issues Search Results · repo:microsoft/onnxruntime language:C++
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inmicrosoft/onnxruntime (press backspace or delete to remove)Describe the issue
I m trying using Numpy.NET and ONNXRuntime C# to inference model.
It s actually runs on .NET with result shape(1,3590,768) but in Python is (1,7180,768).
To reproduce
Here is code ...
- Opened 2 hours ago
- #23883
I am trying to convert my model to onnxruntime, and my model itself has been int8 quantized. During the runtime, the
following error occurred NOT_IMPLEMENTED : Could not find an implementation for Add(14) ...
- 2
- Opened 15 hours ago
- #23879
Describe the issue
I have the following simple ONNX model with a single Abs node operating on BF16 tensor.
ir_version: 10
graph {
node {
input: X
output: ...
- 1
- Opened 20 hours ago
- #23875
Describe the feature request
Are there plans to add multi GPU support?
Describe scenario use case
Allow rendering jobs to run across multi GPU systems.
feature request
- Opened 20 hours ago
- #23874
Describe the issue
When an application calls SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_OpenVINO with only the device_type session option and no
other options, the OpenVINO EP automatically tries to open a ...
- Opened 23 hours ago
- #23871
Describe the issue
onnxruntime-qnn :1.20.2
I am using python to profile the models. I have a sample code below :
provider_option = {
backend_path : QnnHtp.dll ,
htp_performance_mode : sustained_high_performance ...
- 3
- Opened yesterday
- #23869
Describe the issue
Preprocess raises an exception in models with negative axis
To reproduce
import onnx
model = onnx.parser.parse_model(
ir_version: 8, opset_import: [ : 20 ]
onnx_mock_model ...
- Opened yesterday
- #23868
Describe the issue
on arm sve256, I inferenced a srgan model with onnxruntime,but found the inference process has consumed a lot of memory.
Specifically, a 1.4M onnx model inference with fp16,consumes ...
- 2
- Opened yesterday
- #23867
Describe the issue
When building with openvino the build does not complete on a undeclared variable.
I guess the change should be to change device_type to default_device, in the code below ...
- Opened yesterday
- #23866

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