Regorus is
- Rego-Rus(t) - A fast, light-weight Rego interpreter written in Rust.
- Rigorous - A rigorous enforcer of well-defined Rego semantics.
Regorus is also
cross-platform - Written in platform-agnostic Rust.
no_std compatible - Regorus can be used in
environments too. Most of the builtins are supported. -
current - We strive to keep Regorus up to date with latest OPA release. Regorus supports
import rego.v1
. -
compliant - Regorus is mostly compliant with the latest OPA release v0.70.0. See OPA Conformance for details. Note that while we behaviorally produce the same results, we don't yet support all the builtins.
extensible - Extend the Rego language by implementing custom stateful builtins in Rust. See add_extension. Support for extensibility using other languages coming soon.
polyglot - In addition to Rust, Regorus can be used from C, C++, C#, Golang, Java, Javascript, Python, and Ruby. This is made possible by the excellent FFI tools available in the Rust ecosystem. See bindings for information on how to use Regorus from different languages.
To try out a Javascript(WASM) compiled version of Regorus from your browser, visit Regorus Playground.
Regorus is available as a library that can be easily integrated into your Rust projects. Here is an example of evaluating a simple Rego policy:
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// Create an engine for evaluating Rego policies.
let mut engine = regorus::Engine::new();
let policy = String::from(
package example
import rego.v1
allow if {
## All actions are allowed for admins.
input.principal == "admin"
} else if {
## Check if action is allowed for given user.
input.action in data.allowed_actions[input.principal]
// Add policy to the engine.
engine.add_policy(String::from("policy.rego"), policy)?;
// Add data to engine.
"allowed_actions": {
"user1" : ["read", "write"],
"user2" : ["read"]
// Set input and evaluate whether user1 can write.
"principal": "user1",
"action": "write"
let r = engine.eval_rule(String::from("data.example.allow"))?;
assert_eq!(r, regorus::Value::from(true));
// Set input and evaluate whether user2 can write.
"principal": "user2",
"action": "write"
let r = engine.eval_rule(String::from("data.example.allow"))?;
assert_eq!(r, regorus::Value::Undefined);
Regorus is designed with Confidential Computing in mind. In Confidential Computing environments, it is important to be able to control exactly what is being run. Regorus allows enabling and disabling various components using cargo features. By default all features are enabled.
The default build of regorus example program is 6.3M:
$ cargo build -r --example regorus; strip target/release/examples/regorus; ls -lh target/release/examples/regorus
-rwxr-xr-x 1 anand staff 6.3M May 11 22:03 target/release/examples/regorus*
When all default features are disabled, the binary size drops down to 1.9M.
$ cargo build -r --example regorus --no-default-features; strip target/release/examples/regorus; ls -lh target/release/examples/regorus
-rwxr-xr-x 1 anand staff 1.9M May 11 22:04 target/release/examples/regorus*
Regorus passes the OPA v0.70.0 test-suite barring a few builtins. See OPA Conformance below.
Regorus can be used from a variety of languages:
- C: C binding is generated using cbindgen. corrosion-rs can be used to seamlessly use Regorous in your CMake based projects. See bindings/c.
- C freestanding: bindings/c_no_std shows how to use Regorus from C environments without a libc.
- C++: C++ binding is generated using cbindgen. corrosion-rs can be used to seamlessly use Regorous in your CMake based projects. See bindings/cpp.
- C#: C# binding is generated using csbindgen. See bindings/csharp for an example of how to build and use Regorus in your C# projects.
- Golang: The C bindings are exposed to Golang via CGo. See bindings/go for an example of how to build and use Regorus in your Go projects.
- Python: Python bindings are generated using pyo3. Wheels are created using maturin. See bindings/python.
- Java: Java bindings are developed using jni-rs. See bindings/java.
- Javascript: Regorus is compiled to WASM using wasmpack. See bindings/wasm for an example of using Regorus from nodejs. To try out a Javascript(WASM) compiled version of Regorus from your browser, visit Regorus Playground.
- Ruby: Ruby bindings are developed using magnus. See bindings/ruby.
To avoid operational overhead, we currently don't publish these bindings to various repositories. It is straight-forward to build these bindings yourself.
examples/regorus is an example program that shows how to integrate Regorus into your project and evaluate Rego policies.
To build and install it, do
$ cargo install --example regorus --path .
Check that the regorus example program is working
$ regorus
Usage: regorus <COMMAND>
eval Evaluate a Rego Query
lex Tokenize a Rego policy
parse Parse a Rego policy
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
First, let's evaluate a simple Rego expression 1*2+3
$ regorus eval "1*2+3"
This produces the following output
"result": [
"expressions": [
"value": 5,
"text": "1*2+3",
"location": {
"row": 1,
"col": 1
Next, evaluate a sample policy and input (borrowed from Rego tutorial):
$ regorus eval -d examples/server/allowed_server.rego -i examples/server/input.json data.example
Finally, evaluate real-world policies used in Azure Container Instances (ACI)
$ regorus eval -b tests/aci -d tests/aci/data.json -i tests/aci/input.json data.policy.mount_overlay=x
Regorus allows determining which lines of a policy have been executed using the coverage
feature (enabled by default).
We can try it out using the regorus
example program by passing in the --coverage
$ regorus eval -d examples/server/allowed_server.rego -i examples/server/input.json data.example --coverage
It produces the following coverage report which shows that all lines are executed except the line that sets allow
to true.
See Engine::get_coverage_report for details. Policy coverage information is useful for debugging your policy as well as to write tests for your policy so that all lines of the policy are exercised by the tests.
Regorus successfully passes the ACI policy test-suite. It is fast and can run each of the tests in a few milliseconds.
$ cargo test -r --test aci
Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.05s
Running tests/aci/ (target/release/deps/aci-2cd8d21a893a2450)
aci/mount_device passed 3.863292ms
aci/mount_overlay passed 3.6905ms
aci/scratch_mount passed 3.643041ms
aci/create_container passed 5.046333ms
aci/shutdown_container passed 3.632ms
aci/scratch_unmount passed 3.631333ms
aci/unmount_overlay passed 3.609916ms
aci/unmount_device passed 3.626875ms
aci/load_fragment passed 4.045167ms
Run the ACI policies in the tests/aci
directory, using data tests/aci/data.json
and input tests/aci/input.json
$ regorus eval -b tests/aci -d tests/aci/data.json -i tests/aci/input.json data.policy.mount_overlay=x
Verify that OPA produces the same output
$ diff <(regorus eval -b tests/aci -d tests/aci/data.json -i tests/aci/input.json data.framework.mount_overlay=x) \
<(opa eval -b tests/aci -d tests/aci/data.json -i tests/aci/input.json data.framework.mount_overlay=x)
To check how fast Regorus runs on your system, first install a tool like hyperfine.
$ cargo install hyperfine
Then benchmark evaluation of the ACI policies,
$ hyperfine "regorus eval -b tests/aci -d tests/aci/data.json -i tests/aci/input.json data.framework.mount_overlay=x"
Benchmark 1: regorus eval -b tests/aci -d tests/aci/data.json -i tests/aci/input.json data.framework.mount_overlay=x
Time (mean ± σ): 4.6 ms ± 0.2 ms [User: 4.1 ms, System: 0.4 ms]
Range (min … max): 4.4 ms … 6.0 ms 422 runs
Compare it with OPA
$ hyperfine "opa eval -b tests/aci -d tests/aci/data.json -i tests/aci/input.json data.framework.mount_overlay=x"
Benchmark 1: opa eval -b tests/aci -d tests/aci/data.json -i tests/aci/input.json data.framework.mount_overlay=x
Time (mean ± σ): 45.2 ms ± 0.6 ms [User: 68.8 ms, System: 5.1 ms]
Range (min … max): 43.8 ms … 46.7 ms 62 runs
Regorus has been verified to be compliant with OPA v0.70.0 using a test driver that loads and runs the OPA testsuite using Regorus, and verifies that expected outputs are produced.
The test driver can be invoked by running:
$ cargo test -r --test opa --features opa-testutil,serde_json/arbitrary_precision
Currently, Regorus passes all the non-builtin specific tests. See passing tests suites.
The following test suites don't pass fully due to missing builtins:
They are captured in the following github issues.
The grammar used by Regorus to parse Rego policies is described in in both W3C EBNF and RailRoad Diagram formats.
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