The Checkbox
component allows a user to choose between two mutually exclusive options.
Toggle: should be a separate component because it has different anatomy & warrants unique themability.
Indeterminate/Tri State: should support groups with hierarchical checkboxes where the parent checkbox can be in a mixed state if its children checkboxes aren't all checked (and if they are all checked, then the parent is checked; same if they are all unchecked, then the parent is unchecked).
Note about the Stardust example: there's some weirdness with how the theme providers are interacting with each other, the Stardust checkbox's styling is messing up as a result.
Fabric Checkbox docs
Stardust Checkbox docs
Open UI Checkbox docs
Material UI Checkbox docs
BaseUI Checkbox docs
Chakra Checkbox docs
Carbon Checkbox docs
AntD Checkbox docs
FastDNA Checkbox docs
TODO: Consult the prop wizard to derive consistently defined props.
Name | Type | Default value |
Name | Type | Notes |
ariaDescribedBy | string | |
ariaLabel | string | |
ariaLabelledBy | string | |
ariaPositionInset | number | |
ariaSetSize | number | |
boxSide | 'start' or 'end' | default 'start' |
checked | boolean | |
checkmarkIconProps | IIconProps | |
className | string | |
componentRef | IRefObject | |
defaultChecked | boolean | |
defaultIndeterminate | boolean | |
disabled | boolean | |
indeterminate | boolean | |
inputProps | React.ButtonHTMLAttributes | |
keytipProps | IKeytipProps | |
label | string | |
onChange | (ev, checked) => void | |
onRenderLabel | IRenderFunction | |
styles | IStyleFunctionOrObject<ICheckboxStyleProps, ICheckboxStyles> | |
theme | ITheme |
Name | Type | Notes |
accessibility | Accessibility | |
animation | AnimationProp | |
as | React.ElementType | default type is "div" |
checked | boolean | default false |
className | string | |
defaultChecked | boolean | default false |
design | ComponentDesign | |
disabled | boolean | default false |
icon | ShorthandValue | {} |
label | ShorthandValue | |
labelPosition | enum (Values: start, end) | "end" |
onChange | ComponentEventHandler | |
onClick | ComponentEventHandler | |
styles | ComponentSlotStyle | |
toggle | boolean | default false |
variables | any |
Name | Type | Notes |
accessibility | Accessibility | |
animation | AnimationProp | |
as | React.ElementType | default type is "div" |
ariaDescribedBy | string | |
ariaLabel | string | |
ariaLabelledBy | string | |
ariaPositionInSet | number | if checkbox is in a set, should be up to the user to provide a11y |
ariaSetSize | number | |
boxSide | 'start' or 'end' | default 'start' |
checkmarkIconProps | IIconProps | |
componentRef | IRefObject | |
defaultIndeterminate | boolean | |
indeterminate | boolean | |
inputProps | React.ButtonHTMLAttributes | |
keytipProps | IKeytipProps | |
labelPosition | enum (Values: start, end) | "end" |
onRenderLabel | IRenderFunction | |
onClick | ComponentEventHandler | |
theme | ITheme | |
toggle | boolean | default false |
variables | any |
Name | Type |
ariaDescribedBy | string |
ariaLabel | string |
ariaLabelledBy | string |
as | keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements |
checked | boolean | 'mixed' |
className | string |
defaultChecked | boolean |
disabled | boolean |
label | string |
name | string |
onChange | (ev: Event, value: boolean) => void |
labelPosition | start or end |
Note: rtl, styles, and theme come from compose or the ThemeProvider. And name has been added to support checkbox in form scenarios.
Removing the following two props because the ARIA spec dictates role='checkbox' doesn't need aria-posinset and aria-setsize. These are only valid for role='option' which is only in the case the checkbox is a part of a listbox, which is not something we need to account for in the base component API. If the user does need to provide these two props, slotProps could be used to apply additional props to any slot.
Name | Concern |
ariaPositionInset | if checkbox is in a set, should be up to the user to provide a11y |
ariaSetSize | same as above |
Name | To transition or not? | Property transitioned? | Breaking change? | Codemod/Shim created? |
ariaDescribedBy |
User provided | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
ariaLabel |
User provided | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
ariaLabelledBy |
User provided | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
ariaPositionInSet |
Won't be transitioned | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
ariaSetSize |
Won't be transitioned | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
boxSide |
No; labelPosition | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
checked |
Yes - native | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
checkmarkIconProps |
No | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
className |
Yes - native | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
defaultChecked |
Yes - native | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
disabled |
Yes - native | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
keytipProps |
Yes - redesign | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
label |
Yes - native | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
onChange |
Yes - native | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
onRenderLabel |
No; shorthand | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
styles |
TBD | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
theme |
TBD | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
Props being removed:
ariaPositionInSet and ariaSetSize - when writing parent component, user should set these on the checkbox.
Name | Considerations |
root | label |
input | actual checkbox element - what gets checked/unchecked |
icon | visual checkmark, sideways if indeterminate |
box | wraps input & icon - what actual gets the styling |
TODO: indeterminate state icon - need consensus on what this should look like
General considerations:
Only use as toggle between two mutually exclusive options (binary) or in a group with shared context to offer multiple options.
Uncontrolled vs. controlled: implemented in the prototype already through useControlledState React hook. Indeterminate state: When children checkboxes aren't checked, don't check parent checkbox.
Could consider supporting an invalid state/error state but this might just be supported via styling that's passed in by the user and done through compose.
<label class="checkbox-root">
<div class="box">
<input class="checkbox" role="checkbox" aria-checked"false" aria-label="Fluent checkbox">
<i class="icon"></i>
<div class="ms-Checkbox-checkbox">
aria-label="Unchecked checkbox (uncontrolled)"
<label class="ms-Checkbox-label label-227" for="checkbox-268">
<div class="ms-Checkbox-checkbox checkbox-228">
<i data-icon-name="CheckMark" aria-hidden="true" class="ms-Checkbox-checkmark checkmark-231"> </i>
<span aria-hidden="true" class="ms-Checkbox-text text-230">Unchecked checkbox (uncontrolled)</span>
class="ui-checkbox dd ol om gz de nb on cd oo op cb oq ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp or os ot ou hu hv hw hx ov ow ox oy ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im oz pa pb pc ir is it iu pd pe pf pg lu ph pi pj pk"
class="ui-icon ck cb ca jm pl pm pn po pp pq pr ba bb bc bd do dp jy jz ps pt pu pv pw px gu jo gw py pz qa qb ui-checkbox__indicator"
<svg role="presentation" focusable="false" viewBox="8 8 16 16" class="cz ql qm da cw">
class="ui-icon__outline cy"
d="M14.3 21.3c-.1 0-.3 0-.4-.1l-4.8-4.8c-.2-.2-.2-.5 0-.7s.5-.2.7 0l4.4 4.4 7.9-7.9c.2-.2.5-.2.7 0s.2.5 0 .7l-8.3 8.3s-.1.1-.2.1z"
d="M23.5 11.875a.968.968 0 0 1-.289.711l-8.25 8.25c-.192.193-.43.289-.711.289s-.519-.096-.711-.289l-4.75-4.75a.965.965 0 0 1-.289-.711c0-.125.027-.25.082-.375s.129-.234.223-.328a.953.953 0 0 1 .695-.297c.135 0 .266.025.391. 4.047 7.539-7.547a.886.886 0 0 1 .32-.215c.125-.049.255-.074.391-.074a1.004 1.004 0 0 1 .922.625.97.97 0 0 1 .078.375z"
<span class="ui-text cz qk ui-checkbox__label" dir="auto">Make my profile visible</span>
<label class="MuiFormControlLabel-root">
class="MuiButtonBase-root MuiIconButton-root jss264 MuiCheckbox-root MuiCheckbox-colorSecondary jss265 Mui-checked MuiIconButton-colorSecondary"
<span class="MuiIconButton-label">
<input type="checkbox" class="jss267" value="checkedA" data-indeterminate="false" checked="" />
<svg class="MuiSvgIcon-root" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation">
d="M19 3H5c-1.11 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.89 2 2 2h14c1.11 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.89-2-2-2zm-9 14l-5-5 1.41-1.41L10 14.17l7.59-7.59L19 8l-9 9z"
<span class="MuiTouchRipple-root"></span>
<span class="MuiTypography-root MuiFormControlLabel-label MuiTypography-body1">Secondary</span>
Aria spec:
Fluent UI HIG:
Use aria-disabled
. Screenreaders should let users know of the existence of the checkbox but it should be read-only. Ignore all events & no change to checked
value allowed.
indicates whether element is checked (true
) or unchecked (false
) but can also be mixed
which represents a tri-state (indeterminate) input in a situation with a group of other elements that have a mixture of checked and unchecked values.
Mixed state checkbox represents a checkbox that can support a partially checked state. If none of the checkboxes in a set are checked, the mixed state checkbox isn't checked (and if all are checked then so is the mixed state) but if the set contains a mix of checked and unchecked boxes, then the tri-state is appropriate so aria-checked
will be set to mixed
. Here's an example:
Focus indicators should not show in mouse or touch interaction; they should only appear when keyboard tabbing/directional keystrokes are pressed, and should disappear when mouse/touch interactions occur.
Key | Description |
Tab | Moves keyboard focus to the checkbox. |
Space | Toggles checkbox between checked and unchecked states. |
should change the styling of checkbox to hovered state (preview what it looks like to be toggled but not full styling - checkmark, but not background color for example as in current Fabric 7 checkbox).mouseleave
should change the styling of checkbox back to non-hovered state (so remove the preview of checked state)mousedown
toggle statemouseup
apply styling of new state
Same behavior as above except no preview of toggled state through hover.
From accessibility point of view the main difference is in type of element used for Checkbox itself:
Fluent UI has
element with type="checkbox" -
Fluent UI Northstar has
element with role="checkbox"Verification with screen reader doesn't show any differences between these two approaches, everything was working as expected.
- two-state checkbox
- tri-state checkbox
- disabled
- should render the native element using the
prop, defaulting todiv
- should mix in native props expected for the element type defined in
Input slot:
- receives
representing checkbox state - receives
representing disabled checkbox
A visible label referenced by the value of aria-labelledby
(id of element containing the label) set on the element with role checkbox
If there's additional static text representing that is descriptive, aria-describedby
should be set to id of element containing the description.
set on the element with role checkbox
, aria-labelledby
: Describe what is the purpose of the checkbox, latter points to id of element with former.
Both Fluent and Teams themes and other custom themes will be made with compose and the design tokens specified below. Screenshots of themed variants will be posted here soon after that work is done like the example code below.
The Checkbox
uses react-texture
to provide a recomposable implementation that has no runtime performance penalties. The BaseCheckbox
implementation can be used to provide new slots
and default props
const FooCheckbox = BaseCheckbox.compose({
tokens: {},
styles: {},
slots: {}
render() {
<FooCheckbox defaultChecked={true} onChange={console.log("checkbox clicked!")}>
This renders as a checkbox
</FooCheckbox >
Tokens represent the general look and feel of the various visual slots. Tokens feed into the styling at the right times in the right slot.
Regarding naming conventions, use a camelCased name following this format:
{slot}{property}{state (or none for default)}
. For example:labelSizeHovered
.Common property names:
Common states:
Name | Considerations |
boxBorderColor | |
boxBorderRadius | |
boxBorderWidth | |
boxColor | |
boxColorDisabled | |
boxColorFocused | |
boxColorHovered | |
boxColorPressed | |
boxSize | |
labelColor | |
labelColorDisabled | |
labelColorFocused | |
labelColorHovered | |
labelColorPressed | |
labelSize | |
iconColor | |
iconColorDisabled | |
iconColorFocused | |
iconColorHovered | |
iconColorPressed | |
iconSize |
NOTE! Stardust does not follow this convention. Their Checkbox currently uses these tokens:
background: string
disabledBackground: string
disabledBackgroundChecked: string
toggleBackground: string
toggleBorderColor: string
toggleIndicatorColor: string
toggleIndicatorSize: string
checkedBackground: string
checkedBorderColor: string
checkedBackgroundHover: string
checkedIndicatorColor: string
checkboxCheckedColor: string
checkboxToggleCheckedBackground: string
disabledToggleBackground: string
gap: string
borderColor: string
borderColorHover: string
checkboxColor: string
checkboxToggleCheckedBorderColor: string
checkedTextColor: string
disabledColor: string
disabledBorderColor: string
disabledToggleBorderColor: string
disabledCheckboxColor: string
disabledToggleIndicatorColor: string
disabledCheckedIndicatorColor: string
textColor: string
textColorHover: string
indicatorColor: string
Won't really look or behave differently in context of different phone/tablet/desktop sizes - as in different sizes would not cause this component to look or behave differently.
The Checkbox
component may be used within a Form
component by providing the name prop to indicate the name of the input element to be fed into the form action. Example:
TODO: If this component represents a selected value, how will that be used in an HTML form? Is there a code example to illustrate?
TODO: Is it possible this component could be rendered in a focus zone? If so, should the focus model change in that case?