The *faster than your launcher* launcher
A riff on Raycast, @mxstbr's multi-key Karabiner setup, and Vim's <leader>
Watch the intro video on YouTube:
$ brew install leader-key
- Typing the name of the thing can be slow and give unpredictable results.
- Global shortcuts have limited combinations.
- Leader Key offers predictable, nested shortcuts -- like combos in a fighting game.
- leaderom β Launch Messages (
open messages
) - leadermm β Mute audio (
media mute
) - leaderwm β Maximize current window (
window maximize
Any key can be your leader key, but only modifiers will not work.
- F12
- β + space
- ββ₯ + space
- ββ₯ββ§ + L (hyper key)
Advanced examples:
Using Karabiner you can do more fancy things like:
- right β + left β at once (bound to F12) my personal favorite
- caps lock (bound to hyper when held, F12 when pressed)
See @mikker's config in the wiki for akimbo cmds example.
Activate Leader Key, then cmd + ,.