The AWS CloudFormation Template Sync Controller for Flux helps you to store CloudFormation templates in a git repository and automatically sync template changes to CloudFormation stacks in your AWS account with Flux.
Flux CD is an open source, Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) graduated project that keeps Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration including Git repositories, S3 buckets, and Open Container Initiative (OCI) compatible repositories (such as Amazon ECR).
The AWS CloudFormation Template Sync Controller for Flux is an extension to Flux that lets you store your CloudFormation templates in a Git repository and automatically deploy them as CloudFormation stacks in your AWS account. After installing the CloudFormation Template Sync controller into your Kubernetes cluster, you can configure Flux to monitor your Git repository for changes to CloudFormation template files. When a CloudFormation template file is updated in a Git commit, the CloudFormation controller is designed to automatically deploy the latest template changes to your CloudFormation stack. The CloudFormation controller is also designed to continuously sync the latest template from the Git repository into your stack by re-deploying the template on a regular interval.
Connect a git repository to Flux - this git repository will store your CloudFormation templates:
kind: GitRepository
name: my-cfn-templates-repo
namespace: flux-system
branch: main
interval: 5m
name: my-cfn-templates-repo-auth
In your git repository, add a CloudFormation template file for each stack that you want automatically deployed by Flux:
Register each CloudFormation template file in your git repository with Flux as a separate CloudFormation stack object:
kind: CloudFormationStack
name: hello-world-stack
namespace: flux-system
stackName: flux-hello-world
templatePath: ./project-a/stack-template.yaml
kind: GitRepository
name: my-cfn-templates-repo
interval: 1h
retryInterval: 5m
See the CloudFormationStack API reference for the full set of configuration options supported by the CloudFormation controller for CloudFormation stacks.
When either the stack template file in the git repo OR the stack object in Flux is created or updated, you will see the CloudFormation stack created/updated in your AWS account:
$ kubectl describe cfnstack hello-world-stack --namespace flux-system
Name: hello-world-stack
Namespace: flux-system
Last Transition Time: 2023-02-28T19:56:58Z
Message: deployed stack 'flux-hello-world'
Observed Generation: 1
Reason: Succeeded
Status: True
Type: Ready
See the AWS CloudFormation Template Sync Controller for Flux installation guide.
See the CloudFormationStack API reference for the full set of configuration options supported by the CloudFormation controller for CloudFormation stacks.
For information about developing the CloudFormation controller locally, see Developing the AWS CloudFormation Template Sync Controller for Flux.
See CONTRIBUTING for more information on reporting security issues.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.