 6.0, we will changelib
to be es6, so that current partners will just get tree shaking out of the box without aliasing. - Prevent SelectionZone from interfering with links and buttons
- Added missing role to TagPicker's TagItem.
- FocusZone: undoing the "click" change, which was causing non-focusable targets to be tracked as the "active" element. This created side-effects such as elements becoming focusable upon clicking them more than once, leaving behind unexpected focus outlines.
- Updating build to React 16.3.1.
- DetailsList: Starting aria-rowIndex from 1 instead of 0 as mentioned in
- ColorPicker: text fields now update when
Thu, 12 Apr 2018 15:59:01 GMT
- Coachmark: The pulsing beacon animation moved to the Styling package.
Thu, 12 Apr 2018 10:15:54 GMT
- Link: fix the style interface
- FocusZone: updating to update alignment on click.
- SplitButton: Allow the primary portion of a splitButton (when it a menu) to collapse a submenu
- DatePicker: Remove extra asterisks, includes using TextField's label.
- Updating various
values to refer to the component public interfaces, rather than to the components themselves. - SearchBox: Fix padding left and add padding top and bottom to fix the field overlapping the border.
Tue, 10 Apr 2018 17:37:28 GMT
- FocusTrapZone: Add KeyDown callback (in line with FocusZone)
- OverflowSet: Add Foucs(firstChild) and focusElement() functions
- Convert Persona and PersonaCoin and PersonaPresence to mergeStyles. Create IPersonaSharedProps for props that apply to Persona and PersonaCoin and PersonaPresence. Other refactors.
- Re-focus DatePicker input after calendar is closed
- Contexual Menu: Move SplitButtonContainer to be defined in the constructor instead of ComponentDidMount
- Dropdown: color of caretDown changed to highlighttext on focus
- Fix IconButton state styles
- ComboBox: Make focus wrap in in the menu (to align with dropdwn and customer feedback)_
- Split PersonaCoin and PersonaPresence files for more consistency.
- Move sub-components to sub-folders
- Fix for tooltip host css changes
Fri, 06 Apr 2018 10:25:55 GMT
- Stops event propagation of Esc keypress on DatePicker
Thu, 05 Apr 2018 10:15:39 GMT
- Added dividerAs prop to Breadcrumb component allowing the user to pass a custom icon to be used as the trail divider icon.
- Add the ability to use custom props for the panel used to render options on small devices.
- Panel: pass ID for header text element to custom renderer
- Callout/Positioning: Improve callout perf with hidden flag and improve repositioning logic
- ComboBox: Adding support for Alt or Meta + Up to close menus
- Fix SearchBox background color.
- Fixes bug with undefined reference
- Fixing bug dialog content does not grow fully to take up all the space provided by parent
- Make the link button selectable.
Tue, 03 Apr 2018 10:16:05 GMT
- Brings changes to DetailsList, DetailsRow and DetailsRowFields to enable use of a basic Shimmer.
- Fix phantom scrollbar in Panel popups in Firefox
- Adding a longer delay as an option to the tooltip comonent. Before there was only a medium (300ms) or zero (0ms) delay.
Mon, 02 Apr 2018 22:15:06 GMT
- Make tooltip interactable if given a delay before closing.
- Add overflow control to ms-Document-details
Sat, 31 Mar 2018 17:40:00 GMT
- OverflowSet: Allow the OverflowSet to not be contained within a FocusZone
- DetailsList: link color too close to selected background in high-contrast-white
- We need to temporarily remove
sideEffects: false
flag from package.json which will disable webpack 4 tree shaking until we can identify a good fix for it to not shake out the scss files. - Dropdown: aria role is
instead oftextbox
- Pickers: fix bug where suggestions wouldn't have correct value selected
- Updating the split button to close the menu when the primary button is executed.
- Pickers: Fix focus problems and scroll issues
Wed, 28 Mar 2018 19:26:19 GMT
- Use markdown-to-jsx for ActivityItem documentation
Wed, 28 Mar 2018 10:16:39 GMT
- Persona: adding
prop to allow for calculating initials from phone numbers.
- ContextualMenu: SplitButtons in ContextualMenus are incorrectly using the menuLauncher portion of the splitButton for the tagrate when the menuLauncher portion is activated. This can lead to weird overhangs of the parent menu even if directionalHintFixed is not true (e.g. it will overlap the primary portion of the splitButton and potentially other items in the parent menu)
Tue, 27 Mar 2018 20:22:53 GMT
- add isSelectedOverride to suggestionItemProps
- ContextualMenu / Split Button: Fixed styling problems For centered button content.
- Use markdown-to-jsx for ActivityItem documentation
- Checkbox: label text should be selectable, but not the checkmark icons.
Tue, 27 Mar 2018 10:14:03 GMT
- Deprecate SearchBox defaultValue prop.
- Dropdown: do not select disabled items on keydown
- FocusZone: Align props to HTMLElement to be consistent
- TextField, Panel: Deprecated componentId prop.
- BasePicker: suggestions should not be shown in BasePicker when input does not exist.
- In Panel component, isClickableOutsideFocusTrap should not be overriden back to false if it's already set to true in focusTrapZoneProps.
- MessageBar: For single line, put dismiss button after action buttons.
- ComboBox: Removed a redundant property from the basic example.
Sun, 25 Mar 2018 03:08:03 GMT
- Updating to webpack 4 for producting bundles. Adding appropriate
flags on all applicable packages.
- DetailsHeader: reverting how maxWidth is handled to previous behavior.
- Fix bug in combo box where _selectedElement ref wasn't being set conditionally
- Update componentRef types
- ComboBox: Add some code comments. Minor bug fixes to the example page.
Fri, 23 Mar 2018 01:29:21 GMT
- Introduced focusAsync for cheaper element focusing, and made FocusTrapZone utilize it
- Add multiSelect capability for ComboBox
- DetailsList: reset focusedItemIndex after setKey changes to fix scrolling after folder navigation
- Dropdown: onKeydown should check for defaultPrevented, not preventDefault.
- Removed focusability on buttons for split buttons and spin buttons
- Remove the redundant tooltip in a Dropdown command button
Thu, 22 Mar 2018 10:14:03 GMT
- ,
- Provide compact timestamp style for ActivityItem
- Removes @autobind from examples
- Removing empty callout when tooltip content is empty
Wed, 21 Mar 2018 10:18:30 GMT
- Reordered the logic in CommandBar that decides to render an anchor or button tag so that the anchor tag can have both an href and onclick attribute.
- Add
api inSearchBox
that returns a flag indicating whetherSearchBox
has focus or not.
- DetailsList: headers now resize correctly and respect maxWidth.
- Toggle: Updating to use flexbox positioning
- TextField: Fixing issue with promise based error message not being announced by firefox + NVDA
Tue, 20 Mar 2018 10:27:37 GMT
- Button: Added public openMenu method and cleaned up open/close functions
- Updates refs to use createRef object references
- Javascript styling for Spinner
- CommandBar changed the title attribute to render as tooltip and added readonly state (visitable by keyboard, functionally disabled)
- Add shouldInputLoseFocusOnArrowKey callback for scenario to determine if input should loose focus when arrow key is present when Tabbing is enabled on All elements or Input elements
- FocusZone: adding
optional callback for scenarios where user press an arrow key on an input element and want it to loose focus when FocusZone disables moving focus away in case when FocusZoneTabbableElements is set to All or none - Fixed bug with HC colors in icons in menus.
Mon, 19 Mar 2018 10:27:55 GMT
- ThemePrimary: Updating this color along with an Office branding update.
- DetailsList: scrollbars show up unnecessarily on IE11
- Button: High contrast mode focus bug fixes.
- Use arrow function properties instead of @autobind
Fri, 16 Mar 2018 10:28:03 GMT
- Button: fixed bug causes by onRenderDescription pulling from this.props instead of passed in props
- BaseButton: removing autobind usage.
- Added _isSelectionDisabled check in SelectionZone's onMouseDown event handler
- Pickers: Allow onItemSelected to return null
- Nav component sets aria-label on nested element with role=navigation
- ContextualMenu: Allow anchor menu items to have sub menus. Added prop for sub menu hover delay.
- Export LinkBase from OfficeFabric/Link/index.ts
Thu, 15 Mar 2018 10:37:10 GMT
- TextField: Enabled scrolling and resize when disabled
Thu, 15 Mar 2018 02:42:27 GMT
- Targeted the aria-labelledby on ChoiceGroup's input field to the span tag inside the span tag inside label ( option.labelId ) instead of thelabel itself ( ).
Wed, 14 Mar 2018 10:28:26 GMT
- Theme generator: exposing to the website.
Tue, 13 Mar 2018 10:17:37 GMT
- Added an is-open class to the DatePicker root element to indicate when the datepicker is being shown based on the IDatePickerState.isDatePickerShown state property.
- Added documentation for components that allow native props
- Pickers: Fix aria bug where activedescendant would be sug--1
Mon, 12 Mar 2018 06:29:20 GMT
- Add rel option for Contextual Menu Items
- ComoboBox and SpinButton: Removing excess margins and padding to make them consistent with TextField.
- Facepile: Added
option to better control what personas go into the overflow personas vs show up as a persona coin. Also adjusted Facepile back to showing a Persona control if there is only one persona to be shown with no overflow. - importing hoistStatics from Utilities for withResponsiveMode decorator
- Add ability to get and set scroll position on ScrollablePane
- DetailsList: IColumn
callback args marked non-optional.
- Updating a test to ensure that focus is trapped in a FocusTrapZone when it has a FocusZone as the last element
- [TextField] onChange fix for IE when using multiline with placeholder
- Run onCellFocused before unmount and before select color
Fri, 09 Mar 2018 15:07:28 GMT
- Add unit test to catch focus regression being fixed by this PR
Fri, 09 Mar 2018 11:13:58 GMT
- Allow DetailsRow to have a custom renderer
- Dialog: convert to mergeStyles part 2.
- Fixes #3985 by removing HC style override on ms-Link buttons.
Thu, 08 Mar 2018 11:27:24 GMT
- Added the @customizable decorator to Image and Layer to enable theme functionality
- MessageBar: Aria label for truncated text overflow button and added aria labels for buttons in examples.
- ComboBox adding onPendingValueChanged callback prop to run when pending value is changed
- Seperated the SCSS for Persona and Persona Coin components due to bloat when imported twice.
Wed, 07 Mar 2018 11:16:50 GMT
- Fix ContextualMenu customization sample
- TeachingBubble: New animation for bounce with fade in.
Tue, 06 Mar 2018 11:13:36 GMT
- Add async debounce option to BasePicker
- Facepile: Conditionally apply
only whenariaDescription
is provided
Tue, 06 Mar 2018 02:06:59 GMT
- Temporarily commented out @customizable decorator in Image component to restore usage of static functions and variables.
Mon, 05 Mar 2018 11:16:58 GMT
- Converting Image SCSS to MergeStyles step 2 - style conversion
- Fix issue 3608: DetailsList horizontal scroll due to cellSizer
- Nav: Wire nav link to expand/collapse behavior if it has no URL but has children.
- Fixed aria-describedby bug causing it not to render properly
- Removes unused variables
- GroupedListSection: Changed the list ref name from
Fri, 02 Mar 2018 11:25:35 GMT
- ChoiceGroup: Flex layout for icon and image fields. Fixed some image field bugs.
- Upgrade to TypeScript 2.7.2
- Allowing Nav Links to specify iconProps
- added More items aria label
- DetailsList: only adding
is set tonone
. - Dropdown: Fixed custom render option in multi select.
- Callout: move animation inline to greatly improve perf
- make sure disabled links are non-navigable
- DocumentCard: Change it to use set theme
- ProgressIndicator: adjusting css so that the gleam doesn't go outside the indicator boundary.
- Allowing use of Elements as target prop for Callouts and ContextualMenus
- CommandBar: Fixed case where commandItemWidths would be null
- SpinButton: Updated styling to be consistent with Button and TextField
- SearchBox: Deprecated
. - Fix infinite recursion in scrollable pane
- Added is-selected and is-expanded semantic classes to compositelink style sets
- Searchbox: Removed non-localized default placeholder string.
- BasePicker: check for null reference before checking value of
. - only mount spinner component when necessary
Thu, 01 Mar 2018 11:12:54 GMT
- Added index import for base files in Layer, Nav, Image, ScrollablePane, ResizeGroup, and Rating components so unstyled component can be used.
- Converting ResizeGroup SCSS to MergeStyles step 2 - style converstion
Thu, 01 Mar 2018 00:05:10 GMT
- Fix an issue on IE11 where Autofill would swallow some keystrokes if typing quickly enough
- CoachMarkStyles: Use ... instead of assign for IE compatibility
- FocusZone: isDefaultPrevented is now respected.
- GroupedList: Chevron css no longer uses ms-icon
Wed, 28 Feb 2018 11:15:45 GMT
- Convert Dialog to mergeStyles, part 1 - file structure
- Dialog: Converting to mergeStyles part 1.2 - sub component file structure.
- Prepare Persona for conversion to merge-styles
- ContextualMenu: Update Hover/Focus Behavior around expanding/collapsing Submenus
- SplitButton: ENTER/SPACE should execute the primary button when focus is on the whole splitButton
Tue, 27 Feb 2018 22:56:59 GMT
- ComboBox: Shortened and centered the input field to account for overlap that appears at some resolutions.
- Toggle color fixes
- Fixing direct references to @uifabric which breaks AMD
- Fixing reference of 'utilities/contextualMenu' to point an actual file.
- Allow ScrollablePane to accept native properties.
- Make ScrollablePane._sortStickies change elements only when needed.
- Fix this.root undefined issue in Sticky component.
Tue, 27 Feb 2018 06:33:39 GMT
- DatePicker calls onDateSelected then AfterMenuDismissed to follow the same pattern as BaseButton
- ColorPicker: internal ref issue was fixed, which lets colors be picked a little better.
Sat, 24 Feb 2018 05:10:13 GMT
- Fix SplitButton rendering issue in ContextualMenu
- ComboBox: Added property to set ComboBox's button's data-is-focusable attribute.
- ContextualMenu: Import ContextualMenuUtility/index directly instead of folder.
- [Focus] Enable focus forceIntoFirstElement parameter
- [DetailsList] Fixed test by mocking visiblity
- [ContextualMenu] Disabled buttons are focusable
- Convert Check to mergeStyles
- Button: reverting previous tweak to fix ComboBox dropdown selection styling.
Fri, 23 Feb 2018 03:05:53 GMT
- add optional custom rendering of items for ContextualMenu
- Focus Zone: Add support for tab to skip selection elements
- SelectionZone: deprecating
as it is no longer in use. RemovingSelectionLayout
as it is not required.
- Nav: fix multiple invocations of onClick
- minor fixes to theming
Thu, 22 Feb 2018 11:15:23 GMT
- Fix Scrollable-Pane getComputedStyle error - changing timeouts to use this._async.setTimeout to ensure this.refs isn't used after componentWillUnmount
- FocusZone: Add the ability turn off directional wrapping on sections of a FocusZone
- Convert Layer component to mergeStyles
- Converting SCSS to MergeStyles step 2 - style conversion
- Add imageErrorAs to IIconProps
- Enable variable-name and jsx-boolean-value tslint rules
- Calendar: changing refs to componentRef.
- DatePicker-onAfterMenuDismiss callback created
- DatePicker - Adding public focus method
- [TextField] Set input size to 1
- [TooltipHost] Inline display for when overflow mode is on"
- Updated contextual menu to pass the correct number
- Contextual Menu - Added aria-posinset and aria-setsize to split buttons
Wed, 21 Feb 2018 11:12:11 GMT
- added support for aria-posinset and aria-setsize
- Converting Image SCSS to MergeStyles step 1 - file structure
- SwatchColorPicker: Improve keyboard/mouse behavior
- Convert Dialog to mergeStyles, part 1 - file structure
- Converting Nav SCSS to MergeStyles step 1 - file structure
- Converting ResizeGroup SCSS to MergeStyles step 1 - file structure
- Converting SCSS to MergeStyles step 2 - style conversion
- make onShouldVirtualize work for grouped list
- Enable jsx-key tslint rule
- Only apply 'pointer-events: none' to disabled Link components if there is an href
- Dialog: default modal props now respective (Modal rendered with light background.)
- Buttons: moving className lower in the merge list so that it has more precedence than default rules.
- Rating: Adding
to Rating buttons.
Sat, 17 Feb 2018 21:29:00 GMT
- Converting SCSS to MergeStyles step 1 - file structure
- Add notifyPageChange function to List
- Cleaning up a console.log in CommandBar.test.tsx that I noticed while updating snapshots
- Fixes useTargetWidth prop for ContextualMenu
- Convert overlay and examples to mergeStyles
- DetailsList: Groups are now considered for aria-rowcount.
Fri, 16 Feb 2018 11:23:29 GMT
- Added enum for triggering menu with arrow keys and bool to allow it or not
- Migrating Coachmark to main office-ui-fabrc-react package and adding a beak compoentn as well as updating the experimental component PositioningContainer to reflect some of the latest bits in Callout
- FocusZone.Focus now respects forceIntoFirstChild parameter and IFocusZone.ts has been updated to reflect this
- Link: Update to use merge-styles
- Fix bug: '#3942 Fixed controlled TextField with multiline and autoAdjustHeight does not adjust when setting value via state'
- SearchBox: adding unit test and tweaking how the value is read from ev rather than the element itself.
Wed, 14 Feb 2018 22:10:50 GMT
- Add "use current input command" and remove need to explicity call focus when moving between suggestions and commands
- Add clearButtonProps prop to SearchBox.types.ts with the IButtonPropsType. This is passed to the icon button in SearchBox.base.tsx
- SearchBox: Fixed getStyles interface to be using ISearchBoxStyleProps instead of ISearchBoxProps
- Fix bug: '#3940 Validate function works incorrect with attribute validateOnFocusOut'
- Converted ButtonBasicExample to use mergeStyles instead of SCSS.
- Fix ComboBox, ContextualMenu, Teachingbubble overwriting calloutProps.className
- Fire onKeyDown for Button with menuProps
- Fabric: Adds button overflow visible global style so that ie11 renders like edge/chrome/firefox
- DatePicker: Fixing pointer when datepicker doesn't have a label
- ComboBox: Add getClassNAmes prop to allow complete customization of the component
- CalloutContent: Remove calloutWidth from calloutMain
- SpinButton: Add getClassNAmes prop to allow complete customization of the component
- Fix aria-owns in contextual menu items, and add appropriate aria properties to CommandBar items.
Tue, 13 Feb 2018 11:24:05 GMT
- Contextual Menu - adding support for aria-setsize and aria-posinset for rendering menu items that relies on the menu item's own rendering
- Moves DatePicker label outside of hit target
- Add name attribute to button
Mon, 12 Feb 2018 17:33:11 GMT
- presence indicator does not influence layout of Persona
Mon, 12 Feb 2018 11:14:02 GMT
- Fix issue where CommandBar chevron doesn't change color with rest of control when disabled
- DetailsList: fix disappearing line when hovering on column header
Fri, 09 Feb 2018 18:11:52 GMT
- ChoiceGroup: More flexible image field sizing, default image size, large image class.
- Allowing for contextual and menus to be closed on Alt keys
- Rating: Renamed RatingBase.tsx to Rating.base.tsx to match convention
Thu, 08 Feb 2018 11:13:51 GMT
- Return empty initials for phone numbers
Thu, 08 Feb 2018 02:29:26 GMT
- Callout/Positioning: Fixed a bug where callout would lose alignment for some hints in rtl
- Callout: Move positioning to inline styling
Wed, 07 Feb 2018 11:23:59 GMT
- SearchBox: Export base component as well as styled
- Remove duplicate export of command button from the button index
- [Spinner] Use rotateZ to stop the spinner from wiggling in IE
- Fixing direct reference to @uifabric/utilities/lib from ResizeGroup
- SearchBox: minor correction in hover styles.
Tue, 06 Feb 2018 11:14:36 GMT
- BaseAutofill: Move to it's own component
- fix deselect all in suggestionsController
- DetailsList: Adding optional callback aria-describedby for each item in DetailsList
Mon, 05 Feb 2018 11:24:23 GMT
- [SpinButton] Implemented precision
- ComboBox, Dropdown, TextField: Improved high contrast in focus state. Layout changes for ComboBox to allow for border-box sizing.
Fri, 02 Feb 2018 11:24:16 GMT
- Converted ActivityItemExample to use mergeStyles instead of SCSS
Thu, 01 Feb 2018 11:23:17 GMT
- Adds the _isControlled flag to the TextField component that disabled onChange if the value prop is set, which follows developer expectations with React inputs.
- Theme Generator: fix autogenerated neutral colors
- Fix bug in modal selection handling
- added return default when reaching the html tag in while loop inside _getBackground() inside Sticky component.
Wed, 31 Jan 2018 11:11:59 GMT
- swatch color picker - add ability to add aria-label
- ChoiceGroup: Wrap long text for image and icon types.
- updating willReceiveProps of date picker to not run validation unless the props actually changed
- ComboBox: ComboBoxes were changed to always expand which is incorrect behavior, fixing to align with the correct design
- ContextualMenu: Remove the list in the menu and move the aria-label/labelledby to the correct element
- TextField: fixed whitespace wrapping with prefix/suffix.
- Fixing the up and down arrows position and behavior according to RTL expected behavior
- Removed unused scss file in Sticky component
Tue, 30 Jan 2018 11:22:56 GMT
- Added prop to ComboBox to control its button's aria-hidden attribute
- Fix TeachingBubble dismiss on scroll by passing onDismiss to callout.
Mon, 29 Jan 2018 11:23:40 GMT
- Add work week date range type and update calendar and calendarDay components to consume it
- Added onRenderCoin prop that controls the persona coin image
- Combox box: added accessibility changes added a title and changed activedescendant to use focused element
- Callout/Popup: Fix a bug where callout doesn't have the correct overflow style"
- setting people picker default size back to 28 from 24
- Add private _defaultCalloutProps instead of public defaultProps to set calloutProps.
Fri, 26 Jan 2018 11:25:22 GMT
- SplitButton - added aria support for button in split buttons and the whole container
- Dropdown, Checkbox: Fix disabled Dropdown options and update Checkbox disabled styles
- Persona: Changed text and root heights for size24 when secondary text is shown.
- TextField, Pickers, PeoplePicker: Homogenizing input heights and colors
Thu, 25 Jan 2018 11:23:07 GMT
- Callout: Convert component to JS Styling
- Added onFocus state Boolean to BasePicker
- spin button - add aria label for decrement and increment buttons
- Pickers: Fixing errors occuring onBlur of limited pickers
- Fixed broken links on documentation pages
- Pickers: Aligning suggestions callout to the correct RTL position
Wed, 24 Jan 2018 11:23:26 GMT
- ResizeGroup: Add the ability for ResizeGroup to get divProps
- Enhance Panel component props to allow all of FocusTrapZone props overrides.
- BaseAutoFill: Fixed a bug where baseautofill would not work with composed languages like Japanese
- Dropdown: Align error message styling to TextField. TextField & ComboBox: Updated invalid input border color to be red in all states.
- TextField and SearchBox: Specified placeholder text color to be more consistent across browsers.
- Prevent default to avoid setting focus on SplitButton menu button
- Fix CalendarDay RTL view
Tue, 23 Jan 2018 11:22:12 GMT
- Fixed SuggestionsController method convertSuggestionsToSuggestionItems to handle BasePicker createGenericItem correctly
Mon, 22 Jan 2018 18:39:02 GMT
- [FocusTrapZone] Text selection inside FocusTrapZone was broken. This brings it back
- fix hover card dismiss issue
Mon, 22 Jan 2018 11:14:27 GMT
- Add a context value under ResizeGroup to allow child components to detect whether they are being used only for measurement.
- MessageBar: New prop to allow singleline text with no action buttons to be truncated.
- Address issue #1535 - Calendar: Change clickable spans to buttons.
- updated divider color to be more visible
- Hovercard: Changed content keydown listener to element event binding
- MessageBar: scss refactor and component polish.
Fri, 19 Jan 2018 11:14:03 GMT
- added smallInputBorder semantic slots and updated checkbox, choicegroup, and toggle to use it.
- Add classNames and style the hidden input inside the ChoiceGroup image and icon variants so the Narrator highlights it correctly.
- Datepicker: Fix so calendar doesn't open when clicking icon when DatePicker is disabled
- Persona: Fix a bug where space would be taken even though there was no secondary text
- Changes in Week Number Computation logic for FirstFourDayWeek setting to fix issue 3119
Thu, 18 Jan 2018 11:21:56 GMT
- BasePicker: Fix accessibility bug where it always has aria-expanded=true
- Calculate overflow manually to determine if Callout needs a scrollbar
- Update .npmignore to publish all examples
Wed, 17 Jan 2018 11:11:25 GMT
- DatePicker: Default selectedDate should be undefined, not new Date()
- DatePicker: Add an initialPickerDate property
- Icon: the
class name, despite being unused, is causing conflicts with fabric-core usage inadvertently. There isn't a great way to deal with this other than to avoid re-using thems-Icon
class name. - ProgressIndicator: Adding indeterminate progress variant.
- Pickers: Fixed border clipping of tag item in high-contrast mode
- Escape key shouldn't propagate in combo box if it isn't open
Fri, 12 Jan 2018 20:03:22 GMT
- Checkbox and ChoiceGroup: New resting state border color.
Wed, 10 Jan 2018 11:23:36 GMT
- Rating: Convert to getstyles
- Add auto expand on focus for Combobox
- Callout/Positioning: Fix a bug where callouts would position incorrectly if the target was an HTMLImg element
Mon, 08 Jan 2018 11:13:51 GMT
- Contextual Menu submenus that have no items will have chevron icon and call onMenuOpened
- CommandBar: Allow disabled anchor and text items
- Rating: Set default active element and fixed focusability
Fri, 05 Jan 2018 11:14:58 GMT
- Added a customizable onDismiss to the BasePicker
- ToolTop: Changed ToolTipHost to inline-block
- ContextualMenu: Added styling for disabled icon"
Wed, 03 Jan 2018 11:23:12 GMT
- TextField: Allows user to provide the
prop. - Added optional callback for getting image load state change events from personacoin through Persona component
- add unmount check in suggestion promise
Thu, 28 Dec 2017 11:23:50 GMT
- SearchBox: Converted component to getStyles
- SearchBox: moved className into styles file and added it to styles interface
Mon, 25 Dec 2017 11:13:32 GMT
- SpinButton: Fix falsey check for value so custom handlers work even if value is 0
Fri, 22 Dec 2017 11:10:56 GMT
- Callout: Fix opacity when class name has animation that involves opacity
- Calendar: Fix scrollbar when today button is added to overlayed calendars
Thu, 21 Dec 2017 11:23:03 GMT
- Grid: Enable styling customization to grid through getStyles
- Fixed persona import paths
Wed, 20 Dec 2017 11:21:48 GMT
- HoverCard: fixing detection of if expanded scrolling is needed
Tue, 19 Dec 2017 11:22:47 GMT
- Persona: Set initials color for high contrast mode.
- Broaden the range of allowed prop-type versions
Mon, 18 Dec 2017 11:22:54 GMT
- respect className for PersonaCoin
Sat, 16 Dec 2017 05:07:22 GMT
- Updated build to newest React version and typings. Updated tests and made various tweaks to the code to remove React warnings and keep Enzyme happy.
Fri, 15 Dec 2017 11:22:38 GMT
- Only perform list measurements if we absolutely need to
- Link: Improved selectors to fix pressed state.
- Fixes bug with GroupedList losing focus sometimes when item gets removed from list
Thu, 14 Dec 2017 11:23:17 GMT
- Add remeasure public method to ResizeGroup
- ComboBox: Fix some issues with submitting values when freeform and autocomplete
- Reversing the order of :focus and :active selectors for comboBox options.
- Panel: Don't render Overlay unless Panel prop isOpen is true
Wed, 13 Dec 2017 04:06:51 GMT
- BaseButton:onAfterMenuDismiss
- ContextualMenu: Undo change to manually set the scrollbar
- Link: Fixed state styling for the component and its documented examples.
- Fix dropdown focus issue for IE
Tue, 12 Dec 2017 11:25:08 GMT
- Fix DetailsList onRenderMissingItem not rendering the missing item
Tue, 12 Dec 2017 03:55:03 GMT
- BaseButton: Explicitly dismiss the menu when the contextual menu is dismissed rather than calling toggleMEnu
Tue, 12 Dec 2017 02:08:36 GMT
- List: Support ghosting
- remove customized dismiss function in HoverCard
- ComboBox: Add onMenuDismiss prop
- ActivityItem: Snapshot and Screener tests added
Fri, 08 Dec 2017 21:30:54 GMT
- ComboBox:Make sure currentOtions has values before attempt to get values out of it
Fri, 08 Dec 2017 18:09:44 GMT
- ComboBox: change when focus is set back to the input to make sure it doesn't steal focus from somewhere else
- Added checks to BasePicker if input is null.
- ContextualMenu: properly observe deprecated
property (until we remove the property)
Thu, 07 Dec 2017 03:44:42 GMT
- BaseButton: Expose getSplitButtonClassNames func as a prop to be able to override it.
- ComboBox: Update onBlur to do nothing if the event came from an element inside of the comboBox
Wed, 06 Dec 2017 23:00:38 GMT
- Persona: Allow for consumers to provide custom colors
- ComboBox: Update scrolling behavior to behave as expected
Wed, 06 Dec 2017 17:38:45 GMT
- Contextual Menu: made it so we can tab through items
Wed, 06 Dec 2017 11:24:52 GMT
- Button: Move contextual menu outside of button tag if doNotLayer
Tue, 05 Dec 2017 02:04:27 GMT
- Update Default Button colors to match design spec
- Contextual Tab and Focus Zone - reverted tabbing functionality to avoid tab being captured
Mon, 04 Dec 2017 17:27:54 GMT
- ContextualMenu: Make sure vertical scrollbar does not take space away from contents
Fri, 01 Dec 2017 11:11:16 GMT
- DatePicker: Calendar Props. Adding access to ICalendarProps
- ContextualMenu: Expose callback hook when menu is being removed from DOM
- Panel: When panel is dismissed, hide the panel instead of destroying it
- GroupHeader: Style fix to add nowrap on group header
- Changed combobox option height to match other menu option heights
- FocusZone: Fix focus-in behavior when children are added asynchronously.
- ComboBox: Update to allow the dropdown to fit its content
- DatePicker: Reset invalid input (typed by used).
- PersonaPresence: Scale the presence and presence icon proportionally to the specified coinSize up to a max size.
Thu, 30 Nov 2017 01:16:12 GMT
- Positioning/Callout: made significant changes to help prepare for when positioning and calloutpositioning separate.
- ComboBox/Dropdown/ContextualMenu: Update how the focus gets updated for hover so that 1) we aren't blasting mouseMoves and 2) so we get rid of weirdness around hover and scroll
- SwatchColorPicker: Expose getStyles of colorCell subcomponent
Wed, 29 Nov 2017 11:24:06 GMT
- SelectableOption: New disabled prop for options. ComboBox: Updated styling per design spec, including new rootPressed prop, color updates, and className updates.
- SwatchColorPicker: Change scss to js styling
- Updating TypeScript to 2.6.2.
Tue, 28 Nov 2017 02:24:21 GMT
- Contextual Menu: made it so we can tab through items
Mon, 27 Nov 2017 22:13:20 GMT
- DetailsList: Resizing columns in justified mode doesn't affect columns on the left.
- ContextualMenu: Add ability to open splitButton chevron menu, when they are inside menus
Thu, 23 Nov 2017 11:10:13 GMT
- Button: new prop splitButtonAriaLabel.
- Combo box only updates the pending values in arrow keypresses, whether its menu is open or closed
- ContextualMenu: Updated expanded menu item style to match toolkit.
- ContextualMenu: Add a prop for setting the min width to be equal to the width of the target
- Apply props.className in ResizeGroup. Add snapshot for ResizeGroup. Pass className from experiments CommandBarTests. Update experiments CommandBar snapshot
- Toggle: Split out a new example for on and offAriaLabels to clarify the experince.
- Change the combobox alignment to be the same as the design of dropdown
Wed, 22 Nov 2017 11:12:40 GMT
- Add small headline with margin and wide callout with image on the left side
Tue, 21 Nov 2017 11:21:39 GMT
- ColorCells: Adding gray border to white color cells
- Prevent default while handling up/down arrow keys on a contextual menu
- TextField example: match the max width for TextFields.
Mon, 20 Nov 2017 11:12:47 GMT
- calendar component ux changes plus exposing sixweeksbydefault
- Persona: Changed size40 primaryText font size back 14px.
- DetailsList: preserve focus only if active element leaves the list
- Edit HoverCardPage, OverflowSetPage, ScrollablePanePage, TeachingBubblePage to use IComponentDemoPageProps
Fri, 17 Nov 2017 17:36:36 GMT
- add suffix to TextField
- Nav: Added
callback for getting a callback when an item expanded state is toggled - PersonaCoin: For non-latin characters, if initials return an empty string, use the Contact icon instead of the empty string.
- Rating control implementation using button, Half star support and ReadOnly rating control support
- DetailsList: mouse click gives preference to inner links.
- DetailsHeader: Accessibility fix, move aria-haspopup to correct element
- SplitButton: Add splitFullActiveState to make the whole splitButton look active if true
- ScrollablePane: Fix sortStickies function to sort elements by their true offsetTop in respect to scrollablePane's root
- Fixing high contrast bugs
Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:20:34 GMT
- Dropdown: Update dropdown interface to allow open dropdown after focus and remove extra focus border for dropdown option.
- Checkbox: Add getClassNames prop to allow complete customization of the component
- SplitButton: Avoid applying selector rest changes when in toggle state
- Toggle: Add label as fall back ariaLabel.
Wed, 15 Nov 2017 11:11:59 GMT
- SplitButton: Disable visual changes in splitButtonContainer when control is disabled
Tue, 14 Nov 2017 11:21:27 GMT
- ChoiceGroup: Fixed RTL support.
Fri, 10 Nov 2017 17:09:36 GMT
- Allow optional minimum and maximum date boundaries on DatePicker component
- Added className to IDetailsRowProps for the root element.
- Have VirtualizedCombobox implement IComboBox interface
- Add focusInput method in BasePicker to allow set focus to input element directly.
- Expose prop to apply rootExpanded on Primary Button if isSplit is true
- TextField: Moved required asterisk to be outside of fieldGroup when no label is present. No longer a need for special styles when icons are present.
- TextField: Updated field width for all examples to be more legible. Replaced ms- with docs- prefix for example scss.
Wed, 08 Nov 2017 06:05:34 GMT
- Selection: calling
with new items will now invalidate the internal selection array. - Persona: DirectionalHint for Tooltip location, polished example spacing and documentation on PersonaPage.
- Preserve focus in DetailsList when items change
Tue, 07 Nov 2017 11:22:30 GMT
- Checkbox: Expose icon props for the check mark
- added aira0expanded property to contextMenu item so that narrator will announce expand/collapse state of a menu item if it has submenu items.
Mon, 06 Nov 2017 18:44:43 GMT
- Fixing Icon amd import.
Sun, 05 Nov 2017 23:27:32 GMT
- Allow optional minimum and maximum date boundaries on Calendar component.
- Persona: respecting the deprecated PersonaSize enum values to avoid breaking changes.
- Persona: Renamed Persona size12 to Persona size10. Polished style to reflect the toolkit.
Fri, 03 Nov 2017 15:06:54 GMT
- HoverCard: fixing an import to be AMD compliant.
Fri, 03 Nov 2017 14:09:56 GMT
- OverflowSet: Support vertical orientation
- SpinButton: Allow for styling of the icon when the component is disabled
Thu, 02 Nov 2017 18:20:18 GMT
- Adding ES2015 Module Support
- BaseButton: onMenuClick to support other actions for menu and split buttons
- add accessibility behavior of hover card
- CommandBar: iconOnly items prop
- Add 'today' to DatePicker properties and forward it to the Calendar.
- Grid: Add prop to for FocusZone presence
- Slider: added
property for better screen-reader support.
- Changed es2015 module output to target es5 so that TypeScript downcompiles the code.
- Dropdown: Updated caret dropdown colors.
- Button: Added flexShrink: 0 to icons in button so long text won't make them shrink
- Fixed contextual menu state colors.
- Facepile style debugging, includes new FacepileButton
- Menus: Update so they have one notion of focus (from both hover and keyboard)
- Split Button in Menu: add vertical divider component and hook to customize splitbutton in menu div classname
- Persona: Changed PersonaSize names from descriptive to numerical.
- TextField/DatePicker: The required astrisk is now more correctly positioned.
Tue, 31 Oct 2017 10:22:25 GMT
- Button: Pass specified onDismiss callback to contextual menu
- ContextualMenu: Support suppressing dismiss on ItemClick via preventDefault
Mon, 30 Oct 2017 10:23:09 GMT
- Make red a reserved color for the PersonaCoin so it can only be used if you override the personacoin color
- Fixed an issue where ComboBox would throw an exception under shallow rendering tests
- Adjustments made to the disabled text color for Toggle and Checkbox.
Fri, 27 Oct 2017 10:25:09 GMT
- Add ariaHidden prop to buttons
- Restore forceAnchor prop for INavLink elements
- SearchBox onKeyDown: prevent default events only when specified by the user
- Panel: changed navigation layout to use flexbox, and pass overrides directly into button to avoid load order issues
- Theme Generator: improve perf
Thu, 26 Oct 2017 10:21:37 GMT
- Removing the
call from the top level import. The bundle in the dist folder used in codepens will still continue to have it, so that codepens don't stop rendering icons.
- Callout: Add check for undefined when comparing old and new position
- SplitButtonInMenu: render icon in primary action button
- ContextualMenu: Make the behavior of getIsChecked consistent for isChecked and checked props
Wed, 25 Oct 2017 02:03:33 GMT
- Panel: Added possibility of using a custom function to handle clicks outside the panel when using isLightDismiss=true
- ComboBox: Adding prop that keeps calout closed when using test input
- Button: Pass specified onDismiss callback to contextual menu
- Buttons: split button has
set to 0 to override defaults on Mac chrome/safari. - CalloutContent: Fix calculation of max size if calloutMaxHeight is not provided
- Fix Dropdown's falsey check in selection to strict check for undefined in case key is 0
Tue, 24 Oct 2017 10:21:08 GMT
- Adds "onInputChanged" prop to BasePicker
- Layer: exposing
static method to set a default target element where layered content should render by default.
- ComboBox: Add support for custom styling of the label in the disabled state
- Dialog: Don't add empty spans to footer for falsy children of DialogFooter
- Nav: Add onRenderLink back to JSX to allow custom rendering of links
- remove outdated semantic slots
- Ensure that Select All checkbox can still be focused
Mon, 23 Oct 2017 10:24:13 GMT
- ComboBox: Adding onMenuOpen callback
- Added a new divider component
- ContextualMenu/Callout: Fix (and deprecate) broken 'targetPoint' API
- DatePicker will not try to parse a string if the formatted string of the selected date is the same as the string to be parsed.
Fri, 20 Oct 2017 18:42:08 GMT
- Adding an Icons export in lib folder, as well as adding Check to the root index exports.
- Add a way to force a layout update for ScrollablePane
- ColorPicker: Adding hex/red/green/blue/alpha label props so applications can provide localized strings. Also turns off spell check for corresponding text fields.
- Add opt-in modal selection behavior on touch
- Fix minor state update bug with Sticky
- ComboBox: Fix custom styling on menu options
- Updated example to render some custom icons.
- SpinButton: Disable last pass autofill
- Menu Split Button: Launch split button menu with right arrow key
- PersonaCoin - display initials only if no imageUrl is provided or if error loading image
Wed, 18 Oct 2017 10:21:25 GMT
- ComboBox: the label now appears disabled when the ComboBox is disabled.
- "ContextualMenu: SplitButtons can now appear inside menus"
- Theming: add SASS variables for semantic theming to support legacy scenarios"
- Added implementation examples section to Button Page. Rearranged TextField borderless example.
- Updated the Fabric Core package version
- Fix Image css so it doesn't fade in if shouldStartVisible is true
- Fix refs in Dropdown and Datepicker
Tue, 17 Oct 2017 17:17:41 GMT
- SearchBox: expose onKeyDown event by invoking external prop
- ContextualMenu: Pass in a menu dismiss function into onRender to allow custom rendered menu items to dismiss the menu
Mon, 16 Oct 2017 22:49:01 GMT
- Nav: fixing amd-incompatible import.
Mon, 16 Oct 2017 20:00:51 GMT
- Dropdown: Fixing nullref when nothing is selected in multi select rendering.
- Updating shrinkwrap for Fabric Core package update
Mon, 16 Oct 2017 10:20:41 GMT
- DatePicker getWeekNumbers function accepts firstWeekOfYear settings
- Fix Slider css so label does not break lines if value is long
- Fix rounding issue in Slider when step is less than 1
- Fix CommandButton styles for Nav entries
Fri, 13 Oct 2017 04:00:17 GMT
- Colors Utility: add error checking if an invalid string is given
Fri, 13 Oct 2017 01:36:02 GMT
- Callout: Update the typings on the target prop to make it compatible with React refs
- Tooltip: pass calloutProps.className to Callout
- Theme Generator: insure color update when bg inverts
Thu, 12 Oct 2017 10:20:49 GMT
- Dropdown: add onDismiss callback. Example multi select dropdown with filters, we want to apply filters after user has dismissed the dropdown.
- OverflowSet: Add FocusZoneProps and the ability to set the role
- Callout: Added optional button at the bottom of the callout container
- ComboBox: added selectedIndex prop and inputFieldText prop for more control over comboBox behavior
- "Update spinButton styling to have the right font size and disabled visuals"
- ComboBox: Updated typing and documentation for
to only allow 'on' or 'off' (following html standards) rather than a boolean. - ContextualMenu: Update the typings on getMenuItemClassNames
- Adding Implementation Examples section to ComponentPage. Implemented in TextField.
Wed, 11 Oct 2017 10:11:04 GMT
- ComboBox: Adding props to control height and width of Callout
- "Move getItemClassnNames forontextualMenuProps to IContextualMenuItem"
- Make Modal's FocusTrapZone controllable
- ContextualMenu: Update the typing for getMenuClassNames
- SpinButton: Fix the code reference for the stateful spinButton Example (#3023)
- MessageBar: replaced DefaultButton with MessageBarButton.
Tue, 10 Oct 2017 10:24:47 GMT
- " Move ContextualMenu component to Glamor"
- ComboBox: Add virtualization to the combobox control
- ComboBox: Pass default render functions to ComboBox custom render functions
- New MessageBarButton component to allow for the unique state styles need in MessageBar.
Mon, 09 Oct 2017 10:08:09 GMT
- Added sizing prop for Breadcrumb per design toolkit.
- Vertically center checkbox in DetailsList header
- Label: Convert sass to mergeStyles
- Positioning: Fix an issue where beak would appear misaligned if an event was passed in
Fri, 06 Oct 2017 10:18:41 GMT
- Style ms-Button-menuIcon according to root styles for the following states - hovered, pressed, expanded ande expandedHovered.
- Dropdown: fix broken implementation of controlled multi-select dropdowns
- TSConfig: update to use preserveConstEnums so that certain builds systems don't break when importing const enums
- Router: regex to be able to render the correct page when it encounters queries.
Thu, 05 Oct 2017 17:03:43 GMT
- Fixing version dependencies.
Thu, 05 Oct 2017 10:17:42 GMT
- Added min-width for button icons so that its easy to create buttons with space for an icon
Wed, 04 Oct 2017 22:40:22 GMT
- Positioning: Refactored positioning and removed deprecated properties
- ComboBox: when options are scrollable, added prop to scroll selected item to top when callout is opened.
- "Buttons: adding
flag for disabling only the primary action of the split button, leaving the menu enabled."
- TooltipHost: Specifying a className will no longer prevent innate Tooltip classes from being properly applied
- DatePicker - make onSelectDate callback execute as part of SetState instead of after it. This ensures that selected date changes occur in the expected order
- Dropdown: fixed logic in getSelectedIndex to support controlled uses
- General bug fixes: Updated ResourcePage text, Reordered TextField page to give priority to design guidance examples, improved padding and spacing for TextField and ComboBox examples, and various website pages. Synced ComboBox error message spacing to be like TextField and per design specs.
- Removed duplicate header in ResizeGroup.
- Added new inline prop for SearchBox and corresonding new example. Adjested the SearchBoxPage to better reflect the current toolkit documentation.
- Fixed duplicate header on Tooltip page.
- List: Fix Grid example to read right to left in RTL mode
- High contrast fixes for breadcrumb, contextualMenu, overlay, pivot, calendar, and searchbox
- BaseButton: Added borderRadius:0 to fix new default styles in webkit
Mon, 02 Oct 2017 10:19:43 GMT
- PersonaCoin: added
prop to allow for customized sizes.
Sat, 30 Sep 2017 01:26:37 GMT
- ComboBox: Fix broken styles as part of the move to MergeStyles
Fri, 29 Sep 2017 10:20:24 GMT
- Adding custom render to TextField label
- Simplified checkbox examples and fixed spacing issue.
- DetailsList: Allow resizing columns wider than maxWidth in justified layout
- ContextualMenu: Make sure to check items within a menu section for the 'canCheck' property
- Updating mergeStyleSets usage in various components to adhere to correct typing.
- Split out and cleaned up TextField examples to better reflect the toolkit.
- DatePicker: call correct callback when previous year button is clicked
Thu, 28 Sep 2017 10:19:12 GMT
- DetailsList: Added ability to add css class to checkbox cell
- List: Fix documentation examples. Adds autobind to onRenderCell of List Grid Example
Wed, 27 Sep 2017 00:20:58 GMT
- Updated for Fabric 5.0.
Tue, 26 Sep 2017 20:42:17 GMT
- Reverting Customizer changes, as they are breaking. Will include in 5.0.
- Use aria-label for slider, even when label is not set
- PeoplePicker: adjusting aria/role attributes to improve the Narrator experience when reading out suggestions.
- TextField: Moved aria live attribute onto the actual text of an error message for text field component so that it is read aloud by narrator.
- Removed old visual testing system to make way for new Screener based system
Tue, 26 Sep 2017 10:09:04 GMT
- Updating components to support scoped customizations.
- Dropdown: add titleIsPlaceHolder class to dropdown title so styles can be overridden
- Persona: Fixed regression in secondary text not showing
Mon, 25 Sep 2017 10:19:18 GMT
- Reordered Buttons on ButtonPage and made some small style changes to match toolkit for website.
- Updated ContextualMenu examples and page to better reflect the XD Toolkit.
- Dropdown: Adds a positioning wrapper around the caretDown icon
- Theme Generator: have the bg change with the theme
- make headings on theme generator page theme
Fri, 22 Sep 2017 19:08:51 GMT
- Icon: Removed a recently added prop
as it is redundant withonClick
. Updated DatePicker to useonClick
. - Create Theme Generator page
- ActivityItem: Adding ReactNodes in the interface in addition to the IRenderFunction props.
- Adds ARIA label prop for Suggestions component
- SplitButton: Fix menu rendering when splitbutton is disabled
- ComboBox: Changing high-contrast styles to use msHighContrastAdjust
Thu, 21 Sep 2017 06:23:58 GMT
- Brand icons page clean up.
- Implement hover and focus trigger behavior for Check component
- Add the ability for compoundButtons to have icons
- [ComboBox] Fix slight rendering bug in browser zoom (around sub-pixel rounding)
- Stop delete from happening using delete or backspace when component is in disabled mode
- fix comments and example code for onRenderCaretDown prop of Dropdown component
Wed, 20 Sep 2017 10:19:01 GMT
- allow 'chevron down' icon on Dropdown to be customized
- ContextualMenu: Update the type of the title property on a menu section to be of type string
- SearchBox: Added onEscape prop
- Button: Add the ability to dismiss any open menus from the button interface
- Modal: Updated padding in example to fix RTL support
- Changing high-contrast colors to system colors
Tue, 19 Sep 2017 10:08:55 GMT
- Added label to Persona example components.
- Added an optional alt text prop for the Image component and example on the website.
- Revised alt text best practices for Image Component in website, removed alt prop.
- Updated dropdown state styles to match the XD specs.
- Cleaned up Default Dialogue to more cleanly represent the default state. Reformated exampleStyles imports to work towards more modularity. Typo and language fixes.
- Dropdown: Fixed logic to support selected options in single select scenario
- Added shared styling to accommodate shared spacing between common elements in example components on the website. Also began to add consistency in the language.
- SplitButton: Properly cascade container styles to the disabled state
- Visual bug fixes for UHF adoption for website
Mon, 18 Sep 2017 10:18:23 GMT
- DatePicker-Adding new props from Calendar component
- DatePicker-fixing vertical scrollbar bug
- Force Check to use the page background color
- Allow onItemContextMenu a way to cancel preventDefault() call.
- ActivityItem: Descreasing icon font size.
Fri, 15 Sep 2017 10:19:50 GMT
- Calendar: Adding week numbers to calendar
- DatePicker: Hovering over calendar icon in text input does not change cursor to pointer.
- SplitButton: Fixed primary theme, updated documentation
- Prevent touch events from triggering marquee selection
Thu, 14 Sep 2017 10:17:39 GMT
- Callout: Made updatePosition async. Contextualmenu: Fixed a bug where sometimes a submenu would have a beak.
- Refactor
to extractPersonaCoin
so image/status can be rendered alone without Tooltip. AddedPersonaCoin
to top level exports
Thu, 14 Sep 2017 00:34:57 GMT
- Calendar: Updating accessibility, fixing headers aria box, fixing selected/unselected state in day and month picker, updating aria-label for next/previous buttons, fixing arial label for months in month picker.
- Adding
- Check: better alignment of the check mark.
- [SwatchColorPicker] Fix uncaught exception when colorCells is empty
- Calendar: Month-picker-only selection bug fixed
- DetailsList: Update DetailsRow Check target size to be larger
Tue, 12 Sep 2017 17:41:25 GMT
- DetailsList: Fixed collapsing logic to look at all items including first 2
- Fixing circular dependency issue in PrimaryButton.
Tue, 12 Sep 2017 10:10:21 GMT
- Add sections to contextual menus
- Calendar: Arrows (when month picker only) do not navigate correctly. Fixed this and fixed position.
- MessageBar: Added word-break to fix long words in message bar
- Pickers: Fixed a bug where suggestionsHeaderText would not display, also fixed backspace event propagating even when it was handled.
- Mix native props to Nav items.
- Button: Add support for dividers in split buttons
- SplitButton: Update the menu launcher target for a split button to be the entire control instead of just the menu launching portion
- DetailsList: Update activeRows management to use item keys
Mon, 11 Sep 2017 10:08:07 GMT
- Icon: tweaked
to take in a string, rather than IconCode. The type safety can't be enforced in Fabric 5 which will support whatever subsets the customer registers.
- CommandBar: Fixing wrong positioning for overflow menu, when overflow menu open and CommandBar is updated
Sat, 09 Sep 2017 01:39:37 GMT
- Check: Updating css to look great on IE11.
- Add tool tip to text of Persona.
Fri, 08 Sep 2017 10:16:28 GMT
- Add scrollToIndex to GroupedList, DetailsList
- DetailsList: Fixing alignment issues due to recent changes in Check.
Thu, 07 Sep 2017 10:09:51 GMT
- Added rootExpandedHovered and iconExpandedHovered to IButtonStyles interface. These entries are for specifying on hover style for expanded state.
- ContextualMenu:
prop added to allow the overriding of submenu rendering.
Wed, 06 Sep 2017 10:16:32 GMT
- Allow rendering empty GroupedList headers
Tue, 05 Sep 2017 20:36:48 GMT
- HoverCard: Support change in expanded card height. Add callbacks upon card visible/hide
- ScrollablePane: Fix component to remove stickyContainer element on component unmount.
- List: fixing minor issue around using the
Mon, 04 Sep 2017 10:16:56 GMT
- Updating Calendar component styles to match new OWA calendar styles for the Calendar team.
- Check: Fixed Chrome-specific alignment for the checkmark within the circle.
- Slider: adding
property to render as a vertical slider. - DetailsHeader: Adjust sortIcon position
Fri, 01 Sep 2017 16:51:57 GMT
- Calendar: Adding option to add date formatting to calendar
- Respect ths isHeader property on the ResizeGroup demo page
- BaseButton: Put the right classname on the menu icon
- Add FullWidth icon.
- SwatchColorPicker: Fixed so it will deselect the current items if there is a selected id passed in that does not exist in the color list
Thu, 31 Aug 2017 15:41:56 GMT
- Updating goToToday to include onSelectDate function if defined so that this button behaves like a date has been picked
- Tooltip: Added support for custom maxWidth values
- HoverCard: Improved performance of expanding animation.
- Check: Increased size of check to 18px
- Fix data-command-key to key instead of index.
- ComboBox: Loosen the re-rendering requirement
Tue, 29 Aug 2017 20:55:35 GMT
- Adjusted build to produce sourcemaps with correct sourceRoot.
Tue, 29 Aug 2017 10:20:56 GMT
- FocusZone: disable tabIndex of previous element on mouse focus.
- Selection: Adding better handling around a case where getKey returns null or undefined.
- Dialog: Show close button when dialog type is DialogType.close
Sat, 26 Aug 2017 00:52:38 GMT
- Add LikeSolid icon
- Updating sass build to pre-process theming again for better registration performance.
- Fix issues when a SelectionZone is outside a FocusZone
Fri, 25 Aug 2017 20:31:51 GMT
- Adding back sourcemap content to .map files, which should alleviate "../src/* missing" issues when using webpack.
Fri, 25 Aug 2017 19:27:18 GMT
- ComboBox- Make sure the option always get updated if they change (#2301)
- Pickers: Have IInput props correctly extend inputhtmlattributes
Fri, 25 Aug 2017 10:09:40 GMT
- HoverCard: Dismiss on key/mouse down, Add directionalHint, Fix target prop
- Breadcrumb: Fixed extra dropdown icon
- ComboBox - Fix so the component doesn't cause it's children to rebuild and fix up the the updating of the value accordingly
Thu, 24 Aug 2017 10:20:20 GMT
- Darkened the placeholder text for dropdowns to meet MAS color contrast standards
Thu, 24 Aug 2017 05:38:14 GMT
- Checkbox: support for aria attributes
- BasePicker: added itemLimit property, which will allow preventing adding more items than set limit.
- Selection: now takes in a selectionMode, which DetailsList and others can read from. This does not break any existing SelectionMode passed into DetailsList currently but allows you to move the setting to the Selection object.
- TextField: Added selectionStart and selectionEnd getters to ITextField.
- withViewport: adding the ability to disable measures to improve performance of rendering the DetailsList in fixed mode.
- Fix aria-labeling for DetailsList column headers
- DetailsRow: Removed margin from check buttons.
Wed, 23 Aug 2017 19:04:55 GMT
- DocumentCardPreview: Allow show Icon in the preview area instead of image.
- ContextualMenu: Add ability to override role on menu items
- ComboBox: Content should not be selected when comboBox isn't focused
- Adding react import to SpinButton.Props for classic module resolution.
- High contrast, accesibility, and other bugfixes
- Dropdown: adds a for property to dropdown labels.
Tue, 22 Aug 2017 10:09:55 GMT
- Dropdown: Fixed bug where selectedKey selects dropdown option with a different key
Mon, 21 Aug 2017 10:19:29 GMT
- Updating project dependencies.
- DetailsList: Move background color from .cell to .root for DetailsHeader
- PeoplePicker: Fixing A11yMAS accessibility issue in selected items.
Fri, 18 Aug 2017 16:32:33 GMT
- Added ActionButton and CommandBarButton
- DetailsList: Resizing columns preserves justified mode.
- TooltipHost: new onTooltipToggle callback
- Minor cleanup in merging of css class names.
- Dropdown: Fixed bug where selected state was not being removed from dropdown options
- FocusZone: presssing home/end inside of an input/textarea element should respect cursor location.
- Fix some unused code and typings in List
- Pickers: Fixed an issue where a loop would sometimes occur if values were resolved when input had an empty value.
- Toggle: fixed issue where disabled Toggles are clickable. Also cleaned up some of the styling.
- CommandBar: adding
attribute to overflow menu. - DetailsList: Making expand/collapse chevron in grouped list headers keyboard accessible.
Wed, 16 Aug 2017 10:11:43 GMT
- Enhancing the calendar component. Created option to have month picker overlayed on top of calendar so that the calendar remains in one column and switches between the two. Added accessibility in new overlay to mimi OWA calendar. Fixed issue: When the month picker is the only calendar, and screen is small, calendar would disappear when it should be visible.
- Calendar had extra 30px margin at the bottom of the component. It interfered with the layout below the component. The 30px margin is only necessary when the 'go to today' button is visible.
- Add ability to override page render behavior in List
Tue, 15 Aug 2017 10:19:22 GMT
- Dropdown: no longer scrolls body when arrowing up down at the start/end of the menu. Also added
for tweaking how the title is rendered in a multi-select scenario. - Pickers: fixing accessiblity and styling issues
- ComboBox: Fix role typo to read heading instead of header
- Added menu indexes to the accessibility readouts for ContextMenus
- Added the ability to change the root element of a FocusZone
Fri, 11 Aug 2017 19:38:35 GMT
- Mixing choice group fields with html input attributes
- Callout/Dropdown: Both components now support custom widths
- Nav: Add more options for nav link groups
- ComboBox: Fix some functionality for when the comboBox is controlled
- Calendar: added ability to customize navigation icons.
- Add onFocus and onBlur for Pickers, SpinButton, SearchBox, and Rating. Add IBasePicker with focus().
- add StreamLogo and PowerBILogo icons
- Add target to hover card
- Nav: fix bug with sublink padding
- FocusZone: adjusting initialization logic to remove a potential memory leak in server rendered scenarios.
- ComboBox: Update example to work correctly now that StrictNullChecks have been put in place
- Nav: update isGroupCollapsed for new groups
- Change dropdown's role from "combobox" to "menu"
- Changed DatePicker role to be more accurate for screen readers
- Selection: Fix broken selection state in example.
Tue, 08 Aug 2017 15:28:32 GMT
- ComboBox: Putting the child component styles in the main props and a few other fixes
- Moving SpinButton to Glamor based styling
- GridCell: Add a component to handle the shared logic managing selection and navigation of cells within all consumers of the Grid class. This change also updates the SwatchColorPicker to use the GridCell component and removes most of the logic now contained in the GridCell component.
- Checkbox: add custom render function for checkbox label.
- BaseButton: Added screenReaderText styles to base button
- BaseButton: Remove the IconButton dependency that was introduced with SplitButton.
- Added role alert to "no results" view
Mon, 07 Aug 2017 10:22:46 GMT
- Callout: Fix positioning comparision so it correctly repositions if the beak left/right position has changed"
- Dialog: fixing accessibility regression
- Prevent auto-selection on focus in DetailsList
- ResizeGroup: Prevent rendering to the hidden div on prop updates that has an initial data that is in the cache
- Textfield: removed background from textfield internal field
Fri, 04 Aug 2017 10:11:48 GMT
- Dropdown: added
attribute, which controls multi-item selection. AddedselectedKeys
which provides access to all selected keys, in addition todefaultSelectedKeys
props. - Add ScrollablePane and Sticky components
- Button: Merge the ISplitButtonStyles into IButtonStyles
- Datepicker: updated icon size
- Expand hit target of DetailsRow checkbox
- ResizeGroup: Add another example use case to demo site
- PeoplePicker: Improved keyboard support and font size updates.
Thu, 03 Aug 2017 10:13:03 GMT
- ConextualMenuItem: Support target value
- TypeScript 2.4.1 bump
- add Spacer and Divider toolbox icon
- Searchbox: fixed bug when repeatedly entering a single character
- Callout: Reverting the callout border to it's previous state with a light border.
Wed, 02 Aug 2017 10:22:40 GMT
- Enable strictNullChecks
- Checkbox: Fix Edge bug where 2nd click event was being fired
- ChoiceGroup: allow developers to pass additional 'aria-labelledBy' ids
- ContextualMenu: Fixing issue where icons are not displayed.
Tue, 01 Aug 2017 10:13:55 GMT
- SwatchColorPicker: Simplify component to remove the menu button and header/divider aspects that were built in to the component. Now the SwatchColorPicker only renders the grid portion and is more streamlined
- OverflowSet: Add focus method, class name and abstract item interface
- Panel: added prop to force footer to bottom of the page
- Allow the X in a persona to receive focus and update focus when it is clicked
Mon, 31 Jul 2017 10:12:08 GMT
- BasePicker: Add in the ability for it to be used as a controlled component with the property selectedItems
- MessageBar: Fix system problems that display when component is on website
- Searchbox: Fixed broken disabled state and aligned styles with current XD styles
Fri, 28 Jul 2017 18:36:00 GMT
- Checkbox: Adjusting the default text color to not use default button color, removing click behavior for disabled checkboxes, fixing an rtl margin issue.
- Fix Callout to get a valid element
Fri, 28 Jul 2017 10:23:10 GMT
- Moving ComboBox component to use the styling library
- Fix hover card scroll
- Checkbox: Added left textAlign style
- Update accessibility for checkable menu items
Thu, 27 Jul 2017 10:23:33 GMT
- More type casting to get us on the path to enabling strictNullChecks
- Dropdown: added onBlur support.
- Fix focus issues for Safari and Firefox on Mac OS
- Icons: Added new icons from 2.38
- Adds prop to process selection in BasePicker
- CommandBar: Accessibility fix for expand behavior
Tue, 25 Jul 2017 10:22:35 GMT
- Button: Support expanded style state triggered by opened menu
- Checkbox: Fixed label font size
- TextField: multiline variant font now correct, assuming the Fabric component wraps the application. A new selector was added which will force TEXTAREA elements to inherit the font.
- ResizeGroup: Prevent flashing when passing in new props
- ResizeGroup: Don't show a scrollbar while measuring the hidden div
- Textfield: Fixed high contrast border and textarea font family
- Textfield: Removed icon pointer events so that any click is click in textfield
Mon, 24 Jul 2017 10:24:30 GMT
- Callout/ContextualMenu/Tooltip: we now mirror DirectionalHints in RTL layouts by default. To override this behavior, specify
- Fix application of aria properties on BaseButton.
- ResizeGroup: Add support for onGrowData
- Accessibility fixes for PeoplePicker
- Dropdown: Updated keydown handler to respond correctly to normal dropdown items
Fri, 21 Jul 2017 10:21:45 GMT
- Do not redundantly set aria-label on command bar items.
- More strict null check fixes in office-ui-fabric-react
- Textfield: Fixed regression in disabled styles
- ResizeGroup: Use scrollWidth instead of clientWidth for measuring hidden div
- Fixed deletion of tag item when tag picker is disabled
Thu, 20 Jul 2017 10:11:23 GMT
- SwatchColorPicker: Fix a recent regression in box-sizing seen on the external site for the swatchColorPicker
- Checkbox: remove unnecessary styles and element
Wed, 19 Jul 2017 21:40:34 GMT
- Breadcrumb: Uses tooltip when breadcrumb text is truncated
- Fix CommandBar rendering commandText span when no item name is given: #2233.
- Start fixing some strictNullCheck errors
- DefaultButton: Make styles match design
- DetailsList: Adjust checkmark icon to use StatusCircleCheckmark icon
- Dropdown: List native props at top of div element
Mon, 17 Jul 2017 18:38:01 GMT
- BasePicker: Removes onBlur to fix onSuggestionClick prevention and adds onBlur functionality to dismissSuggestions.
Mon, 17 Jul 2017 10:22:38 GMT
- ComboBox: props have been adjusted to inherit from HTMLAttributes to allow fo props like onBlur to be mixed in. Note that this has forced the
prop to be changed to a string.
- ComboBox: Fix a keyboard scrolling issue where the pending option would not be scrolled into view
- Allow deeply nested links to render in Nav
- Last pull request added the option to display the month picker by itself without the day picker, but selecting the month picker was not calling selectDate. This should fix that.
Fri, 14 Jul 2017 17:34:53 GMT
- PeoplePicker: adding a custom validator prop
- DetailsList: Add compact mode to component, add column padding, fix styling and Check component sizing
- ResizeGroup: Do measurements inside requestAnimationFrame
Thu, 13 Jul 2017 02:58:02 GMT
- Addressing remaining TS 2.4.1 errors.
- DetailsList: Allow passing props to underlying List
- TooltipHost: Fixed check which kept onRenderContent from working
- Fixing null reference exception caused if user does not specify imageSize along with imageSrc in choiceGroup
- List: Only draw a single window when receiving new items
Wed, 12 Jul 2017 01:49:50 GMT
- Expose APIs of selectableOptions since they're required APIs for ComboBox component
- Adding ActivityItem component.
- Fix styling issues with SplitButton. Add new split boolean property to Button.
- Fixing typings for TypeScript 2.4.1 compatibility.
- DocumentCard: Deprecate accentColor prop, reduce thickness of divider line
- Enable noImplicitAny
- MessageBar: Fixed collapsing text in multiline
Mon, 10 Jul 2017 19:18:55 GMT
- Checkbox: reverting global class names to use ms-Checkbox-* prefixed values.
- Remove unnecessary line height
- Removed ARIA disabled from button, as already handled by button HTML attribute
Mon, 10 Jul 2017 10:22:21 GMT
- ChoiceGroup: Allow image/icon labels to truncate when larger than parent. Provided onRenderLabel to add Tooltip or other decorations
Sat, 08 Jul 2017 05:59:27 GMT
- AMD fix for GroupedList.
Sat, 08 Jul 2017 03:34:35 GMT
- Fixing an import breaking AMD modules related to GroupedList.
Fri, 07 Jul 2017 10:11:38 GMT
- GroupedList: Add a new prop to ignore the collapse button on the column name bar when there's custom group header
- Buttons: disabled buttons with hrefs now render as BUTTON elements instead of A tags, since BUTTON can support the disabled flag.
Thu, 06 Jul 2017 10:11:47 GMT
- Add new component: HoverCard
- ResizeGroup: Add support for caching
- Make details row cells use flex box and stretch to total row height.
- Toggle: Fixed aria-label that was missing from button
- CommandBar: Remove margin from command bar items
Tue, 04 Jul 2017 10:21:53 GMT
- Breadcrumb: Fixed maxItems logic to put correct items into overflow
Mon, 03 Jul 2017 10:11:52 GMT
- Changed the CSS for the checkbox so that it's easier to customize and center
- GroupedList: Fixes a bug causing Toggle and other button elements within a GroupedList to not render correctly.
Fri, 30 Jun 2017 19:44:26 GMT
- Breadcrumb: Use flexbox for layout to better support multiple font sizes
- MessageBar: Fixed padding regressions with multiline and no actions
Fri, 30 Jun 2017 10:23:15 GMT
- Fixed spacing and vertical position of expand arrow, Added space between title and count, Changed to use flex box, Updated interactive state colors to use proper semantic slots
- Dialog: allow values in dialogContentProps to override all default values
- GroupedList: Role of groupedList changed from "grid" to "group"
Thu, 29 Jun 2017 20:48:31 GMT
- Adding a new component: SwatchColorPicker
- Button: Revert setting label font-weight to bold
- Add 'event' as first param for onColumnClick handler to match the param order.
- ComboBox: Fix a scrolling issue (#2090)
- Dropdown/ContextualMenu: Adjust height of items to 32px
Thu, 29 Jun 2017 10:13:16 GMT
- Remove beak from CommandBar's and BaseButton's contextual menu
- -SpinButton: Fix crash when not providing value nor defaultValue. - SpinButton: Add initial delay of 400ms when holding the up or down arrow before spinning
- Force resolve picker on blue or delayed response.
- Fix: Combobox: text move its position in Edge during up/down arrow #2020: #2020
- Persona: Fix orange initials rendered as green
Wed, 28 Jun 2017 10:12:04 GMT
- Persona: Adding image alt, defaulting to empty string
- Fixed focusing first item in DetailsList
- MarqueeSelection: now with better performance in Edge.
- Textfield: Fixed layout of underlined textfield with error
Tue, 27 Jun 2017 01:26:31 GMT
- Commandbar: fix synchronous reflow
- Enhancing the calendar component to allow for turning off the day picker and highlighting the "today" month in the month picker. This will match the behavior of the Timestrip component in today's JSMVVM OWA Calendar.
- OverflowSet: Fix type definition to be compatible with latest @types/react
- Persona: Fixing image sizing to cover correctly.
- Enable forceConsistentCasingInFileNames tsconfig option
Fri, 23 Jun 2017 20:02:00 GMT
- Icon: Adding
attribute for debugging identification purposes.
Fri, 23 Jun 2017 04:12:23 GMT
- Fix FocusZone stop eating spacebar presses in textarea fields
- DetailsList: Fixing regression in DetailsRow, and adding check in Image which was causing nullrefs.
- Route: Make implicit any explicit
Thu, 22 Jun 2017 21:45:08 GMT
- Expose focus() on ISearchBox
- ResizeGroup: Add dataDidRender prop that can be used to know what is actually rendered by a resizeGroup
- Fix some focus issues in DetailsList
Thu, 22 Jun 2017 10:13:03 GMT
- Check: reduced size of selection check background by 2px
- Breadcrumb: Fixed overflow logic and extra icon
- Dropdown: fixed bug that didn't allow operating Dropdown as a controlled component
- Fix Persona control DOM reflow by passing ImageCoverStyle to Image control
- Dialog: Reworked deprecation logic to fix warnings
- Toggle: No longer triggers form submission
Wed, 21 Jun 2017 00:45:41 GMT
- Icons: now with less redundant evaluation of styling, which improves render performance.
- Panel: Fixed header ID value
Tue, 20 Jun 2017 10:22:47 GMT
- Breadcrumb: Switch resizing logic to resizeGroup
Sat, 17 Jun 2017 17:39:43 GMT
- Icon: image icons now have less random "l" characters. Sorry about that!
Sat, 17 Jun 2017 06:27:45 GMT
- Icon: iconName should pass through to the classname without casing alterations.
Fri, 16 Jun 2017 23:02:08 GMT
- DetailsList: Remove Tooltip by defaul, allowing optional override.
- Icon: patch to className change to add ms-Icon--* in cases where iconType is not provided.
Fri, 16 Jun 2017 19:39:47 GMT
- Icon: adding back ms-Icon--iconName className to avoid breaking backwards compatibility.
- OverflowSet: Don't use the index as the key
Thu, 15 Jun 2017 23:55:18 GMT
- CheckButton: Firefox high contrast fix
Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:09:15 GMT
- Dialog: Deprecated old duplicative props and moved them into modalProps and contentProps
- Toggle: High contrast fix for Firefox
Wed, 14 Jun 2017 06:02:15 GMT
- Dropdown: Fixed onRenderPlaceholder and update docs
- Adding Aria label props for Dialog
- Buttons: Added
to buttons with menuProps. - FocusZone: bidirectional movement now wraps on lines.
- Bumping fabric-core dependency to have Segoe UI be part of the font fallback.
- FocusZone should reset active element if it is not tabbable.
- Dropdown: adding aria attribute
and adjustingaria-owns
to only show in cases where it is opened. - Enable strictNullChecks in utilities package
- PeoplePicker: fixing styling, focus, and extra rerendering issues.
- Dropdown: Fix keyboard focus on Header/Separator items
Tue, 13 Jun 2017 10:13:21 GMT
- High contrast fixes for Pivot, Choicegroup and Checkbox
- withResponsiveMode: Adding error handling around the case where window.innerWidth throws an exception.
Mon, 12 Jun 2017 01:47:18 GMT
- Component properties now extend React.HTMLAttributes, rather than React.HTMLProps
- Updating minified bundle to exclude debug warnings.
- Enable no implicit any in utilities package
- Toggle: add 'cursor: pointer'
Thu, 08 Jun 2017 10:20:07 GMT
- TextField: improves layout for IE.
Thu, 08 Jun 2017 00:18:05 GMT
- ITheme: Make palette a required prop
Tue, 06 Jun 2017 07:41:47 GMT
- Toggle: theme now injectable through Customizer.
Tue, 06 Jun 2017 06:06:46 GMT
- Adding tslib dependency to reduce redundant code.
Tue, 06 Jun 2017 00:50:06 GMT
- DragDropHelper: Fix to show ghost element when dragging on Firefox
- Buttons: allowing theme to be provided via Customizer.
- DragDropHelper: Fix TSLint warnings
- TextField: Show red border when invalid
Fri, 02 Jun 2017 01:19:35 GMT
- Dropdown: Expose aria label prop for the dropdown options.
- Fixing an issue where restoring focus was not working due to a regression
Thu, 01 Jun 2017 16:34:03 GMT
- Update DetailsList to support screen readers with cleaner keyboarding flow
- Styling: Add support for overriding the styles on the checked hovered, checked pressed, and checked disabled states
- Update elementToFocusOnDismiss on unmount in focus trap zone
- DetailsList: Last column measured correctly when
set tohidden
. - Fix css for MessageBar, and support single line message bar styling
- Panel: fix regression in large Panel size
- ResizeGroup: Make sure that it renders contents when there are no more scaling steps and it doesn't fit
Wed, 31 May 2017 01:58:23 GMT
- BasePicker: Removing extraneous unnecessary required non-typesafe prop that isn't being used.
- ResizeGroup: Reduce render time when reducing the width of the container.
Tue, 30 May 2017 20:23:45 GMT
- PeoplePicker: Updated to match OWA people picker and Fabric toolkit spec
Tue, 30 May 2017 03:27:20 GMT
- Updated dependency to Fabric Core 7
- The styling package is now a dependency of fabric-react, which brings in the initial steps towards offering consumers a much better way to customize components to meet their requirements. The Button components and Toggle components have so far been converted to use the styling utilities. We will be ellaborating more on this as we refine our patterns towards customization and refine the documentation.
- Exposes setSelectionRange function to TextField component.
- DetailsList: initialFocusedIndex is considered on already mounted rows
- SelectionZone: Update behavior to fix using up/down arrows to navigate between groups in a GroupedList.
- Introduce prop-types instead of React.PropTypes
- List: improved measure logic and fix nested list scroll problem
- ResizeGroup: Reduce the number of render calls when reducing the width.
Sat, 27 May 2017 01:47:19 GMT
- ContextualMenu: prevent Narrator to announce items twice.
Fri, 26 May 2017 10:21:03 GMT
- Persona: Updated test to match new logic for calculating initials.
- ResizeGroup: Debounce window resize events to improve performance
Thu, 25 May 2017 10:22:10 GMT
- DatePicker: Fix for accessibility issues
Wed, 24 May 2017 23:52:09 GMT
- ChoiceGroup: Support custom option labels
- ContextMenu: added
property to match the width of the anchor element when true the context menu will apply target element's width to it - Spinner: support for status announcement
- Fixes bug where ResizeGroup gets stuck in an infinite render loop when subsequent calls to onReduceData does nothing.
- Add unit tests to ResizeGroup
- Dropdown: Added title attribute for individual options.
- SearchBox: Fixed onBlur not removing focus
Tue, 23 May 2017 10:16:04 GMT
- Dialog: created a new component (DialogContent) that contains the content of the Modal inside the Dialog
- FocusZone: fixing edge case with IE when activeElement is set to an unfocus-able element.
- Adding a constant for all the test images and replacing the hard coded example paths
Fri, 19 May 2017 10:20:22 GMT
- Adding the ability for buttons to be toggled
- Searchbox: Updated border styles to better support high contrast mode
- Breadcrumb component now follows aria guidelines for roles and structure and added example for accessible breadcrumb"
Thu, 18 May 2017 10:09:58 GMT
- Adds outlines to SearchBox in HC modes
- BaseButton: now respects the isBeakVisible property on the menu props
- Stop setting a height on the menu items inside of a ContextualMenu to better support onRender overrides on MenuItems
Tue, 16 May 2017 22:39:55 GMT
- Change pickeritemprops to correctly extend htmlattributes
- List: Add scrollToIndex to public interface
Tue, 16 May 2017 21:47:38 GMT
- DatePicker: adding a disabled property support.
- Pickers: Adds ability to disable pickers
- Adjust styling on menu drop shadows.
- Button: Added aria-expanded if props.menuProps. Changes from false to true when opened
- Button: default type to 'button'
Mon, 15 May 2017 10:19:13 GMT
- Dropdown: Add ability to set custom props on the Dropdown's Callout
- Make name prop optional on ContextualMenu
- Date picker: Reduce min-width for the holder component
Fri, 12 May 2017 10:19:14 GMT
- OverflowSet: Fixed issue that prevented it from working when there are no overflow items.
Thu, 11 May 2017 17:07:55 GMT
- TextField: font size of textfield reverted to 14px.
Thu, 11 May 2017 10:20:16 GMT
- Button: Add button example
- ContextualMenu: Fixed an issue where submenu items wouldn't update properly when new props were passed own
- Lay some groundwork for converting to semantic slots, starting with input text fields.
Tue, 09 May 2017 10:09:56 GMT
- Day picker: Ensure we use values from nextProps when props are updated when generating weeks
- DatePicker: Use todaysDate instead of today in _getWeeks
Mon, 08 May 2017 21:31:57 GMT
- TextField:
flag added for suppressing the border style. - Tooltip: Added custom content render function and exposed tooltip props to
- ChoiceGroup: Fixed broken focus border
Mon, 08 May 2017 10:19:18 GMT
- Callout: Add minPagePadding. Dropdown: Expose calloutProps
- SearchBox: added the ariaLabel optional property
- Calendar: make today value configurable to support different timezone
- Dropdown: Add aria readonly attribute
Fri, 05 May 2017 10:18:19 GMT
- CommandBar: Support customized onRender for command bar item
- High contrast fixes for dropdown and slider
- Toggle: removing an unnecessary React warning when passing in defaultChecked value.
- Persona: Fixed clipping issue when using size28
- Pivot: increased specificty to fix button styles overriding pivo
Thu, 04 May 2017 10:08:59 GMT
- Dropdown: New placeHolder text feature allows dropdown to act more like a traditional input field
- Facepile: Added
- Dropdown: Tab should close dropdown and tab to next item in tab order
- OverflowSet: New Overflow Set componet to create sets of elements with overflow showing in callout
- ContextMenu: fix a potential bug. All foreground colors need to be slots in the same category because the category has its own background color, in order to insure accessibility.
- DetailsList: Added aria properties
to appropriate sub elements. - Moved aria label from ul to menu div
Wed, 03 May 2017 10:17:38 GMT
- DetailsList: convert colors over to use semantic slots
- TextField: Fixed bugs in textfield font family and focus borders
Tue, 02 May 2017 18:32:23 GMT
- TooltipHost: Add host className
- Modal: Fixed bug where props and state were passed in reversed order
- Calendar: Fix ariaLabel for previous month button
Tue, 02 May 2017 10:09:08 GMT
- Callout: support for aria role, label and description
- Pivot: Allow rendering PivotItem headers without content.
- Panel: Updating the close button's height, container, margin, and size slightly.
- List: correctly measure pages when using display: none.
- Calendar: Support auto-navigation to next/previous month when selected date changes via props
- Shifting the ContextMenu over to semantic slots for colors.
Mon, 01 May 2017 10:18:36 GMT
- Toggle: Make toggle control more universally accessible across screen readers.
Fri, 28 Apr 2017 18:00:56 GMT
- TooltipHost: Fixing AMD import to pull getId from the Utilities AMD-friendly top-level import.
Fri, 28 Apr 2017 10:09:16 GMT
- Dropdown: Fix an issue with screenreaders not reading menu items.
- Add aria-describedby to tooltiphost component
Thu, 27 Apr 2017 10:18:03 GMT
- TooltipHost: Allow showing tooltip only if there's overflow
- TextField: Convert to flexbox, support addons
- Don't break intra-word in tooltips UNLESS required for overflow by using CSS overflow-wrap property. Fixes #1627.
- PeoplePicker: Adding vertical-align to the member list version of the people picker.
Wed, 26 Apr 2017 10:19:05 GMT
- Dropdown: now correctly shows ellipsis when text overflows
Tue, 25 Apr 2017 10:19:34 GMT
- Callout: Allow Callout to specify background color.
- Drop Down: Adds required -- class/style + error message state
- MessageBar: Fixed links not working in message bars
- Modal: Updated animation to use local transition and removed Fabric Core dependency
- Panel: Fixed drop shadow for left side panel
- Searchbox: IE11 keystroke miss, overflow fix
- DetailsList: when initial focus needs to be set to a row, we do so asynchronously, after page layout is completed, which reduces observed cost of the focus call from 30ms to 3ms. This should improve glass rendering performance.
Fri, 21 Apr 2017 06:23:54 GMT
- Toggle: Improve screen-reader accessibility.
- Calendar: Add ARIA labels to day and month buttons
- Callout/Tooltip: Updated default gapSpace from 16 to 0
- DocumentCard: Change persona size from extraExtraSmall to extraSmall and update compact layout title font size to m-plus according to new design.
Wed, 19 Apr 2017 16:54:26 GMT
Version update only
Wed, 19 Apr 2017 15:36:48 GMT
- References to @uifabric/utilities have been updated to refer to the root Utilities.ts export, which is more AMD friendly than the package import.
Wed, 19 Apr 2017 03:17:40 GMT
- Added new Modal control, for hosting content in a Dialog-style modal popup without any inner chrome
- DatePicker: Improve screen-reader accessibility.
- Regression Test: Contextual Menu
- fix nit for Suggestion.tsx
Tue, 18 Apr 2017 15:17:13 GMT
- DatePicker: Add option to not automatically open on focus.
Tue, 18 Apr 2017 03:09:12 GMT
- Button:
deprecated in favor oficonProps
deprecated in favor ofmenuIconProps
. All Buttons now modeled as HOCs around BaseButton, as apposed to subclassing which is a less ideal way of modeling buttons. - DetailsList: added
setting to allow the user to override the minimum drag distance before starting a drag operation. - Dropdown: Add dividers and headers to component
- DetailsList: header now stretches correctly, group headers stretch correctly, column width calculations respect newProps rather than current props.
- SearchBox: Updated layout to use flexbox, follow spec more closely in padding and height
- SelectionZone: Spacebar and Enter key presses within selectionzone button/a/input will work properly
Fri, 14 Apr 2017 03:06:28 GMT
- ColorPicker: Update the entire control whenever any part is updated
- DatePicker: Restore focus when exiting picker.
- Regression Tests: Button and checkbox
- CommandBar: Render items with submenus as interactive buttons, even if they don't have an onClick handler
- DatePicker: Fix for long lables and Calendar icon
- PeoplePicker: Textfield cursor fix in edge
- Fix alignment issues for unselectable items in DetailsList
- DatePicker: Persist selected date across re-renders
- FocusZone: filtered out keypresses in input fields from triggering actions
- Tag picker: Fix for margin in overflow
Wed, 12 Apr 2017 16:04:37 GMT
- Improved keyboard and screen reader support for the Facepile control. Added aria-describedby to FocusZone control.
- Dropdown: Add ability to open and close via space bar.
- Details List: Fixes clipped buttons inside of list cells
- Dropdown: Prevent the chevron icon from being read by screen readers.
- CommandBar: Support hrefs in command bar item
- DetailsList: no longer renders a horizontal scrollbar if a vertical scrollbar appears.
- Facepile: Fixed firefox bug where explicit sizes were needed on persona buttons
- MessageBar: Adds borders in HighContrast mode
- Fix CSS issue in ChoiceGroup in IE11
- People Picker: Fix issue in IE11 where long names were not properly truncated
- PeoplePicker: Have the suggestions list follow the cursor instead of always being aligned left to input box
- TextField: Fix positioning of icon
- Toggle: Adding min width to inner container.
- Dialog: Add close button to non-blocking variants
- Pivot: Fix ariaLabel prop for PivotItem
- Pivot: Add div native props to PivotItem
- CommandBar: Remove aria-disabled="true" for disabled menu items
Sat, 08 Apr 2017 03:18:28 GMT
- ContextualMenu: adding in onMenuOpened callback
Fri, 07 Apr 2017 03:14:49 GMT
- VisualTesting: Fixed npm start by moving visual test page from index.html to visualtestindex.html
Thu, 06 Apr 2017 03:12:13 GMT
- Adding in visual regression testing
- MessageBar: Multiple message bars will have proper margins to seperate them
- Panel: Fixed selector bug that broke extraLarge panel
- TagPicker: Fix for long tags.
Wed, 05 Apr 2017 03:50:41 GMT
- ProgressIndicator: support for aria-valuetext
- BasePicker:
method was incorrectly assuming the wrong parameters. Changed method tocomponentWillUpdate
as intended. Also addressing some focus issues by moving theFocusZone
to be hosted outside of theSelectionZone
. - GroupedList: Allow header/footer customization of nested groups
Tue, 04 Apr 2017 20:08:53 GMT
- Panel: adding
property and PanelType.custom value to support custom panel widths.
- Updating fabric dependencies to use ranges.
Tue, 04 Apr 2017 15:18:51 GMT
- In components which expose a public API such as
which implementsIDropdown
, to access the exact interface we've exposed acomponentRef
property on all components. This property replaces typicalref={ c => this._component = c }
usage, as componentRef is guaranteed to access the public contract of the component regardless of the higher-order component or decorator wrapping it. If you are accessing the public API of a component, replace yourref
usage withcomponentRef
Tue, 04 Apr 2017 03:12:41 GMT
- Removing TypeScript files from being binplaced within the lib folder.
- ToolTip: fix for long tips
Sat, 01 Apr 2017 03:12:59 GMT
- Dialog: Removed IE9 lineheight hacks so that lineheight wouldn't affect internal components
Thu, 30 Mar 2017 21:04:29 GMT
- Overlay: disabling body scroll on show to prevent scrolling under the overlay.
- DocumentCard: Personas rendered within look correct.
Wed, 29 Mar 2017 19:43:19 GMT
- DocumentCard: Persona import was not AMD friendly.
Wed, 29 Mar 2017 18:15:29 GMT
- FocusZone: Adding support for default browser behavior when pressing alt + a key.
- Chaning scss imports to use typescript
instead ofrequire
so that lib-amd build actually imports via AMD require and not commonjs require. - PeoplePicker: Adding changes for multiple selection onChange
Wed, 29 Mar 2017 15:10:15 GMT
- ChoiceGroup: Update styles
Wed, 29 Mar 2017 03:18:50 GMT
- ChoiceGroup: adding
to provide a way to control selection, other than to micromanage thechecked
boolean in individual options. - Persona: Added a 28px size
- DocumentCardActivity: Changes made to fix the default color to Persona
Tue, 28 Mar 2017 16:11:18 GMT
- DetailsList & List: Use getKey as items render key
Tue, 28 Mar 2017 03:05:36 GMT
- DetailsList: Implement Drag Drop support
- Router: tweaked some of the logic to render component as a fallback if getComponent doesn't immediately return a value.
- TextField: Fix examples and comments
Fri, 24 Mar 2017 20:25:07 GMT
- Recreated npm publish. It seems that the current published bits are not reflecting the focus mixin, which is busting some focus css styling. Trying to pinpoint why some machines seems to produce
border: 1px solid color
vs others that leave off thepx
in the unit.
Fri, 24 Mar 2017 04:26:48 GMT
- ContextualMenu: onItemClick prop added
- CommandBar: Fixes ugly focus border when clicked (Chrome/Mac)
- Callout: preventDismissOnScroll prop added and set to default false
- Contextual Menu: Made change to allow arrow keys to loop over item
- Panel: Title text updated with correct lineheight and removed overflow styles
Thu, 23 Mar 2017 03:13:02 GMT
- Button: Updated props to include contextualProps so that contextual menu could be passed to button
- Calendar: Adding support for date ranges: day, week, month so when a user selects a date, the corresponding range is auto-selected. Adding a new prop to hide the today link. Adding a new prop to auto navigate to to the next/previous month if the user selects a date that falls outside the current month. Also fixing some minor styling issues around focused date so it plays nicely with range selection.
- TextField: Accessibility fixes for error message
- TooltipHost: CalloutProps type fixed, and mixed properly in Tooltip
- Popup: It now passes triggering KeyboardEvent to onDismiss handler
Wed, 22 Mar 2017 03:18:05 GMT
- ContextualMenu: Fix an issue where anchor item would not display ellipses properly on overflow.
- Dropdown: Added class to dropdown label and dropdown container so that they can be targeted with css
- ContextualMenu: Remove role='menuitem' for child element for LI in ContextualMenu
Tue, 21 Mar 2017 03:20:12 GMT
- Nav: Fixing an issue where the default expand state for a group was not initialized correctly, resulting in having to click multiple times to collapse a group.
- Facepile has an excess margin of 4px below it which needs to be removed. It also uses float's which is pretty retro!
Fri, 17 Mar 2017 18:01:45 GMT
- DetailsList: header sizing fixed (was a css selector tweak that caused the issue.) Also added
to IColumn to specify an iconName like "Mail". TheiconClassName
property is still preserved, but is piped into the className of the Icon component.
Fri, 17 Mar 2017 03:05:52 GMT
- ChoiceGroup component: Distinguishes HC border from focus border, removes double stroke, refactors to use common mixin
- List: Add aria list role
Thu, 16 Mar 2017 03:05:54 GMT
- DocumentCard: Add aria role and keyboard handling
- Panel: Added sticky footer section and broke each panel region into seperate onRender fucntion.
- FocusZone: Spacebar no longer scrolls page when in focuszone or selectionzone, and acts as selecting action
- DetailsList: headers now have the correct font applied and use a transparent background to fix the IE11 styling, which doesn't like "inherit".
- TextField: Fix for multiple onChanged calls
Wed, 15 Mar 2017 03:06:37 GMT
- DetailsList: adding
callback which wil execute when a column is being resized.
Tue, 14 Mar 2017 03:15:10 GMT
- PeoplePicker: Add rendering overrides
- TextField component: hiding -ms-clear pseudo-element for bug #1216
Sat, 11 Mar 2017 04:11:58 GMT
- Pivot: selected underline is now visible in high contrast mode.
Fri, 10 Mar 2017 20:41:04 GMT
- Dropdown: Adding a required property which will be passed into the Label.
- Adjusting React peer dependency to include v16.0.0-0 in the acceptable range for testing with v16.
Fri, 10 Mar 2017 16:16:07 GMT
- Dropdown: Updates the
attribute based on disabled state.
Thu, 09 Mar 2017 22:06:44 GMT
- Breadcrumb: Implement onRenderItem
Thu, 09 Mar 2017 16:17:07 GMT
- CommandBar: Set aria-disabled="true" for disabled menu items
- Dropdown - Remove aria-activedescendant when not dropped
- MessageBar - Fix timeout issue
Thu, 09 Mar 2017 06:33:00 GMT
- No changes, required republish.
Thu, 09 Mar 2017 06:11:07 GMT
This pull request converts ALL components over to use module css. What does this mean?
- All classnames, such as ms-Button, will now be obfuscated to be unique.
- Pages that host multiple versions of the same component will not stomp on each other and will be safe.
- All existing class names are left intact, so current customizations should not break.
Going forward, we will adhere to using local scoped module rules specifically to avoid breaking ourselves when multiple versions. Additionally we are evaluating a much more robust and contractual way of defining our styles.
Problems that still exist:
- You must rely on class names to customize, and if those class names change, your customizations are broken.
- Specificity of our rules is an implicit contract that is easy to break. It is often unclear and partners usually give up early fighting the specificity war and use
to stomp on it, which is not ideal. If a partner does use "more specific" rules today, tomorrow they many not be specific enough. - RTL rules in particular are very specific. When something that was once not RTL specific is changed to RTL, it becomes implicitly more specific, and thus breaks specificity contract.
- The bundles themselves have a lot of duplicate css. Because we generate rtl rules and theme tokens at build time rather than at runtime, we must download extra code, which bulks up the download size.
- Fabric core rules, which we implicitly rely on, are a hard thing to chase. If your page depends on core 6, and you're also using react components, you will find bugs. We'd like to eliminate this dependency so that it is reliable and contractual to use components. If you use a
, it should animate without depending on fabric-core css to be loaded.
We are planning to address these and evaluating library options. Issue being tracked here: #983
- Button: the
property used to be meant to render text within the button, but it overlaps with the htmllabel
attribute. Whilelabel
will still exist, it will now push content into the button label attribute, and we've added atext
property to allow for a formal way of defining the textual content displayed within the button. Passing in a child string to the button will still work, buttext
wil - IContextualMenuItemProps: the
property can now be passed through to apply styling to menu items.
Thu, 09 Mar 2017 00:16:39 GMT
- BaseButton:
is now correctly mixed in withprops
. Please note thatrootProps
is deprecated and should not be used, but this fix simply ensures that the deprecated backwards compatibility works. - fix base picker shift + tab resolving the people, should move focus instead.
Wed, 08 Mar 2017 04:07:13 GMT
- Updated facepile button to use BaseButton so it inherits all the base button styles
Fri, 03 Mar 2017 16:09:20 GMT
- TextField: fix onchanged trigger issue
- Assume images are portraits until proven otherwise
Thu, 02 Mar 2017 04:10:04 GMT
- Pivot: support custom rendering for pivot links
- Persona: adding a flag to avoid the fade in of images persona thumbnails.
- Persona: Make it possible to have pink backgrounds.
- FocusTrapZone: Fixed a scenario where multiple instances would fight over focus.
- Dialog: empty aria attributes if no subtext is provided
Wed, 01 Mar 2017 20:31:22 GMT
- Persona: previous published version was referring to an old utilities library without the getInitials utility function. Updating to this build will pull the correct utilities version which should fix the build error.
- Toggle - support for aria attributes, fix button type
Tue, 28 Feb 2017 16:10:27 GMT
- TextField - Option to supress validation on load
Tue, 28 Feb 2017 04:07:31 GMT
- Panel: minor css fix for the close button to ensure it receives clicks correctly.
- TextField: Fixed IE10 documentation input change behavior
- Updating Link props so that we can use Object spread syntax
Sat, 25 Feb 2017 04:11:32 GMT
- move aria-sort attr of detailsList headerColum to the right place
- Persona: Improve default manner of abbreviating non-Latin names.
Thu, 23 Feb 2017 04:11:45 GMT
- Dropdown: Updated dropdown component to be composed of several onRender functions, and for render container to use panel under medium breakpoint
- TextField - Allow aria attributes override
Tue, 21 Feb 2017 16:15:42 GMT
- Deprecation of SpinnerType in favor of more semantic SpinnerSize. Extra small, small and medium variants added.
- Dialog: Accessibility fix for confirmation dialogs
- Return suggested items to original padding values, add display block to fix following space due to inline-block
- Support to pass id to TextField and Toggle
- Fix keyboard focus order in MessageBar
Tue, 21 Feb 2017 04:15:21 GMT
- Fixed issues with drag/drop after item refresh.
Mon, 20 Feb 2017 16:07:02 GMT
- Aligning Breadcrumb to design guidance and fix for chevron position at smaller breakpoints
Thu, 16 Feb 2017 16:06:51 GMT
- DatePicker: Makes props optional, sets default props for strings
- MessageBar: now allows dismiss action for single line messages.
Thu, 16 Feb 2017 04:04:41 GMT
- GroupedList: Added
flag toIGroup
for rendering a plus character for groups that have indeterminate counts.
Wed, 15 Feb 2017 18:10:58 GMT
- In order to protect customers that bundle 2 different versions of the same component on the page, we are moving the rules defined by fabric components to CSS modules. This first change only affects the
components, which have been updated to scope their rules inside of hash-safe class names. No existing class names (ms-Toggle
for example) have been removed, so any customer customizations should continue to work as expected. This means if you render an old v1 Toggle with a new v2 Toggle compoennt, their class definitions will not conflict.
Tue, 14 Feb 2017 20:57:58 GMT
- Dropdown: uncontrolled dropdowns now correctly set the selected item as expected. Test coverage added.
Tue, 14 Feb 2017 04:12:27 GMT
- Checkbox: reducing border width to 1px.
Mon, 13 Feb 2017 08:15:53 GMT
- Changes to Checkbox Props and ChoiceGroup Props to support StrictNullChecks
- Updating package.json dependencies to exclude typings packages.
Sat, 11 Feb 2017 04:10:39 GMT
- ColorPicker: adding
property to hide the alpha slider.
- Breadcrumb: Fixed keyboard activation of items
- Dropdown: update selectedIndex when options change
- ChoiceGroup: Adding ability to use Icons
- Button: Fix various bugs in button styling particularly to do with disabled states.
- FacePile, Persona: Reverted changes to title attribute from #875
- Panel: animation no longer styled fixed, which was causing issues downstream with opening it.
Wed, 08 Feb 2017 05:10:53 GMT
- Moved all examples from this package into a separate app, so that we can fix imports in the code examples to be the correct imports.
Tue, 07 Feb 2017 20:34:17 GMT
- Panel: onDismiss correctly called now before animation starts.
Tue, 07 Feb 2017 01:57:25 GMT
- Button: removing vertical-align top which was causing alignment problems.
Sat, 04 Feb 2017 04:05:32 GMT
- Image: Now correctly loads SVG images in Edge.
- Pickers and Popup: Fixed a bug where having a picker in a dialog could cause the dialog to be dismissed on escape press
Sat, 04 Feb 2017 00:27:49 GMT
- BaseButton: Resolving an issue where Buttons would not render children.
Fri, 03 Feb 2017 19:02:12 GMT
- Updated all enums to use explicit numbers
- Fixing Facepile imports to be AMD friendly
Fri, 03 Feb 2017 04:10:11 GMT
- Button: major css cleanup, refactoring out BaseButton so that variants are cheap to build from bytes perspective.
- Dropdown: changes to include id and ariaLabel
- List: allow scrolling invidual items into view
- Router: adding support for asynchronously loading components via the
prop in the<Route>
component. - Dialog: new
callback added to be called when the dismiss animation is complete. - Panel: new
callback added to be called when the dismiss animation is complete. - Persona: Added new xxs Persona size. Fixed broken presence icons in high contrast mode.
- Facepile: Updated to be able to use new xxs size for Persona.
- BasePickerBelow: add support for focuszone innerkeystroke"
- ContextualMenu:
is now properly handled as expected. - Breadcrumb: Change item to render as span if it doesn't have onClick
- PeoplePicker: Improve demo page and the way menuitembelow works
- TextField: minor code cleanup, added ITextField interface and documentation.
Wed, 01 Feb 2017 04:04:05 GMT
- Breadcrumb: Fix hover style to match OneDrive
- CommandBar: Add hover state to ms-CommandBarItem
Tue, 31 Jan 2017 17:04:31 GMT
- CommandBar: no longer throws nullref in dismiss handling.
Tue, 31 Jan 2017 01:16:17 GMT
- Fixing utility import to be AMD friendly.
- Documentation: Update component pages "Also available in" link to point to new JS site
Sat, 28 Jan 2017 04:09:51 GMT
- Command Bar: context menus stay open after update if the open menu is still in the new props. Also, propagates most properties from subMenuProps to opened ContextualMenus
Fri, 27 Jan 2017 04:09:14 GMT
- Callout: Add back in animations
- Dropdown: now supports a custom option renderer.
Thu, 26 Jan 2017 16:10:53 GMT
- ColorPicker: now is AMD friendly and uses local typesafe utilities that will be built with the rest of the code.
- ContextualMenu: keydown events now call preventDefault to prevent the browser from doing unnecessary things.
- SelectionZone: clicking in a non-interactive area clears selection only within the scrollable parent area. This refines the clear behavior slightly.
- Dropdown: screen reader now will read out the current selected option on first focus of dropdown with an option selected.
- Pivot: state updates may be asynchronous, and it should not rely on this.state for calculating the next state.
Thu, 26 Jan 2017 04:03:12 GMT
- Button: Restored Hero variant and added normal button as an alias of default. Fixes issues introduced in #811
Wed, 25 Jan 2017 04:11:36 GMT
- DetailsList: onItemContextMenu now works as expected.
- List: add 'scrollToIndex' method
- Update Button Component to use individual varient components rather than buttonType property
- Breadcrumb: Fix focus rect by removing outline from .ms-Breadcrumb-itemLink on focus state.
Tue, 24 Jan 2017 16:20:54 GMT
- Image: Load state is erroneously set as loaded when changing the src prop
- MessageBar: fix first time message annoucement
Tue, 24 Jan 2017 04:11:19 GMT
- ToolTip: Dismiss tooltip on scroll
Sat, 21 Jan 2017 04:06:35 GMT
- PeoplePicker: personas now correctly truncate when the input field is too small.
- Pickers: Fixed a bug where you could not delete multiple selected items"
- Suggestions: Fixed an error which would occur if noResultsFound string was not passed to suggestions"
Fri, 20 Jan 2017 04:03:22 GMT
- ContextualMenu: fix bug where an icon would have ms-icon--undefined in it's classname'
Thu, 19 Jan 2017 04:08:35 GMT
- DetailsList: adding
attribute for overriding the default behavior of clearing selection when clicks occur on non-focusable targets (body, spans, etc).
Thu, 19 Jan 2017 00:12:21 GMT
- ChoiceGroup: onChanged deprecated and replaced with onChange
- Persona: Hide the initials if the provided photo successfully loads
Mon, 16 Jan 2017 21:57:33 GMT
- Icon: -BREAKING CHANGE- Change IconName from an enum to type to greatly reduce file size. Any component that is currently consuming the icon enum will break.
- Most utilities have moved to
. If you refer directly to things like/lib/utilities/autobind
you will now need to pull them directly from that package, or from theoffice-ui-fabric-react/lib/Utilities
top-level import which should continue to work as expected. We are planning to split up more chunks of Fabric into smaller packages that can imported separately, but will also continue to maintain theoffice-ui-fabric-react
package and its top-level imports.
- Dropdown: Add className prop to component
- DetailsRow: Change width to 100% to fix GroupedList component not extending to parent container's width
Sat, 14 Jan 2017 04:10:15 GMT
- ChoiceGroup and CheckBox: Added props to set a custom 'name' attribute on rendered elements.
- Button: Set the icon button's width correctly in Safari.
- Added defined width to ms-Persona-imageArea so that the DOM width of the control reflects the true width of the content
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 04:05:19 GMT
- DetailsList: Only prevent text selection in multiple selection mode
- Dropdown: Avoid calling stopPropagation on pressing escape if the dropdown is not expanded
Thu, 12 Jan 2017 04:06:30 GMT
- ContextualMenu: added in submenuIconProps to specify how the submenuIcon looks
- Pivot: Add icon to PivotItem
- New component: Rating
- Positioning/Callout: Can now set a fixed edge so the callout does not flip.
- Image: Changes to src are now respected.
- DetailsList: when adding new items in a grouped DetailsList scenario, the group is no longer recreated.
- Dialog: Removing deprecated rootProps usage for the close button.
- Persona: Set an explicit height for the image area and image.
- Persona now has a default way of generating initials and colors
- Pivot: Fix a11y - duplicate tabIds, aria-controls linking
- TextField: aria-describedby is only set when a description is available.
Wed, 11 Jan 2017 04:04:04 GMT
- Fixed blur event inside Popups
Tue, 10 Jan 2017 16:17:33 GMT
- TextField: Misses keystroke in IE11 when validation is in progress
Tue, 10 Jan 2017 04:09:41 GMT
- Persona: Truncates long lines of text
- Image: Add a prop to fit the image's frame to the parent element. Recompute the cover style when image changes, even if no width or height is provided.
Sat, 07 Jan 2017 04:06:13 GMT
- ContextualMenu: Added header item so that the ContextualMenu can now have headers
- Nav: add className to allow styling
- TextField: Validate only on focus or Blur
- SearchBox: Remove line-height to show correct cursor size in iOS
- ContextualMenu: Now returns null if no items are provided rather than rendering an empty callout
- FocusZone: Changed focus and focus zone to respect when data-is-focusable attribute is false
- Fix the prescribed use of submenuProps.items for CommandBar items
- Link: focus border is now positioned correctly when the link spans multiple lines.
Thu, 05 Jan 2017 04:07:37 GMT
- Add 'focus' method to SearchBox component
- Add optional selectedKey to Pivot
- Altered css so that ContextualMenu does not have scrollbar in IE
- Contextualmenu now correctly passes bounds to callout
- TextField: Multiline now respects rows attribute.
Wed, 04 Jan 2017 19:05:07 GMT
- Made lots of improvements to autofill
- Icon: Add support for Image Sheet using Icon
- adding 'enter' key to select pivot item.
- TextField enhancement - auto adjust height
- adding screenreader for dropdown when not expanded
- Pivot: state updates may be asynchronous
- Fixed location of deprecated props
- Fix for color picker not responding to prop changes
- Fixed a bug where if no width was passed into a column there would be a nan error thrown.
- Bug fix for interface parser where all fields are marked deprecated
- [ChoiceGroup][A11y]:Use aria-label instead of aria-description for choice group choice.
- Fixed TextField clip issue
- When computing a cover style for the Image component, if the width and height props aren't provided it will now measure the element. The Image component now extends from BaseComponent to more safely handle refs.
- Fixed typo in change log
- [DropDown][A11y] Remove aria-controls label for drop down.
Fri, 23 Dec 2016 04:04:09 GMT
- fixed an issue where the beak would not reposition
- Fixed an issue where the tooltip would quickly remove itself if the tooltip target was entered from the direction of the tooltip's position
Wed, 21 Dec 2016 16:04:44 GMT
- Pass defaultRender parameter to DetailsList onRenderRow prop.
- Adding css so that contextualmenu properly sizes for long text
- Including the "target" property in the Link component.
- Layer used node/element.remove() which is not present in ie. This change has it use parentnode.removeChild(childnode) instead
Sat, 17 Dec 2016 04:05:00 GMT
- Calendar: handle invalid starting dates
- fixes panel jump in chrome and safari
Sat, 10 Dec 2016 04:05:34 GMT
- Fix text color of primary button on focus
- Focus: IE will now return false for elements that are not tabbable.
Fri, 09 Dec 2016 04:06:51 GMT
- Layer/LayerHost: Now supports React context passing through. Also all Layers not nested within a LayerHost will be positioned fixed as currently, but will not be if nested within a LayerHost.
- Adding icon enum
- Dropdown: The
attribute now gets set correctly on the .ms-Dropdown div container. - Slider: adding up/down/home/end support.
Wed, 07 Dec 2016 04:07:11 GMT
- Pivot: Add space between text and count (if used) for PivotItem. Also fixes rtl display of text and count.
- Persona: remove unneeded width property from .ms-Persona-detail
Mon, 05 Dec 2016 20:20:56 GMT
- DetailsList/SelectionZone: selection is no longer cleared when clicking on DIVs that have
tabIndex >= 0
Mon, 05 Dec 2016 04:02:30 GMT
- Callout: Updating dismiss logic to be less sensitive to focus change on render.
- CommandBar: added
max-width: 100%
to prevent horizontal scroll scenarios. - Updating project dependencies.
- DatePicker: now renders correctly when scrolled down in Safari.
- ContextualMenu: submenus now expand correctly again.
- SelectionZone: removing infinite loop.
- ContextualMenu: Allow users to specify FocusZone direction on ContextualMenus.
- ContextualMenu: the
property has been deprecated in favor of providingsubMenuProps
. - SelectionZone: now supports data-selection-disabled flag to disable selection event handling at a particular place in the DOM.
- Button: Hover styles now render correctly.
- Dropdown: Fixing an issue causing Safari to avoid opening the items in scroll cases.
- Updates the link to the asset license and clarifies that it covers both fonts and icons
- Dropdown: removing horizontal overflow.
- CommandBar: now uses
component. - Nav: now accepts
from props (if provided) as truth to derive selected link.
- Dropdown: disabled now respects changes passed in.
- Dropdown: removing horizontal overflow.
- Button: Reduce specificity of selectors for Button modifier classes.
- Callout: dismiss now correctly passes event args to onDismiss.
- Dropdown: now only updates state when props are actually changed.
- TextField: defaultValue no longer provides a warning.
- LayerHost: Changing default LayerHost to render on a fixed position high zindex surface. Fixing a bug in the logic of determining if focus moves should cause Callout to dismiss (it shouldn't if the focused element is the callout target.) Removing max height from Dropdown ul/li.LayerHost: default host now renders on fixed high z-index surface.
- DatePicker: factored out a Calendar component and moved the picker portion to render in a Callout.
- DetailsList: clicking on an empty area of the page should clear the selection.
- Persona: now shows correct presence status if presence is not provided.
- Toggle:
property is now optional, and the labels within the toggle will not render if no text is provided.
- Callout: Deprecate
in favor oftarget
, which takes an Element, a MouseEvent, or a string selector. This makes it a lot easier to use Callout for pointing to a target without setting up refs and potentially having timing issues.
- Choicegroup: Now turns all choices disabled when
flag is set. - Image: now adjusts correctly with width/height changes.
- Icon: Adding
value toIconName
to support custom icons. - Slider:
now added by the default to thumb button. Also added thumbButtonProps for mixing in settings on the thumb button.
- Updates the CDN references to point to the new CDN location.
- Nav: adding support for
- Nav: adjusting selection band to be themePrimary.
- Facepile: updating default behavior.