Releases: microsoft/lisa
Releases · microsoft/lisa
What's Changed
- handle the situation when extension has been installed by @LiliDeng in #3431
- Fix extension in 'updating' status issue by @LiliDeng in #3433
- io_uring support by @SRIKKANTH in #3419
- mshv: fix before_case in mshvlog_is_active test by @praveen-pk in #3423
- Enable premium v2 disk for Azure by @sharsonia in #3425
- DpdkPerf: add dpdk version to test info by @mcgov in #3439
- Marked fio test case to be skipped by @r-dailey in #3441
- Remove SecurityProfileType.Standard from CVM images by @kamalca in #3438
- updated lscpu commands by @r-dailey in #3442
- add scripts_execution_transformer by @LiliDeng in #3435
- add azure credential schema for different authentication by @paxue in #3443
- skip unsupported architecture and distro version by @LiliDeng in #3444
- change the config file name for dhclient and dhcpcd by @LiliDeng in #3445
- Fix untyped feature settings by @squirrelsc in #3447
- Allow File share creation with Access key with default false by @shekharsorot in #3449
- DpdkTestpmd: Installation path cleanup by @mcgov in #3426
- Fix bug for wget when force_run is false and log file has been deleted by @LiliDeng in #3436
- fix vulnerabilities reported in S360 by @lesscodingmorehappiness in #3414
- Regex to fix mount issue by @r-dailey in #3454
- Fix AttributeError: 'RemoteNode' object has no attribute 'features'. by @LiliDeng in #3451
- doc: add lisa case training data. by @squirrelsc in #3446
- Enable deployment of Premium file share, enable SMB2.0 support by @shekharsorot in #3459
- runbook: fix combinator cannot change included file names. by @squirrelsc in #3458
- Standardize CpuArchitecture enum by @mcgov in #3456
- azure runbook: add sig and community image supports by @squirrelsc in #3462
- ip_service_tag by @kamalca in #3455
- add logic to _assert_status_file_result by @feng-j678 in #3461
New Contributors
- @shekharsorot made their first contribution in #3449
Full Changelog: 20240923.1...20241007.1
What's Changed
- Set env var for bzImage for CH tests by @smit-gardhariya in #3404
- Add device passthrough support for libvirt/hyperv platforms by @smit-gardhariya in #3379
- Hibernation: Log uptime and resume offset by @adityagesh in #3403
- Replace initrd img and Add kernel config as optional parameter to transformer 'dom0_binaries' by @smit-gardhariya in #3405
- Make test criteria case-insensitive by @kamalca in #3406
- Fix libvirt for mariner if already present by @smit-gardhariya in #3410
- Azure_hyperv transformer by @SRIKKANTH in #3402
- Hibernation Cleanup: Start VM only if it is Deallocated by @adityagesh in #3409
- set default value to avoid missing credential exception by @LiliDeng in #3408
- Added FreeBSD specifics to by @r-dailey in #3407
- tool: add mono to allow users to run .NET application across various platforms. by @LiliDeng in #3401
- Restrict dpdk22 usage only to susu 15 sp5 by @kanchansenlaskar in #3412
- address pkg mgm failure is not longer set status to failed by @feng-j678 in #3413
- Updating test case logic to check if netsvc_module exists by @umfranci in #3418
- add retry_on_deployment by @LiliDeng in #3417
- Fix test issues on mariner 3.0 by @LiliDeng in #3427
- Update AzureMonitorAgentLinux extension name by @simathih in #3430
- lsvmbus: the source of lsvmbus change to use python3 by @LiliDeng in #3428
- Updates to address Semver value errors in verify_device_rss_hash_key_change by @umfranci in #3429
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 20240902.1...20240923.1
What's Changed
- Moved user password support to execute_async() for running test case by @paulli2017 in #3381
- Downgrading test cases priority for security. by @LiliDeng in #3384
- Fix docker config for Cloud-Hypervisor tests by @smit-gardhariya in #3387
- Add gallery images and versions delete actions for AITL clean up job by @lubaihua33 in #3388
- save_console_log: catch ChunkedEncodingError by @LiliDeng in #3386
- Minimal shell: honor full chain of hooks, on either minimal entry point by @glima in #3377
- file notifier: change the encoding to resolve UnicodeEncodeError error by @LiliDeng in #3389
- exclude case generic/680 for security reason by @LiliDeng in #3390
- Fix KVM Unit test result parsing by @smit-gardhariya in #3391
- Fix libvirt community test by @smit-gardhariya in #3393
- Fix test cases for Azure Linux 3.0 by @bhagyapathak in #3392
- add test cases priority by @LiliDeng in #3394
- Add some permissions for AITL for VM resize, extension test cases by @lubaihua33 in #3396
- Use default_factory to initialize ConnectionInfo by @LiliDeng in #3395
- Support for detecting VMware ESXi system by @LiliDeng in #3400
New Contributors
- @bhagyapathak made their first contribution in #3392
Full Changelog: 2024081...20240902.1
What's Changed
- Account the new kernel config for kexec by @0xba1a in #3355
- Added FreeBSD Date class by @r-dailey in #3356
- remove check service principal key requirement logic by @paxue in #3361
- Marked L3 cache test as unsupported by @r-dailey in #3366
- Get dmesg log for MSHV IOCTL tests by @smit-gardhariya in #3365
- Blacklist hyperv_fb in grub cmdline by @kanchansenlaskar in #3363
- Filter out ANSI characters by @kamalca in #3360
- VirtualClient - add perf_redis and perf_postgresql by @LiliDeng in #3353
- add one more gpu type for STANDARD_NV6ads_A10_V5 by @LiliDeng in #3368
- Johnf/address 1604 assertion by @feng-j678 in #3357
- Default numa node count to 1 if exception by @kanchansenlaskar in #3369
- get identity id: try to read from os environment by @LiliDeng in #3364
- waagent: support finding python/waagent in /usr on Flatcar by @jepio in #3312
- Tools: Fix Echo and improve Modprobe by @pupacha in #3372
- Verify Hibernation: Add check using uptime by @adityagesh in #3371
- Johnf/address vmguestinternalerror by @feng-j678 in #3370
- Added KLDLoad and updated modprobeBSD by @r-dailey in #3374
- Support retry failed case by redeploy a new enironment by @squirrelsc in #3375
- echo: fix regression issue when use single quotes in file by @LiliDeng in #3376
- add mariner1 to unsupported list by @feng-j678 in #3378
- Use subscription client to find the sub id for a storage account by @lubaihua33 in #3362
- Johnf/modify assert status logic by @feng-j678 in #3382
- Updated EthtoolBSD get_device_enabled_features by @r-dailey in #3380
- skip test cases which depends on blob public access by @LiliDeng in #3383
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 20240729.1...2024081
What's Changed
- add use shell, to make sure tool path is available by @LiliDeng in #3347
- Hibernation: Fix Max disks testcase by @adityagesh in #3346
- Perform CPU pinning for ntttcp if more than one numa nodes by @kanchansenlaskar in #3350
- Add subscription in SigTransformerSchema to cover that vhd is in other sub by @lubaihua33 in #3348
- Johnf/skip unsupported images by @feng-j678 in #3352
- skip mariner3 and add timeout to wait_operation() by @feng-j678 in #3354
- Allow max_data_disk_count to work with maximize_capability by @kamalca in #3351
- Install AZL3 packages for QEMU platform by @smit-gardhariya in #3358
- Set userland-proxy as false for azure-linux-3 by @smit-gardhariya in #3359
Full Changelog: 20240715.1...20240729.1
What's Changed
- Hibernation: Enable for Bsv2 by @adityagesh in #3328
- StartStop use_public_address by @kamalca in #3334
- set disk_controller_type for checking scsi disk timeout case by @LiliDeng in #3332
- updated msg_level test case with an unsupported_os by @r-dailey in #3335
- gpu: remove the nvidia modules to release the GPU devices in used. by @LiliDeng in #3339
- Johnf/fix 1804 assertion by @feng-j678 in #3333
- add install from artifact support for ltp by @paxue in #3336
- replace deprecated centos7 repo by @LiliDeng in #3340
- retry to run nvidia-smi with sudo by @LiliDeng in #3341
- quick fix for list out of range error by @feng-j678 in #3342
- Availability Zones use Standard IP by @kamalca in #3343
- fix install meson and ninja-build packages on oracle by @LiliDeng in #3345
- Add method to increase os partition for Redhat LVM by @adityagesh in #3338
- Add subscription in vhdSchema to support that vhd is in another subsc… by @lubaihua33 in #3329
- skip run dhclient if it doesn't exist by @LiliDeng in #3349
- add set_kill_user_processes by @LiliDeng in #3344
Full Changelog: 20240701.1...20240715.1
What's Changed
- modify cloud-init error pattern by @rmhsawyer in #3320
- gpu: change download link by @LiliDeng in #3321
- Explicitly set availability type value by @kamalca in #3322
- remove support for ol images by @LiliDeng in #3323
- Tool to check supported hugepagesize and fix in dpdk tests while mounting with 1G hugepage size by @kanchansenlaskar in #3314
- remove dependency of storage account by @LiliDeng in #3324
- Fix verify_serial_console failed due to lack of auth by @squirrelsc in #3325
- serial console: remove unused token by @LiliDeng in #3326
Full Changelog: 20240617.1...20240701.1
What's Changed
- libvirt_tck_tool: Increase timeout for Reboot by @pupacha in #3309
- Fixes Authentication failure to fileshare by @adityagesh in #3311
- Explicitly specify default parameter names by @LiliDeng in #3310
- tests: Add docker/dmesg logs in after_case for CLH test by @smit-gardhariya in #3313
- update bvt test for KVVM Ext by @lanbofang in #3308
- add tags for azure resources by @LiliDeng in #3315
- Azure file share: change cases priority into 5 by @LiliDeng in #3316
- Downgrading cases which needs storage accounts key priority from 3 to 5 by @LiliDeng in #3318
- SecurityProfileType: shared gallery image secureboot is TrustedLaunch by @LiliDeng in #3317
New Contributors
- @lanbofang made their first contribution in #3308
Full Changelog: 20240603.1...20240617.1
What's Changed
- update requests version for fixing vul item by @lesscodingmorehappiness in #3304
- Add some actions for AITL role definition by @lubaihua33 in #3306
- Small change to docs by @kamalca in #3307
- fix test skip issue for SCSI disk controller type when it is gen2 image by @LiliDeng in #3305
Full Changelog: 20240528.1...20240603.1
What's Changed
- Fix dpdk version format check regex pattern by @kanchansenlaskar in #3299
- upgrade pillow version for vul item by @lesscodingmorehappiness in #3300
- Raise exception in wget when timeout and increase timeout for wget in mshv stress test by @pupacha in #3301
- add logic to skip test for unspported images by @feng-j678 in #3276
- storage account: set allow_shared_key_access as false when create new storage accounts by @LiliDeng in #3302
- Revert Architecture Type key by @kamalca in #3303
Full Changelog: 20240521.1...20240528.1