Contains react components for the TypeSpec playground.
It can be used as a standalone custom playground with your own libraries or components can be used individually to customize the UI as you see fit.
The stanalone playground provides some vite helpers to make it easy to get started.
In vite.config.ts
import { definePlaygroundViteConfig } from "@typespec/playground/vite";
const config = definePlaygroundViteConfig({
defaultEmitter: "@typespec/openapi3",
libraries: [
// Add any other libraries here. Make sure those libraries are also dependencies of that package.
samples: {
"My sample": {
filename: "samples/my.tsp",
preferredEmitter: "@typespec/openapi3",
links: {
documentationUrl: "<link to your website>",
export default config;
In src/main.tsx
import { registerMonacoDefaultWorkersForVite } from "@typespec/playground";
import PlaygroundManifest from "@typespec/playground/manifest";
import { renderReactPlayground } from "@typespec/playground/react";
import { SwaggerUIViewer } from "@typespec/playground/react/viewers";
// Import styles
import "@typespec/playground/styles.css";
await renderReactPlayground({
emitterViewers: {
"@typespec/openapi3": [SwaggerUIViewer],
Playground react components can be used individually. For the TypeSpec compiler to be working correctly, the following conditions need to be met:
- The libraries MUST be loaded and registered
- The libraries MUST be importable by their name this means an import map must be setup.
- The libraries MUST have been bundled using