Releases: mikefarah/yq
Releases Β· mikefarah/yq
v4.45.1 - Create parent directories when --split-exp is used!
- Create parent directories when --split-exp is used, Thanks @rudo-thomas
- Bumped dependencies
- Fixed deleting items in array bug #2027, #2172; Thanks @jandubois
- Docker image for armv7 / raspberry pi3, Thanks @brianegge
- Fixed no-colors regression #2218
- Fixed various panic scenarios #2211
- Bumped dependencies
- Format comments with a gray foreground (Thanks @gabe565)
- Fixed handling of nulls with sort_by expressions #2164
- Force no color output when NO_COLOR env presents (Thanks @narqo)
- Fixed array subtraction update bug #2159
- Fixed index out of range error
- Can traverse straight from parent operator (parent.blah)
- Bumped dependencies
Note: 4.44.4 was skipped as it had a release pipeline failure
v4.44.1 - min/max/pivot!
- Added min/max operators (#1992) Thanks @mbenson
- Added pivot oeprator (#1993) Thanks @mbenson
- Fix: shell-completion (#2006) Thanks @codekow
- Handle escaped backslashes (#1997) Thanks @mbenson
- Fix npe when given filename ending with "." (#1994)
- Fix: linux (w/ selinux) build (#2004) Thanks @codekow
- Bumped dependencies
- Added omit operator #1989 thanks @mbenson!
- Can now multiply strings by numbers #1988 thanks @mbenson!
- Added tostring #72
- Added string interpolation #1149
- Can specify parent(n) levels #1970
- Fixed CSV line break issue #1974
- Adding a EvaluateAll function to StringEvaluator #1966
- yqlib, default to colors off when using yaml library #1964
- Removed JSON output warning
- Bumped dependencies
- Fix: empty TOML table #1924 - Thanks @elibroftw
- Fixed "all" error message #1845
- Fixed to_entries[] #1246
- Bumped dependencies