dom0_kernel_installer: generate initramfs and use PARTUUID
dom0_kernel_installer: generate initramfs and use PARTUUID
Force push
updating the xdp tools version to v1.5.2
updating the xdp tools version to v1.5.2
changes as per Black and Flake8
changes as per Black and Flake8
running specific namespaces
running specific namespaces
adding step to check if skip test works
adding step to check if skip test works
adding some debugging steps
adding some debugging steps
ch_tests_tool: support using pmem for ch block tests
ch_tests_tool: support using pmem for ch block tests
Force push
ch_tests_tool: support using pmem for ch block tests
ch_tests_tool: support using pmem for ch block tests
Force push
ch_tests_tool: support using pmem for ch block tests
ch_tests_tool: support using pmem for ch block tests
Force push
dom0_kernel_installer: generate initramfs and use PARTUUID
dom0_kernel_installer: generate initramfs and use PARTUUID
add doc for using docker images
add doc for using docker images
Force push
add doc for pulling docker images
add doc for pulling docker images
Force push
add doc for pulling docker images
add doc for pulling docker images
Force push
add doc for pulling docker images
add doc for pulling docker images
Force push
add doc for pulling docker images
add doc for pulling docker images
Force push
add doc for pulling docker images
add doc for pulling docker images
Force push
doc for docker images
doc for docker images
Force push
adjusting the copy sequence
adjusting the copy sequence
Increasing the default timeout for LTP Suite
Increasing the default timeout for LTP Suite
ch_tests_tool: support using pmem for ch block tests
ch_tests_tool: support using pmem for ch block tests
dom0_kernel_installer: generate initramfs and use PARTUUID
dom0_kernel_installer: generate initramfs and use PARTUUID
Redhat GPU Suite: Update prerequiste package
Redhat GPU Suite: Update prerequiste package
Hibernation Log Check: Fallback to journalctl
Hibernation Log Check: Fallback to journalctl
Force push
updating the list of test suites executed in ltp lite
updating the list of test suites executed in ltp lite