Settings in the Windows Console Host can be a bit tricky to understand. This is mostly because the settings system evolved over the course of decades. Before we dig into the details of how settings are persisted, it's probably worth taking a quick look at what these settings are.
Name | Type | Description |
FontSize |
Coordinate (REG_DWORD) | Size of font in pixels |
FontFamily |
REG_DWORD | GDI Font family |
ScreenBufferSize |
Coordinate (REG_DWORD) | Size of the screen buffer in WxH characters** |
CursorSize |
REG_DWORD | Cursor height as percentage of a single character |
WindowSize |
Coordinate (REG_DWORD) | Initial size of the window in WxH characters** |
WindowPosition |
Coordinate (REG_DWORD) | Initial position of the window in WxH pixels (if not set, use auto-positioning) |
WindowAlpha |
REG_DWORD | Opacity of the window (valid range: 0x4D-0xFF) |
ScreenColors |
REG_DWORD | Default foreground and background colors |
PopupColors |
REG_DWORD | FG and BG colors used when displaying a popup window (e.g. when F2 is pressed in CMD.exe) |
QuickEdit |
REG_DWORD | Whether QuickEdit is on by default or not |
FaceName |
REG_SZ | Name of font to use (or "DefaultTTFont", which defaults to whichever font is deemed most appropriate for your codepage) |
FontWeight |
REG_DWORD | GDI font weight |
InsertMode |
REG_DWORD | Whether Insert mode is on by default or not |
HistoryBufferSize |
REG_DWORD | Number of history entries to retain |
NumberOfHistoryBuffers |
REG_DWORD | Number of history buffers to retain |
HistoryNoDup |
REG_DWORD | Whether to retain duplicate history entries or not |
ColorTable%% |
REG_DWORD | For each of the 16 colors in the palette, the RGB value of the color to use |
ExtendedEditKey |
REG_DWORD | Whether to allow the use of extended edit keys or not |
WordDelimiters |
REG_SZ | A list of characters that are considered as delimiting words (e.g. `' .-/= |
TrimLeadingZeros |
REG_DWORD | Whether to remove zeroes from the beginning of a selected string on copy (e.g. 00000001 becomes 1 ) |
EnableColorSelection |
REG_DWORD | Whether to allow selection colorization or not |
ScrollScale |
REG_DWORD | How many lines to scroll when using `SHIFT |
CodePage |
REG_DWORD | The default codepage to use |
ForceV2 |
REG_DWORD | Whether to use the improved version of the Windows Console Host |
LineSelection * |
REG_DWORD | Whether to use wrapped text selection |
FilterOnPaste * |
REG_DWORD | Whether to replace characters on paste (e.g. Word "smart quotes" are replaced with regular quotes) |
LineWrap * |
REG_DWORD | Whether to have the Windows Console Host break long lines into multiple rows |
CtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled * |
REG_DWORD | Disables new control key shortcuts |
AllowAltF4Close * |
REG_DWORD | Allows the user to disable the Alt-F4 hotkey |
VirtualTerminalLevel * |
REG_DWORD | The level of VT support provided by the Windows Console Host |
*: Only applies to the improved version of the Windows Console Host
**: WxH stands for Width by Height, it's the fact that things like a Window size store the Width and Height values in the high and low word in the registry's double word values.
Settings are persisted to a variety of locations depending on how they are modified and how the Windows Console Host was invoked:
- Hardcoded settings in conhostv2.dll
- User's configured defaults (stored as values in
) - Per-console-application storage (stored as subkeys of
). Subkey names:- Console application path (with
replaced with_
) - Console title
- Console application path (with
- Windows shortcut (.lnk) files
To modify the defaults, invoke the Defaults
titlebar menu option on a Windows Console Host window. Any changes made in the resulting dialog will be persisted to the registry location mentioned above.
To modify settings specific to the current application, invoke the Properties
titlebar menu option on a Windows Console Host window. If the application was launched directly (e.g. via the Windows run dialog), changes made in the dialog will be persisted in the per-application storage location mentioned above. If the application was launched via a Windows shortcut file, changes made in the settings dialog will be persisted directly into the .lnk file. For console applications with a shortcut, you can also right-click on the shortcut file and choose Properties
to access the settings dialog.
When console applications are launched, the Windows Console Host determines which settings to use by overlaying settings from the above locations.
- Initialize settings based on hard-coded defaults
- Overlay settings specified by the user's configured defaults
- Overlay application-specific settings from either the registry or the shortcut file, depending on how the application was launched
Note that the registry settings are "sparse" settings repositories, meaning that if a setting isn't present, then whatever value that is already in use remains unchanged. This allows users to have some settings shared amongst all console applications and other settings be specific. Shortcut files, however, store each setting regardless of whether it was a default setting or not.
- Modifications to system-created Start Menu and Win-X menu console applications are not kept during upgrade.
Adding a setting involves a bunch of steps - see