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2025.02.14 Release

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@BillyONeal BillyONeal released this 19 Feb 02:27
Β· 205 commits to master since this release

Total port count: 2558

Total port count per triplet (tested):

triplet ports available
x86-windows 2344
x64-windows 2457
x64-windows-release 2458
x64-windows-static 2323
x64-windows-static-md 2374
x64-uwp 1372
arm64-windows 2058
arm64-windows-static-md 2037
arm64-uwp 1337
arm64-osx 2231
x64-osx 2308
x64-linux 2435
arm-neon-android 1719
x64-android 1791
arm64-android 1761

The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:

In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:

Thank you @autoantwort @j-mie and @JavierMatosD !

The following 38 ports have been added:
port version
babl 0.1.110
casadi 3.6.7#1
duckdb 1.2.0
eipscanner 1.3.0
gexiv2 0.14.3
json-glib 1.10.6
libmultisense 6.1.0
liboqs 0.12.0
libshout 2.4.6
lwlog 1.3.0
oscpack 1.1.0
p-ranav-glob 0.0.1
plutosvg 0.0.4#1
plutovg 0.0.12
projectm 4.1.4
sdl3-image 3.2.0
steam-audio 4.5.3#1
suitesparse-amd 3.3.3
suitesparse-btf 2.3.2
suitesparse-camd 3.3.3
suitesparse-ccolamd 3.3.4
suitesparse-cholmod 5.3.0
suitesparse-colamd 3.3.4
suitesparse-config 7.8.3
suitesparse-cxsparse 4.4.1
suitesparse-graphblas 9.3.1
suitesparse-klu 2.3.5
suitesparse-lagraph 1.1.4
suitesparse-ldl 3.3.2
suitesparse-mongoose 3.3.4
suitesparse-paru 1.0.0
suitesparse-rbio 4.3.4
suitesparse-spex 3.2.1
suitesparse-spqr 4.3.4
suitesparse-umfpack 6.3.5
vmaware-vm-detection 2.0
wildcards 1.4.0
winpixevent 1.0.240308001
The following 314 ports have been updated:
port original version new version
abseil 20240722.0 20250127.0
ade 0.1.2d 0.1.2e
air-ctl 1.1.2#2 1.1.2#3
aliyun-oss-c-sdk 3.10.1 3.11.2
amqpcpp 4.3.26 4.3.27
anari 0.10.0 0.12.1
argparse 3.1 3.2
aricpp 1.1.3 1.2.1
arrow 18.1.0 19.0.0#1
asmjit 2024-06-28 2025-01-22
async-mqtt 9.0.2 10.0.0
atk 2.38.0#8 2.38.0#9
autodock-vina 1.2.5#3 1.2.6
awlib 2024-04-06 2024-04-06#1
aws-c-cal 0.8.1 0.8.1#1
azure-data-tables-cpp 1.0.0-beta.5 1.0.0-beta.6
baresip-libre 3.18.0 3.19.0
bgfx 1.128.8808-482 1.129.8866-491
blend2d 2024-07-08 2024-11-23
boost-function 1.86.0 1.86.0#1
botan 3.6.1 3.7.1
buck-yeh-bux 1.10.2 1.11.1
c-ares 1.34.4 1.34.4#1
ceres 2.2.0 2.2.0#1
cgns 4.4.0 4.5.0
clap-cleveraudio 1.2.2 1.2.3
cnats 3.8.2 3.9.2
colmap 3.11.1 3.11.1#2
conjure-enum 1.1.0 1.1.0#1
cpp-httplib 0.18.3 0.18.7
cpuid 0.7.0 0.7.0#1
crashpad 2024-04-11#5 2024-04-11#7
curl 8.11.1 8.12.1
dartsim 6.12.2#3 6.15.0#1
daw-header-libraries 2.114.1 2.118.0
daw-utf-range 2.2.5 2.2.5#1
directx-headers 1.614.1 1.615.0
directx12-agility 1.614.1#1 1.615.0
dv-processing 1.7.9#2 1.7.9#3
eabase 2.09.12#3 2024-08-18
eastl 3.21.12 3.21.23
etcd-cpp-apiv3 0.15.4#1 0.15.4#3
exprtk 2022-01-01#2 0.0.3
fast-float 6.1.6 8.0.0#1
fastdds 3.1.0 3.1.2
fbthrift 2025.01.06.00 2025.02.10.00
fizz 2025.01.06.00 2025.02.10.00
flatbuffers 24.12.23 25.1.21
flecs 4.0.3 4.0.4
flint 2.9.0 2.9.0#1
fluidsynth 2.4.2 2.4.3
folly 2025.01.06.00 2025.02.10.00
freetype-gl 2022-01-17#3 1.0
frugally-deep 0.16.0 0.16.3
g2o 2024-12-14#2 2024-12-14#3
gdal 3.10.0#2 3.10.1#1
gdk-pixbuf 2.42.12#1 2.42.12#2
geogram 1.9.2 1.9.3
glaze 4.2.3 4.4.1
glew 2.2.0#4 2.2.0#5
glibmm 2.78.1 2.80.1
gobject-introspection 1.72.0#8 1.72.0#9
google-cloud-cpp 2.33.0 2.35.0#1
graphene 1.10.8#2 1.10.8#4
grpc 1.68.2 1.70.1
gstreamer 1.24.7#3 1.24.12
gtest 1.15.2 1.16.0
gtk 4.16.3 4.16.3#2
gtk3 3.24.38#1 3.24.43
harfbuzz 10.1.0 10.2.0#2
hypre 2.29.0#1 2.32.0
imgui 1.91.6 1.91.8#2
intel-mkl 2023.0.0#4 2023.0.0#5
itay-grudev-singleapplication 3.5.1 3.5.2
itk 5.4.0#1 5.4.0#2
jasper 4.2.4 4.2.4#1
jhasse-poly2tri 2023-12-27 2023-12-27#1
json-c 2023-08-12 0.18-20240915
jsoncons 1.1.0 1.2.0
jsonnet 0.20.0 0.20.0#1
juce 8.0.4#1 8.0.4#2
kfr 6.0.2 6.0.3
level-zero 1.20.0 1.20.2
lexbor 2.3.0 2.4.0
libassuan 2.5.7 3.0.1
libbson 1.29.2 1.30.0
libcaer 3.3.15#1 3.3.15#2
libdatachannel 0.21.2#1 0.22.4
libdivide 5.1 5.2.0
libdjinterop 0.22.1 0.24.3
libebur128 1.2.6#2 1.2.6#3
libenvpp 1.4.1 1.5.1
libexif 0.6.24#3 0.6.25
libgcrypt 1.10.2 1.11.0
libgit2 1.8.0#1 1.9.0#1
libgwenhywfar 5.6.0#5 5.12.0
libheif 1.19.5#2 1.19.5#3
libjuice 1.5.4 1.5.8
libmagic 5.46 5.46#1
libmaxminddb 1.11.0 1.12.2
libmem 5.0.4 5.0.4#1
libopenmpt 0.7.10 0.7.13
libosmium 2.20.0#1 2.21.0
libpng 1.6.44 1.6.46
libpqxx 7.9.2 7.10.0
librtmp 2019-11-11#4 2024-03-01#1
libssh2 1.11.1 1.11.1#1
libtar 1.2.20 1.2.20#1
libtommath 1.3.0 1.3.0#1
libtorch 2.1.2#9 2.1.2#11
libtorrent 2.0.10 2.0.11
libuv 1.49.2 1.50.0
libxlsxwriter 1.1.8#1 1.2.0
libxslt 1.1.42 1.1.42#1
libzip 1.10.1 1.11.3#1
lilv 0.24.24#1 0.24.26
lionkor-commandline 2.2.0 2.4.2
llfio 2024-09-05 2025-01-13
llgi 2023-12-19 2023-12-19#1
loguru 2.1.0#4 2.1.0#5
luajit 2023-01-04#5 2023-01-04#6
luau 0.651 0.660
lunarg-vulkantools 1.4.304.1
lunasvg 2.4.1 3.1.1
manif 2023-07-17 0.0.5
mbedtls 3.6.1 3.6.2
mdl-sdk 2024.0.4#1 2024.1
mesa 24.0.7#2 24.0.7#3
mimicpp 5 6
miniupnpc 2.3.7 2.3.0
mongo-c-driver 1.29.2 1.30.0
mosquitto 2.0.18 2.0.20
mpi 1#4 1#5
msquic 2.4.7#1 2.4.7#3
mujoco 2.3.2#1 3.2.7
mujs 1.3.5 1.3.6
mvfst 2025.01.06.00 2025.02.10.00
nanobind 2.2.0 2.5.0
nanoflann 1.6.3 1.7.0
neon2sse 2021-09-16 2024-11-24
nlopt 2.8.0 2.10.0
nng 1.9.0 1.10.1
ntf-core 2.1.0#1 2.5.4
numcpp 2.12.1#2 2.14.0
octave 9.3.0 9.3.0#2
oniguruma 6.9.9 6.9.10
onnx 1.16.2#1 1.17.0#1
onnx-optimizer 0.3.19 0.3.19#1
open62541 1.3.15 1.3.15#2
open62541pp 0.16.0 0.17.0
openal-soft 1.24.1 1.24.2
opencv 4.10.0 4.10.0#2
opencv3 3.4.18#17 3.4.20
opencv4 4.10.0#3 4.10.0#5
openjpeg 2.5.2#1 2.5.3
openmpi 4.1.6#1 4.1.7
openssl 3.4.0#1 3.4.1
opensubdiv 3.5.0#2 3.5.0#3
opentelemetry-cpp 1.18.0 1.19.0
opentelemetry-cpp-contrib-version 2024-11-14 2025-02-03
openvino 2024.4.0#6 2025.0.0
openxr-loader 1.0.34#1 1.1.45
orc 2.0.0 2.1.0
osg 3.6.5#25 3.6.5#26
osgearth 3.7 3.7#1
paho-mqtt 1.3.13#1 1.3.14
paho-mqttpp3 1.4.1#1 1.5.0
pango 1.54.0 1.56.1#1
parallel-hashmap 1.4.0 2.0.0
pcl 1.14.1#3 1.14.1#4
pdal 2.8.3 2.8.4
pdal-dimbuilder 2.8.3 2.8.4
phnt 2024-05-22 2025-02-05
poco 1.14.0 1.14.0#2
portaudio 19.7#5 19.7#6
presentmon 2.1.1 2.3.0
protobuf 5.29.2 5.29.3
protobuf-c 1.5.0 1.5.1
protozero 1.7.1 1.8.0
proxy 3.1.0 3.2.0
proxygen 2025.01.06.00 2025.02.10.00
pugixml 1.14 1.15
pulsar-client-cpp 3.5.1#1 3.7.0
python3 3.11.10#1 3.11.11
qca 2.3.7#2 2.3.7#3
qoixx 2022-12-07 0.1.7
qt 6.8.1 6.8.2
qt-advanced-docking-system 4.3.1 4.4.0
qt3d 6.8.1 6.8.2
qt5-webengine 5.15.16 5.15.16#2
qt5compat 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtactiveqt 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtapplicationmanager 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtbase 6.8.1#1 6.8.2#1
qtcharts 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtcoap 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtconnectivity 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtdatavis3d 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtdeclarative 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtdeviceutilities 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtdoc 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtgraphs 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtgrpc 6.8.1 6.8.2
qthttpserver 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtimageformats 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtinterfaceframework 6.8.1#1 6.8.2
qtlanguageserver 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtlocation 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtlottie 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtmqtt 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtmultimedia 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtnetworkauth 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtopcua 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtpositioning 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtquick3d 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtquick3dphysics 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtquickeffectmaker 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtquicktimeline 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtremoteobjects 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtscxml 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtsensors 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtserialbus 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtserialport 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtshadertools 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtspeech 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtsvg 6.8.1 6.8.2
qttools 6.8.1 6.8.2
qttranslations 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtvirtualkeyboard 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtwayland 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtwebchannel 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtwebengine 6.8.1 6.8.2#1
qtwebsockets 6.8.1 6.8.2
qtwebview 6.8.1 6.8.2
quantlib 1.36 1.37
quill 7.5.0 8.1.1
range-v3-vs2015 20151130-vcpkg5#3 20151130-vcpkg5#4
rapidfuzz 3.1.1 3.3.2
rapidjson 2023-07-17#1 2023-07-17#2
rapidxml 1.13#6 1.13#7
restc-cpp 0.10.0#4 1.0.0#1
ryml 0.5.0#1 0.7.2
s2n 1.5.9 1.5.9#1
salome-configuration 9.10.0 9.10.0#1
salome-med-fichier 4.1.1#1 4.1.1#2
salome-medcoupling 9.10.0 9.10.0#1
sbp 3.4.10#1 6.2.1
scnlib 4.0.1 4.0.1#1
sdflib 2024-09-06 2025-01-25
sdl2 2.30.11 2.30.12
sdl2-mixer 2.8.0#3 2.8.1
sdl3 3.1.6-preview#2 3.2.4
seacas 2022-11-22#7 2022-11-22#8
selene 0.3.1#7 0.3.1#8
sentry-native 0.7.17 0.7.20
serd 0.32.2 0.32.4
shader-slang 2024.15.2 2025.5
simdjson 3.10.1 3.12.0
simdutf 5.6.0 6.1.1
simpleble 2023-07-29 2023-07-29#1
simsimd 5.7.3 6.0.0
skia 129#2 129#3
sleef 3.7 3.8
sleepy-discord 2022-02-05#2 2025-02-08
sobjectizer 5.8.3 5.8.4
sord 0.16.16 0.16.18
spaceland 7.8.2#9 7.8.2#10
spdk 24.01 24.01#1
spdlog 1.15.0#1 1.15.1
spirv-cross 1.4.304.1
spirv-headers 1.4.304.1
spirv-reflect 1.4.304.1
spirv-tools 1.4.304.1
sqlite-orm 1.9 1.9.1
sqlite3 3.47.2 3.49.0
sqlpp11 0.64#2 0.64#3
sratom 0.6.16#1 0.6.18
starlink-ast 9.2.10#1 9.2.12
suitesparse 5.8.0#2 7.8.3
tbb 2022.0.0 2022.0.0#2
tensorflow-common 2.10.0#3 2.10.0#4
thorvg 0.15.6 0.15.9
tinyexif 2024-09-03 1.0.3
tinyfiledialogs 3.8.8#4 3.19.1
toml11 4.2.0 4.3.0
tree-sitter 0.20.6#1 0.25.1
usd 24.11 25.2
usearch 2.3.2 2.17.2
utf8-range 5.29.1 5.29.3
utf8proc 2.9.0 2.10.0
vcpkg-get-python 2024-06-22 2025-02-09
vcpkg-make 2024-12-27 2025-01-13#1
vcpkg-tool-gn 2024-02-22 2025-01-27
volk 1.3.296 1.4.304.1
vst3sdk v3.7.12_build_20 v3.7.12_build_20#1
vtk 9.3.0-pv5.12.1#6 9.3.0-pv5.12.1#7
vulkan-extensionlayer 1.4.304.1
vulkan-headers 1.4.304.1
vulkan-loader 1.4.304.1
vulkan-sdk-components 1.4.304.1
vulkan-tools 1.4.304.1
vulkan-utility-libraries 1.4.304.1
vulkan-validationlayers 1.4.304.1
wangle 2025.01.06.00 2025.02.10.00
wt 4.10.4#1 4.11.2
x-plane 4.0.1 4.1.1#1
x265 3.6 4.1
xbyak 7.7 7.23.1
xtensor-blas 0.20.0 0.21.0
zix 0.4.2#1 0.6.2
The following 4 ports have been removed:

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2025.01.13...2025.02.14