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Icon override provider for Fluent UI React

This component is used for providing overrides to the icons in @fluentui/react-icons-mdl2. This provider does not affect legacy icons or their overrides (initializeIcons and registerIcons from @fluentui/font-icons-mdl2).

Below is an example of how to override an icon:

import { IconProvider } from '@fluentui/react-icon-provider';
import { IIconSubset } from '@fluentui/style-utilities';
import { FilterIcon } from '@fluentui/react-icons-mdl2';

const FakeIcon = () => (
  <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 2048 2048" width="2048" height="2048">
    <path d="M1472 0q40 0 75 15t61 41 41 61 15 75v1664q0 40-15 75t-41 61-61 41-75 15H448q-40 0-75-15t-61-41-41-61-15-75V192q0-40 15-75t41-61 61-41 75-15h1024zm64 1856V192q0-26-19-45t-45-19H448q-26 0-45 19t-19 45v1664q0 26 19 45t45 19h1024q26 0 45-19t19-45zM512 1024V256h896v768H512zm128-640v512h640V384H640zM512 1792v-640h896v640H512zm128-512v384h640v-384H640z" />
const override: IIconSubset = {
  icons: {
    FilterIcon: <FakeIcon />,

const OverriddenFilterIcon = () => (
  <IconProvider icons={override}>
    <FilterIcon />

ReactDOM.render(<OverriddenFilterIcon />, document.body.firstChild);