This package contains imports to various tools used (eg, via //go:generate
) within the hcsshim repo,
allowing them to be versioned and ensuring their dependencies match what the shim use
(specifically for auto-generated protobuf code).
Calls to go run <cmd/import/path>
(or //go:generate go run <cmd/import/path>
) for go executables
included here will use the version specified in go.mod
and build the executable from vendored code.
Using a dedicate package prevents callers who import
from including these
tools in their dependencies.
Based on golang guidance.
To add a new dependency, add a _ "cmd/import/path"
to tools.go
, and then tidy and vendor the repo.
In general executables used in auto-generating code (eg, protobuild
, protoc-gen-go-*
, and co.), or testing
(eg, gotestsum
, benchstat
) should be included here.