- Bucharest, Romania
- https://mihai.fm
HIBPOfflineCheck Public
Keepass plugin that performs offline and online checks against HaveIBeenPwned passwords
bufstop Public
Fast and efficient buffer switching for Vim
vimpanel Public
A modern side panel for Vim
linq Public
linq.js - LINQ for JavaScript
The official Vim repository
Vim Script Vim License UpdatedMar 23, 2024 -
4colors Public
Distraction-free Vim theme that only uses 4 colors.
screenkey.ahk Public
A tool that displays the keys that you type on the screen
broom Public
A Vortex and Mod Organizer plugin that allows you to hide or delete files using a configuration in your mod list
smolpress Public
Smol Website Builder
HIBPBloomFilter Public
Bloom filter for the HIBPOfflineCheck plugin for KeePass
ElegantRecorder Public
Automation tool and macro recorder for Windows
smol Public
Website builder with a bare minimum set of features
Visual-Studio.tmTheme Public
Visual Studio color scheme for Sublime Text and Textmate
ModOrganizer-Plugins Public
Forked from Kezyma/ModOrganizer-PluginsPlugins for Mod Organizer 2.
Python UpdatedJan 1, 2022 -
vim.ahk Public
An experimental tool that attempts to bring some of vim's key bindings to the desktop
pg_search Public
Forked from nertzy/pg_searchpg_search builds ActiveRecord named scopes that take advantage of PostgreSQL's full text search
nerdtree Public
Forked from preservim/nerdtreeA tree explorer plugin for vim.
Vim Script UpdatedNov 11, 2012 -
simplemon Public
Simple file monitor that executes commands whenever a file change occurs