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This package contains examples and documentation site content for @fluentui/react v8 and related packages, including @fluentui/react-charting and @fluentui/react-experiments.

Each folder under src is the unscoped name of a package, containing examples and documentation content for that package. For example, content for @fluentui/react is under src/react.

The examples under react (plus react-focus) are used on the public documentation site via apps/public-docsite, and via apps/public-docsite-resources.

The other packages' examples are only used for local development and on the PR deploy site (here for master).


Examples were originally moved here to resolve circular dependency issues back when we were trying to split @fluentui/react into smaller component packages before the v8 release, and during early development of v9 prior to changes in the typescript configuration. (This was with a typescript configuration with strict dependency declaration and package boundaries, rather path resolutions that allow examples/stories to import from any component package even if it's not a dependency.) For example, the goal was to allow Button's examples to use Toggle without introducing a dependency on the toggle package in the button package.

Since we mostly didn't end up splitting packages in v8, and went with a different approach for v9, the only package where the circular dep issue is relevant now is @fluentui/react-focus. Otherwise, the examples could theoretically be moved back into component packages.

Local development


To start Storybook for @fluentui/react, run:

yarn workspace @fluentui/react start

The same command works for any other package with examples located under this folder; just be sure to use the full package name.

Legacy demo app

To start the legacy demo app for @fluentui/react, run:

yarn workspace @fluentui/react start:legacy

This also works with @fluentui/react-charting and @fluentui/react-experiments.


Structure of package documentation folders

src/azure-themes doesn't follow this convention.

Within each package folder, usually each sub-folder contains the examples and documentation site content for a particular component (or occasionally a category of components, such as Pickers).

For example, src/react/Panel contains examples and docs for @fluentui/react's Panel component.

src/react-charting and src/react-experiments also have a demo sub-folder with legacy demo app configuration.

File naming conventions

src/azure-themes is not subject to these constraints.

  1. Example/story files: <ComponentName>.<ExampleName>.Example.tsx

    • By convention, the exported component's name should match the file name.
    • For example: Panel.Basic.Example.tsx should export a function component or class component called PanelBasicExample.
  2. Documentation metadata file:

    • If your example is missing from this file, it won't show up in the public doc site or legacy demo app (as applicable)!
    • For react and react-focus: <ComponentName>.doc.tsx
    • For react-charting and react-experiments: <ComponentName>Page.tsx
  3. additional documentation within doc folder written in markdown: doc/*.md

Dependency graph for public docs and legacy demo app for @fluentui/react:

flowchart TD

subgraph "@fluentui/react-examples"
RED["{ComponentName}.doc.tsx"] --> RESF["{ComponentName}.{ExampleName}.Example.tsx"];

PB("@fluentui/public-docsite") --> RED
PBR("@fluentui/public-docsite-resources") --> RED

Storybook execution from v8 package

flowchart TD

subgraph "@fluentui/react start storybook"

SB("run storybook") --> SBRE("storybook setup in @fluentui/react-examples") --compile and render--> RESF["{ComponentName}.{ExampleName}.Example.tsx"];
