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Microsoft Ignite Learning Path, Train the Trainer materials: Modern Data Warehouse (Data)


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Ignite Learning Paths - Modern Data Warehouse

Learning Path Session


The content of this repository is available for you so you can reproduce any demo or learn how to present any session of the Learning Path presented at Microsoft Ignite and during Microsoft Ignite The Tour, in your local field office, a community user group, or even as a lunch-and-learn event for your company.

Do the Demos

If you are here to reproduce a demo in the comfort of your home/office, go in in the section Sessions. In each session you will find deployment instructions, to create the environment you need, and a tutorial to do the demo step by step.

Presenting the content

We're glad you are here and look forward to your delivery of this amazing content. As an experienced presenter, we know you know HOW to present so this guide will focus on WHAT you need to present. It will provide you a full run-through of the presentation created by the presentation design team.

Along with the video of the presentation, this repository will link to all the assets you need to successfully present including PowerPoint slides and demo instructions & code.

About this Learning Path:

Intelligent decision making through modern data warehousing

Data is the greatest asset to a company in the process of intelligent decision making. How is my business performing? How do I get more insights to turn from a reactive approach to a pro-active and predictive scenario? TailWind Traders, is driving the digital transformation by breaking the barriers caused by data silos, and building an analytics solution. In this learning path you’ll about the journey of building out an analytics solution through modern data warehousing as a core engine to provide intelligent decision making.


Here are all the sessions available in the learning path Intelligent decision making through modern data warehousing (aka: DATA)

Tailwind Traders, like many other companies is driving digital transformation to get actionable insights from their data. To drive business impact and intelligent decision making, they are taking advantage of a modern data warehouse to build a cloud-scale analytics solution.

To build their analytics solution, Tailwind Traders needs to derive insights from a variety of data sources. Tailwind Traders uses Azure Data Factory to create data pipelines for data ingestion in preparation for analytics.

Tailwind Traders, deals with the core issue of having to connect and relate multiple data sources. In order to be able to prepare the data for reasoning and analysis, data requires transformation and enrichment.

Tailwind Traders data loading lends itself to a variety of data ingestion methods, each uniquely identified by the shape or structure of the data. In this session you’ll discover data loading best practices and how to optimize for parallel loads into a cloud data warehouse.

To ensure optimal performance of their analytics solution and deliver insights to the entire organization, TailWind Traders implements best practices to maximize scale and throughput.


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Microsoft Ignite Learning Path, Train the Trainer materials: Modern Data Warehouse (Data)



MIT, MIT licenses found

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