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File metadata and controls

180 lines (125 loc) · 7.41 KB

It's often there are multiple ways of doing the same thing. That's why we have this guideline. This is not about which is correct/wrong. It is for aligning us to the same direction.

Scope the impact to minimal

If you want to change some setting, please try to scope down the impact to be local.

  • Prefer target_include_directories to include_directories
  • Prefer target_compile_definitions to add_definitions
  • Prefer target_compile_options to add_compile_options
  • Don't touch the global flags like CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS

For example, to add a macro definition to one VC project, you should use target_compile_definitions, not the add_definitions.

Static library order matters

First, you should know, when you link static libraries to an executable(or shared library) target, the order matters a lot. Let's say, if A and B are static libraries, C is an exe.

  • A depends B.
  • C depends A and B.

Then you should write

target_link_libraries(C PRIVATE A B)


target_link_libraries(C PRIVATE B A)  #Wrong!

On Windows, the order of static libraries does matter if a symbol is defined in more than one library.
On Linux, it matters when one static library references another.

So, in general, please always put them in right order (according to their dependency relationship).



project(test1 C CXX)

add_library(test1 STATIC test1.c)
add_library(test2 STATIC test2.c)
add_executable(test3 main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test3 PRIVATE test1 test2)


#include <stdio.h>

void foo(){
  printf("hello foo\n");


#include <stdio.h>

extern void foo();

void foo2(){
  printf("hello foo2\n");


#include <iostream>

extern "C" {
  extern void foo2();

int main(){
  return 0;

Then when you build the project, it will report

/usr/bin/ld: libtest2.a(test2.c.o): in function `foo2':
test2.c:(.text+0xa): undefined reference to `foo'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

But if you change

target_link_libraries(test3 PRIVATE test1 test2)


target_link_libraries(test3 PRIVATE test2 test1)

It will be fine.

Or if you change the two libraries to shared libs, build will also pass.

Don't call target_link_libraries on static libraries

You could do it, but please don't.

As we said before, library order matters. If you explicitly list all the libs in one line, and if some libs were in wrong position, it's easy to fix.

However, if any static lib was built with target_link_libraries,

  • First you should know ,there is no link step for a static lib
  • Second, once you hit the ordering problem, it would be harder to fix. Because many of the deps were implicit, and their position would be out of our control.

Every linux program(and shared lib) should link to libpthread and libatomic

In Linux world, there are two set of pthread symbols. A fake one in the standard c library, and a real one in If the real one is not loaded while the process was starting up, then the process shouldn't use multiple threading because the core part was missing.

So, We append "Threads::Threads" to the lib list of every shared lib(.so,.dll) and exe target. It's easy to get missed. If it happened, the behavior is undefined.

Another related thing is: if std::atomic was in use, please also add the atomic lib there. Because some uses of std::atomic require linking to libatomic. see

NOTE: However, in rare cases, even you told linker to link the program with pthread, sometimes it doesn't listen to you. It may ignore your order, cause issues. see protocolbuffers/protobuf#5923.

Don't use the "-pthread" flag directly.


  1. It doesn't work with nvcc(the CUDA compiler)
  2. Not portable.

Don't bother to add this flag to your compile time flags. On Linux, it's useless. On some very old unix-like system, it may be helpful, but we only support Ubuntu 16.04.

Use "Threads::Threads" for linking. Use nothing for compiling.

CUDA projects should use the new cmake CUDA approach

There are two ways of enabling CUDA in cmake.

  1. (new): enable_language(CUDA)
  2. (old): find_package(CUDA)

Use the first one, because the second one is deprecated. Don't use "find_package(CUDA)". It also means, don't use the vars like:


So, be careful on this when you copy code from another project to ours, the changes may not work.

Basics of cross-compiling

Host System: The system where compiling happens Target System: The system where built programs and libraries will run.

Here system means the combination of

  • CPU Arch: x86_32, x86_64, armv6, armv7, arvm7l, aarch64, …
  • OS: bare-metal, linux, Windows
  • Libc: gnu libc/ulibc/musl/…
  • ABI: ARM has mutilple ABIs like eabi, eabihf…

When "host system" != "target system" (any different in the four dimensions), we call it cross-compiling. For example, when you build a Windows EXE on Linux, or build an ARM program on an x86_64 CPU, you are doing cross-compiling. Then special handling is needed.

For example, while you build the whole code base for the target system, you must build protoc for the host system. And because protoc also depends on libprotobuf, you will need to build libprotobuf twice: for the host and for the target.

Here we focus on what you should know when authoring cmake files.

How to determine the host CPU architecture: on which cmake is running

CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR is the one you should use.

What are the valid values:

  • macOS: it can be x86_64 or arm64. (maybe it could also be arm64e but cmake forgot to document that)
  • Linux: i686, x86_64, aarch64, armv7l, ... The possible values for uname -m command. They slightly differ from what you can get from GCC. This sometimes confuses people: cmake and uname sit in one boat, GCC is in another boat but GCC is closer to your C/C++ source code.
  • Windows: AMD64, ...
  • Android/iOS/...: we don't care. We don't use them as a development environment.

How to determine what CPU architecture(or architectures) you are building for

Linux: Use CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR. When not cross-compiling, you can read this value but please don't set it. This variable has the same value as CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR. When cross-compiling, a CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE should set the CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR variable to match target architecture. But, I used to forgot it and it didn't cause any problem until pytorch cpuinfo was added into onnx runtime as a dependency. For simplicity, let's assume people won't miss it.

macOS: Don't use CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR. First, please check if target property OSX_ARCHITECTURES or CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES was set. Please note it is a list which could contain multiple values, like "arm64;x86_64". Otherwise please useCMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR.

In all cases, possible values are the same as what we talked above(for CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR).

If you have platform-specific code, you can wrap it with conditional compilation macros("#ifdef"). But if you have a file that is solely for one specific cpu architecture without the macros, you need to put it in a separated lib, like libfoo_x86, libfoo_arm64, ...