Releases: microsoft/lisa
Releases · microsoft/lisa
What's Changed
- Add environment core stats feature by @lubaihua33 in #3256
- use user delegation sas token by @LiliDeng in #3293
- Hibernation: Add support for Esv5 and Ebdsv5 family by @adityagesh in #3294
- access shared gallery image across subscriptions by @LiliDeng in #3292
- use azure-identity 1.17.0b1 by @LiliDeng in #3295
- rust_vmm_mshv: git clone mshv crate with a ref from a variable by @NunoDasNeves in #3296
- Add Image Feature Requirements by @kamalca in #3255
- Boot diagnostics: enable with managed storage account by @LiliDeng in #3297
- remove arm_template.json by @LiliDeng in #3298
New Contributors
- @NunoDasNeves made their first contribution in #3296
Full Changelog: 20240513.1...20240521.1
What's Changed
- feat: Implement mshv_install test to verify Linux Dom0 boot against fresh Hyper-V bins by @Camelron in #3262
- mdatp: Add noexec workaround by @mcgov in #3279
- Add MSHV check for VDPA device config for CLH Integration Test by @smit-gardhariya in #3290
- Use dpdk22 and dpdk22-devel for SUSE by @kanchansenlaskar in #3291
- add_cloud_init_test by @rmhsawyer in #3289
New Contributors
- @Camelron made their first contribution in #3262
- @rmhsawyer made their first contribution in #3289
Full Changelog: 20240506.1...20240513.1
What's Changed
- Remove Infiniband on_before_deploy by @kamalca in #3271
- Delete AMA extension at start in case its already installed by @simathih in #3285
- Fixing nic initialization for freebsd nodes by @r-dailey in #3280
- VMAccess Fix - Add user to wheel group in Mariner 2.0 before running 'su' by @mayankdaruka-msft in #3288
Full Changelog: 20240429.1...20240506.1
What's Changed
- enable community gallery image by @LiliDeng in #3245
- Add test to check and log mdatp install/config info by @mcgov in #3231
- perfdump notifier: update default path name as perf_results.json by @LiliDeng in #3263
- Fix test verify_vmbus_devices_channels for CVM by @kanchansenlaskar in #3264
- Add VDPA device configuration for CLH test by @smit-gardhariya in #3267
- specify parameters names explicitly by @LiliDeng in #3266
- Added hot add disks at random lun testcases by @SRIKKANTH in #3242
- virtstack: Add parameter for cache to run CLH block per test by @smit-gardhariya in #3268
- mshv test: correct snp flag by @smit-gardhariya in #3269
- Downgrade the case priority for its instability by @LiliDeng in #3270
- M2VHD: Fix kernel params on ARM by @kamalca in #3265
- Mask SMB credentials by @frmunozp in #3278
- DPDK: Skip failsafe test on MANA by @mcgov in #3246
- mariner: install perf tool from kernel-tools by @LiliDeng in #3273
- iperf - exclude non json part from output by @LiliDeng in #3275
- fix xfs fail, add upload result when timeout by @paxue in #3274
- add logic to assert truncation logic by @feng-j678 in #3272
- adding comment for exclude xfs generic/738 by @paxue in #3283
- perf tool installation fix for bookworm by @kanchansenlaskar in #3284
- Configure Udev rules only if data disks are attached. by @SRIKKANTH in #3282
- Initialize package before adding repo for SUSE image to avoid system … by @lubaihua33 in #3281
Full Changelog: 20240415.2...20240429.1
Full Changelog: 20240415.1...20240415.2
Full Changelog: 20240401.1...20240401.2
What's Changed
- bicep: use correct parameter name by @LiliDeng in #3243
- tool: ado_artifact_download by @LiliDeng in #3213
- azure_sig: specify disk controller types for new image definitions by @olshanov in #3250
- Skip libpciaccess-devel installation for aarch64 image by @kanchansenlaskar in #3254
- Marked test case as unsupported. by @r-dailey in #3252
- Marked two network settings tests as unsupported by @r-dailey in #3253
- Remove '%s' because this way could not match the secret_list by @lubaihua33 in #3247
- Include templog in LisaException message for Wget by @kanchansenlaskar in #3259
- modify regex in to fit more cases by @lesscodingmorehappiness in #3260
- support NVME disks > 9 by @SRIKKANTH in #3258
- Add AzureCVMAttestationTestSuite for azure CVM by @VENNELA2132 in #3228
- ignored_features includes case requirement features and excluded_features by @LiliDeng in #3261
- notifiler: enable json notifier by @LiliDeng in #3257
New Contributors
- @olshanov made their first contribution in #3250
- @VENNELA2132 made their first contribution in #3228
Full Changelog: 20240401.2...20240415.1
What's Changed
- update verify_os_partition_identifier to support CVM by @lesscodingmorehappiness in #3234
- fix ssh key not found by @realsdx in #3239
- Upgrade paramiko by @squirrelsc in #3233
- Updated the chrony reset command for FreeBSD by @r-dailey in #3240
- Updated ntp reset commmand for FreeBSD by @r-dailey in #3241
- Fix serial disk add testcase logic by @SRIKKANTH in #3232
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 20240329.1...20240401.1
What's Changed
- Fix/change max duration 4h by @feng-j678 in #3235
- Skipping a testcase as it is not supported on the BSD os by @r-dailey in #3237
- mariner 3.0: fix compile issue for xdpdump by @LiliDeng in #3238
Full Changelog: 20240327.1...20240329.1
What's Changed
- add required RP permissions for by @paxue in #3226
- updated pip install for freebsd by @r-dailey in #3214
- Add fix to avoid bash prompt check more times when having no echo cmd by @lubaihua33 in #3221
- verify_azure_network_watcher: support mariner new version by @LiliDeng in #3227
- add assess_patch test by @feng-j678 in #3217
- tool: AzureBlobOperator by @LiliDeng in #3207
- wget tool: get download path from log file by @LiliDeng in #3230
- Add/install patches test by @feng-j678 in #3229
- updated verify_timesync_ntp to use freebsd specifics by @r-dailey in #3222
New Contributors
- @feng-j678 made their first contribution in #3217
Full Changelog: 20240320.1...20240327.1